Grove Enroot (5e Spell)

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Grove Enroot
7th-level Transmutation
Casting time: 1 action
Range: Self, Touch, 60ft
Components: V, S, Piece of flora from the Feywild
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

This spell transforms each creature (excluding undead and constructs) in a 25ft radius sphere that you can see within range into a new form. An unwilling creature must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed saving throw, the creature’s legs become stuck and rooted to the ground as they turn into wood. Their skin, hair, nails, etc will turn to bark and branches will grow from the upper part of their body as you turn into a tree, still with many of their original features. Their speed becomes 0ft, the area 5ft surrounding them becomes difficult terrain, and their gear is absorbed into the wood. They are treated as unconscious and are unable to take any actions or bonus actions. Once the spell ends, the wood cracks and falls away from their body. Over the next hour, the wood rots and breaks away, leaving nothing behind.

While under the effects of the spell, the target is in a form of stasis, which mean that processes that happen over time such as growing, aging or spells that last for a certain period are paused until the effects of the spell end.

At Higher Levels. Casting this spell at 8th-level will increase the spheres radius to 30ft and increase the spells duration to two hours and casting it at 9th-level will increase the spheres radius to 35ft and increase the spells duration to 3 hours.

Ritual Variant. You can perform a ritual on up to five willing creatures which may include yourself to cast the spell which takes a duration of 30 minutes to perform. The caster can decide how long the effects will last, as long as they don't exceed one year.

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