Semi-Grade 2 for the Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement. I work on the bestiary/NPCs and fix typos. That's it really.
Integration Sorcerery[edit]
Due to this technique changing and integrating things into your own biology, you must have a biology to develop. You cannot use any of this technique’s features if you lack biology, being a Cursed Corpse as an example.
You gain the Reinforced Immune System feat as a result of eating things you probably shouldn’t. Additionally, when ingesting things that are harmful to you, you do not suffer any ill effects if you choose to integrate it into yourself. For example, if you eat a poisonous animal like the Poison Dart Frog or Stonefish, you get cured of their poison’s effects if you choose to integrate it into yourself, taking no damage and having no conditions inflicted.
Lapse Technique
Depending on the part you ate, you may integrate something related to it into your own body, such as giving you small poisonous fangs or claws from eating a snake fang, getting Darkvision from eating an owl's eye, getting the ability to shoot webs from your wrists by eating a spider's abdomen or getting other enhanced senses by eating things like a wolf's nose or ears. You can only integrate something biological that isn't Cursed Energy based, a feat or a class feature. If something cannot be integrated without changing your outward appearance drastically, such as giving you horns, tusks, an exo-skeleton or new limbs, then it cannot be integrated. If you integrate 2 similar features, such as Darkvision or poison, then they stack on top of each other as best as possible, combining the senses and damage respectively. If a creature is dead, you may instead make an Investigation check to find a specific biological component you want, such as a squid's ink sack or the gills from a fish, with the DC being determined by your DM and how complex of a body part you're trying to find (example: outward organs like noses and ears are DC 5, while things like organ could be DC 25 with proficiency in medicine potentially giving advantage on the check). You can have a number of biological integrations up to your Charisma Modifier. At 5th level this becomes your Charisma Modifier + half your Charisma Modifier (rounded down). At 11th level this becomes your Charisma Modifier added twice. At 17th level this becomes your Charisma Modifier added twice + half your Charisma Modifier (rounded down). And at 20th level this becomes your Charisma Modifier added thrice. If you attempt to integrate another feature while you're at your maximum, you can either discard the current integration completely or choose to replace it with a previous integration. You can also choose to discard any amount of integrations you have during a long rest.
Technique Improvement You can also use this to integrate animal noises and languages, being able to speak with other members of the same species. You can store a number of animal noises and languages up to your proficiency bonus. At 11th level this becomes your proficiency bonus + half your proficiency bonus (rounded down). At 17th level this becomes your proficiency bonus added twice.
Extension Technique
Extension Technique |