Pure Devil (Chainsaw Man Supplement)
Work In Progress |
Pure Devil[edit]
“ | All Devils are born with a name. The more that name is feared, the more powerful the Devil itself. Coffee has no scary mental image whatsoever. If there was a Coffee Devil, it would probably be weak. But if there was a Car Devil? That conjures up the mental image of getting run over and dying, so that might be strong. | ” |
—Makima explaining the source of power of the Devil race. |
Generated Through Fear[edit]
Damage Dice Progression: When a feature says you increase the damage dice of an attack by 1 step or tier, it means it follows some variation of the following progression. 1>1d4>1d6>1d8>1d10>1d12>2d6>2d8>2d10>2d12>4d6>4d8>4d10>4d12>8d6>8d8>8d10>8d12… and so on, whereupon reaching d6s again the dice count doubles.
Creating a Pure Devil[edit]
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The Chainsaw Devil in hell, [1] |
- Quick Build
You can make a Pure Devil quickly by following these suggestions. First, Charisma should be your highest ability score, followed by the saving throw proficiency gained by your Devil Type.
Class Features
As a Pure Devil you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d12 per Pure Devil level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d12 (or 7) + Constitution modifier per Pure Devil level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: None
Weapons: None
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Charisma and another save depending on your Devil Type
Skills: Choose two skills of your choice.
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
Level | Proficiency Bonus |
Blood Regeneration | Features | Fear Point Maximum |
1st | +2 | 2 | Contract Maker, Blood Regeneration, Devil Type | - |
2nd | +2 | 2 | Inhumane Actions, Feared Around, Devil Power | - |
3rd | +2 | 2 | True Terror | 3 + your Charisma modifier |
4th | +2 | 2 | Ability Score Improvement | 4 + your Charisma modifier |
5th | +3 | 3 | Extra Attack | 5 + your Charisma modifier |
6th | +3 | 3 | Devil Type feature | 6 + your Charisma modifier |
7th | +3 | 3 | Resistant | 7 + your Charisma modifier |
8th | +3 | 3 | Ability Score Improvement | 8 + your Charisma modifier |
9th | +4 | 4 | Second Intentions | 9 + your Charisma modifier |
10th | +4 | 4 | Blood Feast | 10 + your Charisma modifier |
11th | +4 | 4 | Devil Type feature | 11 + your Charisma modifier |
12th | +4 | 4 | Ability Score Improvement | 12 + your Charisma modifier |
13th | +5 | 5 | Fearless | 13 + your Charisma modifier |
14th | +5 | 5 | Ability Score Improvement | 14 + your Charisma modifier |
15th | +5 | 5 | Extra Attack(2) | 15 + your Charisma modifier |
16th | +5 | 5 | Ability Score Improvement | 16 + your Charisma modifier |
17th | +6 | 6 | Extra Attack(3) | 17 + your Charisma modifier |
18th | +6 | 6 | Devil Type feature | 18 + your Charisma modifier |
19th | +6 | 6 | Ability Score Improvement | 19 + your Charisma modifier |
20th | +6 | 6 | Global Fear | 20 + your Charisma modifier |
Contract Maker[edit]
Starting at 1st level, the most powerful and essential thing about devils is their ability to make contracts. As an action while you're with a willing creature, you can make a contract with them. In the contract, both must offer something and both must accept the conditions. As a devil, you can offer part of your power to said creature, allowing them to use one or more of your devil type features depending on the contract. The creature can offer things such as their lifespan, one of their body parts, their ability to do something.
The things that you can exchange in the contract are:
Quick Summoning. You allowed the creature to call for your aid once it needs it. As an action the creature can summon you until the end of it's current turn, making you do one action before being desummoned. You can only be summoned this way again after 1 minute has passed.
Weapon. You grant the creature a weapon made out of your body, it can be any type of martial or simple weapon, although if it is a ranged weapon you won't provide ammunition for it. The weapon damage dice tier is increased by a number of tiers equal to your Charisma modifier at the time(Example: d8->d10->d12->2d8). Additionaly, you may also allow this creature to use one of your powers when attacking with the weapon.
The things the creature can exchange in the contract are:
Limbs. The creature sacrifices one or more of their limbs, leaving that limb at 0 hit points and counting as if it was "removed". The total amount of hit points said limb(counting both to break and to remove it) had goes to a pool. As a free action, you can remove any amount of hit points from the pool and regain an equal amount of hit points(this cannot go above your maximum). After using all of the pool the limb of the creature will be fully removed, leaving an empty spot on where their limb used to be.
Lifespan. They can grant part of their lifespan to you in exchange of using your powers. Whenever the creature uses your power or the weapon you have granted them, they must pay a X amount of their lifespan, which is decided when you two make a contract. This lifespan is transferred to your own, increasing the years of your life by the years the creature has sacrificed.
Devil Transformation. You grant them the Devil Transformation feat.
Skills. The creature chooses an amount of levels they have in their class up to your Charisma, these levels do not need to be continuous and do not need to start at 1. They lose any features other than Ability Score Improvements and Extra Attacks that they gained at those levels, and you gain any features lost in this way. Any features gained this way that scale with level now scale with your pure devil level, and any spellcasting modifier it would normally use is instead your Devil Power modifier.
Vitality. The creature will lose a number of hit die of it's choice up to your Charisma modifier, reducing their hit points by the maximum of those dies. Those hit dies will be transfered to you, and your maximum hit points will increase by the maximum of those dies.
Devil Heart. You have decided to give said creature your heart, allowing them to become something greater than human or devil. You and the creature will become one, essentially meaning you will die while the creature will gain one level in the Devil Hunter class. They must take the hybrid subclass. You cannot revive by any means while said creature is alive.
You can have a number of contracts at once equal to your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier(minimum 3). If you or the creature break the contract, the contract breaker will instantly die.
Blood Regeneration[edit]
Also at 1st level, demons are known for being hard to kill due to their high regenerative capabilities when consuming blood. Once per turn when you deal slashing or piercing damage to a creature within 5ft. of you that can bleed, you can drink their blood and regain hit points equal to their Constitution modifier(minimum of 1) times your current Blood Regeneration amount, which is 2. For example, if you hit a creature with a Constitution modifier of 3, you'd regain 6 hit points in total. On a critical hit, the total amount is doubled.
The hit points regained by this feature can heal limbs, however they cannot exceed your maximum.
Your Blood Regeneration amount increases as you gain levels in the Pure Devil class.
You can also eat the corpse of a creature as an action. If the creature is one size above you, it takes you one minute of continued effort. If the creature is two sizes above you, it takes you one hour of continued effort. If the creature is three sizes above you, it takes you four hours of continued effort. After eating the corpse, you regain hit points equal to their level or CR times your Blood Regeneration amount.
Devil Type[edit]
Also at 1st level, every single devil is born in hell, originating from a fear humanity has. You must choose a devil available at Devil Types, all detailed at the end of the class description. Your Devil Type grants you features at 1st level, 2nd, 5th, 11th and 18th levels.
Inhumane Actions[edit]
At 2nd level, as a devil you couldn't care less about human standards, which makes you seem terrifying to people. You have many types of inhumane actions you can commit:
Frightening Presence. You choose one creature who can see you that is within your sight range and show off your frightening presence. If the creature fails the saving throw, they're frightened until the beggining of your next turn.
Violence. If your attack is a critical hit against a creature and they're reduced to half of their hit point maximum or already were at bellow their hit point maximum, they must make the save. If the creature fails the saving throw, they're frightened for 1 minute.
Murder. Whenever you reduce a creature to 0 hit points, every hostile creature that saw you reducing said creature to 0 hit points must make the save. If the creature fails the saving throw, they're frightened for a number of minutes equal to your Charisma modifier.
Mass Murder. Whenever you reduce at least 3 creatures to 0 hit points, every hostile creature that saw you reducing said creature to 0 hit points must make the save.
Whenever you commit one of the following actions, the creature must make a Wisdom saving throw(dc 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier). On a failure, they are frightened of you for the duration specified on your act. On a success, they are not frightened of you. They may remake the Charisma saving throw at the beggining of their turns, ending the condition early on a success.
Feared Around[edit]
At 2nd level, your power comes from fear, and the more you're feared around the world the better for you.
- Fear Levels
Fear levels are used to represent how afraid the population is of you, the more you have the stronger you are!
Gaining Fear Levels. Whenever a creature becomes frightened of you, you gain 1 fear level.
Losing Fear Levels. Whenever you make a creature stop being frightened of you intentionally, help others, is reduced to 0 hit points, you lose 1 fear level.
Fear Level Maximum. You can have an amount of fear levels equal to your Pure Devil level times 100, and if your fear level reaches -100, you die outright, with no way of being revived due to your name invoking no fear anymore.
- Fear Abilities
With Fear Leves, you can gain access to new skills called "Fear Abilities". Whenever you gain 100 fear levels, you can pick a Fear Ability of your choice that you meet the prerequisites of.
- Ultimate Devil Power
When you reach 1000 fear levels, you gain your ultimate devil power! The power varies from devil to devil, however they all increase a devil's power tremendously.
Devil Power[edit]
At 2nd level, you have awakened the devil power that was hidden inside of you!
- Fear Points
Fear Points is the negative energy manifested by the fear from creatures that fear your existence. They are used to fuel your devil powers, allowing you to use supernatural abilities.
Gaining Fear Points. Whenever a creature becomes frightened of you, you gain fear points based on the level of evil you comitted, detailed in the Malevolent Table. You can only do this once per creature, needing to wait a long rest before doing so against said creature.
Fear Point Maximum. You can have a number of fear points equal to your level + your Charisma modifier. As you gain levels in the pure devil class, your fear point maximum also increases.
Malevolent Table. The amount of fear points you gain is defined by how evil the act you did to make the creature frighetened is, all described at the malevolency table:
Act | Examples | Fear Point Gain |
Minor Evil | Threatening or something equally heinous. | Your Charisma modifier in fear points. |
Medium Evil | Violence or something equally heinous. | 1 + Your Charisma modifier in fear points. |
Major Evil | Murder or something equally heinous. | 2 + Your Charisma modifier in fear points. |
Despairingly Evil | Mass murder or something equally heinous. | 4 + Your Charisma modifier in fear points. |
- Devil Powers
Some of your Devil Power features require you to make an attack roll or force your target to make a saving throw.
They're calculated as it follows:
Devil Power Attack Roll = Your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier.
Devil Power DC = 8 + Your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier.
True Terror[edit]
At 3rd level, you have an aptitude in scaring humans. Whenever a human makes a saving throw against being frightened by you, the roll is reduced by your proficiency bonus.
Ability Score Improvement[edit]
When you reach 4th level, and again at 6th, 8th, 12th, 14th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Extra Attack[edit]
Starting at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, when you use the Attack action during your turn. At 15th level, you can attack thrice instead of twice. At 17th level, you can attack four times instead of thrice.
At 7th level, your strength as a devil allows you to resist certain area effects, such as a blue dragon’s lightning breath or a fireball spell. Choose one of the following ability scores:
- Brawn - Strength
- Evasion - Dexterity
- Endurance - Constitution
- Intuition - Wisdom
- Discernment - Intelligence
When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a saving throw of the chosen ability to only take half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail. At 20th level, you can choose one additional saving throw.
Second Intentions[edit]
At 9th level, through your many experience of making contracts you learned some tricks about misleading people into going into contracts that's not actually beneficial for them. You gain proficiency in Persuasion or Deception, and expertise in case you were already proficient in them. You have advantage on Persuasion or Deception checks to make humans accept your contracts, and they roll their Insight checks with disadvantage when trying to find your true intentions with the contract unless they have already made a contract with you before.
Blood Feast[edit]
At 10th level, blood revigorates you and you've embraced that. You can now use Blood Regeneration twice per turn.
Additionally, you now count as one size larger for devouring creatures.
At 13th level, with fear and negative emotions surrounding your name, you became used to it. You become immune to the frightened condition.
Additionally, if you attempt to frighten a creature that is immune to the frightened condition you can ignore that immunity if you have 100 or more fear levels above them. For the purposes of negating frightened immunities creatures that cannot gain fear levels are treated as having fear levels equal to 50 times their level.
Global Fear[edit]
Finally at 20th level, in the city, in the fields, in the streets, there is nowhere where your name doesn't reach. Your Charisma score is increased by 4 and it's maximum is increased by 4 as well. Additionally, your Strength or Dexterity or Constitution score increases by the same amount.
Devil Types[edit]
Chainsaw Devil[edit]
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The only known incarnation of the chainsaws devil, source [2] |
- Devil Biology
As the Chainsaw Devil, you embody a towering humanoid figure with four arms, each brandishing a chainsaw. From the forefront of your head emerges yet another chainsaw. Draped around your neck, an intestine still tethered to your stomach evokes the image of a scarf or collar.
Size. The chainsaw Devil incarnations all tend to be slightly larger than humans due to their monstrous body. Your size is medium.
Speed. You have 30 feets of walking speed.
Chainsaw Body. You have multiple chainsaws coming out of your body, making you a deadly killing machine. Your unarmed strikes now add 1d6 additional slashing damage. Additionaly, due to your chainsaws you have advantage against being grappled, and creatures receive 1d6 slashing damage at the beggining of their turns whenever they are grappling you or are grappled by you.
Extremely Powerful Build. You count as two sizes larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.
Hero of Hell. As the hero of hell, you strike fear in the hearts of devils due to your supposed ability to devour them and make them stop existing. Creatures with the Fiend type make saving throws against being frightened with disadvantage if you caused it. Additionally, you roll Charisma (Intimidation) checks with advantage against Fiend type creatures.
You gain proficiency in Constitution saving throws.
- Saw Through Everything
Starting at 1st level, you have four arms with chainsaws, which made you unable to hold weapons, not that it matters that much when you are the weapon.
If you only attacked with your unarmed strikes this turn, you can make one unarmed strike as a bonus action.
In addition, you deal twice as much damage to objects and structures.
- Wild Animal
At 2nd level, you are known for your ferocity in combat, ignoring anything in your way for your objective. Whenever you enter combat, you gain the following benefits:
- You gain resistance to bludgeoning, slashing and piercing damage.
- Your saws deal additional damage equal to your proficiency bonus.
- You score a critical with your unarmed strikes on a 19-20.
- You deal one additional damage die on your criticals.
- You gain the Bloodlusted condition towards all hostile creatures within sight.
- Chainsaw Manuevers
At 6th level, you have gained mastery over your body, being able to use your chainsaws for various purposes. You gain one of the following manuevers:
Chain Grab. As part of hitting a unarmed strike, you can spend 1 fear point to force the creature to make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they are grappled by you. On a success, they avoid being grappled.
Chain Climb. As a bonus action for 1 fear point, you choose a target within your movement speed range. You throw your chain there, fixating itself on the surface. You can pull yourself there as part of the bonus action or as another bonus action.
Chainsaw Spin. You know how to spin your whole body to slash everything around you. As an action for 2 fear points you make a unarmed strike against every creature or object within 5 feet of you.
This deals twice as much damage to objects and structures.
Chainsaw Kick. You know how to give a savage kick against your opponents. Once per turn as part of making an unarmed strike, you can spend 2 fear points. On a hit, the target takes additional 1d12 bludgeoning damage and must make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they are pushed 5 feet back and are knocked prone. On a success, they aren't pushed or knocked prone.
Chainsaw Creation. As a free action for up to your proficiency bonus in fear points, you can create a number of chainsaws on your body equal to the amount spent. The part now deals additional 1d6 slashing damage when you make a unarmed strike with it.
Chainsaw Throw. Requires Chainsaw Creation You have learned how to launch your chainsaws into your enemies. As an action for up to 6 fear points, make a number of ranged devil power attack rolls against one or more targets within 30ft. of you equal to the amount spent. You lose a number of chainsaws equal to the points spent. On a hit, they receive 1d6 slashing damage and must make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they take 1d6 slashing damage and the saw is stuck on their body for 1 minute. On a success, they remove the saw successfully. They can retry the Strength saving throw at the beginning of their turns, removing all saws on a success.
You gain another one of these manuevers at 11th level, and another at 18th level.
- Indestructible
At 11th level, you are not only wild in battle, but you're also known to be unbeatable. You now gain the following benefits once you enter battle:
- You gain resistance to all damage types but psychic.
- Your saws deal additional damage equal to your proficiency bonus added twice.
- You score a critical with your unarmed strikes on a 18-20.
- You deal two additional damage dies on your criticals.
- You gain the Bloodlusted condition towards all hostile creatures within sight.
- Hero of Hell
At 18th level, you have become the hero of hell, no devil stands above you. You deal twice as much damage against fiends.
Additionally, the damage you deal with your saws is increased to 1d12 slashing damage.
- Ultimate Devil Power:Concept Erasure
You have unlocked your ultimate devil power, reaching beyond what any devils have ever dreamed off. You have obtained the ability to erase devils from existence by eating them. You will gain the Devil Eater feat. However, whenever you eat a devil completely said devil won't be able to reincarnate, and it's concept will be erased from reality. For example, if you ate the cockroach devil no one would remember what cockroaches are or that they even existed in the first place. If you only eat a part of said devil, it will have it's scores and maximum hit points reduced by 1/4th of it's maximum.
Tomato Devil[edit]
- Devil Biology
As the Tomato Devil, you have a large round red body resembling a tomato, with multiple bulging eyes sprouting its surface in all directions. You stand upon eight human-like arms which emerge from your base and you have a large vertical mouth at the center of your body.
Size. The Tomato Devil Reincarnations are always a giant ball of eyes that are grotesque to look at. Your size is large.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Bizarre Mouth. You have a wide mouth in the center of your body, with bizarre looking teeth. You can use your mouth as a natural weapon attack, on a hit a creature takes 1d8 + your Strength modifier piercing damage.
Multiple Eyes. You have multiple eyes scattered around your body. You can add your proficiency bonus to your Perception checks, if you're already proficient, you gain expertise in perception. Additionally, you have advantage on saving throws against the blinded condition.
Plant-like Being. While you are a devil, you can never erase the fact that you are... a tomato. Your creature type counts as fiend and plant. You are vulnerable to fire damage.
You gain proficiency in Constitution saving throws.
- Sun Bath
Starting at 1st level, as a plant, the sun is your biggest ally. While in bright light created by the sun, you regain hit points equal to your blood regeneration amount at the beginning of your turn(s) as long as you have 1 remaining hit point. The hit points gained cannot go above your maximum.
This regeneration is completely negated by one minute if you have taken fire damage.
- Seed Ressurection
At 2nd level, you generate seeds that serve as a method for regenerating yourself. As a free action for 2 fear points, you can create a seed and plant it on the ground within 5 feet of you.
Those seeds take an specific amount of time to grow depending on the area they are planted, defined by the table bellow:
Light Available | Time Required to Grow |
Bright Light | 4 Rounds |
Dim Light | 6 Rounds |
Darkness | 1 minute |
When that seed fully grows, you regain hit points equal to your blood regeneration amount times your Charisma modifier. Any hit points that overcome your maximum will become temporary hit points instead.
You can have an amount of seeds planted at once equal to your proficiency bonus.
If you fall to 0 hit points but is not killed outright, you may choose to destroy one of the seeds to come back with 1 hit point.
You cannot use this feature for 1 minute if you take fire damage.
- Growth by Blood
At 6th level, your seeds grow faster when they're bathed by water... and blood. For every 10 slashing or piercing damage you deal to a creature, you can reduce the growth of your seeds by 1 round.
- Multi-Seed Summoning
At 11th level, you have learned how to use multiple seeds at once. When you summon a seed, you can spend additional fear points up to your Charisma modifier. For every 2 fear points spent this way, you will launch another seed.
- Immortal Nature
At 18th level, while all devils are immortal due to always being ressurected in hell, you have never reached that phase. If you have fallen to 0 hit points while one of your seeds are still growing, you may spend 10 fear points to come back with your maximum hit points.
Additionally, you have learned how to grow your seeds immediatly. As a reaction to one of your seeds being planted, you can spend 4 fear points to make said seed instantly grow.
- Ultimate Devil Power: More Than a Fruit
You are a tomato, nobody will fear you, because you are a tomato. This is what you have always heard, but you never let this get to you. So what if you are a Tomato? You are you. You are... the Tomato Devil. You gain the following benefits:
- You lose your vulnerability to fire damage.
- You can use any of your regeneration features even after taking fire damage.
- You gain the benefits of sun bath when you're in dim light.
- You become immune to the blinded condition.
- You ignore difficult terrain caused by plants.
Marshmallow Devil[edit]
- Devil Biology
The Marshmellow Devil incarnations take the form of a harmless-looking blob of flesh with four eyes, two in the back and two at the bottom. They many small tentacles at the base of its body.
Size. The Marshmellow Devil incarnations are all small and meek. Your size is tiny.
Speed. You have tentacles that are great for climbing but not that great for walking. You have a walking speed of 15 but a climbing speed of 30.
Tentacles. You have tentacles that may be used like hands. Your tentacles have a reach of 5 feet, and you may make unarmed strikes with them. Additionally, whenever you hit a creature you may choose to make them grappled by you.
Sticky. Whenever a creature grapples you or you grapple a creature, they are considered restrained as they're stuck in your sticky body. They may try a DC 15 Strength saving throw at the beginning of their turns to leave your body and end the grapple.
Tough Body. You may be cute to look at but no one can mess with you! You gain 2 additional hit points whenever you gain a level, starting at 1st level.
You gain proficiency in Constitution saving throws.
- Delicious
Starting at 1st level, while you are a devil, you're still a delicious marshmellow! Whenever a creature bites you, they may choose to consume part of your body. If they do, they regain hit points equal to the damage they dealt to you. This cannot exceed their maximum.
- Special Flavor
At 2nd level, you have discovered your true power, giving people the best(or worst) meal they have ever eaten! Whenever a creature bites you, you can spend a x fear points as a reaction to turn that part of your body into a special a special flavor.
You gain a number of the following flavors equal to your proficiency bonus:
Athletic(2 fear points). Your body had some food good for sports in it! The creature gains a +2 bonus to their Dexterity (Acrobatics) and Strength Athletics checks until the beginning of their next turn.
Healthy(2 fear points). Your body had healthy food! The creature loses any kind of diseases that was afflicting it that wasn't caused by supernatural forces.
Energetic(4 fear points). Your body was filled with energy! The creature is under the dash action and doesn't generate opportunity attacks until the end of their turn.
Spicy(4 fear points). Your body had extra spice! The creature deals additional fire damage equal to your Charisma modifier until the end of their turn.
Caffeine(6 fear points). Your body had extra caffeine! The creature who ate your body part gains an additional bonus action until the end of their turn.
Tough(6 fear points). Your body had extra toughness! The creature who ate your body part gains 5 times your Charisma modifier in temporary hit points for 1 minute.
Intelectual(10 fear points). Your body had an intelectual flavor! The creature has advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma checks and saving throws until the beginning of their next turn.
Revitalizing(20 fear points). Your body had an specially revitalizing flavor! The creature regains hit points equal to their maximum hit points.
Whenever your proficiency bonus increases, you gain another special flavor.
Every time you gain a level on this class, you can change one of your special flavors for another you may desire.
- Extra Tasty
At 6th level, you body is twice as much tasty now! Creatures now regain hit points equal to twice the amount of damage they dealt to you.
- Food Poisoning
At 11th level, while you are an extremely good food source, you can also make those who eat you regret it. Whenever a creature eats a part of your body, you can use your reaction to spend up to your Charisma modifier in fear points to force them to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take 1d12 necrotic damage per point spent and are now poisoned. On a success, they take half as much damage and are not poisoned. If they fail by 5 or more, they gain one level of exhaustion.
- More Food Than Creature
At 18th level, your body became so filled with marshmellow you're actually more food than creature. You take half as much damage from creature's bites.
- Ultimate Devil Power:Tentacle Injection
You have found an solution to how to feed your allies without making them waste time, by injecting the food of course! Your tentacle's reach is increased to 30 feet. As a bonus action, you extend your tentacles and choose a number of creatures up to your proficiency bonus. You lose any amount of hit points and grant it to them. You can still use Special Flavors with it. Also, you may use food poisonig with this.
However if the creature is unwilling you must first hit a devil power attack roll.
Zombie Devil[edit]
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One of the many incarnations of the zombie devil, source [3] |
- Devil Biology
The Zombie Devil incarnations take the form of a giant floating limbless torso with multiple exposed organs including a brain from which tentacles emerge to connect it to zombies within it's horde. A large human-like face emerges from the right side of the devil's torso unconnected to where it's head should be.
Size. The Zombie Devil incarnations all tend to be larger than humans due to their monstrous body. Your size is large.
Speed. You cannot walk since you have no legs, although you're always floating above the ground. You have a flying speed of 30 feet, although you cannot fly higher than 10ft.
Foul Mouth. Your mouth has a foul odor due to your undead nature. You may use it as a natural weapon, dealing 1d4 + Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus in necrotic damage.
Undead Nature. You don’t need to eat, drink, or breathe. You don’t need to sleep. You have advantage on saving throws against disease and being poisoned, and you have resistance to poison damage.
Undeath. You count as both Undead and Fiend.
You gain proficiency in Constitution saving throws.
- Undead Fortitude
Starting at 1st level, as the zombie devil you have received part of the part of their undead fortitude. If a damage reduces you to 0 hit points, you must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. On a success, you drop to 1 hit point instead.
- Zombie Creation
At 2nd level, you have learned your devil power, the power to create zombies. As an action for 1 fear point, you may ressurect a dead humanoid within 30 feet of you, rising them as a zombie.
Once a creature becomes a zombie, the following things happen to them:
- They regain all of their hit points. However, they cannot regain these hit points.
- They will lose all of their will, only mindlessly following any orders you give.
- Their creature type will change to undead.
- They gain your Undead Fortitude feature.
- They gain resistance to non-magical bludgeoning, slashing and piercing damage.
- They do not regain hit points on short or long rests.
- They gain a +2 to their Strength and Constitution scores. This can make these scores go above 20.
They will gain the following attacks:
Unarmed Strike. Their unarmed strikes will now deal 1d8 + it's Strength modifier bludgeoning damage unless it did more than that before it's transformation. They are considered proficient with their unarmed strikes.
Bite. They can bite their target and deal 1d4 + it's Strength modifier piercing damage(unless they had a bite attack that already did more than that). They are considered proficient with this attack. If they hit another humanoid with this attack and said humanoid is bellow 1/4th of their hit points, the humanoid must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they become another one of your zombies and will also lose their will and follow you.
You can create a number of zombies up to your Charisma modifier, in case you create zombies after this limit an equal amount of zombies of your choice must die. Zombies created by other zombies counts as half a zombie towards the limit. Turning a creature into a zombie counts as the murder Inhumane Action.
The zombies all act on your turn, and you may use your bonus action to make a number of them up to your Charisma modifier make a simple task, which would be to take an action. You may also use your action to make them make a complex task, which would involve something like "defend that area", "kill that creature" etc. While not performing any tasks, your zombies will just mindlessly follow you around, not bothering to defend themselves.
- Zombie Commander
At 6th level, you have gathered a small army at your disposal. The amount of zombies you can create is now your Charisma modifier added twice(minimum of 2), and you may now make a number of them up to your Charisma modifier do a simple or complex task in the same action or bonus action.
- Zombie Army
At 11th level, your army grew stronger, now becoming more organized. You can now command all zombies at once. Additionaly, whenever a zombie is within 5 feet of a target which another zombie is within 5 feet of, the zombie gains advantage on attack rolls against that target.
- Empowered Zombies
At 18th level, your zombies became extremely powerful, becoming truly empowered. Instead of a +2 to their Strength and Constitution scores, you add your Charisma modifier to these scores. Additionally, your zombies have advantage on Strength saving throws.t
In addition, your zombie limit is increased to your Charisma modifier added thrice.
- Ultimate Devil Power:Zombies of all Types!
You have gone beyond the limits of your devil powers, now every creature around you will become a zombie. You can use your zombie creation feature in any creature type.
Muscle Devil[edit]
- Devil Biology
The Muscle Devil incarnations take the form of a large snake-like mass of skinless muscles with multiple eyes and a mouth full of crooked teeth.
Size. The Muscle Devil incarnations all tend to be slightly bigger than humans. Your size is medium.
Crooked Teeth. Your mouth is full of crooked teeth. You may use your mouth as a natural weapon attack, dealing 1d8 + your Strength modifier piercing damage on a hit.
Muscular. As the Muscle Devil, you are very muscular by nature. You gain proficiency in Athletics.
Powerful Build. While you look slim, your muscles are very much there. You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.
You gain proficiency in Strength saving throws.
- Inofensive Form
Starting at 1st level, you can hide your true identity by becoming a small cycloptic snake with a weak and innocent appearance to be deceptively vulnerable. As an action, you can reduce your size by one and lose your crooked teeth feature.
When you take the attack action, you may revert to your original form and have the first attack you make be with advantage. If a creature already knows your true form, the attack isn't made with advantage.
- Muscle Control
At 2nd level, you can attach yourself to a creature to try and control their muscles. As an action for 2 fear points, you force a humanoid creature within reach to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, you take over their body and now starts controlling their muscles for 1 minute. On a success, they aren't controlled and are immune to this ability for 1 minute.
While controlling a creature's muscles you occupy the same space as them, and can force them to take any type of actions by spending the same type of action, taking away from what they can do in their turn. For example, if you want a creature controlled by you to make an action, you must spend an action to make them do so. You gain additional AC equal to the creature's proficiency bonus, and whenever an attack misses you it hits the creature instead. Additionally, if said creature can bleed whenever they take slashing or piercing damage it counts for your blood regeneration.
- Muscle Manipulation
At 6th level, you have learned how to not only manipulate other creature's muscles, but also your own! As a bonus action for 3 fear points, you may use one of the following muscle manipulations on a willing creature within reach:
Size Increase. You increase yours or other creture's muscles in size. The creature increases by one size, up to gargantuan.
Density Increase. You can increase the density of muscles. The creature receives a damage reduction of 2.
Strenght Increase. You can increase the strenght of the muscles. You or the creature you are controlling gain one additional damage die to your unarmed strikes(if it was only 1, the damage is increased to 1d4).
You can spend fear points in this power up to your proficiency bonus times 3. For every 3 fear points spent, the creature gains the same benefit an additional time.
- Faster Control
At 11th level, you have learned more about muscles and now knows the most efficient ways to control them. When controlling a creature, you need to spend one action smaller than what you want the creature to do. For example, if you want a creature to make a bonus action you only need to spend a free action. Or if you want the creature to perform a free action, you may do it with no action required.
- Hardened Muscles
At 18th level, your muscles are completely empowered, and even the creatures you control can feel it. You gain resistance to bludgeoning, slashing and piercing damage. Any creature which you are currently controlling also gain those resistances.
- Ultimate Devil Power:Empowerment
You have learned that your biggest power is not to take over, but symbiosis. You can control a willing creature to enhance their muscles. The creature gains a bonus to their Strength, Dexterity and Constitution checks and saving throws equal to your Charisma modifier. Additionally, if the creature is willing they don't lose actions from you ordering them to do that in your turn.
Sea Cucumber Devil[edit]
- Devil Biology
The Sea Cucumber Devil incarnations take the form of a cylindrical fleshy body with countless human fingers emerging from all sides. At the top of its body is a large orifice and a human skull which emerges from just underneath it.
Size. The Cucumber Devil incarnations all tend to be bigger than humans due to it's volumous amount of flesh. Your size is large.
Speed. You can use the small fingers bellow your body to move, although rather slowly. You have 10fts. of walking and swimming speed.
Amphibious. You can breath both air and water.
Improved Durability. As a Sea Cucumber, your very biology is used to creatures targetting you as prey. You have one additional hit die, although your hit points don't increase. You gain another at 3rd and 5th level.
Excavenger. You're not very powerful to hunt, so you learned to enjoy leftovers. You regain twice as much hit points from eating creatures.
You gain proficiency in Strength saving throws.
- Defensive Mechanism
Starting at 1st level, you have one last trick up your sleeve when you're in danger! As a reaction to being targetted by a attack roll while the creature is within reach, you can expend one hit die to expel your toxic internal organs from your orifice into said creature. They must make a DC10 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, their skin is irritated and they gain the poisoned condition. On a success, they aren't poisoned. If they fail the saving throw by 5 or more, they are also Minorly Envenomed.
However, your organs are also sticky. The creature must also make a DC10 Strength saving throw. On a failure, they are restrained by your organs for 1 minute. On a success, they are not restrained. They can remake the Strength save at the beginning of their turns, ending the condition early on a success.
At 2nd level, your defensive mechanism DC is now your Devil Power DC.
- Poisonous Expelling
At 2nd level, you've learned how to forcefully expel your organs, filled with a deadly venom. As an action for up your proficiency bonus in fear points and hit die, you can throw a equal number of poisonous organs filled with bones and skulls in one or more creatures within 30 feet of you. Make devil power attack rolls. On a hit, they take 1d4 piercing damage and must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they are poisoned and become Majorly Envenomed. On a success, they don't receive any conditions.
This damage increases to 2d4 at 5th level, 3d4 at 11th level, 4d4 at 17th level and 5d4 at 20th level.
- Rot and Filth
At 6th level, your organs have become specially poisonous. When you cause the envenomed condition you now deal necrotic damage instead of poiso damage.
Additionally, you now overcome immunities to the poisoned condition.
- Bone Trap
At 11th level, being caught in your organs is the worst mistake a creature could ever make. When a creature is hit by your poisonous expelling, you can spend 5 fear points(no action required) to make the bones pierce through them and into the ground. They are forced to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take 4d10 piercing damage and are restrained for 1 minute. On a success, they take half as much damage and aren't restrained.
They may make a Strength saving throw at the beginning of their turns, ending the condition early on a success.
If you hit a cresture with poisonous expelling multiple times, it counts as if you have only hit them once this round.
The piercing damage increases to 7d10 at 17th level and to 10d10 at 20th level.
- Energy Draining
At 18th level, your venom comes back to you as vitality, creating an infinite cycle of life and death. You regain hit points equal to the amount of necrotic damage you cause with your devil power.
- Ultimate Devil Power:Infinite Stamina
Your organs are always regenerating and recovering. Whenever you regain 20 hit points, you gain one hit die. The amount of hit dies gained by this feature cannot overcome your maximum.
Blood Devil[edit]
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One of the many incarnations of the blood devil using it's blood weapons, source [4] |
- Devil Biology
As the blood devil you are a tall humanoid with four arms and a mostly pale-skinned body. Your head has a pointed appearance with a red color, sharp teeth, and two circular eyes with cross-like pupils. She also has long horns and long hair. Your chest has an open rib cage showing a chest cavity full of intestines up to your neck. Your arms have red coloration from hand to elbow. You have four-fingered hands and large claws. Your legs have the same red coloration from the mid-thigh down, ending in heel-like feet and you have a cat-like tail.
Size. The Blood Devil incarnations all tend to be slightly larger than humans due to their monstrous body. Your size is medium.
Speed. You have 30 feets of walking speed.
Four Arms. You have a pair of secondary arms beneath your primary set of arms. The secondary arms can manipulate an object, including fine manipulations such as opening or closing a door or container, pick up or set down a Tiny object, or even wield a weapon that has the light property. Due to the increased number of arms, you are proficient in the Athletics skill. If both of these lesser arms are severed, you are no longer considered as proficient in Athletics.
Powerful Build. You will count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift whilst you have these secondary arms.
Thirst for Blood. As the blood devil, you have a deep thirst for blood. Whenever you reduce a creature to 0 hit points, you regain hit points equal to your pure devil level.
You gain proficieny in Constitution saving throws.
- Blood Specialist
Starting at 1st level, you were naturally inclined to have an expertise on the blood topic, which made you develop certain specializations. You gain the following blood specializations:
Blood Feast. Whenever you receive hit points from Blood Regeneration feature, you gain twice as many hit points as you normally would.
Blood Detection. Whenever you receive hit points from Blood Regeneration feature, you memorize that creature's blood. If the creature is bleeding, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks against it.
Blood Overload. Whenever you receive hit points from Blood Regeneration feature while already being at maximum hit points, it becomes temporary hit points instead. This temporary hit points cannot go above your Constitution modifier times your pure devil level. At 3rd level, you may remove the temporary hit points from this pool to fill in the hit point requirements of your blood features.
- Blood Weapons
At 3rd level, you have learned how to manipulate your own blood to create weapons. As a bonus action for 1 fear point + 1 hit point, you can create any martial or simple melee weapon out of your blood. It will functionally work the same as the original weapon, however it will only last for a number of minutes equal to your Charisma modifier before breaking.
Attacking with these blood weapon counts as attacking with your devil power attack rolls. You are considered proficient with all blood weapons.
They count as magical for the sake of overcoming resistances and immunities.
- Blood Weapon Enhancement
At 6th level, with many experiences of using your blood to create weapons, you have learned how to enhance them in their creation. You may spend additional fear points and hit points up to your Charisma modifier to increase the weapon's size.
For every fear point and hit points spent, the weapon will have it's damage die tier increased by one and it's reach increased by 5ft. Additionally, at 3 fear points spent it will gain the heavy property, while at 5 it will gain the two-handed property.
Additionally, your blood weapons now last indefinitely, being only destroyed if broken.
- Blood Manipulation
At 11th level, your blood manipulation is so refined you can use it both offensively and for support. You gain the following blood manipulations:
Regeneration Disruption. Whenever you hit a creature with one of your blood weapons, you can spend 4 fear points to make them unable to regain hit points in any way for 1 minute.
Blood Transfer. As an action for 6 fear points, you can target a creature within touch range and grant them a number of your hit points up to your Constitution modifier times your pure devil level.
- Thousand Terrors Blood Rain
At 18th level, you have learned your ultimate move, being able to overpower even the mighty horsemen. As an action for 10 fear points and 10 hit points, you choose a 30ft. circle within 100ft. of you and force all creatures in said area to make a Dexterity saving throw as a thousand spears and swords starts to fall upon said place. On a failure they take 10d12 slashing damage + 10d12 piercing damage and leave them restrained on the ground for 1 minute. On a success, they take half as much damage and are not restrained. They can make a Strength saving throw at the beggining of their turns, ending the condition early on a success, and receiving the damage again on a failure.
This damage is increased to 14d12 + 14d12 at 20th level.
- Ultimate Devil Power:Perfected Blood Manipulation
You have obtained the ultimate form of blood manipulation, the manipulation of the blood of other creatures. Whenever you use one of your features that require hit points, you can force one creature of your choice within 60ft of you to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they lose their blood and reduce their hit points by the amount you need for the feature, fueling it. On a success, they don't lose their blood.
Bat Devil[edit]
- Devil Biology
The Bat Devil incarnations take the form of a enormous humanoid bat with multiple sharp teeth and large round eyes. Their arms are connected to their torso by flaps of skin which also serve as wings.
Size. The Bat Devil incarnations all tend to be huge. Your size is huge.
Speed. You can fly through the skys as well as wreck havoc on land! You have 25 walking speed and 60 flying speed.
Echolocation. You have 60ft. of blindsight. You cannot use your blindsight while deafened.
Keen Hearing and Smell. You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.
Siege Monster. You are naturally a force of nature due to your enormous size. You deal twice as much damage to objects and structures.
You gain proficiency in Strength saving throws.
- Natural Fighter
Starting at 1st level, your body is made for battle. Your unarmed strikes deal 1d8 + your Strength modifier damage on a hit.
- Mouth Canon
At 2nd level, you have learned how to compress your mouth into a gun-barrel shape that extends from your face and fires immense blasts of air pressure that can demolish buildings. As an action for 2 fear points, you force all creatures in a 30 foot cone to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take 1d8 thunder damage and are pushed 10 feet back, as well as being deafened until the end of their next turn. On a success, they take half as much damage and are not pushed or deafened.
This damage increases to 2d8 at 5th level, 4d8 at 11th level, 7d8 at 17th level and to 11d8 at 20th level.
- Heaven Bombs
At 6th level, you learned how to use a less deadly mouth canon that can be used in sequence. Whenever you make an attack, you can replace it by a heaven bomb. Make a devil power attack roll against a creature within 30 feet of you. On a hit, they take 1d6 thunder damage.
Every Heaven Bomb costs 3 fear points. This damage increases to 4d6 at 11th level, 8d6 at 17th level and 13d6 at 20th level.
- Ear-Destroying Screech
At 11th level, you can grapple a creature and scream right at their faces, disorienting them. As an action for 5 fear points while grappling a creature, you scream right into their ear and force them to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take 5d10 thunder damage and are deafened for 1 minute. On a success, they take half as much damage and are not deafened. If they fail by 5 or more, they are also Confused for the duration.
This damage increases to 10d10 at 17th level and to 16d10 at 20th level.
- Sound Barrier
At 18th level, you have learned how to use air as a barrier. As a reaction to a ranged attack roll or cone/line saving throw, you can spend 10 fear points to reduce it's damage by your Mouth Cannon's damage die.
If it's thunder damage, it will be instantly reduced to 0.
- Ultimate Devil Power:Ruler of the Skies
There is not a single creature in hell or earth that can beat you on the sky. While flying at least 10 feet above the ground you gain the following benefits:
- Your AC increses by 2.
- You gain advantage on Dexterity checks and saving throws.
- You have advantage on any attack rolls you make.
Leech Devil[edit]
- Devil Biology
The Leech Devil incarnations take the form of a large wrinkled body creature with four legs and two tentacle-like arms. Their limbs are tipped with circular orifices like a leech and their face consists entirely of a single large mouth with blocky teeth. They have long black hair, and three pairs of udder-like glands.
Size. The Leech Devil incarnations all tend to be very big. Your size is large.
Speed. You can walk in land and swim through the waters. You have a walking and swimming speed of 30.
Blindsight. You have a blindsight of 60 ft., being completely blind beyond this radius. You are immune to the blinded condition.
Amphibious. You can breathe air and water.
Long Limb. Your limbs are very long, giving you increased range. Your reach increases by 5.
You gain proficiency in Strength saving throws.
- Hungry Body
Starting at 1st level, you have two long arms with circular orifices. Your unarmed strikes deal 1d6 + your Strength modifier on a hit. Once per turn when you hit a creature with an unarmed strike, you may choose to suck part of their blood, regaining hit points equal to their Constitution modifier and making them lose an equal amount of hit points.
- Limb Devourer
At 2nd level, you're an specialist at devouring limbs. Whenever you attack a limb, you can spend 2 fear points to halve the attack roll penalty(rounded up). On a hit, if you attach yourself to suck it's blood you regain twice as many hit points and the creature loses twice as many.
This cannot halve attacking the Torso Neck or head though.
- Tentacle Trouble
At 6th level, your tentacle like limbs can be used to trap your opponents. As a bonus action while grappling someone, you can spend 4 fear points to wrap your tentacle arms around them, making them also have the restrained condition while being grappled by you.
- Material Sucking
At 11th level, your powers have advanced to the level of not only sucking blood, but also materials. As a bonus action for 6 fear points, you can suck a non-magical material within reach, destroying it in the process. You gain temporary hit points equal to the material's hit points(consult your GM) an amount of damage reduction dependant on the weight of the material for 1 minute. See the material list bellow:
Material Category | Material | DR | Weight |
↓ | Cloth, paper, rope | 1 | 150 lbs. |
Fragile | Crystal, glass, ice | 2 | 300 lbs. |
↑ | Wood, bone | 4 | 500 lbs. |
↓ | Stone, gold | 10 | 800 lbs. |
Sturdy | Iron, steel | 20 | 2500 lbs. |
↑ | Lead, uranium | 25 | 3500 lbs. |
The damage reduction ends early if you suck another material.
- Life Drainer
At 18th level, you learned your ultimate move, the sucking of all life. As an action for 10 fear points, you bury your tentacle-like arms into the ground and force all creatures in a 100 foot circle centered on you which are touching the ground to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take 14d12 necrotic damage and receive one level of exhaustion. On a success, they take half as much damage but still receive the level of exhaustion unless they have Endurance. This also damages all objects and plant life within the radius.
You regain hit points equal to half of the total damage dealt.
This damage increases to 20d12 at 20th level.
- Ultimate Devil Power:Insatiable Hunger
Your hunger knows no bounds, making you go beyond your limits to satiate it. You can now attach yourself to a creature more than once per turn. Additionally, you have advantage on attack rolls against creatures grappled by you.
Fox Devil[edit]
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The head of the Fox devil, source [5] |
- Devil Biology
As the Fox Devil, you are a giant white fox with multiple eyes covering your body.
Size. The Fox Devil incarnations are all gigantic foxes with multiple eyes spread around them. Your size is gargantuan.
Speed. You have 35 feets of walking speed.
Paw. Your paws are sharp and deadly, and you may use them as your main weapon type. You have a melee natural weapon attack, it deals 2d4 + your Strength bludgeoning damage on a hit.
Bite. You have very strong teeth, being a perfect weapon to bite someone. You have a melee natural weapon attack, it deals 2d6 + your Strength modifier piercing damage on a hit.
Siege Monster. Due to your giant size, you are a very destructive force. You deal twice as much damage against objects and structures. Additionally, whenever you make a natural weapon attack it also targets all objects within 5 feets of the target, including creatures of your choice. At 5th level, this range increases to 10 feet and you now deal thrice as much damage to objects and structures.
You gain proficiency in Strength or Dexterity saving throws.
- Fox
Starting at 1st level, while you are a massive devil, you still bear the abilities of a fox. You gain the following benefits:
- You gain 60 fts. of darkvision.
- You gain proficiency in the Perception skill, or expertise if already proficient.
- You gain proficiency in the Stealth skill, or expertise if already proficient.
- You have advantage in Wisdom (Perception) checks that involve hearing or smell.
- You can take the dash action as a bonus action as long as you're hidden.
- Death Jaw
At 2nd level, you have a very potent jaw, being able to swallow devils whole with one bite. Once per turn when giving an bite attack, you can spend 2 fear points to turn it into a death jaw attack. Every creature in range of your jaw attack must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take your bite damage die + 2d10 piercing damage and are grappled by you. On a success, they take half as much damage and aren't grappled.
While grappling someone with your mouth, you can now only bite that target.
This damage increases to 3d10 at 5th level, 5d10 at 11th level, 8d10 at 17th level and to 12d10 at 20th level.
- Sneak Attacker
At 6th level, like a fox your hunting prowess shows when you're hidden. Once per turn when you hit with your paw or claw attacks when you had advantage on the attack roll or the enemy was surprised, they deal xd6 additional damage. With X being half of your Pure Devil level(rounded down).
- Unmatched Speed
At 11th level, no one can catch you by foot. You can now take the dash action as a bonus action even if you're not hidden. Additionally, you gain the Evasion Resistant feature. If you already had evasion, you may choose another feature.
- Tail Block
At 18th level, you can resist any attacks as long as you block them with your tail! As a reaction to being hit by a melee attack, you can spend 10 fear points to reduce it's damage by your level.
If you have your ultimate devil power, you instead reduce it by your level added twice.
- Ultimate Devil Power:Nine Tailed Fox
With the growing fear surrounding foxes, you have adapted to popular culture and became a nine tailed fox, which gave you an additional form. As a free action for 1 fear point, you may turn yourself into a medium female humanoid. While on this form, you have advantage on Charisma (Deception, Charisma (Performance) and Charisma (Persuasion) checks against humanoids that don't know your realm form. If you attack any creature, you instantly leave your form, but the creature counts as surprised and you have advantage on the attack roll if they didn't knew of your true form.
You may end this form at will, however it ends automatically if you die.
Fish Devil[edit]
- Devil Biology
The Fish Devil incarnations take the form of a giant fish, with twin tails at its back end. Its only other distinguishing feature is its set of 6 seemingly bio-mechanical legs.
Size. The Fish Devil incarnations are generally bigger than a human. Your size is large.
Speed. You have a walking speed of 25 and a swimming speed of 60.
Amphibious. You can breathe both air and water.
Fast Swimmer. You can take the dash action as a bonus action when you are underwater.
Sharp Teeth. Hidden on your fish mouth there's a bunch of sharp teeth you may use for attacking. You can use your mouth as a natural weapon attack, dealing 1d6 + your Strength modifier piercing damage on a hit.
You gain proficiency in Strength saving throws.
- School Tatics
Starting at 1st level, you are used to being stronger while in groups of fish. Whenever you're within 5 feet of an ally and said ally isn't unconscious or incapacitated, you gain advantage on your attack rolls.
- Human School
At 2nd level, you can pull a bunch of weak humans towards you and cause their corpses to surround you, forming an school of flesh. As a bonus action for 2 fear points, you force all humans within 10 times your pure devil radius to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, they are pulled towards you and become part of the school. On a success, they aren't pulled and become immune to this devil power for 1 minute. This ability may also pull any dead humans within the radius, as long as they were dead for less than a week.
Humans with a CR or level that's only 1 bellow your own make the Wisdom saving throw with advantage, while humans who are equal or above your level are immune to this ability.
Whenever you add a human to your swarm, they are killed outright and now float around you. You gain temporary hit points equal to their amount of hit die times your Charisma modifier. The temporary hit points from each human can stack.
While in school mode, you gain the following benefits:
- Your bite attack now deals 1d8 + your Strength modifier piercing damage.
- Your size is increased to huge.
- Your AC is increased by 1.
- Your movement speed increases by 10.
- You always gain the benefit of your "School Tatics" feature.
After your temporary hit points end, you take a short or long rest or you choose to end so at will, your School mode ends.
- Agressive Bite
At 6th level, your bite is deadly when you're enhanced by your school. Your bite deals 2d8 + your Strength modifier while you're on your school mode. Additionally, you deal one additional damage die when you score a critical on an attack while on your school mode.
- Indestructible Flesh
At 11th level, your school will protect you from harm, and you know this. You gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage while on your School Mode. Additionally, you reduce all damage by your proficiency bonus while on your school.
- Giant Abomination
At 18th level, while on your school, you are enormous. Your size is increased to Gargantuan instead of Huge when you're in School mode. Additionally, you gain advantage on Strength checks and saving throws while on School Mode.
- Ultimate Devil Power:Devil School
You went much above your limits and started to add devils to your school. You can now add fiend type creatures to your school, following the same limitations as the human creatures.
Eternity Devil[edit]
- Devil Biology
The Eternity Devil incarnations take the form of a vaguely humanoid mass of partially melted fingers with a hood-like head with no facial features and instead of legs it has a slug-like foot.
Size. The Eternity Devil incarnations all tend to be massive. Your size is large.
Speed. You can walk with your weird feet, although not very fast. You have 25 walking speed.
Blindsight. You have a blindsight of 60 ft., being completely blind beyond this radius. You are immune to the blinded condition.
Perceptive. You gain proficiency in the Perception skill.
Patient. You're a patient one, you have eternity to do it after all. You have advantage on concentration saves.
You gain proficiency in Constitution saving throws.
- Sneak Master
Starting at 1st level, you learned how to hide very well to wait for your pray. You gain proficiency in Stealth, or expertise in case you're already proficient. Additionally, you have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks while on a closed space such as a building.
- Pocket Dimension Creator
At 2nd level, you can create pocket dimensions on closed spaces. As an action for 2 fear points while in a closed space, you create a pocket dimension within an area up to 100 times your pure devil level foot radius of you(decided when you create the dimension), which is effectively your stomach.
Time Stop. Inside your stomach time is stopped due to being cut off from the real world, looping the same minute over and over again. When the effect ends, no time will have passed on the real world at all.
Looped Enviroment. The area inside your stomach will lead to other identical rooms, creating an infinite loop of identical environments with the same elements. Whenever a creature tries to move at least 5 feet outside of your radius, they will end up in the same area but in opposite sides.
Hidden Presence. You are hidden in the middle, having full cover and being invisible unless you choose to end these at will and show yourself.
This effect lasts for 24 hours, after which you may spend 2 fear points to make it continue running. You are considered to be concentrating while this effect takes place, and you gain fear points at the beginning of every minute equal to the amount of unwilling creatures stuck inside your pocket dimens
- Creature Summoning
At 6th level, you learned how to create creatures while inside your pocket dimension. As a free action while inside your pocket dimension, you can spend 2 fear points to summon a copy of yourself however the following changes happen:
- Your hit points are changed to be to 1/8th of the radius you currently have on your pocket dimension.
- Your size is reduced to tiny.
- Your movement speed is reduced to 10.
- Your AC is reduced by 3.
- You reduce your Strength, Dexterity and Constitution scores by 6.
- You cannot use any of your devil type features outside of your devil biology and 1st level feature.
After this version of yourself dies, you must wait one day abefore summoning yourself again. However, the next summon is stronger, with the differences being:
- Your hit points are changed to be to 1/6th of the radius you currently have on your pocket dimension.
- Your size is reduced to small.
- Your movement speed is reduced to 15.
- Your AC is reduced by 2.
- You reduce your Strength, Dexterity and Constitution scores by 4.
- You cannot use any of your devil type features outside of your devil biology and 1st level feature.
After this version of yourself dies, you must wait one hour before summoning yourself again. However, the next summon is even stronger, with the differences being:
- Your hit points are changed to be to half of the radius you currently have on your pocket dimension.
- Your size is reduced to medium.
- Your movement speed is reduced to 20.
- Your AC is reduced by 1.
- You reduce your Strength, Dexterity and Constitution scores by 2.
- You cannot use any of your devil type features outside of your devil biology and 1st level feature.
After this version of yourself dies, you must wait one minute before summoning yourself again. However, the next summon is even stronger than the last with the differences being:
- Your hit points are changed to be to be the radius you currently have on your pocket dimension added twice.
- Your movement speed is increased to 30.
- Your AC is increased by 1.
- You reduce your Strength, Dexterity and Constitution scores increase by 2, to a maximum of 30.
- You cannot use any of your devil type features outside of your devil biology and 1st level feature.
If this version of yourself dies, your pocket dimension ends and you are revealed.
- Enviroment Manipulation
At 11th level, you can manipulate the enviroment to make the sanity of those stuck inside go down faster. You can create one of the following effects(no action required) anywhere withim your pocket dimension for 6 fear points:
- You create an instantaneous, sensory effect, such as a shower of sparks, a puff of wind, faint musical notes, or an odd odor.
- You instantaneously light or snuff out a candle, a torch, or a small campfire.
- You instantaneously clean or soil an object no larger than 1 cubic foot.
- You chill, warm, or flavor up to 1 cubic foot of nonliving material for 1 hour.
- You make a color, a small mark, or a symbol appear on an object or a surface for 1 hour.
- You create a nonmagical trinket or an illusory image that can fit in your hand and that lasts until you end it at will.
All of these effects are real, however only exist inside the pocket dimension.
- Mind Reader
At 18th level, as long as the creature is inside your stomach, you can read it's mind like a book. As a free action for 10 fear points, you can read the mind of a creature within your pocket dimension. You learn everything up to x years back that the creature has lived(with x being your Charisma modifier added twice(minimum of 2)).
- Ultimate Devil Power:Eternal Domain
You have learned how to keep your pocket dimension eternally, without costing most of your powers. You now don't need to spend 2 fear points every 24 hours to keep the effect of your pocket dimension.
Ghost Devil[edit]
- Devil Biology
The Ghost Devil incarnations take the form of a large creature with a somewhat cylindrical body; their torso are covered in white flowers with either yellow or pink centers and has several arms instead of legs. Their head appears old and desiccated, with long dark wavy or curly hair and sunken cheeks. Their eyes and mouth are sewn shut.
Size. The Ghost Devil incarnations tend to have an surprising height. Your size is large.
Speed. You can walk with your many arms, rather weirdly as well. You have a walking speed of 35.
Blindsight. You have a blindsight of 60 ft., being completely blind beyond this radius. You are immune to the blinded condition. Additionally, creatures which aren't currently frightened of you are considered invisible to you.
Undead Nature. You don’t need to eat, drink, or breathe. You don’t need to sleep. Additionally, you are immune to the exhaustion condition.
Strong Arms. Your arms are very strong, being able to be used not only as movement but also as an attack. Your unarmed strikes deal 1d8 + your Strength modifier on a hit. Additionally, you are considered proficient in the Athletics skill when making the check with your arms.
You gain proficiency in Strength saving throws.
- Ghost Physiology
Starting at 1st level, as a ghost, mundane things don't affect you as easily. You gain resistance to all non-magical damage.
Additionally, you're immune to poison damage and the poisoned condition.
- Partial Invisibility
At 2nd level, you can turn parts of your body invisible to aid you in attacks. Whenever you make an unarmed strike, you may spend 2 fear points to turn that part invisible, making the attack roll gain advantage.
- Full Invisibility
At 6th level, you have evolved your invisibility power, now being able to become fully invisible. As an action for 4 fear points, you become invisible for 1 minute.
Your invisibility ends early if you die or if you end it at will.
- A True Ghost
At 11th level, you become a true ghost, your presence terrifyingly powerful like one. You gain immunity to all non-magical damage.
Additionally, your unarmed strikes deal additional pyschic damage equal to half of your pure devil level(rounded down).
- Possession
At 18th level, you learned how to take over humans in exchange for part of your vitality. As an action for 10 fear points, a humanoid within 5 feet of you to succeed a Charisma saving throw or be possessed by you.
You lose half of your current hit points, and the humanoid gains temporary hit points equal to the hit points you lost. You are now completely in control of said humanoid, with it being incapacitated but still aware of it's surroundings. It acts alongside you during your turn, and gains a bonus to it's Strength, Dexterity and Constitution scores equal to your Charisma modifier.
Whenever they take damage, they can remake the Charisma saving throw, expelling you out from their body on a success. They can only remake the saving throw once per round.
After the temporary hit points end or they pass the saving throw, you are expelled from their body and regain hit points equal to the amount of temporary hit points they had.
- Ultimate Devil Power:Invisible Fighting
Whenever you fight you bring despair to your opponents, as they can't see you but you can see them. You gain an attack and damage roll bonus to your unarmed strikes equal to your Charisma modifier while invisible.
Katana Devil[edit]
- Devil Biology
The Katana Devil incarnations take the form of a humanoid figure with large swords on each of their arms and on their forehead. They have dark skinless flesh and a oversized jaw devoid of lips, their chin is pointed.
Size. The Katana Devil incarnations tend to have an height similar to humans. Your size is medium.
Speed. You have a walking speed of 30.
Blindsight. You have a blindsight of 60 ft., being completely blind beyond this radius. You are immune to the blinded condition.
Charge and Slash. Whenever you take the dash action and end your movement within 5 feet of a creature, you can make one attack against them with your katana arms.
Katana Arms. You have katana on your arms and forehead. Your unarmed strikes count as a martial melee weapon, and deal 1d8 + your Strength or Dexterity modifier on a hit. You are proficient with them.
You gain proficiency in Dexterity saving throws.
- Brutal Cutting
Starting at 1st level, your strenght when it comes to cutting things down is unmatched. Your roll one additional damage die on a critical with your katana arms.
Additionally, whenever you attack a target you can make your attack roll also target any creature or object within a 5 feet wide 10 feet long line behind them. You deal twice as much damage to objects and structures when attacking this way.
- Sword-Draw Dash
At 2nd level, you learned how to move faster than what the human eye can perceive in order to cut your target. As a bonus action for 2 fear points, your movement does not cause opportunity attacks and you must target one specific limb while attacking until the end of your turn. If you hit someone, they take twice as much damage in that said limb.
- Clean Slash
At 6th level, you learned how to cut more precisely, giving more clean slashes. When you use sword draw dash, your limb attack penalty is reduced by half of your proficiency bonus(rounded down).
- Stronger Cuts
At 11th level, your raw power increased, turning your slashes deadlier. Your katana arms now deal 1d12 + your Strength or Dexterity modifier slashing damage on a hit.
Additionally, you now roll two additional damage die on a critical.
- Hyper Focus
At 18th level, you can enter a state of pure concentration, where you can visualize an opponent's weak point and attack them there. As a bonus action for 10 fear points, you start concentrating for 1 minute. During that period, every attack you hit with your katana arms is considered a critical.
- Ultimate Devil Power:Limb Destroyer
You can now completely destroy limbs once you attack them, leaving no margin for errors. When you use sword draw dash, your limb attack penalty is reduced by your proficiency bonus(to a minimum of 0). This replaces the clean slash feature.
Curse Devil[edit]
- Devil Biology
The Curse Devil incarnations take the form of a large, two-headed skeleton with horns, its right skull appears human while the left skull has three eye slits and longer, mandible-like teeth. Theyl have clawed hands and a large, distended ribcage.
Size. The Curse Devil incarnations are very large in comparisson to their targetsl. Your size is huge.
Speed. You have 30 feets of flying speed that’s always active, however you cannot float higher than 10 feet off the ground.
Cursed Body. Due to your cursed body, you became very resistant to curses yourself. You gain resistance to necrotic damage.
Bite. You can bite your opponents to death. You may attack with your bite as melee natural weapon attack, on a hit they deal 2d10 + your Strength modifier piercing damage.
Claws. You can use your claws to slash through foes. You may attack with your claws as melee natural weapon attack, on a hit they deal 2d8 + your Strength modifier slashing damage.
You become proficient in Strength saving throws.
- Living Curse
Starting at 1st level, your whole body is filled with all types of curses, a single touch could be fatal to someone. You deal one additional damage die in necrotic damage with your natural weapons. Additionally, whenever you hit a critical with them, the creature rolls a d4. The number rolled will be the penalty it receives to it’s ability checks and saving throws until the end of their next turn.
- Devil’s Grab
At 2nd level, you can transfer multiple curses at once to a creature you’re holding. As an action while grappling a creature, you can spend 2 fear points to bite into them with both of your skulls and force them to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take 4d10 piercing damage + 2d12 necrotic damage. On a success, the creature takes half as much damage.
If the damage reduces a creature to 0 hit points, it is killed outright.
The necrotic damage increases to 3d12 at 5th level, 5d12 at 11th level, 8d12 at 17th level and 12d12 at 20th level.
- Invisibility
At 6th level, you can turn invisible to inflict curses easier. As a bonus action for 4 fear points, you cab turn invisible for 1 minute. For the duration of your invisibility, you have advantage on attack rolls and grapple checks.
- Fatal Curse
At 11th level, being afflicted by your curse means certain death. If a creature fails the saving throw of Devil’s Grab by 5 or more they take twice as much damage.
- Monarch of Curses
At 18th level, the power of your curse is truly astonishing. If a creature fails the saving of Devil’s grab by 3 or more, they take thrice as much damage.
- Ultimate Devil Power:The Cursed One
Your curses became even stronger, applying themselves on everything you do. The d4 of the Living Curse feature becomes a d6, and creatures which fail the Devil’s Grasp saving throw are also affected by it.
Snake Devil[edit]
- Devil Biology
The Snake Devil incarnations take the form of a enormous snake with a large mouth made out of interlocking arms and hands instead of teeth. They have green scales/skin and a red eye with black sclera.
Size. The Snake Devil incarnations are generally massive in size. Your size is gargantuan.
Speed. You have a walking and swimming speed of 35.
Slider. You slide through everything and anything. You ignore any non-magical difficult terrain.
Constrict. You can constrict someone in a tight grapple. Whenever you grapple someone, they are also restrained and receive 1d4 bludgeoning damage at the end of their turns.
Powerful Jaw. You can use your mouth as a natural weapon attack, dealing 2d4 + your Strength modifier piercing damage on a hit.
You gain proficiency in Strength saving throws.
- Devil Hunger
Starting at 1st level, you always had a favorite snack, and that snack is devils. You deal 1d6 additional damage against fiends.
- Devil Stockpile
At 2nd level, you have learned how to swallow devils whole and store them for later. Whenever you reduce a fiend to 0 hit points with a jaw attack, you can spend 2 fear points to swallow it. After swallowing said devil, they will be stored on your belly. You can store a number of devils equal to your pure devil level.
You can also do this as an action while you're within 5 feet of a dead fiend.
Whenever you swallow a devil, your fear levels increase by 10.
- Devil Summon
At 6th level, you have learned how to spit out the devils you ate to fight for you. As an action for 4 fear points, you can summon one of the devils you have on your belly within 5 feet of you. They have the same statistics as they once had and are fully healed, act on your turn, are controlled by the gm and follow your orders to the best of their ability. You can only have one devil at once, only being able to summon another after this one is called back or dies.
After 1 minute or you do so at will, the devil dissapears and goes back to your belly. In case it is reduced to 0 hit points, it is killed outright and can't be revived in any way shape or form.
- Skin Change
At 11th level, if you are suffering from any ill, you can simply change your scales. As a free action for 6 fear points, you can end all conditions affecting you. You may do this while incapacitated but not unconscious. If you have the exhaustion condition you only remove one level of it.
You can only do this once per minute.
- Semi Rebirth
At 18th level, when you change your skin, it's like you are reborn from the shadows. After using skin change, you regain hit points equal to your maximum hit points.
- Ultimate Devil Power:Devil Army
Your power has evolved, now you're able to have more devils fighting for you. You can now have up to half your Charisma modifier devils at once on battle(rounded down), and may summon them all at once(still spending 4 fear points for each).
Future Devil[edit]
- Devil Biology
As the Future Devil, your lower half resembles a tree growing from the floor with branches and a trunk extending up to a humanoid body with outstretched arms and a horned head. Your face has three pairs of eyes stacked on top of each other vertically and its wide mouth is almost perpetually open. You have a large hole in the center of your chest, inside of which is another oversized eye.
Size. The Future Devil Reincarnations are always just a bit bigger than normal humans. Your size is medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.
Anti Misleading. You always know what's up when reading people, it's as easy as reading a book! You have advantage on Wisdom (Insight) checks.
All Seeing Eye. The eye in your belly does not only sees the future, but also helps you to notice things better. You gain proficiency in the Perception skill.
The Future Rules. Nothing ever worries you, since you can see the future, and the future rules! Whenever you roll for something, you may choose to add a d4 to the total result.
You gain proficiency in Wisdom saving throws.
- Future Sight
Starting at 1st level, the eye in your belly shows you the future of anyone who dares to look at it. Whenever a creature looks at the eye in your belly, you learn about everything that will happen in up to your Charisma modifier years of that creature's future. This knowledge is forever kept with you, with it increasing if the creature looks again.
- Foresight
At 2nd level, you know what happens in the future of a creature, that's why you decided to exploit that. As a bonus action for 2 fear points, you can choose a creature that has seen the eye in your belly to read their future for 1 minute. For the duration, their attack rolls against you are made with disadvantage, you have advantage on their saving throws.
You can have this active with only one creature at once.
- Future Demise
At 6th level, if you know about the future of a creature, it's already over for them. When you read the future of a creature with foresight, you also gain advantage on your attack rolls against them.
- Enhanced Future Sight
At 11th level, your future sight has become terrifyingly enhanced, allowing you to see beyond what you were capable of. When a creature looks into your eye, you now will learn what will happen in a number of years equal to your Charisma modifier times your proficiency bonus.
- The Future Rules!
At 18th level, the future rules! The future rules! The time duration for foresight is now 10 minutes, and you may do it to more than one creature at once.
- Ultimate Devil Power: Time Skip
You have reached the pinnacle of your future, and this future... rules! You gain the following features:
Movement Advance. As a bonus action for 1 fear point, you skip time so that a creature is moved to a place within their movement speed range that they would go in the next turn. If the creature is unwilling, they must succeed a Charisma saving throw against your Devil Power DC or be moved against their will.
Condition Skip. As an action for 5 fear points, you can skip the bad effects somone is suffering. You end one condition of a creature within sight range.
Action Skip. As an action or as reaction to an action being taken for 10 fear points, you can choose a creature within sight range to skip their action. They must make a Charisma saving throw. On a failure, their next action is completely skipped. On a success, they are forced to take their action in that instant.
Shark Devil[edit]
- Devil Biology
The Shark Devil incarnations take the form of a massive shark but with three pairs of eyes and multiple sets of long fins that he uses as legs.
Size. The Shark Devil incarnations all tend to be very large. Your size is large.
Speed. You have 30 feets of walking speed and 60 feet of swimming speed.
Amphibious. You can breath air and water.
Bite. You have very strong teeth, being a perfect weapon to bite someone. You have a melee natural weapon attack, it deals 2d8 + your Strength modifier piercing damage on a hit.
Strong Swimmer. As long as you can swim, there's nothing that can stop you! You ignore difficult terrain while swimming.
You gain proficiency in Strength saving throws.
- Blood Frenzy
Starting at 1st level, the smell of blood turns your hunter instincts on. You gain advantage on any melee attack rolls you make against creatures with the Bleeding condition.
- Material Swimming
At 2nd level, you have the ability to swim through solid objects, allowing you to pass through walls and the floor at ease. As a free action for 2 fear points, you can start swimming on a nearby surface within reach. While under the effects of your devil power, you now move with your swimming speed. You may swim to any side you'd like, passing through any materials without harm.
If you leave the place you're swimming on the devil power ends.
- Submerge
At 6th level, you learned how to use your ability to your advantage, creating surprise attacks. Whenever you are at least 5 feet bellow any surface, you are considered under the effects of full cover, however you can't regain hit points and you are blinded. When you emerge from this surface, you can immediatly make a melee weapon attack with advantage against a creature within 5 feet of you.
- Fast Swimmer
At 11th level, you have become quite an adept swimmer, chasing your prey has never been easier! Your swimming speed doubles whenever you're swimming in anything other than water. Additionally, you gain advantage on Dexterity checks and saving throws while swimming.
- Megalodon
At 18th level, you have evolved to become the most feared shark in the history of humanity, the Megalodon. Your size increases to Gargantuan and your bite now deals 4d10 + your Strength modifier piercing damage.
Additionally, you have advantage on Strength checks and saving throws.
- Ultimate Devil Power:Perfect Hunt
Not even blinding you can stop your hunt. You gain 30 feet of blindsight while swimming 5 feet bellow the surface, being blind beyond this radius. You also become immune to the blinded condition.
Violence Devil[edit]
- Devil Biology
As the violence devil, you look like a tall muscular humanoid with dark hair and four yellow eyes.
Size. The Violence Devil Reincarnations are always just a bit bigger than normal humans. Your size is medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Rush of Violence. After reducing a creature to 0 hit points, you can immediatly take the dash action. Additionally, you gain temporary hit points equal to the creature's CR or level after taking this dash.
Brutal. When you hit a critical on a attack roll, you deal one additional damage dice.
Relentless Violence. When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead. Once you use this trait, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.
You gain proficiency in Strength or Dexterity saving throws.
- Violence Expert
Starting at 1st level, you are the embodiment of violence, and your combat skills shows that. Your unarmed strikes now deal a d12 + your Strength modifier on a hit. After taking the attack action, you may make one unarmed strike as a bonus action.
- Muscle Growth
At 2nd level, you have learned how to grow part of your muscles to enhance your violence level. As a bonus action for 2 fear points, you can enhance one of the following body parts for 1 minute:
Arms. Your unarmed strikes damage die increase by a number of tiers equal to your proficiency bonus.
Legs. You add a +10 times your proficiency bonus to your walking speed and your jumping distance doubles.
You may end this at will. You cannot enhance more than one body part at once.
- Body Growth
At 6th level, your muscle growth has been improved, now increasing your entire body alongside it. You now gain the benefits of both body parts when using Muscle Growth, however you'll also gain the following additional benefits:
- You have advantage on Strength checks and saving throws.
- Your size increases by one.
- When you hit a critical on a attack roll, you deal one additional damage die.
- Monstrosity
At 11th level, when your body grows, you become a hulking monster. Your additional benefits are now increased to the following:
- You have advantage on Strength checks and saving throws. Also, you'll add a +1 to these rolls.
- Your size increases by two.
- When you hit a critical on a attack roll, you deal two additional damage die.
- You gain one additional attack on your attack action, which must be used to make an unarmed strike.
- Violence is The Answer
At 18th level, violence is not the answer, it's a question. The answer is yes. You can now use muscle growth at will. While using muscle growth, your additional benefits are increased to the following:
- You have advantage on Strength checks and saving throws. Also, you'll add your proficiency bonus to these rolls, even if you normally already added said bonus.
- Your size increases by three.
- When you hit a critical on a attack roll, you deal three additional damage die.
- You gain two additional attacks on your attack action, which must be used to make an unarmed strike.
- Once per turn when you hit an attack, you can turn it into a critical.
- Ultimate Devil Power: Rage
You have accepted the true violence deep within you, making it boil to the surface like a deep rage. When you use muscle growth, you now gain the following benefits:
Arms. Your unarmed strikes damage die increase by a number of tiers equal to your proficiency bonus.
Legs. You add a +10 times your proficiency bonus to your walking speed and your jumping distance doubles.
You may enter or end this state as a free action.
Additionally, while using muscle growth you gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage.
Spider Devil[edit]
- Devil Biology
As the Spider Devil, you have eight legs ending in scythe-like, curved points which are sharp enough to stab through flesh. You have a zipper in the center of your face with the pull under your chin to unzip upwards.
Size. The Spider Devil Reincarnations are always tall and grotesque to look at. Your size is large.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 35 feet.
Spider Climb. As your name suggets, you have the same abilities a spider would have. You have climbing speed equal to your walking speed, and can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check.
Spider Legs. Your spider legs not only help with mobility, but also serve as deadly weapons. You can use your spider legs as a natural weapon attack, dealing 1d8 + your Strength modifier piercing damage on a hit. At 5th level, you have grown more accostumated with your spider legs, you can take the dash action as a bonus action.
Seemingly Human. You can hide yourself from the masses extremely well, being mistaken by an ordinary human from the less attentive folk. You may choose to reduce your movement speed to 30 feet and lose your spider devil features as a action. While on this form, you look exactly like an ordinary human except for the zipper on your face. You may re-enter your devil form at will.
You gain proficiency in Dexterity saving throws.
- Strength of 8 Legs
Starting at 1st level, you are known not only for your agility and spider like movements, but also for your brutality and strenght. Whenever you make a Strength check or saving throw that uses your legs, you do so with advantage and adds your proficiency bonus to it or add it twice if already proficient.
Additionally, attacks you make with your spider legs have a crit range of 19-20, and on a critical they deal one additional damage die.
- Semi Intangibility
At 2nd level, you have learned how to bury yourself within the ground and quickly emerge from it. You gain a burrowing speed equal to your walking speed. As a reaction to an attack or saving throw targetting you for 1 fear point, you may quickly go bellow the ground and move a number of feet of your choice with your burrowing speed, potentially making the attack miss. You may leave the ground as a free action, no matter how deep you are.
- Zipper Summon
At 6th level, your zipper is not only there for cosmetics, it has an actual function. At the end of a long rest, you may telepathically connect yourself with one creature of your choice. After connecting with said ally, you can talk with them telepatically even if you are in another plane or dimension.
As an action for 3 fear points, you can summon that creature through your zipper, making them exit through your body and appear within 5 feet of you or the closest unoccupied space. You must spend 1 additional fear point for each size the creature is above medium.
You can choose the creature which you are connected with at the end of a long rest.
- Zipper Storage
At 11th level, your zipper is not only useful for summoning other creatures, but also to store objects. You can store an object of any size inside of your zipper. Any objects inside of your zipper don't count towards your weight carry, however you cannot carry more than what you'd normally be able to. You may take one of these objects out as a free action for 1 fear point.
Additionally, whenever a creature is summoned through your zipper they may pick one of the objects inside of you to bring with them.
- Dimension Opener
At 18th level, you have learned how to open zippers in the air, seemingly opening dimensions. As an action for 10 fear points, you can open a 10 foot-wide 10 foot-tall door in front of you by pulling a zipper in the air. The door lasts for 1 minute, and any creature that passes by it will be sent by a location of your choice. The location must be one you have already visited before or know about it.
- Ultimate Devil Power: Full Spider
You have finally embraced your spider side, becoming the embodiment of the fear of spiders. You gain the following benefits:
- You gain 60 feet of darkvision.
- You have advantage on Dexterity checks and saving throws.
- Whenever you're climbing difficult surfaces such as upside down, your rolls for Dexterity checks or saving throws are treated as a 10 if you rolled lower.
- Difficult terrain doesn't slow you down.
- Your spider legs now deal 2d6 + your Strength modifier piercing damage on a hit.
Angel Devil[edit]
- Devil Biology
The Angel devil incarnations take the form of a young, androgynous male, and is always seen wearing the Public Safety suit. He has shoulder-length hair—depicted as red
Size. The Angel Devil Reincarnation are the same height of a avarage humam. Your size is medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Angelic Wings. While your wings cannot fly, they can help you with gliding through the air. Whenever you're falling, you can choose to gain a hoovering speed equal to your walking speed. As a reaction to a melee or ranged weapon attack directed at you, you may use your wings to defend yourself granting you a bonus to your AC equal to your proficiency bonus.
Calming Presence. While you are a devil, creatures feel at ease on your presence. As long as you are within 30 feet of a ally, they have advantage against being frightened. This feature does not work in case you're unconscious or are frightened yourself.
God's Servant. A devil in body, but an angel at heart. You gain proficiency in the Religion skill.
You gain proficiency in Dexterity saving throws.
- Life Draining Touch
Starting at 1st level, your mere touch is deadly, removing lifespan of any being that you lay your hands upon. Whenever you touch a creature, they must make a Charisma saving throw. On a failure, they lose an amount of months from their life span equal to your pure devil level. On a success, they lose half as much. A creature may make this saving throw only once per round.
This lifespan is stored within you, with the people which you took the lifespan of haunting you on your dreams until you use said lifespan.
- Lifespan Weapon Creation
At 2nd level, you have learned how to turn the life span of the creatures you consume into weapons. As a free action for 2 fear points, you can remove a number of months from the life span absorbed by you up to your Charisma modifier in years, creating a martial melee weapon of your choice for 1 minute.
You are considered proficient with the weapon, and may use your Charisma modifier for it's attack and damage rolls. The weapon adds a +1 to it's damage rolls for every 5 years spent. Additionally, for every 10 years used in the weapon the weapon's damage die tier is increased by one. You can only have one weapon at an time.
A creature hit by one of your weapons must succed a Charisma saving throw or suffer the effect of your life draining touch. On a critical hit, the amount is doubled.
At 5th level, you can now spend up to your Charisma modifier added twice in years when using lifespan, at 11th level this increases to your Charisma modifier added thrice, at 17th level this increases to your Charisma modifier added four times and at 20th level this increases to your Charisma modifier added five times.
- Divine Weapons
At 6th level, your weapons are divine, destroying evil. Your weapons now count as magical for the purposes of overcoming resistances and immunities, and deal radiant damage on a hit.
You may choose to make a weapon start floating at will. You may make a ranged devil power attack roll against a creature within 60 feet of you. Hitting or missing, the weapon comes back by your side by the end of your turn.
- Multi Weapons
At 11th level, you became better at manipulating life span and creating weapons. You can now have an amount of weapons at once up to your Charisma modifier.
- Divine Spear
At 18th level, when you use all of your lifespan you can, you create a weapon so strong it cleaves through even the strongest devils. As an action for 10 fear points, you can spend all lifespan you have. You force all creatures in a 5 feet wide 100ft. long line to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take 4d8 + 1d4 radiant damage per year used and are knocked prone. On a success, they take half as much damage.
This damage increases to 10d8 at 20th level.
- Ultimate Devil Power: Altered Tools
You have reached the pinnacle of utilizing life span, altering your tools as you see fit. Whenever you create a weapon with life span, you can remove one of it's properties or add a property to the weapon. If you add the versatile property, the weapon's die tier will increase by one when wielded with two hands. If you add the special property, you must talk with your gm to what will the weapon do.
Bomb Devil[edit]
- Devil Biology
The Bomb Devil incarnations take the form of a large humanoid with a nuclear bomb as their head, resembling the fat man. Their arms are made of bomb fuses, with the rest of their body being made of dynamites.
Size. The Bomb Devil incarnations are all bizzare humanoids that are slightly bigger than humans. Your size is large.
Speed. You have 30 feets of walking speed.
Bomb Proof. As the bomb devil, the thing that worries you the least are bombs. You have resistance to thunder damage. Additionally, you may choose to take no damage from fire and thunder damage caused by you.
Explosive Fists. Your fists are made of fusives, creating small static whenever they enter in contact with someone. Whenever you hit someone with an unarmed strike using your fists, they take additional xd4 fire damage. With X being your Constitution modifier.
A Explosive End. While devils never die of age, they can still be killed, you are no different. However, once you die a huge explosion occurs. Every creature in a 100 times your Pure Devil level cylinder must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take 1d12 thunder damage + 1d12 fire damage per level in the Pure Devil class you had and are deafened for 1 minute. On a success, they take half as much damage and are not deafened. This explosion can be avoided if you are killed outright.
You gain proficiency in Constitution saving throws.
- Explosive Propulsion
Starting at 1st level, your body is made out of bombs, and you use that to your full advantage. Whenever you hit a target with an unarmed strike, the body part creates a small explosion, making it deal damage to all creatures within 10 feet of the target that you choose. Additionally, whenever you take the dash action you create a small explosion under your feet, making you move triple of your movement speed that turn instead of twice.
In addition, your jumping distance is doubled and you reduce all fall damage by half.
- Explosion
At 2nd level, your fuses aren't there just for show, they are the easiest way to blow up a building! As an action for 2 fear points, you can create an explosion in a point within 30 feet of you, forcing all creatures within a 15 foot circle centered on it to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take 1d10 fire damage + 1d10 thunder damage and are blinded until the beginning of their next turn. On a success, they take half as much damage and are not blinded. This explosion deal twice as much damage to objects and structures.
This damage increases to 2d10 + 2d10 at 5th level, to 4d10 + 4d10 at 11th level, to 7d10 + 7d10 at 17th level and to 11d10 + 11d10 at 20th level.
- Multiple Explosions
At 6th level, you have learned how to create multiple explosions at once, making fighting you a deadly task. As part of making a explosion, you may choose a number of other points within 30 feet of you up to your proficiency bonus to cause another explosion to happen. These explosions all cost 2 fear points, however they cannot have their damage increased.
Additionally, the range of your explosions increases to a point within 60 feet of you.
- Bombing Time
At 11th level, you learned diverse ways of how to use your bombs. You gain the following bombing techniques:
Self Detonation. As a reaction to a melee weapon attack, you may spend 2 fear points to use your explosion feature. If they fail the saving throw the attack is negated.
Limb Detonation. For 6 fear points(no action required), you may reduce explode one limb of your choice, using your explosion feature and reducing said limb to 0 hit points. This works with amputated limbs.
Bomb Mine. As part of using your explosion feature, you can spend 6 fear points to cause it to not explode. It won't explode until 1 minute has passed or you explode it as a free action or as a reaction to a creature entering the explosion's radius.
Missile. You may launch a missile at a creature within 60 feet of you for 6 fear points. Make a devil power attack roll. On a hit, they auto fail the Dexterity saving throw. Hitting or missing, all creatures in that point must make the Dexterity saving throw against your explosion feature.
- Kaboom
At 18th level, your bombs have reached their peak of destruction. Your explosions now deal d12's instead of d10's, and their circle's range is increased to 30 feet. Additionally, they now turn immunities into resistances and resistances into nothing when damaging a creature.
- Ultimate Devil Power: Like a Nuke
While the nuclear weapons devil has sadly passed away, you carry it's legacy with your immense explosions! Your explosions now deal thrice as much damage to objects and structures, and they affect a radius now.
Typhoon Devil[edit]
- Devil Biology
The Typhoon Devil incarnations take the form of a gigantic humanoid surrounded by a swirling storm of brain matter with the top part of its head exposed revealing more brain matter which is connected to the storm around it. They have the face of a baby.
Size. The Typhoon Devil incarnations are all giant creatures with brain matter scattered around their body. Your size is Gargantuan.
Speed. You have 35 feets of walking speed.
Immensity. You are terrifyingly massive, with everything below you being your floor. You can move through the space of a creature or object of Huge size or smaller, treating such creatures as difficult terrain. If you move through a creature's space, the creature must make a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw, taking your stomp damage die on a failure. A creature can only be forced to make this save once per round. At 2nd level, this DC is replaced by your Devil Power DC.
Stomp. You can use your heavy feet to stom others. You may make a melee natural weapon attack, on a hit it deals 3d8 bludgeoning damage. Additionally, this attacks targets all creatures within 5 feet of the target.
Siege Monster. Your massive size makes you a terrible candidate to walk on cities. You deal twice as much damage to objects and structures.
You gain proficiency in Constitution saving throws.
- Storm Rider
Starting at 1st level, you learned that you’re the strongest when you go with the storm. Whenever you are in a place with heavy rain or strong winds(GM determined), you gain the following benefits:
- Your AC increases by 2.
- Your walking speed doubles.
- Creatures now make your immensity saving throw with disadvantage.
You immediatly lose those if the storm ends.
- Stormmaker
At 2nd level, you have learned how to manipulate your own body to create storms. As a full round action for 2 fear points, you can start to violently spin your body, creating a typhoon for 1 minute.
The typhoon is a 30-foot-radius, 60-foot-high cylinder centered on you. Whenever you move, the typhoon moves as well. The typhoon sucks up any Medium or smaller objects that aren’t secured to anything and that aren’t worn or carried by anyone.
A creature must make a Dexterity saving throw the first time on a turn that it enters the typhoon or that the typhoon enters its space, including when the typhoon first appears. A creature takes 4d8 bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. In addition, a Large or smaller creature that fails the save must succeed on a Strength saving throw or become restrained in the typhoon until the typhoon stops.
When a creature starts its turn restrained by the whirlwind, the creature is pulled 5 feet higher inside it, unless the creature is at the top. A restrained creature moves with the whirlwind and falls when the spell ends, unless the creature has some means to stay aloft.
A restrained creature can use an action to make a Strength or Dexterity check against your Devil Power DC. If successful, the creature is no longer restrained by the whirlwind and is hurled 3d6 × 10 feet away from it in a random direction.
In the turn the typhoon would end, you can spend 2 fear points to keep it going for another minute. You may choose certain creatures to not be affected by your typhoon.
The damage increases to 5d8 at 5th level, 7d8 at 11th level, 10d8 at 17th level and to 14d8 at 20th level.
- Call Storm
At 6th level, you have learned how to create a storm in seconds. As a bonus action for 4 fear points, you can change the weather of the area you are to a precipation of Torrential Rain, the temperature to cold and the wind to be a strong wind for a number of hours equal to your Charisma modifier. If the weather was already on one of these tiers, it increases by one. For example, cold temperature would become artic cole and strong wind would become a gail.
Additionally, you can communicate with other creatures from a distance as long as there is water. You can talk through any water opening, forming a whirlwind of water in the place as long as one creature you have already met is there.
- Stronger Pull
At 11th level, your typhoon’s force is your strenght. Creatures of Huge or smaller size now have to make the Strength save to not be pulled. Additionally, creatures that are Small or smaller sized make the Strength save with disadvantage.
- Natural Disaster
At 18th level, your very presence strikes fear in the hearts of humans. You now can keep your typhoon active undefinitely, only ending it if you die or choose to end it at will. Creatures of Gargantuan or smaller size now have to make the Strength save to not be pulled. Additionally, creatures that are Medium or smaller sized make the Strength saving throw with disadvantage.
- Ultimate Devil Power:Storm Chaser
You are the very definition of a storm chaser, no matter where you go you’re following a storm! You now gain the following benefits once you’re in a place with heavy rain or strong winds:
- Your AC increases by 3.
- Your walking speed triples.
- Creatures now make your immensity saving throw with disadvantage.
- You deal thrice as much damage to objects and structures.
Grape Devil[edit]
- Devil Biology
The Grape Devil incarnations take the form of a cluster of eyeballs connected with each other by veins, little arms and intestine-like appendages.
Size. The Grape Devil incarnations are all very small creatures with multiple eyes. Your size is tiny.
Speed. You have 20 feets of walking speed.
360 Vision. Due to your body being made almost entirely of eyes, that gave you a very good sight. You gain proficiency in the Perception skill, and you add a +5 to your passive perception. Additionally, you can’t be surprised while you are conscious and you’re not blinded.
Natural Climber. Your arms are perfect for climbing surfaces! You have a climbing speed equal to your walking speed, and may climb even in places you’d normally couldn’t, however it counts as difficult terrain to you.
Tackle. You can charge towards a creature with your whole body to attack it. Make a ranged natural weapon attack roll against a creature within 10/20 ft. of you. On a hit, they take 1d4 + your Strength modifier bludgeoning damage.
You gain proficiency in Dexterity saving throws.
- Face Hugger
Starting at 1st level, you are incredibly quick in getting stuck into people’s faces. If you hit an tackle attack, you may choose to automatically grapple the target.
- Sweet Wine
At 2nd level, you have learned how to use your small and weak arms to expel venom at your enemies. As part of grappling someone, you can spend 2 fear points to force them to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they are infected with your venom and are now imbregiated, receiving the hallucinating condition. On a success, they become immune to your venom for 1 minute.
- Strong Effect
At 6th level, your venom has become even more potent, it’s fluid affecting one’s mind even further. If a creature fails your “Sweet Wine” saving throw by 5 or more, they also receive the confused condition.
- Bodily Fluids
At 11th level, you started to mix your bodily fluids within the venom, making it extra toxic. Creatures who fail the saving throw are also considered very majorly envenomed.
- Grape Rebirth
At 18th level, it doesn’t matter if you die, one of the people who tasted your venom will be a perfect host! If you die while a creature is still suffering from the conditions of their venom, they must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, their hit point maximum is permanently halved and you are reborn with maximum hit points as if you have used the clone spell. On a success, you aren’t reborn. You may try this a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier before truly dying.
- Ultimate Devil Power:Complete Hypnosis
Whenever your venom enters a creature, their mind subconsciously starts to alter it’s thoughts to align with you. A creature that fails the saving throw will also be charmed for you.
Skin Devil[edit]
- Devil Biology
The Skin Devil incarnations take the form of a naked humanoid figure with no genitalia or face. It’s whole body is covered in skin, making tracking it a very hard task.
Size. The Skin Devil incarnations have the height of an average human. Your size is Medium.
Speed. You have 20 feets of walking speed.
Another in Millions. You are just another person in the faceless crowd, and that’s just how you like it. You have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks whenever you are in crowded places.
Background Character. You became very good at hiding due to you not standing out. You gain proficiency in the Stealth skill.
Two Faces. Even though you are faceless, people call you two faced due to your lying skills. You gain proficiency in the Deception skill.
You become proficient in Wisdom saving throws.
- Multiple Faces
Starting at 1st level, your body is a form of mirage per say, with people seeing what they find the most comfortable. Your appearance to any humans that see you is changed to a normal person, generally a face they feel safe with although not from someone they know.
- Skin Change
At 2nd level, your appearance was never important anyway, so why not change the look? As an action for 2 fear points, you may touch a human corpse within 5 feet of you. After you touch it, you register it on your skin changes. You can at will change your appearance to one of your skin changes, although you don’t gain their voice and your game statistics don’t change.
You can have a number of skin changes equal to your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier.
- Voice Expert
At 6th level, you have learned how to copy a creature’s voice just by hearing it once. If you have heard the voice of a creature at least once, you can now completely copy their tone and way of speaking.
- Devil Copying
At 11th level, you can now copy the skin of devils! You can now copy the skin of the corpses of dead devils.
- Perfect Copy
At 18th level, you managed to not only fake being someone, but actually be them. When you are changing your appearance, you may spend 10 fear points to make you gain all features that creature had. You also gain their scores, however your Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma scores remain the same. You lose all of these benefits once you leave this form.
- Ultimate Devil Power:Skinwalker
You learned how to enter the skin of others, turning them into your own suit. As an action for 6 fear points while you are grappling a human, you force them to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, you enter their body and they lose all control, however they can still see and feel it all. On a success, the creature becomes immune to this feature for 24 hours.
While inside a human’s skin, you have total cover against attacks and other effects outside of the host. You retain your Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores, as well as your comprehension of language, your proficiencies and your class features. Otherwise, you inherit the target’s statistics, memories and knowledge, including contracts and languages. If the host’s body drops to 0 hit points, you must leave the host.
You can choose to leave the host at any time by spending 5 feet of your movement and then teleporting to an unoccupied space within 15 feet of the target.
After leaving a host, they will become immune to this feature for 24 hours, however they will be stunned until the end of their next turn.
Humans with the same level or CR as your pure devil level make the Constitution save with advantage, while Humans with one or more levels or CR above you are immune to this feature. Humans count as one level or CR lower while they are below 1/4th of their maximum hit points.
Cosmos Devil[edit]
- Devil Biology
The Cosmos Devil incarnations take the form of a large, wide human brain with multiple eyes spreaded around their body. These eyes have pink heart symbols on them, shining during the night.
Size. The Cosmos Devil incarnations tend to be very large. Your size is huge.
Speed. You have 30 feets of flying speed that’s always active, however you cannot float higher than 10 feet off the ground.
Darkvision. You have 60 feets of darvision.
Cosmic Knowledge. Your brain is filled with all of the knowledge the world has to offer. You are proficient with all Intelligence and Wisdom skills.
Cosmic Horror. Your type counts as both Aberration and Fiend.
You become proficient in Intelligence saving throws.
- Aberrant Mind
Starting at 1st level, your mind’s knowledge goes beyond what all of humanity’s knowledge can achive. You have advantage in Intelligence and Wisdom checks and saving throws, and you are immune to psychic damage and the Confused condition.
Additionally, you take 1/4th as much time to learn any type of new information or skill.
- Glimpse of Infinity
At 2nd level, you can give creatures a small glimpse of what your infinite knowledge feels like. As an action for 2 fear points, you speak incoherent words that only a creature within 30 feet of you can hear. Make a devil power attack roll. On a hit, they take 2d6 psychic damage and must make a Intelligence saving throw. On a failure, their Intelligence and Charisma score are reduced by your Charisma modifier(to a minimum of 1) and they can’t speak any language for 1 minute. On a success, they become immune to this feature for 1 minute.
This damage increases to 3d6 at 5th level, 5d6 at 11th level, 8d6 at 17th level and 12d6 at 20th level.
- Unlimited Knowledge
At 6th level, you hold the infinite knowledge inside of you, and you may share it all to a single mind. As an action for 4 fear points, you can utter a single word to a creature within 30 feet of you. They take 4d6 psychic damage and must make a Intelligence saving throw. On a failed save, the creature’s Intelligence and Charisma scores become 1. The creature becomes incapacitated, they cannot understand language or communicate in any intelligible way outside of repeating the word you spoke to them.
At the end of every 30 days, they can remake the saving throw, ending the effect of your devil power on a success.
This damage increases to 7d6 at 11th level, to 11d6 at 17th level and to 16d6 at 20th level.
- Sixth Sense
At 11th level, you have awakened a large eye in the center of your head, it only shows you the truth. You gain 60 feets of True sight and cannot be surprised while conscious and not under blinded condition.
Additionally, your passive perception increases by 5.
- Mind Break
At 18th level, receiving that much information can be lethal not only to one’s mind, but to one’s body as well. Your damage die with the Glimpse of Infinity and Unlimited Knowledge features is increased to a d8.
- Ultimate Devil Power:Unbreakable Mind
Your mind has become completely indestructible. You now automatically succeed Intelligence and Wisdom saving throws, unless you had disadvantage on them, which then you can roll with advantage. Additionally, you now reduce a creature’s Intelligence and Charisma score by your Charisma modifier added twice.
Doll Devil[edit]
- Devil Biology
The Doll Devil incarnations take the form of a children’s doll, looking small and harmless.
Size. The Doll Devil incarnations are small like a child’s toy. Your size is tiny.
Speed. You have 10 feets of walking speed.
Sneaky. You gain proficiency in the Stealth skill. Additionally, whenever you are slightly covered or under dim light or darker illumination, you gain advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
Vulnerable Body. Your body is very easy to break. You have vulnerability to bludgeoning, slashing and piercing damage.
Baby Hands. Your unarmed strikes do not add your Strength modifier.
You gain proficiency in a saving throw of your choice that’s not Charisma.
- Just a Doll
Starting at 1st level, you can pass as a doll very easily. While you remain motionless, you are indistinguishable from a normal child’s doll.
- Doll Creation
At 2nd level, you can transform humans into dolls by touching them. As a free action for 2 fear points, you can touch a human within reach to transform them into a doll. They must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, they become a doll. On a success, they become immune to this feature.
If a human has at least 3 levels or CR lower than your own, they automatically fail this saving throw. If a human has an level or CR equal to your own or higher, they roll the saving throw with advantage. If a human has 3 levels or CR higher than your own, they automatically succeed the saving throw.
When a human turns into a doll, they lose all of their free will and their facial features are changed to be more akin to a doll. Additionally, they gain the following traits:
Vulnerable Body. They cannot regain hit points in any way shape or form, and gain vulnerability to bludgeoning, slashing and piercing damage.
Mindless Servant. The dolls cannot use actions on their own. Additionally, due to having no mind they automatically fail Intelligence and Charisma ability checks and saving throws.
Spike. As a free action, the doll can turn one of their arms into a spike. They now deal 1d6 + Strength piercing damage when attacking with said arm, and it counts as a natural weapon. If their unarmed strike die was higher than that, it is replaced by their unarmed strike die. They cannot use this trait if they do not have any arms left.
Contagious. The doll gains fear points equal to your Charisma modifier. Whenever it hits or touches a creature, they can spend 2 fear points to force them to make your Doll Creation saving throw.
You can spend a bonus action to command your dolls to attack, use a devil contract, and an action to do something more specific, such as 'protect that creature, grab that, defend that area, etc. You can only control a number of dolls individually per round equal to your Charisma modifier, and dolls that you don't control directly will just keep doing something they were doing, such as holding something, concentrating on a devil power, or defend themselves to the best of their ability, such as taking the Dodge action.
You can only order your dolls if you are within 20 feet of them.
This range increases to 30 feet at 5th level, 50 feet at 11th level, 80 feet at 17th level and to 120 feets at 20th level.
- Mind Transfer
At 6th level, dying is completely unimportant to you, you’ll just transfer your consciousness to another doll. As a reaction for 2 fear fear points after being reduced to 0 hit points, you can transfer your consciousness to one of your dolls. After transferring your consciousness this way, the following things happen:
- You lose all of your devil biology features.
- You gain the Strength, Dexterity and Constitution scores of the doll. However, you still retain your Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma scores.
- You gain all of the doll's features but the Mindless Servant feature, and you can still regain hit points. You still retain all of your proficiencies, contracts, etc.
- You now use the maximum hit points of the doll instead of your own.
Your old body dies outright after you transfer your consciousness this way.
- Perfect Doll
At 11th level, you have learned how to create a “perfect doll”. After passing one year or less(gm discretion) with a creature and filling them with emotions such as respect, worship, admiration, and guilt, when you use the doll creation feature in said creature they automatically fail. When a creature becomes a perfect doll, they gain all of the features a normal doll would, however they retain their appearance and are controlled by you(no action required).
A perfect doll can make contracts for you while also showing no difference from a ordinary human.
You can have a number of perfect dolls equal to your Charisma modifier.
- Unlimited Army
At 18th level, you have finally reached your peak as the doll devil, having an army beyond what anyone could imagine. You can now control a number of dolls at once equal to your Charisma modifier added twice.
- Ultimate Devil Power: Corpse Revival
You have become more terrifying than ever before, not even the dead are safe from your hands now. You can now force dead human corpses to become dolls, making them regain half of their maximum hit points. This feature also works on dead Fiends.
Claw Devil[edit]
- Devil Biology
The Claw Devil incarnations take the form of a giant tiger’s paw that has five fingers with long and sharp claws, they have a single eye in their palm and each finger has a mouth. They have small claws on the lower part of their body which can be used for movement.
Size. The Claw Devil incarnations are very big by nature. Your size is large.
Speed. You have 30 feets of walking speed.
Grappler. Due to being a literal hand, you have a very good grip. Creatures have disadvantage to escape your grapple check, and if they already had disadvantage before this feature they receive a -2 in their check. Additionally, while grappling someone due to your claws the creature takes 1d4 piercing damage per turn, and you cannot attack another creature but them.
Athletic. You gain proficiency in the Athletics skill.
Claws. You can use your claws to slash through foes. You can make a melee natural weapon attack with your claws, on a hit it deals 2d8 slashing damage.
You gain proficiency in Strength saving throws.
- Wall Climb
Starting at 1st level, you can use your claws to move around on difficult surfaces without failing the move. You have a climbing speed equal to your walking speed and you can climb through difficult surfaces without failing the move.
- Distant Cutting
At 2nd level, you have the power to slash through anything you can see, even from a distance. As an action for 2 fear points, your fingers make specific movements and you make a devil power attack roll against a target within 30 feet of you. On a hit, they take your claws damage die + 2d8 slashing damage. If the attack targets a limb, it deals twice as much damage to the limb’s hit points.
In addition, this feature deals twice as much damage to objects and structures.
This damage increases to 3d8 at 5th level, 5d8 at 11th level, 8d8 at 17th level and 12d8 at 20th level.
- Invisible Slashes
At 6th level, your slashes are so quick they become invisible. You have advantage on the attack roll of your distant cutting feature if the creature can’t see invisible things.
- Dismantle
At 11th level, your slashes are known to destroy a creature’s insides once they hit. Your distant cutting feature now ignores resistance but not immunities to slashing damage.
Additionally, you now deal thrice as much damage to limbs if the attack targeted one, and thrice as much damage to objects and structures.
- Cleave
At 18th level, your slashes have been perfected, becoming a perfect cut. Your distant cutting feature now ignores resistances and immunities to slashing damage.
Additionally, you now deal four times as much damage to limbs if the attack targeted one, and four times as much damage to objects and structures. If a creature is reduced to 0 hit points by your distant cut feature, they are killed outright.
- Ultimate Devil Power:Rapid cutting
You can now cut creatures much faster and more efficiently. You can now replace attacks on your attack action for distant cutting attack rolls, spending 2 fear points for each.
Knife Devil[edit]
- Devil Biology
The Knife Devil incarnations take the form of a small pangolin-like creature that’s completely covered in knives, like a hedgehog.
Size. The Knife Devil incarnations tend to be very small and puny. Your size is tiny.
Speed. You have 30 feets of walking speed.
Knife-filled Body. Your body is filled with knives, making you sharp to touch. Whenever a creature touches you or hits you with a melee natural weapon or unarmed strike, they take 1d4 piercing damage. Additionally, any creature grappling you or that you are grappling takes 1d4 piercing damage at the beginning of their turns.
Made for the Kitchen. You gain proficiency in cooking utensils, and you count as one for the purposes of any checks you may use it.
Slash. You can use your knife-filled body to slash your opponents. Your unarmed strikes deal slashing damage instead of bludgeoning, and they now deal a d4. Additionally, they count as a melee simple weapon with the light and finesse property.
You gain proficiency in Dexterity saving throws.
- Protected by Knives
Starting at 1st level, due to your body being completely filled with knives, you are naturally protected. Your AC increases by 2.
- Knife Summon
At 2nd level, you have learned how to create knives out of thin air. As an action for 2 fear points, you create a number of knives up to your Charisma modifier. These knives stay in the air for 1 minute. You can as a bonus action, order one or more of them to attack one or more targets within 30 feet of them. Make a devil power attack roll for each knife. On a hit, they take 1d4 + your Charisma modifier piercing damage.
If you send all of your knives into one target, you may choose to force them to make a Dexterity saving throw against all of them instead of making devil power attack rolls, on a failure they take the full damage, on a success they take no damage.
You cannot have more knives than your Charisma modifier.
This damage increases to 1d6 at 5th level, 1d8 at 11th level, 1d10 at 17th level and at 1d12 at 20th level.
- Precise Knives
At 6th level, whenever a knife hits someone, it is fatal. Your knives now have a critical hit radius of 19-20.
- Chef’s Slices
At 11th level, like a chef, you can use your knives to cut right through a creature’s flesh. When aiming to a creature’s limb, you can spend 6 fear points to make a chef’s slice. On a hit, the limb will be removed however no hit points will be lost.
Said limb will now be detached from the creature, and can be targeted for attacks. The limb has an AC equal to the creature reduced by your proficiency bonus.
The limb reattaches itself if you die.
- Cutting Through Air
At 18th level, your knives are too fast for the human eye to see. Your devil power attack rolls are made with advantage and creatures make the Dexterity saving throw with disadvantage unless if the target's passive perception is equal or higher than your Devil Power DC.
- Ultimate Devil Power:Unstoppable Slashes
Your slashes cut through even the hardest flesh. Your knives damage ignores resistances and immunities, and they ignore damage reduction by your Charisma modifier.
Spear Devil[edit]
Bow Devil[edit]
Octopus Devil[edit]
Hell Devil[edit]
- Devil Biology
As the Hell devil, you take the form of a centaur with a featureless head except for a giant mouth which is open in a grimace. You are covered with taut flesh which is constantly burning.
Size. The Hell Devil Reincarnations are always just a bit bigger than normal humans. Your size is medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 35 feet.
Burning Body. You are covered in eternal flames that won't ever stop burning. You have immunity to fire damage and the effects of extreme cold or heat. Additionally, whenever you're being grappled or grapple someone, the creature takes xd4 fire damage at the beginning of their turns(with X being your Constitution modifier(minimum of 1)).
Hell Hooves. You are never unarmed, as you carry hell itself with you. Your hooves are a natural weapon, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. When you make an unarmed strike with your hooves, the damage die for your unarmed strike is a d8 bludgeoning damage. You are considered proficient in these strikes.
Infernal Trampling. As a quadrupedal being, you are considered the horse of hell. When you take the dash action, you can make an attack with your Hell Hooves as a bonus action.
You gain proficiency in Strength saving throws.
- Made in Hell
Starting at 1st level, you're clearly a devil, but no one represents hell more than you. Your unarmed strikes deal additional xd4 fire damage on a hit(with X being your charisma modifier).
Additionally, any flammable objects within 5 ft. of you that aren't being currently hold or worn are ignited.
- Back Home
At 3rd level, as the hell devil, you couldn't feel more at home than at hell, and who doesn't want to go back home from time to time? As an action for 3 fear points, you open two doors that pull and teleport you and any willing creature within your reach to Hell. You select the exact point where you are transported to, and if that space is occupied you're sent to the nearest unoccupied space.
In case you're already in Hell, you can take you and any willing creatures within your reach to the last point you were in the human world.
- Straight to Hell
At 6th level, hell is such a nice place at this time of the year, why not invite guests over? As an action for 4 fear points, you can target a creature you can currently see and force them to make a Charisma saving throw. On a failure, a bunch of small demonic hands come out from a door behind them and takes them to a point of hell of your choice. On a sucess, they aren't taken to hell and are immune to this feature's effects for 1 minute.
You always know the location of the creatures which you send to hell.
- Efficient Transport
At 10th level, you have refined your transport. You can now target a number of creatures up to your Charisma modifier when using Straight to Hell.
Additionally, your Back Home and Straight to Hell features now take bonus actions instead of actions.
- Devil's Pull
At 14th level, you have learned how to manifest a immense 6 fingered hand from the sky to take a large number of people to hell. As an action for 10 fear points, you choose a point you can see and force all creatures in a 100 foot-radius to make a Charisma saving throw. On a failure, these creatures are sent to a point in hell of your choice. On a success, they take 10d10 bludgeoning damage as the hand crushes them.
- Highway to Hell
Finally at 20th level, you don't need to even move to bring people to your plane. You can now use your features in any parts of the hell or material plane, even if you cannot see it. You may also use it while incapacitated but not unconscious.
Additionally, when you teleport back to the human world, you can choose where you want to be sent to.
- Ultimate Devil Power: King of Hell
Hell is more than just a home to you, it is your castle, and you are it's king. While on the hell plane, you gain the following benefits:
- All of your scores increases by 2, including their maximuns.
- You now bypass resistances and immunities while attacking.
- Your attack rolls are made with advantage.
- Creatures roll with disadvantage against your saving throws.
You lose all of this benefits when you leave the plane of hell.
Darkness Devil[edit]
- Devil Biology
Your body is made up of many emaciated human bodies, with two bodies acting as your legs and four other human bodies acting as your torso, each having a unique face: the one immediately below your neck has no eyes, nose and a vertical mouth, the second head has open eyes and a stitched mouth, the third one has no nose, an open mouth and stitched eyes, and the fourth one has no eyes and a somber expression. Your head is akin to that of a pterodactyl with curved horns. The first human body has its arms stretching outwards holding what seems to be a cape of darkness.
Size. The Darkness Devil incarnations all tend to be slightly larger than humans due to their monstrous body. Your size is medium.
Speed. You have 30 feets of walking speed.
Ultimate Darkvison. You are the embodiment of darkness, looking at the dark was never an issue. You have unlimited darkvision through magical and non-magical darkness. Additionally, you gain advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that involve sight while on complete darkness.
Dark Travel. When in darkness, is when you are at your strongest. Your movement speed doubles when in complete darkness, and you do not take opportunity attacks while moving in complete darkness.
Primal Devil. You are one of the primal fears of humanity, bringing fear in the hearts of almost every human that has ever existed. Whenever you would gain fear levels you gain double the amount instead. At 3rd level, your fear point maximum increases by your Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus.
You gain proficiency in Dexterity saving throws.
- Empowered Through Darkness
Starting at 1st level, you are the most pure darkness, becoming more powerful in it. You become immune to necrotic damage, and you take four times as much damage from radiant damage(counting the vulnerability). While in complete darkness, your regeneration, if any, is doubled. Additionally, while in complete darkness you can non-magically cast alter self without needing to concentrate.
- Darkness Manipulation
At 3rd level, you can now extend your darkness around, showing the world what is it like to live in the shadows. As an action for 5 fear points you can cover the sky in darkness, blotting out all light. Choose a point you can see, the area within 200ft of it is covered in magical darkness for a number of minutes equal to your Charisma modifier(minimum of 1). Additionally, creatures make saving throws to avoid being frightened against you with disadvantage when you or them are in complete darkness.
- Force Manipulation
At 6th level, you have learned how to manipulate an imaginary force, destroying creatures from afar. As an action for 2 or more fear points, you force one creature within 60 times the fear points spent ft. to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take 4d10 force damage and are knocked prone. On a success, they take half as much damage and are not knocked prone. For every additional fear point spent, you add a d10 to the total force damage.
At 10th level, you can now use Force Manipulation as a bonus action, and you can replace attacks as part of the attack action with Force Manipulation, but you must spend Fear Points for each attack replaced.
- Dark Sword
At 10th level, you have learned how to summon a ritual sword of condensed darkness. As a bonus action for 10 fear points, you can create a magical sword made out of pure darkness that lasts for 1 minute. The sword deals 5d12 necrotic damage on a hit and can float up to 30ft away from you. It crits on 18 or higher, attacks can be made with it even while not holding it, and can move it up to 30ft as part of the attack action. Additionally, you use your Charisma modifier when attacking with it.
Dark Punishment. As a action while the sword is summoned for 10 fear points, you ring the bells on the sword, causing any creature of your choice who took damage from your sword to take twice as much damage they received before again.
- Darkened Mind
At 14th level, the creatures who fear you know darkness in it's more pure state. Any creature who starts their turn frightened of you takes Xd8 necrotic damage, with x being your current amount of fear points. Additionally any necrotic damage you cause ignores both resistance and immunity, and cannot be reduced.
- Limb Removal
Finally at 20th level, you have improved your force manipulation to being extremely precise and deadly. When spending fear points on your force manipulation feature, you may choose to spend twice the amount you currently have used to make it an attack roll instead of a saving throw. On a hit, it will deal the maximum amount of damage and it will instantly remove the limb rolled(Or a ramdom limb of the gm's choice in case you're not using the limb system).
- Ultimate Devil Power:Regeneration Negation
You have reached the pinnacle of your devil powers. Whenever you deal damage to a creature, they will be tainted by your darkness. If they try to regain hit points in any way shape or form, they must make a Constitution saving throw against your devil power DC. On a failure, they cannot regain hit points in any way until 24 hours pass, in which after this hours pass and you regain hit points you must remake this save. On a success, they do not have to remake this save again but they regain half as many hit points(rounded down).
Stone Devil[edit]
Gun Devil[edit]
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The gun devil floating above buildings menacingly, source [6] |
- Devil Biology
As the Gun Devil, you are an enormous floating humanoid figure with multiple building-sized rifles for arms, a roughly skeletal body crammed full of disembodied screaming heads, and an oversized barrel and slide emerging from your skeletal face. You are missing the lower half of your body and is instead replaced by 6 long giant 7.62×51mm NATO ammo belts attached to the bottom of its torso.
Size. The Gun Devil incarnations all tend to be much larger than humans due to their monstrous body. Your size is huge.
Speed. You may not have a lower body, but that doesn't matter since you are constantly floating above the ground. You have 30 feet of flying speed, however you can only float 30 ft. above the ground.
Gun Arms. You don't have normal arms, which made it impossible to use weapons. That's no problem however, since your arms are the weapons. You can attack with your Machine Gun on your attack action, you may choose to use your Charisma modifier when attacking with it. Additionally, it loses it's stabilizing and reload property, since you are automatically reloading it with your body.
Perfect Aim. One of the most terrifying things about you is that you never miss. Any attacks you make with a ranged weapon ignore half cover.
Vital Strikes. The ones who are on the aim of the gun devil... never come back. You deal one additional damage dice on critical hits with ranged weapons.
You gain proficiency in Dexterity saving throws.
- Weapon Specialist
Starting at 1st level, you were born from the fear of weapons, so that's a topic no one can beat you on. You gain proficiency in all types of ranged weapons. Additionally, you add a +2 to attacks you make with ranged weapons.
Additionally you automatically gain the Fear Incarnate feat.
- Unstoppable Shooting
At 3rd level, your bullets have become sharper and deadlier, they will hit your target no matter what. Your ranged weapon attacks now ignore three-quarters and full cover, damaging the cover along with the target on a hit.
In addition, you roll four additional damage dice on a critical hit with a ranged weapon instead of three.
- No Hope of Survival
At 6th level, your arrival means sure death, and this is why people fear you. Your bullets are considered magical and silvered, and are made out of adamantine.
In addition, your machine gun now rolls a d6 instead of a d4 for it's spread property.
- Unavoidable Disaster
At 10th level, everywhere, anywhere, you are there. You will gain 10fts. of flying speed per 100 fear levels you have. Additionally, you can now take the dash action as a bonus action.
Additionally, your body has forced itself to remain durable even in high speeds, you gain the following:
Enhanced Regeneration. You gain the Increased Regeneration boost, at the beginning of your turns, you gain the benefits of Blood Regeneration as if you've drank blood.
Upon reaching 400 Fear Levels, your Increased Regeneration gains one additional dice to your regeneration die. And finally, once upon 900 Fear levels, your Ultimate Regeneration counts as having 3 dice to the regeneration die plus your current amount of fear points.
- Faster Bullets
At 14th level, you have gotten faster with your bullets, making them almost unperceivable by the human eye. Whenever you make a ranged weapon attack roll, the targetted creature must make a Wisdom (Perception) check against your devil power DC. On a success, you attack as normal. On a failure, your attacks against the creature are made with advantage for the rest of the turn. The creature automatically fails if it's blinded or cannot see you. The creature becomes immune to this effect for 24 hours in case it succeeds the save, and gains advantage on the save in case it's passive perception is higher than your devil power DC.
In addition, your machine gun now rolls a d8 instead of a d6 for it's spread property.
- Natural Disaster
Finally at 20th level, you have become something beyond a devil... you are like a natural disaster that cannot be avoided no matter what. As an action for 1 or more fear points, you force all creatures in a 600ft. cone to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take your machine gun's damage and are knocked prone. On a success, they take half as much damage. For every 1 fear point you spend on this feature, you add your weapon's damage die one additional time and +600fts. to the cone.
- Ultimate Devil Power:Execute
You have reached your strongest power, the one that ruined so many lives. As an action for 10 fear points, you shoot in multiple directions and roll your machine gun damage dice as if it was a critical and deal that damage for every humanoid adult male within 3280 feets of it, and to every humanoid 12 year old that's within 4920 feets of you, with you aiming directly at their skull. Additionally, every creature that's not an undead or a construct that were born in January, February, March, May, June, August, September, November or December within 3280 feets of you will also take this damage with you targetting it's torso.
Control Devil[edit]
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- Devil Biology
As the control devil, you have a humanoid appearance that makes it extremely hard to identify if you're a human or devil. Your eyes are yellow with multiple red rings in them, giving off a ominous aura.
Size. The Control Devil incarnations all tend to be the same height as normal humans, only ranging to 5'6 to 5'8 ft. tall. Your size is medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Unrecognizable Faces. You cannot remember human faces, seeing them as if you were a human seeing a dog's face. However, you can identify humans by their smell. As long as you passed at least a long rest worth of time with a humanoid and constantly interacted with it, you will memorize their scent. You gain advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks to locate said humanoid as long as it doesn't hide it's smell.
Superiority Complex. You have an extremely big ego, thinking of almost every being in this earth as inferior to you. You will gain advantage on Intimidation checks against creatures with a CR or level lower than your Pure Devil class.
Horseman. You are one of the four horsemen, meaning the amount of fear the population feels of you is massive. You can add your Charisma modifier twice when determining your fear points, and you gain twice as many fear levels per frightened creature.
You are proficient in Intelligence saving throws.
- Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
Starting at 1st level, as the control Devil it's in your nature to be manipulative while looking innocent. You gain proficiency in all Charisma based skills, or expertise in case you're already proficient with them.
In addition, you add your Charisma modifier twice when determining the amount of contracts you can make.
- Control
At 3rd level, your main power is the ability to control those who you deem inferior to you. As an action for 1 fear point, you can target a creature with a CR or level lower than your pure devil level and force them to make a Charisma saving throw. On a failure, they will be charmed by you and will obey each and every single order for a number of minutes equal to your Charisma modifier. They can retry the saving throw at the beginning of their turns, ending the effect early on a success, although they won't know they were being controlled unless if a outside source tells them. On a success, they aren't charmed but don't know you tried to control them.
The creature rolls the save with disadvantage if it's CR or level is at least 5 lower than your class level. For every time you control a creature, you gain 5 fear levels.
If your DM allows, you may spend fear points equal to the creature’s challenge rating or level to make them under your control permanently. If you do so, there is no additional saving throws after the first one: they are simply under your control.
- Force Manipulation
At 6th level, you have learned how to manipulate an imaginary force, destroying creatures from afar. As an action for 2 or more fear points, you force one creature within 60 times the fear points spent ft. to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take 4d12 force damage and are knocked prone. On a success, they take half as much damage and are not knocked prone. For every additional fear point spent, you add a d12 to the total force damage. Objects and structures take double damage.
At 10th level, you can now use Force Manipulation as a bonus action, and you can replace attacks as part of the attack action with Force Manipulation, but you must spend Fear Points for each attack replaced.
- Great Scale Control
At 10th level, your control has become better, being able to hold people for much longer. Creatures with a Intelligence score lower than your devil power DC make the save with disadvantage, and creatures who's CR is lower than your proficiency bonus automatically fail. Whenever someone fails the saving throw of your control, they must wait 24 hours before making the saving throw again, removing the effect on a success, or staying under the effects of your control on a failure. You can see and hear through every creature that is curently under your control, although you can only see and hear in one creature at a time.
You have also learned how to move between large distances by using small creatures as your "portal". As an free action for 1 fear point while you have at least 100 tiny creatures under your control, you can move up to twice your movement speed without generating opportunity attacks. If you're outside combat, you can use this as an action to teleport yourself to another place. This works like the teleport spell.
- Ritual
At 14th level, you have made a ritual to make your force manipulation stronger. As an action for 4 or more fear points, you can recite the name of a creature while sacrificing the life of a willing humanoid within sight range. The named creature must make a Constitution saving throw, taking the damage of your Bang devil power as if you had spent double the amount of fear points you spent for the ritual on a failure, or half as much on a success. The willing humanoid will instantly die, with or without the chosen creature failing the saving throw.
- Nation Wide Control
Finally at 20th level, you have reached the pinnacle of your devil powers, being able to even control nations. You can use the powers of the creatures you currently have under your control by spending fear points in exchange for it. You will gain the following options:
Free Action. As a free action for 1 fear point, you use a free action from one of your creatures.
Reaction. As an reaction for 2 fear points, you use a reaction from one of your creatures.
Bonus Actions. As an bonus action for 4 fear points, you use a bonus action from one of your creatures.
Actions. As an action for 6 fear points, you use a action from one of your creatures.
Whenever you use the feature of said creature, it teleports to the closest place to you as possible, using said feature. If it says it would damage every creature but the user, it instead damages every creature but you.
- Ultimate Devil Feature:Death Summon
There isn't a place on this earth that hasn't heard of your name once, granting you a ultimate power. As an action for any creatures that died while under your control, can be ressurected for 1 minute while still being charmed. You may also use this for the 20th level feature, however they would only stay until their feature duration ends.
War Devil[edit]
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The war devil standing menacingly, source [7] |
- Devil Biology
As the war devil, you have bird-like body similar to a dark colored owl or potoo with a piercing gaze.
Size. The War Devil incarnations all tend to be the same height as a normal owl. Your size is tiny.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 20 feet.
Dark Wings. With a body resembling a owl, you have dark wings. You have 30 feets of flying speed.
Battle Master. As a devil born from war itself, you are naturally an expert with weapons. You gain proficiency with all kinds of weapons.
Horseman. You are one of the four horsemen, meaning the amount of fear the population feels of you is massive. You can add your Charisma modifier twice when determining your fear points, and you gain twice as many fear levels per frightened creature.
You gain proficiency in Strength or Dexterity saving throws.
- It's Mine
Starting at 1st level, you tend to be very possessive of your things, growing very attached to them. You will grow attached to your possessions over time, gaining attachment points. Bellow is the affection table to determine how much attachment you have with the possession:
Type of Possession | Examples | Activity Needed | Attachment Gained |
Object | A weapon, ammunition, tools. | You need to utilize the object in it's inteded way for extended periods of time. | 1 attachment point per hour you used the object. |
Pet | A dog, cat, or any kind of being with low intelligence that serves you willingly. | You need to pass time and have fun with said pet for extended periods of time. | 6 attachment points per hour you passed with the pet. |
Friends | Any intelligent creature who you have developed a friendship with. | You need to pass through many experiences with said friend for extended periods of time. | 8 attachment points per hour you passed with the friend. |
Family | Any creature biologically related to you, or a lover who officially is in a relationship with you. | You need to pass quality time with your family member or have pleasant moments with your lover for extended periods of time. | 10 attachment points per hour you passed your family member or lover. |
For each different kind of possession, there's a different limit of affection you can have it.
Type of Possession | Attachment Limit |
Object | 400 attachment points. |
Pet | 600 attachment points. |
Friends | 800 attachment points. |
Family | 1000 attachment points. |
- Weapon Creation
At 3rd level, sometimes you need to sacrifice things you love in order to achieve your goals. As an action for a number of fear points while within touch range of a possession which you have the maximum amount of attachment points with, you can touch them and transform their body into a grotesque weapon made of their flesh or materials. They become any type of martial or simple melee or thrown weapon. The weapon will count as magical, and has the same features and properties as the normal weapon had. Transforming a creature into a weapon will count as the Murder Inhumane Action.
Different types of possessions have different types of power. See the weapon table bellow for more details:
Type of Possession | Weapon Damage increase | fear point required |
Object | The weapon damage dice will be increased by one tier per 100 attachment points you had with the object. | 1 fear point |
Pet | The weapon damage dice will be increased by one tier per 100 attachment points you had with the pet. | 4 fear points. |
Friends | The weapon damage dice will be increased by one tier per 100 attachment points you had with the friend. | 6 fear points. |
Family | The weapon damage dice will be increased by one tier per 100 attachment points you had with the family member or lover. | 8 fear points. |
The fear levels power increase does not affect weapon damage tiers.
Creating weapons out of things you love takes a huge toll on your mental state, making you feel terrible about yourself. You receive mental detriments depending on the amount of affection you had for the weapon, as shown bellow at the mental detriments table:
Type of Possession | Mental Detriment |
Pet | You receive xd8 psychic damage(with x increasing by 1 per 100 attachment points you had) and 1 level of exhaustion. |
Friends | You receive xd10 psychic damage(with x increasing by 1 per 100 attachment points you had) and 2 levels of exhaustion. |
Family | You receive xd12 psychic damage(with x increasing by 1 per 100 attachment points you had) and 3 levels of exhaustion. |
The psychic damage cannot be reduced in any way.
- Fighting Style
At 6th level, you have learned a specific fighting style. You can choose one of the fighting styles bellow:
Blind Fighting. You have blindsight with a range of 10 feet. Within that range, you can effectively see anything that isn't behind total cover, even if you're blinded or in darkness. Moreover, you can see an invisible creature within that range, unless the creature successfully hides from you.
Dueling. When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon.
Great Weapon Fighting. When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you make with a melee weapon that you are wielding with two hands, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2. The weapon must have the two-handed or versatile property for you to gain this benefit.
Interception. When a creature you can see hits a target, other than you, within 5 feet of you with an attack, you can use your reaction to reduce the damage the target takes by 1d10 + your proficiency bonus (to a minimum of 0 damage). You must be wielding a simple or martial weapon to use this reaction.
Thrown Weapon Fighting. You can draw a weapon that has the thrown property as part of the attack you make with the weapon. In addition, when you hit with a ranged attack using a thrown weapon, you gain a +2 bonus to the damage roll.
Two-Weapon Fighting. When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack.
- Attachment Power
At 10th level, your weapons will grow stronger the stronger the bound you had with the weapon was. Your weapons will gain a +1 to their attack and damage rolls if they were a pet, +2 if they were a friend, and +3 if they were family.
Additionally you can now use Weapon Creation by calling out the name of the weapon you wish to create.
- Improved Extra Attack
At 14th level, you have improved your combat, making you become faster at delivering attacks. You can now attack thrice instead of twice.
- Favored Weapon
Finally at 20th level, you have a sweet spot for one of your weapons, and you'd be able to sacrifice another weapon just to see this one shine. You must choose one of your created weapons to be your favorite. Whenever you're attacking with your favorite weapon you can spend 10 fear points to sacrifice one of your weapons and turn the attack into a critical. This critical cannot be negated in any way shape or form, it's damage is maximized and it's damage cannot be reduced or absorbed.
You cannot change your favorite weapon unless you sacrifice it for this feature.
- Ultimate Devil Power:Arch-Nemesis
You have a grudge against one type of creature, and have a special hatred for them in your heart to make them your weapons. You must choose one creature type(you must choose two races in case the type is humanoid). Your first attack roll made against that creature type is made with advantage, and you score a critical on a 19-20 against said types. If you make a weapon out of that creature type, it will gain an additional +1 to it's attack and damage rolls, and one additional damage dice tier increase.
Cockroach Devil[edit]
Famine Devil[edit]
Falling Devil[edit]
Justice Devil[edit]
Carpenter Bee Devil[edit]
Fear Abilities[edit]
Body Abilities[edit]
- Body Increase
Your body has been enhanced, growing stronger. Choose a score between Strength, Dexterity and Constitution. The chosen score is increased by 1, including it's maximum.
You can pick this devil ability a number of times up to your proficiency bonus before you can't pick it up again.
- Quick Feet
You have grown quick on your feet, your speed being a sight to behold. You gain a +10 to your walking speed.
You can pick this fear ability a number of times up to your proficiency bonus.
- Faster Than What the Eyes Can See
Prerequisites: 500 fear levels, must have picked Quick Feet at least 3 times.
You are faster than what the human eye can see. You can take the dash action as a bonus action. Additionally, you gain advantage in Dexterity saving throws.
- Hardened Skin
Prerequisite: 500 fear levels. Your body has hardened due to your power increasing. You gain a damage negation of 4.
You can pick this devil ability a number of times up to your proficiency bonus before you can't pick it up again.
Regeneration Abilities[edit]
- Enhanced Regeneration
Your regen is more efficient than that of most devils. Your blood regeneration amount counts as one higher when calculating how much you regenerate.
You can pick this fear ability again once you have 500 fear levels, again when you have 900 fear levels, again when you have 1300 fear levels and again when you have 1700 fear levels.
- Constant Regeneration
Prerequisites: 1100 fear levels, must have picked Enhanced Regeneration at least 3 times.
While for other devils regenerating needs blood, you can simply regen as time goes by. You regain hit points equal to your blood regeneration amount times half your Charisma modifier(rounded down) as long as you have at least 1 hit point.
- Perfect Regeneration
Prerequisites: 1700 fear levels, must have picked Constant Regeneration, must have picked Enhanced Regeneration at least 4 times.
You have reached a state of perfect regeneration. You regain hit points equal to your blood regeneration amount times your Charisma modifier as long as you have at least 1 hit point.
- Near Immortality
Prerequisites: 2000 fear levels, must have picked Perfect Regeneration, must have picked Enhanced Regeneration at least 5 times, must be a Primal Devil.
Humans haven't developed a way to kill you yet, and anyone who fights you can tell. You now regain hit points even while bellow 1 hit points, with your regeneration only stopping once you are killed outright.
Power Abilities[edit]
- Raw Power
Prerequisites: Must have 500 fear levels.
Your devil power became more potent, with it's effects being more effective. One of your features gains one of the following:
Efficiency. Your devil power gains one more die.
Precision. Your devil power now gains a +1 to it's attack rolls.
Anti Resistance. Your devil power now gains a +1 to it's DC.
To activate this feature, you must spend additional fear points up to the amount of the total bonus you wish to receive.
The same feature can receive this fear ability a number of times up to your proficiency bonus.
- Optimized Power Usage
Prerequisites: Must have 1100 fear points.
You learned how to use your power more efficiently. You can reduce the action cost one of your devil powers listed at your devil type by one. For example, a full round action becomes an action, an action becomes a bonus action, and a bonus action becomes a free action.
You cannot multiclass into the Pure devil class, you must start with it and multiclass it out.
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