3.5e Monstrous Feats
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Monstrous Feats[edit]
These feats all have at least one prerequisite that is not normally available to player characters, such as three arms or the ability to fly. If you are playing a creature with a monster race your DM may allow you to choose one of these feats, although the power ratings are based on their use by NPCs and may be dramatically unbalancing for player characters.
Feat | Prerequisite | Summary |
Altered Form Familiarity | Alternate Form ability | You have spent enough time in your Alternate form(s) that you have become as accustomed to it/them as you have your monstrous form. |
Alternate Form Mastery | Alternate Form ability, Alternate Form Synergy, Altered Form Familiarity, Favorite Form | Mastery of both your monstrous and humanoid forms has redefined the distinctions between both. |
Alternate Form Synergy | Alternate Form ability | Receive additional bonuses in alternate form. |
Alternative Poison | Poison attack that deals ability damage, Con 15 | Change the type of damage delt by your poison. |
Ancient Strength | Dragon creature type, | The Dragon strength and constitution are increased. |
Area Power Resistance | Innate Power Resistance 10 | The creature's Power Resistance (PR) can negate area-effect psionic powers. |
Area Spell Resistance | Must have Spell Resistance from a feat, class feature, or other permanent effect. | The creature's Spell Resistance (SR) can negate area-effect spells and spell-like abilities. |
Augment Shielding | Must have the shield special quality. | Your shields become stronger than normal. |
Born of the Uttercold | Must have a racial quality that innately deals cold damage on physical attacks, such as a Chilblain's "Frost Touch" ability (Refer to Frostburn-Pg.115). | You are so attuned to your frozen heritage that your cold based damage damages those normally wouldn't be harmed. |
Caustic Poison | Con 24, Poisonous natural weapon, 20HD, At least one other feat pertaining to poison such as Ability Focus (Poison) | Your poison can damage creatures typically immune to poison. |
Channeled Resistance | Innate Spell Resistance 10 or Innate Power Resistance 10 | The creature can protect other beings that it touches with its Spell Resistance (SR) or Power Resistance (PR). |
Chill of the Grave | Undead creature type | Your undead presence horrifies the living. |
Claw Punch | Improved Unarmed Strike, natural claw attack or Ki Claw | Fights like monk, claws like bear. |
Creature of Magic | Dragon creature type, Charisma 13 or better. | Dragons have an innate ability to cast magic spells. |
Enlarge Breath Weapon | Breath Weapon | The creature's breath weapon has a longer range than normal. |
Extra Primeval Ability | Supernatural or spell-like ability | The creature can use one of its supernatural or spell-like abilities more often. |
Favorite Form | Alternate Form ability, Altered Form Familiarity | In addition to your regular form, you have one specific form that you favorite among all the others... |
Focused Primeval Ability | Supernatural or spell-like ability | One of the creature's supernatural or spell-like abilities is more potent than normal. |
Functional Limbs | Draegloth, Str 20 | Your lower limbs strengthen and lengthen. |
Ghoul Domination | Ghoul fever supernatural ability. | Ghouls you create are under your control. |
Giant Step | Natural reach of 10 ft or longer | Your long legs allow you to take longer steps. |
Greater Focused Primeval Ability | Supernatural or spell-like ability | One of creature's supernatural or spell-like abilities is especially potent. |
Greater Maneuverability | Improved Maneuverability, Dex 11 | Your navigation skills of the air are further increased. |
Greater Savage Assault | -BAB +16, Natural Weapons | You have mastered the use of your natural weapons. |
Greater Teleport | Outsider, character level 5+ | The extraplanar blood running through your veins allows you to use the signature travel methods of the outer planes. |
Greater, Humanoid Form | Dragon creature type, 10 hit dice, Humanoid Form Feat | A Dragon may assume a human form once per week. |
Harsh Breath | Dragon creature type | The Dragon's breath is more damaging. |
Heighten Primeval Ability | Innate supernatural or spell-like ability | The creature has achieved mastery of its innate supernatural or spell-like powers. |
Humanoid Elite | Int 9, Wis 9, Monstrous Humanoid, Giant, or Humanoid type. | You're part of the elite of your race and have skills beyond the usual warrior or commoner. |
Humanoid Form | Dragon creature type, 10 hit dice | A Dragon may assume a human form once per week. |
Immortal Arrogance | Iron Will, vampire (non-spawn only) | Even in undeath, your will is indomitable. |
Improved Anima Toughness | No Con Score, Cha 21, Base Fortitude Save +6 | Beings without metabolism are raised or constructed with animating force. This force now can be used to toughen them beyond the durability of their basic undead or construct frames, increasing their hit points. |
Improved Maneuverability | Fly Speed | You are better able to navigate the air. |
Improved Resistance | Innate Spell Resistance (SR) or Power Resistance (PR) | The creature is innately more resistant to spells or psionics. |
Improved Savage Assault | BAB+11, Natural Weapons | A short summary of the feat |
Innate Metamagic | Int 11, Innate spell-like ability, Ability to cast spells, One or more metamagic feats | The creature can use its spellcasting knowledge to modify its innate spell-like abilities with learned metamagic feats. |
Lethal Poison | Poison attack that deals ability damage, Con 15 | Your poison becomes so potent, that it can cause death. |
Multi Strike | Multiweapon Fighting, Improved Multiweapon Fighting, Dual Strike, Dex 21, Three or more arms | Your hard training and practice prepare you to attack quickly and efficiently using all your limbs. |
Multihanded Weapon | Dex 15, Multiweapon Fighting, Three or more arms, Base attack bonus +1 | The creature can wield a weapon with three or more hands at once, like a human or dwarf can wield a weapon with two hands. |
Multiple Strike | Multiweapon fighting, Improved multiweapon fighting, Multi Dexterity, Base attack 12, Three or more hands, Dex 22, Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack. | Your attacks with multiple weapons are swift enough to be used while moving. |
Nymph, Bedroom Proficiency | None | Someone with this feat is especially proficient in the bedroom department and knows how to please any partner between the sheets, on the dresser or hanging out of the window. |
Partial Morphing | Alternate Form ability, Alternate Form Synergy, Precision Transformation | Your control over both your humanoid forms as well as your transformations has given you the ability to "morph" certain parts of your body. |
Poisonous Admixture | Poison attack with ability damage, Con 15, Ability Focus(Poison) | Your poison gains an additional damage type. |
Potent Poison | Poison attack, Con 13, BAB +5 | Your poison attack deals more damage. |
Power Resistance: Clairsentience And Telepathy | The creature can apply its Power Resistance (PR) against psionic powers from the clairsentience and telepathy disciplines. | |
Precision Transformation | Alternate Form ability | Years of intense training and practice have left you with minute control over your alternate forms. Gain precise control over alternate form transformations. |
Primeval Alchemy | Innate supernatural ability with an energy descriptor, Primeval Conversion. | You can blend an additional type of energy into one of your energy dependent supernatural abilities. |
Primeval Conversion | Innate supernatural ability with an energy descriptor | You can convert a supernatural ability that utilizes one type of energy into using another type of energy. |
Primeval Power | Innate supernatural or spell-like ability | Once per day the creature can augment a supernatural or spell-like ability with arcane, divine or profane power. |
Quicken Poison | Poison attack that deals ability damage, Con 15 | Your poison takes affect faster then normal. |
Rabid Beast | Bite attack, contracted red ache, Con 15 | Your bite infects your opponent with red ache. |
Rabid Fiend | Bite attack | Your fiendish blood allows to infect others with your bite. |
Ranged Resistance | Innate Spell Resistance 10 or Innate Power Resistance 10, Channeled Resistance | The creature can bestow its Spell Resistance (SR) or Power Resistance (PR) on others nearby. |
Resistance Counterspell | Innate Spell Resistance 10, Channeled Resistance, Ranged Resistance | The creature can use its Spell Resistance (SR) to counterspell. |
Resistance Power Turning | Innate Power Resistance 10 | The creature can reflect a psionic power that fails to beat its Power Resistance (PR). |
Resistance Spell Turning | Innate Spell Resistance 10 | The creature can reflect a spell or spell-like ability that fails to beat its Spell Resistance (SR). |
Resistance: Divination | Innate Spell Resistance 10 or Innate Power Resistance 10 | The creature can apply its Spell Resistance (SR) or Power Resistance (PR) against divinations. |
Resistance: Illusion | Innate Spell Resistance 10 or Innate Power Resistance 10 | The creature can apply its Spell Resistance (SR) or Power Resistance (PR) against illusions. |
Savage Assault | One or more natural Attack | The creature has learned to use its innate natural weapons more savagely |
Secondary Arms | A second pair of arms, such as the Qua-Vel, which is weaker than your primary arms in function. | Your secondary arms are as powerful as your primary, and can do everything they can. |
Spew Smoke | You can exhale a cloud of dense, blinding smoke. Then eat everyone who makes puns. | |
Spirited Dive | Fly speed, Flyby Attack | The creature can perform a terrifying dive-bomb attack. |
Spontaneous Spell-Like Casting | Innate spell-like ability, Ability to cast spells | The creature is able to use its arcane or divine spell knowledge to power its spell-like abilities. |
Swift Natural Attack | Base Attack Bonus +6, a natural attack that deals lethal damage. | You can attack multiple times each round with a natural attack. |
Tail Snap | Dragon creature type, Tail attack | The tail attack of a dragon |
Tough Scales | Dragon creature type | Scales are harder than normal. |
Turn/Rebuke Resistance | By virtue of unholy power or exceptional strength of will, the creature is more difficult to turn or rebuke than normal. | |
Undead Animal Companion | Animal companion, Undead type | Your animal companion shares your unlife. |
Wing Buffet | Dragon creature type, Wing Attack | The wing attack generates an effect similar to gust of wind spell. |