User:PJammaz/sword of hope
From D&D Wiki
- magic missile?
- Adage, the sword of truth
- Extraordinary
- Heir Sword
- very weak sword probably not even magical
- violet-colored sword. this sword was once used to seal the painting that contained an evil dragon, hits multiple enemies
- restores all hp
- wards off evil spirits
- creates paths
- herb that stops magic
- restores all spells
- Damage undead
- Created from the tears of Polinak, the swordsman
- single use sleep
- Sprite Ring (Gem of Seeing)
- reveals hidden things, perception
- restores all of your hp and spell slots
- arcane focus
- restores incapacitate creature
- damages enemies but reduces your magic
- monstrous centipede with a man-like face and a giant mane
- country of Riccar
- Mirror World
Important People[edit]
- Prince Theo
- King Hennesy
- Camu, magician of love
- Martel, magician of wisdom
- Shabow, magician of courage
- Mammon, evil god
- Pascal, the knight
- Zakdos, evil demon
- creates a portal to the Mirror World
- defends the prison of Zakdos to ensure he doesn't escape