Apothecary (5e Class)

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News spreads of a wizard who is abducting and torturing innocent civilians. Eventually, a tiefling woman finds out, grabs her stuff and some potions, and heads out. After investigating for a while, she encounters an old human man at the wizard’s lair. The human then pulls out a wand, but before he can act, she tosses a potion at him. He laughs, and tries to cast a spell, but nothing happens. She takes out a dagger, and ends his life before freeing whatever creatures she can from this torturous lair.

People begin laughing hysterically out of the blue. Dwarves, halflings, gnomes, humans, all sorts of races are affected by this. One dwarf seems immune to this, and starts to work on making the cure. After studying a few of the affected creatures, he takes some samples from them, heads to his home, and gets to work. He spends a couple days making the cure, then some more days making a load of them before starting to administer them throughout the town. Everyone is grateful for his work in ending the cackle fever plague.

A group of bandits stalk their prey, a group of normal, non-adventurous civilians. They get closer and closer, until they corner these innocents. A female elf notices this, and sees that the civilians cornered are her dear friends. She looks through her potions, and throws one that is full of a brilliant shine. It hits the bandit leader, who becomes blinded. The others are surprised, but all fall down in less than a minute due to her barrage of potions. Her friends are grateful for her help, and rush to her side.

A goblin sees that a goliath barbarian seeks to defeat a mighty blue dragon that has been terrorizing the local villages. They tell the goliath to wait a bit as they craft a combo potion meant to help them out in the task. After a couple of hours, they return to the goliath and hand them the potion, telling them to drink it right before fighting the dragon. The goliath asks the goblin to join them in the fight, which they agree to. They track the dragon to its lair, and come face to face with the large blue dragon. The goliath drinks the potion, which fills him with strength and resilience he has never had before. This gives the goliath the edge he needed to defeat the dragon, who falls in defeat.

Apothecaries are ones who learn how to mix and match herbs in order to create a variety of potions. Even though their main focus is on potions that heal, they also have the ability to create potions that can deal with spellcasters, groups of foes, diseases, poisons, and/or just enhance the prowess of another creature. These apothecaries go out of their way to figure out how best to make these potions and are constantly wanting to learn new information about herbs and potions, which is why they often end up adventuring.

Healers First[edit]

An apothecary’s main job, first and foremost, is to take care of injuries. They mix differing herbs in order to make the medicine needed to craft varying types of potions of healing. This includes the standard potions of healing but also includes other, apothecary only potions. These potions are too complex for just anybody to craft them, which is why you don’t tend to see these potions anywhere other than inside shops where apothecaries work. The injuries they take care of range from minor cuts and bruises, to more life threatening limb loss and near death experiences. They will always heal those that are in need of healing with their potions, unless they have none.

Becoming an apothecary takes a lot of dedication to time and study. These potions require proper mixtures of herbs in order to do what they are intended to do. Being off by even a little can render a potion innate, or even worse, actually cause harm to the one you want to help. This is why not everyone cuts it out as an apothecary. They lack the patience needed to properly measure their ingredients and properly mix them. As a result, they stop studying, but those who do remain vigilant and continue to practice and study find themselves able to make potions nobody else can, and they can make potions of healing quicker than others.

Experimental Elixirs Second[edit]

All apothecaries will experiment with making new potions. This is due in part to the time spent learning about the properties of different plants, which allows them to learn how to mix and match different plants to create new potions. These new potions could heal and strengthen, force a rest and poison, or completely rot a creature’s mind and body. Apothecaries experiment with the plants they use and the ways they mix them in order to craft amazing new potions used by everybody at their shop. These new potions tend to be made only by each individual apothecary who first makes them, as they would like an edge over others.

Adventuring is seen as the best way to help out many people and learn on the field how effective these experimental potions are. Sometimes, they are not as potent as expected, but that is just reason to keep on practicing until it is consistently done right. Apothecaries will do what they can to ensure their potions are as potent as possible at whatever it is they want them to do. A potion not made to be as potent as possible isn’t worth using, after all. Because of this, apothecaries enjoy adventuring to grab herbs at the peak of their potency, which will ensure that their potions are as potent as possible. They do what they can to ensure that they have all the materials needed to make their potions wherever they are, because they know they will be needed at some point.

Creating an Apothecary[edit]

As you create your apothecary, consider why they would have been training to be an apothecary. Were you trained with others, and get along very well with people as a result? Or did you learn on your own, having to figure things out with no help whatsoever? Is your style of crafting potions refined and elegant, or wild and chaotic? Did you ever feel like stopping due to how harsh all the studying was? You might have been forced to go into this profession due to some of your past life events. What events were integral for you to become an apothecary? How much do you actually care about healing others?

Did you own a shop or work for a much more experienced apothecary? What was your training like? How did you develop your potion making way? How do others perceive you when you walk by them? Consider using the personalization section below to help flesh out your character, or jump straight to quick build to get right into making them.


No matter what ails you, I can help you. I will ensure your recovery and the end of the ones who have dealt such a blow.
—Kyxik, a tiefling apothecary bomber.

Apothecaries focus on healing the injured with numerous potions, but must always be prepared to strike back at the ones who cause such harm in the first place. Whether that be through disrupting their spellcasting, ending plagues, curing poisons, destroying the hideouts used by criminals, or enhancing the abilities of those who wish to fight alongside them, an apothecary always deals swift and unrelenting justice to criminals. They appear wherever they need to be, with the knowledge to take care of the injured and where to find the herbs needed to make more. Your apothecary character might be interested solely in helping others, wishing to fight as little as possible and aid others with their potions. Or they might be focused on eradicating criminals altogether, even going so far as being willing to give them a job so they can do better than criminal activity. You can use the sections that follow to flesh out your character and help them stand out from the crowd of apothecaries that exist.

Reason for becoming an Apothecary

Every apothecary does indeed focus mostly on either healing others or serving justice, but there is another reason for them to stick with this profession, instead of going down the path of another. Could it be that they seek to protect themselves against a sort of boogeyman? Do they enjoy making potions, regardless of the result? Consider potential reasons why your character is sticking to the path of the apothecary. Think about the character, and what would best fit them and their life.

d6 Reasons
1 Vengeance. A group of criminals have severely wronged you, and you wish to take your revenge on them.
2 Protection. You are truly sincere at heart. You seek to prevent as much harm as possible from coming to innocents.
3 Experimentation. You wish to become the most knowledgeable about potions. You test as many different types of combinations as possible and take notes as things do or do not happen.
4 Superstition. You have a weird belief about something. This belief could be based upon reality or an illusion.
5 Wealth. You seek to become as rich as possible. You may or may not have your potions cost a little more than others, but if you’re the only one then...
6 Enjoyment. You simply love working with potions and it’s been a blast ever since you started.

All apothecaries have to learn somehow. Most often, it is in a classroom with many other aspiring students being taught by one knowledgeable teacher. Sometimes, though, one apothecary will teach a single student they see as worthy of their time. Rarely does one learn completely on their own, as there is so much to learn it can seem daunting, even when you are learning under someone. Consider how your character learned how to be an apothecary.

d6 Teacher
1 Classroom. You were taught alongside others in a classroom setting. You learned the standard procedures and weren’t taught anything special.
2 1-on-1. You were the only one being taught by your teacher. They said it was because you were the only one worth their time, but they may have been lying.
3 Shop. Your teacher always spent time in their lab, leaving you to run their shop. You still learned from this, but it was rather hectic.
4 Absent. Your teacher was rarely available for some reason, so you learned mostly on your own.
5 Failure. Your teacher always was very harsh with you, causing you to fail a lot more. This surprisingly helped you avoid failure in the future.
6 Self-taught. You had no teacher, and learned everything by yourself through trial and error.
Crafting Style

Apothecaries have their own way of crafting their potions. Some are refined and elegant, others wild and chaotic. Most prefer to put emphasis on safety. Perhaps this is something you chose, matching your view on life. Or is it due to something you long for or hide from that’s hidden deep within? Consider the possible reason your character is going with their particular potion crafting style.

d6 Crafting Style
1 Collector. You prefer to gather herbs while you are out and about, rather than spending coins. You will, begrudgingly, pay for them if the situation calls for it.
2 Chaotic. You mix things with reckless abandon, yet your potions end up fine, unlike the area around it.
3 Precision. You measure everything to the ounce, making sure everything is exactly perfect.
4 Careful. You always make sure to follow the proper safety procedures as necessary to ensure the safety of all around the area.
5 Bored. You mix as needed, wasting nothing.
6 Taster. You taste as much as is safe to, without much regard for your own safety. You are alive after all of that, so maybe it’s not that big of a deal.

Apothecaries who finish with their schooling end up in a shop. Whether they own the shop or are learning from another depends mostly on their level of experience with potions. How long has it been since you finished your schooling? Did you start up your own shop that you run yourself? Or are you employed by someone else? Is it alright for you to be adventuring? What is the shop like?

d6 Shop
1 Bustling. The shop where you work is just about always busy with something.
2 Peaceful. The shop doesn’t get a lot of customers, so you have plenty of time to yourself.
3 Refined. The shop is very elegant in it’s design, attracting people to it.
4 Run-down. The shop has seen better days, and could use some more help.
5 Sickly. The shop seems rather gross, rarely getting cleaned.
6 Healthy. The shop is spotless and might actually be helping to heal customers itself.

Quick Build[edit]

You can make an apothecary quickly by following these suggestions. First, Intelligence should be your highest ability score, followed by Wisdom and Constitution. You'll want to be smart, but also aware of things and have a hardy body that can take mistakes. Second, choose the Guild Artisan background, or House Agent, House Cannith/Jorasco, if you’re playing in Eberron. Third, choose the shortbow and 20 arrows, along with the arcana and nature skills to help you deal with ailments, both natural and magical.

It is recommended you familiarize yourself with the crafting rules in Xanathar's Guide to Everything (pgs. 128-129) and the Player's Handbook (pg. 187), along with the ‘’Tool Proficiencies’’ section also present in Xanathar's Guide to Everything, specifically alchemist’s supplies (pg. 79) and herbalism kit (pg. 82).

Class Features

As a Apothecary you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d8 per Apothecary level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Apothecary level after 1st


Armor: Light armor
Weapons: Simple weapons
Tools: Alchemist’s supplies, herbalism kit
Saving Throws: Intelligence Constitution
Skills: Medicine and choose 2 of the following: Arcana, History, Insight, Investigation, Nature, Perception, Survival.


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

Table: The Apothecary

Level Proficiency
1st +2 Medical Savant, Apothecary Study
2nd +2 Ranged Healer
3rd +2 Good Rest
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 Potion Combo
6th +3 Restorative Formulas
7th +3 Apothecary Study Feature
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 Potion Combo Improvement
10th +4 Ranged Healer Improvemnt
11th +4 Restorative Formulas Improvement
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 Apothecary Study Feature
14th +5 Potion Combo Improvement
15th +5 Superior Healing
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 Regenerative Formula
18th +6 Apothecary Study Feature
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 Ultimate Potions

Medical Savant[edit]

You have started down the path of the apothecary, one who can easily make potions of healing. Starting at 1st level, you only need to spend half as much time and gold to create a potion of healing of any rarity as you normally would. Furthermore, choose one of the following: herbalism kit or Medicine. You can double your proficiency bonus whenever you make a check with the chosen skill or tool.

Apothecary Study[edit]

Also at 1st level, you choose a study. This is the result of your time learning. Choose between the ones listed in Studies, detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at 1st level and again at 7th level, 13th level, and 18th level.

Ranged Healer[edit]

You have learned how to make your healing potions work upon impact. Starting at 2nd level, you may as an action throw a potion of healing (any version) at a creature. The range is 15/30 ft, and you use your Dexterity for the attack roll. Upon a hit, the creature regains hit points as if they had consumed the potion of healing.

At 10th level, you have improved your throwing arm and your area of effect for potions of healing. You now have a range of 30/90 ft, and can heal all creatures within 5 ft of the target for half the roll.

Good Rest[edit]

You have learned how to make potions that force creatures to sleep. Starting at 3rd level, if you spend an hour and 15 gp, you can craft a potion that can make others fall asleep. You throw the potion as an action, with a range of 60 ft, at any place you can see. Every creature within a 10 ft radius of the landing spot must make a Constitution saving throw, DC equal to 8 + your Intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus, as the mist spreads and makes them sleepy. On a fail, they go unconscious for 1 minute. Any creature that walks into the area also has to make a Constitution saving throw, or end up unconscious for 1 minute. At the start of your next turn, the mist dissipates. If the creature takes damage, the effect ends. If they are roused awake by something that would wake them aside from damage, they can only take one of the following for their next turn: action, bonus action, or movement.

Ability Score Improvement[edit]

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Potion Combo[edit]

You have learned how to properly combine different potions to gain the effects of both. Starting at 5th level, you may combine the effects of two common potions, such as a potion of healing and a potion of watchful rest. You can add uncommon potions to the fusion starting at 9th level, and rare potions starting at 14th level. This does not cause any problems unless the two potions are contradictory, such as a potion of poison and a potion of healing. If they are, then you have created an ineffective potion that does nothing. You cannot combine two potions that are already combinations. If you do so, all four effects happen, with you as the target.

Alternatively, you can roll on the wild potion mishaps table if you combine potions that would normally become ineffective or if you combine two combination potions.

The potions you are able to craft from the 1st and 3rd level features are considered common, potions from the 6th and 7th level features are considered uncommon, and potions from the 13th level class feature is considered rare.

Restorative Formulas[edit]

You have learned new formulas that aid one’s resistances. Starting at 6th level, you can craft a restoration potion by spending 8 hours and 25 gp worth of materials. This potion is able to end one of the following conditions: blinded, deafened, paralyzed, or stunned. You choose which one upon crafting.

At 11th level, your restorative formulas have improved quite noticeably. From now on, by adding in at least 50 gp worth of diamond dust to the potion, you can choose one of the following: end the petrified, condition, lower a creature’s exhaustion level by 1 for every 50 gp of diamond dust added to the potion, or restore a creature’s hit point maximum.

Superior Healing[edit]

You have learned how to enhance your healing potions. Starting at 15th level, by spending the normal amount of time and gold needed to create a potion of healing, you can double the dice rolled for the amount of healing the potion does. For example, a potion of healing normally heals for 2d4+2 hit points. Using this feature allows the potion to heal for 4d4+2 hit points.

Regenerative Formula[edit]

You have learned how to craft potions that can heal over time. Starting at 17th level, you can spend 750 gp and 3 workweeks (each workweek equals 5 days, with the crafter spending 8 hours each day on work) to craft a potion of regeneration. This potion heals a creature for 5d8 + your Intelligence modifier hitpoints at the start of each of their turns for 1 minute. This also regenerates an amount of the drinker's body no greater than an eye, hand, foot, 1/4th an arm, or 1/8th a leg.

Ultimate Potions[edit]

Your research has led to this. The pinnacle of potion making. Starting at 20th level, all potions of healing and greater potions of healing you make now heal for the maximum roll. Furthermore, all potions you make have their duration doubled.


In a world full of apothecaries, four Studies have emerged. Each one aids others with protection in one way or another. This is what all apothecaries train for, sometimes under a master of one the four Studies. Many Studies have been put rigorously through trial and error. These four have withstood these rigorous tests and are available for anyone to choose.


You hate spellcasters, especially whenever they put nasty effects on innocent civilians. Your aim is to eliminate such effects, and your potions focus on ending these effects. From simple charms and stuns to the devastating mind destroyer of feeblemind, your potions end and safeguard against such harmful effects. They are also useful when it comes to dealing with criminal spellcasters.

Spell Protector

You have focused on making sure your potions protects against and end the terrible spells cast by all sorts of spellcasters. Starting at 1st level, as part of a long rest, you can craft a potion of spell protection, which, once consumed, ends effects and conditions caused by spells of 1st level or lower. They also grant advantage to the consumer against spells of 1st level or lower for 1 minute.

The spell level increases to 3rd level or lower at 7th level, 6th level or lower at 13th level, and 9th level or lower at 18th level. You may have a maximum number of these potions at any time equal to your proficiency bonus.

Area Protection

You have learned how to better protect others with your potions. Starting at 7th level, your potions can be thrown and protect creatures within a 5 ft radius against spells that are equal to or lesser than the spell level listed in spell protector. They have a range of 20/60 ft.

Thought Jammer

You have learned how to make potions that disrupt the concentration of spellcasters. Starting at 13th level, you can spend 8 hours and 20 gp worth of materials to craft an anti-concentration potion.

You can, as a bonus action throw one of these potions at a spellcaster. The potion has a range of 20/60 feet, and you use your Dexterity modifier for the attack roll.

This potion causes the next concentration saving throw to be made with a penalty equal to your Intelligence modifier. You may have a maximum number of these potions equal to twice your Intelligence modifier, and each spellcaster can only be affected by 1 potion at a time.

No Harmful Magic Allowed

You finally understand the formulas for a very powerful potion. A potion that prevents harmful spells from being cast.

Starting at 18th level, you can spend 2 days worth of downtime and 3,000 gp worth of materials to craft an anti-spellcasting potion. This potion has a range of 30/70 ft. and uses your Dexterity modifier for the attack roll. As an action, you may throw this potion towards a spellcaster. Upon a hit, the spellcaster must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw, or be unable to cast spells that negatively impact creatures until they spend time during a long rest to take care of the potion’s effects. As part of a long rest, a spellcaster can attempt a Wisdom (Medicine) check against a DC of 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence ability score modifier.

Examples of negatively impacting creatures include dealing direct damage to them, making them more likely to fail at a given task (attacking, making an ability check or saving throw, and other such things all count), and/or giving them a condition. Examples of spells not allowed are Abi-Dalzim's horrid wilting, Aganazzar's scorcher, arms of Hadar, bane, banishing smite, blade of disaster.’’

Examples of spells allowed are armor of Agathys, beast bond, bless, cure wounds, false life, life transference, pass without trace, and sending.

You can only carry 2 of these potions at any given time.


Poisons are nasty. Same with diseases. You hate them, so you have chosen to focus on eradicating poison and disease. From the annoying effects of cackle fever and the sometimes deadly basic poison to the extremely harmful purple worm poison and the sewer plague disease. You will make sure that not a single poison or disease is left alone that could cause any harm to other creatures.

It is recommended that, upon choosing this subclass, you read the “Poisons” and “Diseases” sections in the Dungeon Master's Guide on pgs. 256-258 and the poisoner's kit section in Xanathar's Guide to Everything, on pg. 83.

Poison Study

You have become knowledgeable about poisons in your research to end them. Starting at 1st level, you are proficient in the poisoner's kit. If you are already proficient, you instead double your proficiency bonus with it. Also, you can create antidotes that grant advantage on saving throws against disease and poison until the end of the consumer’s next turn. You can also craft antitoxins and poisons with half the time and gold.

Anti-Disease Potions

You have learned the formulas to eradicate diseases. Starting at 7th level, you can craft a cure to any disease if you spend at least 2 days and 50 gp worth of materials crafting the potion. You must extract a sample of the disease in order to cure it. You can also have a creature that doesn’t have the disease the potion. If they consume it, then for 2d4 weeks, they have advantage on saving throws against the disease. Afterwards, they are immune to that disease. Starting at 18th level, the time before immunity is reduced to 1d4 weeks.

Defense Against Sickness

You have become accustomed to dealing with disease and poison. Starting at 13th level, you now have immunity to disease, poison, and the poisoned condition.

Sickness Protection

You have gained the knowledge to create the most potent potion of all against disease and poison. Starting at 18th level, you can create a potion that grants any creature who drinks it immunity to diseases, poison, and the poisoned condition for an amount of weeks equal to your Intelligence modifier. In order to craft this potion, you need a sample of purple worm poison, sewer plague, midnight tears, oil of taggit, and pale tincture. You must spend 1 workweek and 10,000 gp worth of materials plus the samples of the poisons and diseases listed (or other, equally deadly diseases and poisons of each type) in order to make 1 potion of immunity against disease and poison.


What good is healing others if the perpetrators get to live? That’s the line of reasoning for the bombers. They are the ones who make sure the ones who do cause harm are permanently dealt with. They destroy the resources criminals use to cause nasty effects, and are willing to outright kill said criminals to ensure that no further harm is caused by them.

Your potions here require a saving throw, therefore your potion save DC is calculated as follows: 8 + your Intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Bombs Away

Starting at 1st level, you are able to craft explosive potions. When you craft them, choose whether it affects an area or a single creature. Each of them has a throw range of 30/90 ft, and you can target any area within range with them. Area potions can affect a 10 ft radius. Each one costs 25 silver pieces worth of materials to craft, and you can craft an amount of them equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1) as part of a short rest, and can craft twice as much as part of a long rest. For example, with an Intelligence modifier of +3, you can craft 3 separate potions or 2 of one potion and 1 of a second potion as part of a short rest.

Single target potions deal 1d6 of the damage type listed, while area potions deal 1d4 of the damage type listed. The damage dealt improves at 7th level (1d6 --> 2d8, 1d4 --> 2d6), and again at 13th (2d8 -->3d10; 2d6 --> 3d8) and 18th levels (3d10 --> 4d12; 3d8 --> 4d10). The duration is always 1 minute.

You can craft the following potions:

  • Burning Oil

Single: deals fire damage, and the creature must make a Constitution saving throw. On a fail, they are set on fire and take an additional 1d4 fire damage at the start of each of their turns. Any creature can use an action to extinguish the flames. The damage increases at the same rate as area damage.

Area: The area goes up in flames. Any creature that goes through that spot must make a Constitution saving throw. On a fail, they are set on fire and take fire damage initially and at the start of each of their turns. Any creature can use an action to extinguish the flames.

  • Icy Mist

Single: deals cold damage, and the creature must make a Constitution saving throw. On a fail, they can only do two of the following: use an action (if attacking, 1 attack only), use a bonus action, and/or move. At the end of each of their turns, they can make a Constitution saving throw to end the effects early.

Area: The area is now difficult terrain as it is slippery with ice. Any creature who tries to walk through it must make a Dexterity saving throw, with disadvantage if they are dashing. On a failure, they fall prone.

  • Bottled Lightning

Single: deals lightning damage, and the creature must make a Constitution saving throw. On a fail, they are paralyzed. At the end of each of their turns, they can make another Constitution saving throw to attempt to escape. Upon success, they are no longer paralyzed.

Area: The area is electrified until the end of your next turn. Any creature that enters that space or starts their turn there must succeed on a Constitution saving throw and take lightning damage. Upon a success, they take half damage.

  • Corrosive Concoction

Single: deals acid damage, and reduces the creature’s AC by half your proficiency bonus rounded down if they are wearing armor. This cannot reduce a creature’s AC below their natural armor or unarmored defense AC.

Area: The area gets corroded and becomes difficult terrain. Any creature that steps inside or starts their turn inside the area must make a Constitution saving throw, or else they take acid damage.

  • Poisonous Smoke

Single: deals poison damage, and the creature must make a Constitution saving throw. Upon a failure, they are poisoned. While poisoned in this way, they take 1d6 poison damage at the start of each of their turns. The creature may make a Constitution saving throw at the end of each of their turns to end the condition early.

Area: The area becomes filled with poisonous smoke. Any creature within the area at the start of their turn or moves into the space must succeed on a Constitution saving throw and take poison damage. On a success, they take half damage. On a failure, they take full damage and are poisoned.

  • Necrotic Rot

(Costs 5 gp worth of materials, instead of 25 sp)

Single: deals necrotic damage, and the creature must succeed on a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the creature is unable to heal any hit points until they succeed on the saving throw.

Area: The area becomes filled with a rotting mist. At the start of each creature’s turn or whenever it moves into the area, it must make a Constitution saving throw and take necrotic damage. On a success, they take half damage. On a fail, they take full damage and cannot regain hit points until the end of your next turn.

  • Radiant Purge

(Costs 5 gp worth of materials, instead of 25 sp)

Single: deals radiant damage, and the creature must succeed on a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the creature is blinded.

Area: The area becomes filled with a bright, searing light. At the start of each creature’s turn or whenever it moves into the area, it must make a Constitution saving throw On a fail, they take additional radiant damage. On a success, they take half damage. If they were in the area when you threw the potion, they are also blinded upon a failure.

Farther Away

You have learned how to throw your potions further, and the right formulas to make them spread further. Starting at 7th level, your potions have a range of 40/80 ft, and spread to a 15 ft radius area.

Explosion Manipulation

You have learned how to change how your potions explode. Starting at 13th level, whenever you craft a potion, you can change the explosion from a 15ft radius to a 30 ft cone. The cone faces away from you.

Debilitating Explosions

You have figured out how to ensure that your potions are even more devastating. Starting at 18th level, you can put in any of the following conditions into your potions: charmed, frightened, paralyzed, or stunned. Any creature that fails their Constitution saving throw after being hit with an enhanced potion also suffers from the afflicted condition, being charmed or frightened of you.


Why not improve the abilities of others so they can do well in a fight? That is the reason for enhancers, ones who want to keep others in the fight not just through healing but also through the enhancement of their ally’s bodies with their potions.

Ability Boost

You have chosen to focus on enhancing the abilities of others. Starting at 1st level, by spending 8 hours and 10 gp worth of materials, you can craft a potion that temporarily boosts an ability score of your choice by 2 for 1 minute. A creature can only benefit from one of these potions at a time.

Dire Protection

You have figured out how to help your allies do well when the time calls for it. Starting at 7th level, by spending 8 hours and 15 gp worth of materials, you can craft a potion that, upon consumption, increases the creature’s saving throws by an amount equal to your Intelligence modifier for 1 minute. After consumption, the creature cannot benefit from the potion again until they finish a short or long rest.

Magical Crafting

You have figured out how to craft various magical potions. Starting at 13th level, you can spend 8 hours and varying amounts of gp worth of materials to craft any of the following potions: potion of climbing, Potion of Hill/Frost/Stone/Fire Giant Strength, potion of growth, or potion of heroism. Common potions require 10 gp, uncommon requires 25 gp, and rare requires 55 gp. Starting at 18th level, you can craft the following very rare potions by spending 100 gp worth of materials: potion of flying, Potion of Cloud Giant Strength, potion of speed, and potion of vitality.

Spell in a Bottle

You have figured out how to put certain spells into your potions. Starting at 18th level, you may, with the help of a spellcaster, put any spell that buffs creatures into a potion. By spending 8 hours and the required amount of gold, you can create a potion with the effects of the spell chosen. Any spell that lets you choose a creature targets the consumer of the spell potion instead. Spells that require concentration require the consumer to concentrate on it. The spellcasting ability score of the original spellcaster is used. The time it takes to drink the potion depends on the casting time of the spell. The spellcaster must use the actual components of the spell in order for the potion to be made. You can have a total of 5 of these potions on you at any time.

Rarity Gold Cost Spell Levels
Common 30 gp 0-1
Uncommon 70 gp 2-3
Rare 110 gp 4-5
Very Rare 150 gp 6-7
Legendary 200 gp 8-9

Examples of acceptable spells: Absorb elements, armor of Agathys, aura of life, beacon of hope, blade ward, bless, comprehend languages, death ward, detect evil and good, enhance ability, expeditious retreat, freedom of movement, gift of alacrity, greater restoration, guidance, heroism, jump, light, longstrider, mage armor, protection from evil and good, resistance, shield of faith.


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Apothecary class, you must meet these prerequisites: Intelligence 13

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Apothecary class, you gain the following proficiencies: Alchemist’s supplies, herbalism kit, and medicine.

+1/2/3 class item:

Medical Kit

Wondrous item

Varying Rarity

Major Tier

Requires attunement by an Apothecary.

Enhance the potency of your potions.

Bonus. When using this item to help you craft your potions, the DC for saving throws against your potions is increased. The increase is determined in the bonus row of the table below.

Enhanced Healing While attuned to this item, all of your potions of healing add additional dice to the amount of hit points regained. The amount is listed in the enhanced healing row of the table below.

Rarity Uncommon Rare Very Rare
Bonus +1 +2 +3
Enhanced Healing 1d4 2d4 3d4
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