5e Beast Master Classes

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Beast master classes focus on commanding or working with creatures.

Beast Master Classes[edit]

Classes based on the beast master archetype.
Name Summary Spellcasting Hit Die
Aberrant Summoner A spellcaster with a mix of versatility, power and companionship. full 6
Aberrant Summoner, Variant A spellcaster with a mix of versatility, power and companionship. full 6
Atlira Setting Spirit Bond 6
Beast Master A warrior who specializes in taming vicious creatures to do their bidding. 10
Beast Soul Channel primal savagery and run with a beast companion, create your own pack, or become a beast yourself. 10
Beast Tamer A scholar who prefers the company of beast over others of their kind. half 8
Beast Twin A Beast Twin is someone who's bond with their animal companion has transcended the norm. They and their companions skills relate to, and complement each other, in life and in combat they're reliant on each other to cover for their relative weakness. 8
Brood Kin Fey experiments cursed to be part vile insect. 8
User:Bruno Elvenson Running is your specialty. Your abilities increase your presence on the battlefield in unique ways. 8
Demon's Embodiment a cultist that uses demons for power third 12
Falconer Skilled wielders of the crossbow who have an inseparable bond with their bird companion. 8
Falconer, Variant Skilled fighters who bond with their feathery companion to soar to new heights. 8
General, Variant Legendary commanders, and masters of battle. 8
Monster Trainer Doing almost nothing yourself, you get monsters to do it for you. 8
Shadow Slave, Variant shadow 8
Snake Charmer Use soothing music to make snakes bend at your will. Summon increasingly powerful snakes to aid you in battle. full 6
Spirit-Bond 6
Wyvern Rider A rider specialized in taming and fighting with wyverns. 8

Beast Master Mashup Classes[edit]

Mashup classes with multiple themes, one of which is the beast master archetype.
Name Summary Spellcasting Hit Die
Blood Sampler A spellcaster who takes blood from others and uses it in magical ways, empowering their spells with the blood of dragons. full 8
Breeder A full-caster linked with a powerful creation named Magekin. full 6
Creator Soul Holders of almost godlike power. Capable of manipulating aspects of the universe to create powerful "constructs". 8
Creator Soul, Variant Holders of almost godlike power. Capable of manipulating aspects of the universe to create powerful "constructs". 8
Dragon Knight Warriors utilizing dragon cohorts to decimate their opposition. 10
Dragon Knight, 3rd Variant Knights utilizing dragon cohorts to decimate their opposition. half 10
Dragon Lord A battle commander that possesses a powerful bond with dragons 10
Entomancer A magic user who use bugs and insects to their advantage half 8
Familiar Master A warrior who puts a more powerful form of familiar to use in battle. 10
Frogsoul An ordinary humanoid with a soul fused with a frog's. They wield deadly amphibious powers and spells. half 8
Furry Clad in cursed fursuits, these savage warriors are animals in their minds and abilities. 10
God's Descendant 10
Guarded Fighter A commoner not quite adept at fighting, accompanied by their skilled fighter of a guard. 6
Marshal A battlefield commander experienced in inspiring and ordering their companions 10
Possessed A creature destined to have a monster reside within itself. 6
Spirit Shaman A class that binds the souls of the fallen to use their abilities to its advantage, manipulating the spirit realm. 8
Stitchpunk A gruesome second cousin to surgeons who uses surgical knowledge for many helpful and harmful purposes. 10

Beast Master Classes Based on Existing Fiction[edit]

Beast master classes which are based on characters or archetypes from other works of fiction.
Name Summary Spellcasting Hit Die
Celestial Spirit User A homage to the anime Fairy Tail. Play with the magical abilites to summon and fight alongside Celestial Spirits. 8
Dragonsmith A warrior with a size-changing dragon and nifty smithy skills third 10
Pegasus Knight A protector of the weak, riding a winged horse. 8
Pokémon Trainer It is now the time to catch 'em all 8
Pokémon Trainer, Variant Travel the world making friends! 4

Beast Master April Fools Classes[edit]

Beast master classes with a more comedic twist.
Name Summary Spellcasting Hit Die

Incomplete Beast Master Classes[edit]

Beast master classes with one or many improving, reviewing, or removing templates present. Please help work on the problem presented on the template.

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