Talk:Phoenix Climax (5e Spell)

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This spell is meant to be used as a "when all hope is lost" type spell. If you have questions or suggestions please tell me. --A Tarrasque (talk) 21:42, 13 January 2022 (MST)

5e expects a lot of specific things about level, and messing with that via spells is, concerning. Namely, it expects every character to be the same level, and to progress at the same rate. This can take a 17th level sorcerer and turn them into a commoner if you roll high enough, making this essentially just a "retire my character" button. Even if you roll low, this problem persists, as now you're at minimum 6 levels lower than the rest of the party, dropping you to a maximum of 6th level spells at best.
Overall, 5e did away with XP costs and level drain for a reason, and adding them back in isolation like this doesn't seem like a great plan. --SwankyPants (talk) 22:17, 13 January 2022 (MST)
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