Redead (Category) (5e Creature)

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Redead are deathless creatures created by magic, feared across Hyrule. They resemble emaciated corpses and often wear masks that cover most of their faces while leaving their mouths exposed. When redead detect the living, they glare directly at them and emit a horrifying scream that turns blood to ice and feet to lead. The redead then shamble towards their victims to devour them, still alive and frozen with fear.

Many adventurers tell that groups of redead remain perfectly still, waiting to attack anyone who draws too near. Fewer tell the results of agitating such groups.

Undead Nature. A redead doesn't require air, food, drink, or sleep.

Forms of redead include the following:

  • Redead - a terrifying undead, whose shriek can stop hardened warriors dead in their tracks
  • Redead Knight - undead warriors wielding massive weapons alongside the shriek of other redead

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