Limb Growth (5e Spell)

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Limb Growth
6th-level Transmutation (ritual)
Casting time: 1 hour
Range: 60 feet
Components: V,S, M (gemstone dust worth at least 1000 gold, and an amount of raw meat and bone equivalent to the limb being grown)(both of which are consumed)
Duration: Concentration, up to 8 hours

A creature must be willing to be affected by this spell.

If the caster of this spell has any points of exhaustion the spell fails and any spell slots used are lost.

You target one creature within range that you can see, the targeted creature grows one of the limbs listed in the table bellow. The limb takes on the traits of the creature it is grown from.

If this spell is cast as a ritual the limb is grown over the ritual casting duration, otherwise the creature takes 3d12 piercing damage as the limb is molded to its body.

If the caster maintains concentration for the duration of this spell, or casts it as a ritual (24 hours); the effects become permanent and the caster of this spell and the creature effected gain 1 point of exhaustion, in addition to any gained from the casting duration of this spell. (Refer to Players Hand Book pg 185 - food and water)

If the caster does not maintain concentration; the limb crumbles off the creature it is attached to and rapidly decays.

If the casting of this spell is interrupted or otherwise uncompleted, the limb rots on target creature causing them to take 3d12 necrotic damage.

Upon completing this spell the creature must make a DC20 dexterity and DC20 constitution check to become Accustom to the additional limb, on a failure the creature may re-make this role at dawn each day, with the failed DC reducing by 1 for each failure. (If both checks are failed the higher DC is reduced, or dexterity if they are equal).

Creatures with additional limbs created from this spell are considers Monstrosities.

Arm: this additional arm is able to wield a weapon or shield, if it is holding a weapon and the creature makes an attack on its turn it may make an additional attack with this arm as a bonus action (as if duel wielding) this attack is made with disadvantage if the creature is not Accustom to this arm. (If the creature is already duel wielding this attack is made in addition to the offhand attack as a part of the bonus action)

If a creature is medium or smaller it is only able to hold 1 shield at a time.

A creature effected by this spell can have no more than 4 arms at one time.

Leg: this limb is able to increase the creature’s movement speed by 5 feet, unless not Accustom to, in which case it reduces its movement speed by 5 feet.

A creature effected by this spell can have no more than 4 legs at one time, and must have room on its body to accommodate them.

Tail: when Accustom to this limb it is able to be used to hold an item.

A creature effected by this spell can have no more than 3 tails at one time.

Wing: when Accustom to this limb a creature is able to reduce its falling damage by half as well as being able to jump twice as far and high. Otherwise the creature’s movement speed is reduced by 5 feet and it has disadvantage on dexterity saving throws.

If a second wing is grown the dexterity check to become Accustom to it is reduced by 5, and when Accustom to both wings the creature gains a fly speed equal to its base walking speed. A creature effected by this spell can have no more than 1 pair of wings at one time and has its flying speed reduced by 10 for each limb a creature has in addition to its natural limbs.

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