Feats (Arachonomicon; the Book of Spiderkind Chapter)

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New Types of Feats

The Arachonomicon sourcebook introduces new types of feats. These new types of feat are explained below.

Abyssal Heritor Feats

Abyssal heritor feats represent daemonic ancestry. If you have more than two abyssal heritor feats, you must be of the good, chaotic evil or unaligned alignments (if you are not of one of these alignments when you take your second abyssal heritor feat then you must change your alignment to one of these alignments) and you cannot willingly change your alignment to one other than the aforementioned alignments.

Ambush Feats

Ambush feats are only available to characters with a class feature that increases the amount of damage you deal when you fulfill specific requirements, such as sneak attack or hunter's quarry (these class features are referred to as "extra damage class features" in the feat descriptions). They allow you to apply extra effects to your attack when you use such a class feature, at the cost of one or more dice of extra damage. You must declare your intent to use any ambush feats before you roll your extra attack damage dice from your class feature. You cannot use an ambush feat if it would reduce the number of dice used for this class feature to 0. You can apply more than one ambush feat to any one attack, so long as you still deal at least one dice of extra damage from your class feature.

Darkfire Feats

Darkfire feats are only available to characters with the Darkfire lolthtouched power. You can use a darkfire feat when you use your Darkfire power. Using a darkfire feat alters the effect of Darkfire, as described by the feat. When you use a darkfire feat to alter the effect of Darkfire, you cannot use any other feats designated as a darkfire feat to alter the effects of your Darkfire power. Darkfire feats are not a separate type of feats as such; a feat is a darkfire feat if it is designated as being a darkfire feat in its description.

Darkness Feats

Darkness feats are only available to characters with the Cloud of darkness lolthtouched power. You can use a darkness feat when you use your Cloud of darkness power. Using a darkness feat alters the effect of Cloud of darkness, as described by the feat. When you use a darkness feat to alter the effect of Cloud of darkness, you cannot use any other feats designated as a darkness feat to alter the effects of your Cloud of darkness power. Darkness feats are not a separate type of feats as such; a feat is a darkness feat if it is designated as being a darkness feat in its description.

Metamagic Feats

By taking a Metamagic Feat you receive a Feat Power with the Metamagic Keyword. A Metamagic Power may be used to effect a Arcane, Arachane, Divine, Primal or Shadow power.


Metamagic: Powers with the Metamagic Keyword may be used once a round. You may only affect a power with one Metamagic Power at a time.

Spider Feats

Spider feats are feats only available to creatures of the spider keyword. Spider feats are typed to a specific species of spider (Lycosidae, Theraphosidae and Saltacidae); only a spider of that keyword can select a spider feat of that type (for example, only a spider with the saltacidae keyword can select feats of the type [Spider—salticidae]). If you are a spider rider, you can select spider feats, so long as your spider fulfills the prerequisites, however, only your spider can gain the benefits of the feat. If you are a spider rider and are eligible to take spider feats yourself, both you and your spider can both use any spider feats you have, so long as you both fulfill the prerequisites.

Vile Feats

Vile feats are available only to creatures of the evil or chaotic evil alignment with an intelligence score of 3 or more. When you take a vile feat, you must make a vow (as stated in the feat's description). If you break this vow, you loose the benefits of the feat until you perform the vow of penance ritual (see below). When you take a vile feat, you automatically learn the vow of penance ritual, even if you cannot learn and perform rituals.

Vow of Penance

You bow before the darkness and accept your penance, no matter how excruciating it may be...

Level: 1 Component Cost: 100 gp, plus a holy symbol worth at least 10gp and 4 healing surges, which cannot be regained for 168 hours
Category: Vile Market Price:
Time: 2 hours Key Skill: Religion (no check)

You regain the ability to use any vile feats you lost the ability to use due to braking a vow.

Feat Descriptions

Heroic Tier Feats

Feat Prerequisites Benefit
Alter Weaves You can twist your weaves to trade accuracy for power.
Arachne's Weave Channel Divinity class feature, must worship Arachne. Arachne weaves her webs to trap your foes.
Arachnid Trainer Trained in arachana Your knowledge of spiderkind gives you insight into training arachnids.
Araneidae Aspect Dex 15; a race with the Spider keyword You have the weaving ability of the araneida.
Armor Proficiency (Spidersilk) Dex 16, training with hide armor You are trained in spidersilk armor.
At Home in the Deep Drow
Brute Fang Str 13, Bite racial power. Your fangs have the power of the theraphosid.
Cautious Attack Wis 13 You trade offensive power to sure your defenses against a single opponent.
Claws of the Beast Demonic Ancestry Your hands are twisted like claws. This deformity allows you to deal more damage than usual with your unarmed attacks.
Clever Opportunist Combat Reflexes You can switch positions with your opponent on and opportunity attack.
Command Spiders Channel Divinity class feature, must worship Lolth or Arachne. You have the ability to force spiders to obey you.
Ctenizidae Aspect Dex 15, a race with the Spider keyword. You have the ability to detect foes at a distance without sight.
Dazzling Fire Drow
Deceptive Illumination Drow
Demonic Sneak Attack Demonic Ancestry You instinctively know how to twist the blade to get the most out of your sneak attacks.
Despana School Ability to use one or more powers with the summoning keyword You have learned House Despana's fighting techniques, which involve teaming up against an enemy with summoned creatures.
Divine Intercession Channel Divinity class feature You can channel divine energy to remove yourself from a dangerous situation.
Drow Illusion Mastery Drider Drawing on the power of Lolth, you gain a power formerly lost from your drowi heritage.
Elfhunter Drow Because of your cultural hatred for elves, you have specific training in how best to fight them.
Fade into Darkness Darkvision You become stealthier in the shadows
Fascinating Illumination Drow
Gift of the Spider Queen Drow You can use your innate drow racial powers in new and potent ways.
Gloom Strike Extra damage class feature +3 dice, Drow, Darkness racial power Your sneak attacks leave a residue of darkness that clouds your enemy's vision.
Greater Deadly Charge Spider Rider, Deadly Charge class feature Your charges are even more deadly.
Hatred You absolutely hate a particular kind of creature.
Inlindl School Shield Proficiency You have learned House Inlindil's fighting techniques, which focus on fighting with a single-handed weapon and a shield.
Instinctive Darkness Drow, Cloud of darkness racial power After intensive training, you can negate light instinctively.
Intensify Darkness Drow, Cloud of darkness racial power By extending your effort, you can expand the area of your Cloud of darkness power.
Keeper of Forbidden Lore Demonic Ancestry A shared demonic racial memory grants you access to hidden secrets.
Knight of the Spider Queen Spider Rider You are a master of spider-mounted combat, easily the equal (or superior) of any horseman.
Lolth's Boon Channel Divinity class feature, must worship Lolth You can channel the dark power granted to you by Lolth to empower spiderkind.
Lolth's Caress Channel Divinity class feature, must worship Lolth You can channel the dark power granted to you by Lolth to speed up the effects of poison.
Lolth's Meat Drow Like all drow, you understand that you exist only to provide Lolth with food and pleasure. This knowledge lends you a cirtain bloodthirsty readiness.
Lycosid Precision Str 13, Dex 13, creature with the Spider keyword Your bite attacks have perfect accuracy.
Lycosid Speed Str 13, Dex 13, creature with the Spider keyword. You have the lightning-speed of your lycosid cousins.
Lycosidae Aspect Str 13, Dex 13, race with the Spider keyword. You have the strength of a mighty wolf spider, and the speed of one too.
Master of Poisons You are highly trained and adept in the use of toxic substances.
Master of Shadow Drow
Master of Shadow and Illusion Half-Drow
Perfect Accuracy Str 13, Dex 13, creature with the Spider keyword Your bite attacks are exceptionally precise.
Poison Healer Con 13 Poison isn't always bad for you.
Poisonous Bite Spydric-One You have poison glands and a deadly bite.
Primordial Scion good, unaligned or chaotic evil, Demonic Ancestry Thew Abyss beckons...
Profane Agony Channel Divinity class feature, evil or chaotic evil alignment. You can channel the dark power granted to you by your deity to deal terrible pain to your foes.
Psychic Refusal Powers that attack your mind have difficulty passing your defenses.
Reactive Resistance Drow
Ride-By Attack Dexterity 15, Spider rider You are skilled at making fast, overrun charges.
Sadistic Reward Drow
Salticidae Aspect Dex 15; a race with the Spider keyword You have all the leaping talent of your salticid kin.
Scytodidae Aspect Dex 13; a race with the Spider keyword You can trap your foes by salivating your mucilage.
Shadowborn Warrior Drow
Shi'quos School You have learned the mobile fighting style of House Shi'quos.
Skill Focus (Underdark) You are knowledgeable about the secrets of the subterrainean world and are wise in its ways.
Spellbook of Arachane Lore Arachnomancer
Spiderfriend Weaves Arachnomancer Your weaves do not affect your spiderkind allies.
Surprising Riposte Rogue, trained in bluff skill Through deft maneuvres, you unravel your opponent's defenses.
Swift Weaver Spydric-One
Tormtor School Proficiency with Javelins, Weapon Focus (Spear) You have learned House Tormtor's fighting technique from your weapons masters.
Toxic Death Cha 13 You have mastery of poison and darkness.
Tunnelfighter You can fight more naturally in the cramped and close quarters of caves and tunnels than usual.
Tunnelrunner You can move naturally in cramped quarters of caves and tunnels.
Urticating Hair Str 13, creature with the Spider keyword. You have barbed hairs on your abdomen which you can brush into the faces of nearby foes.
Vae School Weapon Focus (Spiked Chain or Scourge) You have learned House Vae's fighting style.
Venomous Strike Extra damage class feature +2 dice, Master of Poisons You know where to place your sneak attack to deliver a highly effective poisoned strike.
Versatile Combatant Ranger, proficiency with rapier and hand crossbow, two-weapon fighting style You have learned to combine attacks with the favoured weapons of the drow.
Vestigial Wings Demonic Ancestry A pair of vestigial wings sprouts from your shoulders.
Web of Steel Spydric-One
Xaniqos School Proficiency with Crossbow, Weapon Focus (Crossbow) You have learned House Tormtor's fighting technique from your weapons masters.

Paragon Tier Feats

Feat Prerequisites Benefit
Agile Crawler Spydric-One
Armor Specialization (Spidersilk) 21st level, Dex 15, training with spidersilk You are skilled with spidersilk armor.
Cloak of the Obyrith 11th level, Demonic Ancestry The chaos of the Abyss suffuses your being, as it does the ancient obyriths.
Coercive Spell 11th level, Wis 15, Wizard Living foes damaged by your spells become more pliable and vulnerable to your commands.
Deadly Blade Dex 17 You can strike your foes precisely in vital spot.
Deafening Spell You can modify a spell so that it deafens targets.
Fell Terror Foes are filled with terror when hit by your spells.
Heart of the Nabassu 11th level, Demonic Ancestry You can trace your ancestry back to the darkness of both the abyss and the shadowfell.
Imperious Command Drow, Cha 17, Trained in Intimidate You strike a deep and abiding terror in your foes.
Poison Spell Arachnomancer, or ability to use one or more arcane powers You can mystically transfer poison with your spells.
Poison Talons 11th level, Claws of the Beast, Demonic Ancestry Your claws drip with poison.
Rider of the Web Any one spider rider multiclass feat, paragon multiclassing as a spider rider
Scholar of the Web Any one arachnomancer multiclass feat, paragon multiclassing as an arachnomancer
Teachings of the Web Any one arachnomancer multiclass feat, paragon multiclassing as an arachnomancer Gain arachnomancer tactics class feature
Vow of the Spider Queen Must worship Lolth You can use the Deadly poison power as a daily power

Epic Tier Feats

Feat Prerequisites Benefit
Chaotic Spell Recall Any one demonic ancestry lineage feat, Daemonic Ancestry A few choice spells never stray far from your mind.
Demonic Skin Demonic Ancestry Your skin has rough, scaly patches that enhances your natural armor.
Eyes of the Abyss Demonic Ancestry Your eyes glow with an inner fire of some unusual color. The glow increases your perception and allows you to see in the dark.
Highborn Drow Drow You have learned to tap into the advanced arachane abilities available to you through your drow noble heritage.
Improved Levitation Drow You are skilled in the use of Levitation.
Master Weaver Arachnomancer You can twist your weaves to omit small areas from your weaves.
Precognitive Visions Demonic Ancestry You periodically experience visions of the near future.
Staggering Critical Ability to score a critical hit with a weapon group on the roll of 19-20 Your critical hits sent your foes reeling.

Multiclass Feats

Feat Prerequisites Benefit
Charger of the Web Str or Cha 13, Dex 13 Multiclass Spider Rider: Training in Arachana, Deadly Charge 1/encounter
Pupil of Arachane Lore Cha 13 Multiclass Arachnomancer: Training in Arachana, arachnomancer power 1/encounter
Rider of the Web Any one spider rider multiclass feat, paragon multiclassing as a spider rider
Scholar of the Web Any one arachnomancer multiclass feat, paragon multiclassing as an arachnomancer
Teachings of the Web Any one arachnomancer multiclass feat, paragon multiclassing as an arachnomancer Gain arachnomancer tactics class feature

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