The Realm of Telanir (Dominaria Supplement)

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The Realm of Autarch Telanir is new since the fall of the Second Imperium and the end of the Third Age. So, while established in human years, it is forging a brand new trail for elfkind. The elves have had clades, hidden or open, in the Westlands since the First Age and their long battles with humanity for control of the west. Although elves “lost”, their influence remained, and they were the pinnacle of thought and magic until the early Second Age. Since humanity began to achieve parity, elves have begun their long game of influence and selected involvement. Clades vary widely, some acting aloof while others were close allies to their neighbors. The Realm is the first step in an altogether new direction, and maybe a tacit acknowledgement that humanity has managed to invent a superior form of cohesion. The Realm is a reaction to humanity, a reaction to the Mage Council and the fall of the Second Imperium, and a reaction to the Storm Wars. It is the first human-style country of elves in the West, and no one knows what to make of it.





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