Precognitive Visions (4e Feat)

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Cloak of the Obyrith [Lineage]

You periodically experience visions of the near future.
Prerequisite: Demonic Ancestry
Benefit: Your visions reflect possible futures, can act to ensure or resist them. You gain a number of +1 bonuses equal to 1 + 1 per 2 demonic ancestry lineage feats that you posess. The bonuses last for one day, and you must reassign them at the start of each day. You can assign each bonus to one of the following;
  • Each of your defenses (AC, Fortitude, reflex and will)
  • Your attack rolls
  • Your initiative checks
  • skill checks made with a single skill of your choice
These bonuses do not stack with each other.
Special: You take a -2 penalty to perception skill checks, as your visions tend to create unwelcome hallucinations.
If you have more than two feats with demonic ancestry prerequisites you must be of the good, chaotic evil, or unaligned alignments (if you are not of one of these alignments when you take your second abyssal heritage feat then you must change your alignment to one of these alignments) and you cannot willingly change your alignment to a different alignment.

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