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Nihao, Slovenian brothers. We're here to make D&D better, so watch your hands!


Devil User, Variant - The first conditionally my creation, the original is too unplayable, and they don’t allow me to make changes there.

Vampire, Hellsing, Variant - I didn't like the default class, so I decided to redo it.


Oath of Beauty - Awesome subclass for a paladin.

College of Conquest - Awesome subclass for a bard.

College of Flaming Dance - Awesome subclass for a bard.

Path of Blood Tithe - Awesome subclass for a barbarian.

Ten Shadows, most of which I made originally:

Mourn Tiger - Completed the tiger for JJK. It's unlikely to appear on the page itself unless it's stolen from me.

Round Deer - The deer has changed too.

Gama - This was my stat block anyway, I just slightly altered it.

Jade Dog - First shadow, I gave them 2 CR because they should be stronger than Gama.

Nue - There was already an almost perfect stat block (because I made it).

Great Serpent - Everything here is the same as with Nue.

Piercing Ox - This shinigami was as simple as 2+2, I made it the same here (It was deleted for some reason, but it also became normal in the original.).

Full Elephant - I even tinkered a little with the bishop, I thought about raising its CR to 9, but I didn’t dare, maybe another time.

Remember list:,_Variant_(5e_Class),_Variant_(5e_Class)