Religion (DCU Supplement)

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The Old Gods of Urgrund have long since died in Ragnarok, but from their ashes, the New Gods of New Genesis and Apokolips have risen! Rejoice, for the gods are born again!

New Gods[edit]

After Ragnarok, the Old Gods home world of Urgrund split off into two. These worlds were known as the paradise of New Genesis, led by Highfather, and the industrial hellscape of Apokolips, led by Darkseid. The world of New Genesis and it's capital, the celestial city of Supertown, are home to the New Gods of New Genesis.

Izaya, the Highfather[edit]

Izaya is the Highfather, the benevolent ruler of New Genesis, and he oversees his people, and the eternal war against Darkseid. He had to trade his son, Mr. Miracle, for Darkseid's son, Orion, as a peace treaty between New Genesis and Apokolips.

Orion, the Messenger[edit]

Orion is the son of Darkseid, traded for Highfather's own son, Mr. Miracle as a peace treaty between the two worlds. Orion goes to distant worlds that Darkseid has his evil eyes on, to warn them about Darkseid's upcoming arrival.


Darkseid is the ruler of the nightmare world Apokolips and rules over other worlds that he has conquered. As a New God he is a conceptual being that exists outside of the normal universe in a realm called the fourth world. Darkseid has been called the god of evil and while there are few in the multiverse that could surpass him in his monstrousness, Darkseid is more accurately the God of Tyranny. As such he will not stop until he conquers all of creation and the entire multiverse. To this end he seeks out the Anti-Life Equation. A power that will allow Darkseid to turn anyone or anything into his mindless thrall completely bound to his will.

Granny Goodness[edit]

Granny Goodness is a sadistic and cruel lieutenant to Darkseid, despot of Apokolips. She oversees training in her Orphanage and commands the Female Furies.


Desaad is a sadistic chief torturer of the overlord of Apokolips, Darkseid, infamous for drawing power from others' agony.

Old Gods[edit]


Zeus is the ruler of Mount Olympus and the King of the Olympian Gods. His power and authority supersedes that of the other Olympians.


Ares is the God of War, representing the physical or violent aspect of war. He is the son of Zeus, the ruler of the Greek pantheon, and his wife Hera.

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