Pathfinder Mundane Weapons

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See also: Weapon Descriptions

and Pathfinder Specific Weapons

Simple Weapons

Simple Weapons
Simple Weapons Cost Damage (S) Damage (M) Critical Range
Weight (S) Weight (M) Damage
Unarmed Weapons
Light Melee Weapons
Kris (Pathfinder Equipment) 1d4 1d6 20/x3 5 1 lb. 1.5 lb. piercing
One-Handed Melee Weapons
Hand-And-A-Half Melee Weapons
Two-Handed Melee Weapons
Battle Book (Pathfinder Equipment) 25 1d4 1d6 20/x2 10 ft. 6 12 Bludgeoning
One-Handed Ranged Weapons
Two-Handed Ranged Weapons
Arquebus, Heavy (Pathfinder Equipment) 50 gp 1d6 1d8 ×4 120 ft 4 lbs 8 lbs Piercing
Elven Ninja Bow (Pathfinder Equipment)
Light Shuriken Thrower (Pathfinder Equipment) 40 gp 1d8 1d10 x3 20 ft. 2 lb 4 lb Slashing and Piercing
Musket, Light (Pathfinder Equipment) 35 gp 1d6 1d8 ×3 80 ft 2 lbs 4 lbs Piercing
Monk Weapons

Martial Weapons

Martial Weapons
Martial Weapons Cost Damage (S) Damage (M) Critical Range
Weight (S) Weight (M) Damage
Unarmed Weapons
Light Melee Weapons
Assassin's Friend (Pathfinder Equipment) 20gp 1d3 1d4 19-20/x2 1/2 lb. 1 lb. Piercing
Parrying Dagger, Swordbreaker (Pathfinder Equipment) 18 gp 1d3 1d4 20/x3 10' 2lbs Piercing
One-Handed Melee Weapons
Assassin's Friend (Pathfinder Equipment) 20gp 1d3 1d4 19-20/x2 1/2 lb. 1 lb. Piercing
Leaf Sword (Pathfinder Equipment) 15gp 1d4 1d6 18-20/x2 2 lbs 3 lbs Slashing
Hand-And-A-Half Melee Weapons
Two-Handed Melee Weapons
Polearm Weapons
One-Handed Ranged Weapons
Two-Handed Ranged Weapons
Crossbow, Clockwork (Pathfinder Equipment) 250 gp 1d6 1d8 19-20/×2 50 ft 5 lb. 10 lb. Piercing
Monk Weapons

Exotic Weapons

Exotic Weapons
Exotic Weapons Cost Damage (S) Damage (M) Critical Range
Weight (S) Weight (M) Damage
Unarmed Weapons
Light Melee Weapons
Barbed Stiletto (Pathfinder Equipment) 16 gp 1d4 1d6 17–20/×3 1/2 lb 1 lb Piercing
Hook Swords (Pathfinder Equipment) 30gp 1d4 1d6 20x2 2 3
Shuriken Chain (Pathfinder Equipment) 100 gp (1d3)*[(1 + 0.5*Str) - 1] (1d3)*[(1 + 0.5*Str)] ×2 2 1/2 lb 5 lbs Piercing
One-Handed Melee Weapons
Raith Blade (Pathfinder Equipment) 2000 2d10 2d12 x3 5' 0 0 slashing
Hand-And-A-Half Melee Weapons
Two-Handed Melee Weapons
Battle Scythe (Pathfinder Equipment) 75 1d10 2d6 ×3 - 10 lb. 12 lb. Slashing
Fluffy Bunny (Pathfinder Equipment) 7500 1d10/1d10 1d20/1d20 18-20×3 10 100 lb. 120 lb. Slashing
Psychic Dart (Pathfinder Equipment) 50gp 1d6 1d8 19-20 x3 110' 1lb 2 lbs Piercing
Raith Blade (Pathfinder Equipment) 2000 2d10 2d12 x3 5' 0 0 slashing
Storm Ravager (Pathfinder Equipment) 7500 1d10/1d10 1d20/1d20 18-20×3 10 100 lb. 120 lb. Slashing
Yant-si blade (Pathfinder Equipment) 2000 gp 1d12 2d12 18-20/x5 5 lbs 10 lbs Slashing
One-Handed Ranged Weapons
Two-Handed Ranged Weapons
Wire (Pathfinder Equipment) 1 gp2 1d33 1d43 ×4 5 ft. Bludgeoning or Slashing (read below)
Yant-si Sniper (Pathfinder Equipment) 1200gp 1d8 1d12 17-20/x2 250 ft. 2.5 lb. 5 lb. Piercing
Monk Weapons


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Incomplete Weapons

Mundane Weapons with one or many improving, reviewing, or removing templates present. Please help work on the problem presented on the template.