Ivote's Delivery Service (5e Spell)

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Ivote's Delivery Service
Conjuration cantrip
Casting time: 10 minutes
Range: Touch
Components: S, M*
Duration: See Description

When you cast this spell, you either touch the item you wish to send with your spellcasting focus, or you touch any container you wish to enchant with this spell. The effects of this spell change depending on which you use for a focus. If you send an item directly, it cannot be too heavy for you or the recipient to hold it in one hand.

If using a spellcasting focus, name a creature with which you are familiar. If they are within 120 ft. of you, the item instantaneously teleports into a container worn by the creature you named. If the creature you named is not wearing a container, the next time they reach for an item, they instead grab the item you send them, though if they know you sent an item, they can choose to simply grab the item instead of reaching for one of their own items. If you send a harmful item to another creature, then when they receive it they are alerted to the fact that is dangerous and can choose to refuse it, causing it to appear in an unoccupied space within 5 ft. of you, or be lost in the astral sea if there is no room for the item to reappear.

If using a container, you can choose another container within 10 ft that you can see to serve as a "Mailbox". The spell on the container lasts for 24 hours. When you stow an item inside the container, it teleports magically to the "Mailbox" after 10 minutes to confirm (as long as those 10 minutes started while the duration lasts, and the mailbox is on the same plane of existence as you). If the destination container is full, it forces the lid open and flies out, but not fast enough to cause damage, though the DM can roll 1d4 and cause fragile items to shatter on a 4, spilling all contents of whatever was sent.

At Higher Levels. At 5th level, you can teleport a sole item to a familiar creature within 5 miles of you and you can designate a second container as a "Mailbox" simultaneously, which you can switch to by casting the spell again without any gold cost. At 11th level, you can teleport a sole item to a familiar creature on the same continent as you, you can designate a third container as a "Mailbox", and you can designate any "Mailbox" you have designated with this spell. at 17th level, you can teleport a sole item to a familiar creature on the same plane of existence as you, and when you enchant a container with this spell you may use the gem component in place of the gold, which isn't consumed.

  • An amount of gp equal to the cost of the container you wish to enchant rounded to the nearest gold piece -which is consumed- and a container you wish to enchant, or a gem worth at least the same amount in gp as the item you wish to teleport -which is not consumed- and a spellcasting focus.
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