User:Guy/5e Races

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At the time of this edit, there are about 2000 5e Races not marked as incomplete or april fools (out of ~2300 total). Of these:

  • 450+ are marked as derivative work (and several that would qualify are not marked).
  • 110+ of these are pokémon.
  • ~1500 do not list subraces in the default way.
  • ~500 are not categorized as humanoid.

  • ~1200 have a trait with "darkvision" in the name, not including subraces.
  • ~30 have a trait simply called "Blindsight," not including subraces.
  • ~100 have a "Fey Ancestry" trait, not including subraces.
  • ~110 list a fly speed in their "speed" line.
  • ~160 list a swim speed in their "speed" line.

  • ~1210 list the exact phrase "walking speed is 30 feet".
  • ~290 list the exact line "walking speed is 25 feet".
  • ~40 list the exact line "walking speed is 20 feet".
  • ~160 list the exact line "walking speed is 35 feet".
  • ~50 list the exact line "walking speed is 40 feet".
  • None of the above numbers account for common abbreviations like "ft" or aberrations such as "moving speed is X feet".