Aegis Armor (5e Equipment)

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Aegis Armor

Heavy Armor
Cost Armor Class (AC) Strength Stealth Weight
Legendary 21 18 230 lb.

Hello again friend it's been quite a while good to see you, We're here on forgeworld deimos to report the progress of the special project we've been assigned to. The Aegis Armor is the specialized armor made exclusively for the grey knights chapter of Astartes they're meant to be the anti daemon unit of the imperium and the armor shows that aspect very much but I must get back to work soon as always here's the list of features and improvements.

Fully sealed= Once this armor is donned it's completely sealed allowing it to survive the vacuum of space or the deepest part of any ocean, You count as having water breathing and immunity to a vacuum

Advanced helmet technology= The advancements are not only in the suit but in the new helmet as well, Gain dark vision 60ft you can discern color and thermal vision 60ft and gain a plus 5 to perception

Life Support Systems= One of the many new improvements is the addition of a fully functioning life support system and onboard medical equipment, You are immune to extreme weather conditions and extreme heat and cold. And you gain advantage on medicine checks on yourself.

Servo Motors The new servo motors add to the user's already amazing strength and speed, you count as having the powerful build feat and your movement increases by 15 ft

Increased Protection Thanks to innovations within design philosophy we are able to increase armor density and boot plating, Gain resistance to the following damages fire, acid, poison, cold, and piercing.

Improved rebreather With new filtration technology we can ensure safety even in the most toxic or putrid environments, Gain immunity to airborne poisons and diseases.

Shoulder Pads The shoulders act as a rapid deployment system for ammo and other objects, you gain the effects of 2 backpacks and you ignore reloading with any rifle or pistol weapon

Hexagramic Warding The armor has inscribed with layers of arcane warding to provide protection against demonic or magical powers, Gain magic resistance

Integrated Storm bolter The left gauntlet has a mounted storm bolter leaving the hand free to do as the knight pleases

Vox-Unit the vox unit provides communication to any equipped with another vox unit in 4 miles

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