Volta (4e Race)

Devoted and strong leaders, Volta try to bring fame to their race.
Racial Traits |
Average Height: 6’3”–6’9” |
Average Weight: 170–230 lb. |
Ability Scores: +2 Strength, +2 Charisma |
Size: Medium |
Speed: 6 squares |
Vision: Low-Light |
Languages: Common, Elven |
Skill Bonuses: +2 Athletics, and +2 Intimidate or +2 Nature |
Fey Origin: Your ancestors were native to the Feywild so you are considered a fey creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin |
Volta Weapon Training: You gain proficiency with a single weapon of your choice. |
Electric Strike: You can use Electric Strike as a daily power. |
The first volta was created when the forces of nature and storm collided at Grinigard an ancient temple to Melora. The resident elven cleric, named Athlead, witnessed the terrifying forces of Melora and Kord. When the destruction ended, the temple was charged with divine energy. Like electricity, the forces flowed out of the relic and found the quickest way to the ground, through Athlead. Simultaneously, he was transformed into a frankenstein of nature, a chaotic collage of elf, stag, hare, and mare.
The volta are a race of hardy beings hailing from Athlead. They have inherited a wealth of knowledge in their culture despite their dwindling numbers in the world. In addition to having ideal traits of leaders, they have powerful warrior instincts and even have the power to summon lightning when they require a power boost. But they are a bit unreliable.
Play a Volta if you want...
- To be part of a rising race in need of new leaders.
- To be as ferocious as lightning and still live in harmony with nature.
- To be a member of a race that excels in the warlock, warlord, and cleric classes.
Physical Qualities[edit]
Volta are very muscular beings with the hind legs of a goat, tail of a rabbit, hooves of a horse, and horns of an elk or deer. Their females have the horns as well. They have teal, leaf green, or an autumn orange colored skin with their loose hair, often, but not always the same color. These can change as the environment does. They are therefore believed to be related to some seasons, like eladrin or wilden. Their eyes are also a mystical hue of changing color. Volta eyes appear to be filled with a swirling liquid rather than a solid color though.
Clothing for volta rarely go below the waist due to their legs and the curvature. Loose clothing made of plant material is what they prefer for casual dress. They also tend not to wear hats on account of their horns. When wearing armor, they have a traditional type of material known as karnaf bark used to make it. Most volta live normal lifespans comparable to that of humans and prefer for their armor and clothes to wear down like they do.
Playing a Volta[edit]
The volta fervently worship Grininthar, their creator. They have a strong religious aspect connecting them with their deity, as well as nature. But they are suspicious of faiths that stand in opposition to those values. Volta are courteous of other fey, and trust that they embody aspects of nature. They tolerate elves but do not like pretentious behavior, preferring to be candid. This sometimes means they can be overbearing, because they are capricious like many other fey creatures. Promises do not have much meaning to them or their free spirit. They therefore also dislike civilizations of Erathis, as they are structures of order.
Volta Characteristics: Temperamental, unorganized, whimsical, rule breaker, athletic, disloyal
Male Names: Therar, Tijern, Tognith, Grinifarn, Chaon
Female Names: Thyreth, Linlith, Cralie, Grinifai, Chaok
Volta Adventurers[edit]
Three sample volta adventurers are described below.
Grinifai is a volta cleric devoted to the god of her namesake, Grininthar. She rightfully smites all who under estimate the storms lightning. In between adventures she returns to her temple to rest and bring herself back to the wild.
Tjiern is a volta warlord who hopes to gather an army of his race for building and defending a permanent home for his now wandering village and the rest of the volta. He strives for his race to be more commonly known for its strength and power...
Tyreth is a volta warlock of the fey path who has learned to control the Storm in her blood. She once had no control over her powers, resulting in her entire family and social group leaving her after she unleashed a frenzy of lightning in an argument. During the ceremony in which she became a warlock, she used the storm in her spells.
Optional: The Volta Language[edit]
Volta have a unique language based upon the odd vocalizations of Grininthar because his mouth had been altered, similar to the rest of his body. They make no sense to people used to any other language and most of the sounds in the language cannot be made by a common mouth. So when a character outside the volta race speaks this language, they're speaking orifice will usually be making shapes unlike normal.
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