Talk:Feats (Arachonomicon; the Book of Spiderkind Chapter)

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Metamagic Feats[edit]

Sam, I need to talk to you about Metamagic Feats. I had hope to include my own inventions in the Age of War Playerguide, but they do not match up with the Arachnomicon ones. I do believe however, mine would be better over all as they will allow for easier implementation and use in other things such as Paragon Paths. ShadowyFigure 06:07, 14 May 2009 (MDT)

Abyssal Heritor Alighnment[edit]

In 4e Alighnment is not really a big deal and therefor not used in design jdugment other then the alighnment of monsters, by adding the restriction you did to the abyssal heritor it kind breaks the flow. As it is kind of unescessarry (there are game that play with out alighnmnets, use the 3.5 alighnments or no alighnmnet at all (Like me) ) wouldn't it be better for ease of use to jsut remove that?

It's an unnescesary mechanical addition, you could jsut leave a note saying people with Abyssal Heritor Feats are normally blah blah blah alighnment.

This will also help it fit with the Age of War Setting. (Seeing as this is classed as a sourcebook for said setting.) ShadowyFigure 06:18, 14 May 2009 (MDT)