Treasure (Biscore-Zabbet Supplement)
Within the galaxy, with a vast amount of pathways within each world, it shouldn't be too difficult to find any amount of treasure. However, not all things you may find are Magical in nature; Some may be Futuristic Weapons or Armor, or expensive paintings or fossilized body parts of legendary persons. This isn't to say, however, you shouldn't give away Magical Items; On the contrary, since Magic has scattered and dispersed, it's more likely to find many Common magical items being sold at common marketplaces, such as Potions or Wands.
Deciding to Grant Magic Items[edit]
A good baseline for whether or not a Magical Item should be in the setting is typically based around gut feeling; If you think your players' characters would deserve something like a Flametongue, or something similar in power or value, go ahead. Many magical items, up to a Rare, can usually be bought with some searching in a large town, while other things may be found on other planets. Around 5th level, players should have most likely at least one non-consumable magic item, due to more magical items in circulation.
As with many things, this campaign is widely based upon a radical addition of stuff to base game. While you can decide to stick purely to items from the books, Homebrew items are a lot more interesting. Personally speaking, I've also used this to help with the creation of Homebrew items on the spot, and while most of them are nonsense, it's pretty fitting considering magic balanced out to every thing in the galaxy, and even past that, so having a Helmet which can, for some reason, cast Magic Missile once then never again, would be fitting.
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