Eyes of the Abyss (4e Feat)

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Eyes of the Abyss [Lineage]

Your eyes glow with an inner fire of some unusual color. The glow increases your perception and allows you to see in the dark.
Prerequisite: Demonic Ancestry
Benefit: You a gain darkvision. In addition, you gain a bonus to perception skill checks equal to the number of demonic ancestry lineage feats that you possess. You do not gain this bonus to perception skill checks used to listen.
Special: You take a -2 penalty to diplomacy skill checks, as your glowing eyes are somewhat disconcerting to others.
If you have more than two feats with demonic ancestry prerequisites you must be of the good, chaotic evil, or unaligned alignments (if you are not of one of these alignments when you take your second abyssal heritage feat then you must change your alignment to one of these alignments) and you cannot willingly change your alignment to a different alignment.

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