5e Healer Classes

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Classes of this archetype have healing abilities not associated with a religion.

Healer Variant Classes

Classes which are variants of the Healer class.
Name Summary Spellcasting
Aegis Paladin A Paladin of the Harvest Gods
Battle Medic Battled hardened frontline fighter who also specialize in healing. half
Empty Being
Field Medic Brave people who put their lives on the line to save the lives of others.
Hand of the Kraken A religious warrior that summons tentacles to control the battlefield. half
Keyblade Guardian half
Martyr, Variant
Nahobino Mortals who have fused with a celestial spirit to achieve a forbidden form more like gods than mortals. full

Healer Mashup Classes

Classes which are mashups partly inspired by the Healer class.
Name Summary Spellcasting
Ali'di Crystal Mage The Ali'di are masters of utilizing crystals to enhance natural magical abilities, and now you are too. Your skills lie in the resonance of a specific type of crystal that pulses with energy.
Apothecary A person who utilizes various potions to heal and protect all creatures.
Augur An augur is one who interprets the omens of the gods or other powerful beings to predict the future and alter reality. half
Balance Breaker A balance must be struck, a balance must be kept, lest you become what you are not. half
Barriomancer A defense focused warrior, built to defend themselves and those they care for. half
Beast Hunter A bloodthirsty warrior, fighting and killing to fufill the hunt, gaining benefit as the blood sheds from either the self or the enemies.
Divine Hunter A warrior focused on the destruction of unholy creatures in devotion to a deity or other powerful being. half
Doctor Medicinally-trained professional
Empty Being
Fatesmith A studious spellcaster who prefers the raw power of fate itself over measly spell slots.
Fateweaver A melee spellcaster whose study of medicine allows arcane healing abilities. full
God's Descendant
Hand of the Kraken A religious warrior that summons tentacles to control the battlefield. half
Keyblade Guardian half
Magister A spellcaster that takes full control over the power of light and darkness full
Martyr, Variant
Medic A dedicated Healer who does not use magic
Nahobino Mortals who have fused with a celestial spirit to achieve a forbidden form more like gods than mortals. full
Plague Doctor A healer who specializes in treating the suffering of patients, and increasing the suffering of enemies
Plant Strider use your connection to the world to sneak and spell cast half
Stitchpunk A gruesome second cousin to surgeons who uses surgical knowledge for many helpful and harmful purposes.
Supreme Healer Supreme healer is a healer who sacrifices himself for others. full
Supreme Healer, Variant Supreme healer is a healer who sacrifices himself for others. full

Incomplete Healer Classes

Incomplete healer class variants.
Name Summary Spellcasting
Ascetic half
Clan Eshin Acolyte A master assassin and cutthroat for hire the skaven of clan eshin are monsters when left to their own devices.
Free Spirit An individual who seeks freedom of body, mind and spirit, cultivating ki energy trough liberty and joy.
Primordial Shaman A Primordial Shaman acts as a conduit to the elemental planes, using said powers, Primordial Shamans can heal, support, and summon elementals to fight along side them. half
Incomplete healer class mashups.
Name Summary Spellcasting
Ascetic half
Battle Chef Someone whose talent for cooking extends onto the battlefield. three-quarters
Blue Phoenix
Cryomancer, 3rd Variant Cryomancers wield the power of frost to destroy their opposition. full
Dominant half
Free Spirit An individual who seeks freedom of body, mind and spirit, cultivating ki energy trough liberty and joy.
Moon Knight
Primordial Shaman A Primordial Shaman acts as a conduit to the elemental planes, using said powers, Primordial Shamans can heal, support, and summon elementals to fight along side them. half
The Inscribed, Epithet Variant Every Inscribed has a word attached to their soul.
True Formula Mage Decompose magic and use it to your advantage full

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