Type-3 Shinobi Gauntlet (Shinobi World Supplement)

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Wondrous Item, Rare (requires attunement)

An advanced variant of the Shinobi Gauntlet developed by Kara specifically for Ao, the Type-3 retains all the functions of a traditional Shinobi Gauntlet, in addition to the following:

As a bonus action for 2 chakra points, you may begin channeling chakra into gauntlet, sprouting a two-sided blade of pure chakra from your wrist. You gain a one-handed melee weapon that uses your Intelligence modifier for attack and damage rolls that you are proficient in. It has the same damage die as your unarmed strike, and has 5 additional feet of reach, and deals lightning damage. You must spend 1 chakra point at the end of each of your turns to maintain this effect.

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