UA talk:Reputation

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Thanks for the work!

I created a Unearthed Arcana footer. It was a quick job. (Work calls.) Sledged should tweak it a bit. We need to make a proper landing page for UA. We may already have one. Once we straighted out the structure, putting more pages in should be far simpler. --Dmilewski 05:53, 15 January 2008 (MST)

UA Material[edit]

How should UA material be presented on D&D Wiki? Should it be part of the SRD, should it have it's own namespace and be linked to from the Main Page, or should it be treated as homebrew material? How exactly do we want UA material to be treated on D&D Wiki? --Green Dragon 11:51, 15 January 2008 (MST)

I'd say homebrew. It's not really part of the SRD. Just give it it's own section in homebrew, or somesuch. --Othtim 11:55, 15 January 2008 (MST)
Other sites already treat it as "SRD in all but fact". Most fans see the SRD as "anything OGL by WotC." I will accept UA as SRD.--Dmilewski 12:06, 15 January 2008 (MST)
whatevs then, put it as SRD. doesn't really matter hereabouts :) --Othtim 12:22, 15 January 2008 (MST)
I'd suggest calling it all exactly what it is: "Wizards of the Coast Open Game Content." Then use the labels "System Reference Document" and "Variant Rules." It would probably be good to put the scorpionfolk and razor boar from the Monster Manual II in this section, too. —Sledged (talk) 13:29, 15 January 2008 (MST)
I agree. --Green Dragon 15:15, 15 January 2008 (MST)
I have added it (3.5e Open Game Content). Please feel free to modify it. --Green Dragon 10:33, 28 January 2008 (MST)


Should a Variant Rule be established for the use of Intimidate? It would seem to me that having an Infamous Reputation would actually cause a bonus to it. Think of it this way; If someone great and well respected in society, such as a local priest, were to threaten you, would you really take it to heart? Likewise, if the news tells of a criminal in the local area and that criminal happens upon you and threatens you, you'd fear for your safety. Being Infamous should yield a bonus to Intimidate, not a penalty.