Minor Animate (5e Spell)

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Minor Animate
Necromancy cantrip
Casting time: 1 action
Range: Self(5ft radius)
Components: V S
Duration: Up to 6 hours

You animate up to 5 Tiny or smaller creatures in a 5 foot radius around you; these creatures stay close and follow you when not given a command. You can issue one command to them as a bonus action on each of your turns. The commands you can give them are as follows:

  • Move: They move up to 20 feet as a group. This can be used along side one other command. At 5th level this becomes 30 feet.
  • Attack: Make a ranged spell attack against one creature within 30 feet. This deals 1d4 Necrotic damage. When you do so, you lose one of the animated creatures created by this spell; whether or not the attack landed. When you use this command you can add more objects, each adding a +1 to the damage, causing you to lose them as well. At 11th level the damage becomes 2d4.
  • Glow: The tiny objects begin to swarm and start to emit dim light in a 15ft radius. At 5th level the radius is increased to 25ft.
  • Flash: Cause one of the creatures to burst into light. One creature you choose must make a con save or be blinded for one turn. This command destroys the undead used.
  • Carry: Your animated creatures can lift or drag up to 1lb each, if they possess a flying speed they cannot fly and carry at the same time unless more than one creature is used in the carry command.
  • Decay: Your animated creatures frenzy around a medium or smaller corpse causing it to rapidly decompose, doing so provides the creatures with nutrients and sustains them. They last up to an additional 3 hours and you may add your spell casting modifier to all values of the above commands (excluding this one).

At Higher Levels. The amount of creatures that can be animated by this cantrip increases by 5 when you reach 5th, 11th, and 17th level.

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