Claws of the Beast (4e Feat)

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Claws of the Beast [Lineage]

Your hands are twisted like claws. This deformity allows you to deal more damage than usual with your unarmed attacks.
Prerequisite: Demonic Ancestry
Benefit: You gain a claw attack that has a +3 proficiency bonus and deals 1d6 points of damage. You gain a +1 bonus to damage rolls for every 2 abyssal heritor feats that you possess.
Special: You take a -2 penalty to thievery checks, as your deformed hands make it difficult to manipulate small objects (such as the mechanisms of a trap).
If you have more than two feats with demonic ancestry prerequisites you must be of the good, chaotic evil, or unaligned alignments (if you are not of one of these alignments when you take your second abyssal heritage feat then you must change your alignment to one of these alignments) and you cannot willingly change your alignment to a different alignment.

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