Blaze Style (Shinobi World Supplement)

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Blaze Style[edit]

Blaze Style is the highest caliber of destructive jutsu, using Yang Style to manipulate the physical form of the strongest Fire Style jutsu. Alternatively, a DM may decide that this style can only be taken as the second feature of one who gains Amaterasu from the Mangekyō Sharingan feature.

Basic Blaze Style Technique

Range: Self

Cost: 1 chakra

Duration 1 hour

As a bonus action, whenever you deal fire damage for the duration, you can treat any 1 on a damage die as a 2 and you ignore resistance to fire damage.


Cost: 8 chakra

Range: 60 feet

Duration: 1 minute

As an action, you focus your chakra on a single point, creating black flames. Anything flammable near it will be engulfed in black flame. The flame cannot be put out unless you choose to, magical means, or it ends. If you use this on a creature, it must make a Dexterity saving throw. If it fails, it takes 2d10 + your Intelligence modifier fire damage and at the start of its turn, it takes 1d10 + your Intelligence modifier fire damage. Amaterasu can only affect one creature at a time.

If you already have Amaterasu from the Mangekyō Sharingan feature, you may use this as part of another jutsu. Doing so changes its range to the other jutsu's.


Cost: 8 chakra

Duration: Concentration, 1 minute

As a bonus action, you wrap your body in a layer of black flames which. You gain a +3 bonus to AC and when a creature hits you with a melee attack, it takes 1d10 + your Intelligence modifier fire damage.


Cost: 12 chakra

Range: 15 foot radius

As a reaction when a creature moves within 15-feet of you, you surround yourselves with Amaterasu shaping it into spikes, impaling anything within the area. Each creature must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 4d8 + your Intelligence modifier fire damage on a failure. Half as much on a success.

Flame Control

Cost: 14 chakra

Range: 15 foot cone

As a bonus action, after you make a melee weapon attack, you sweep black flame out in the area. Each creature in the area must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 6d10 + your Intelligence modifier fire damage on a failure. Half as much on a success.

Great Dragon Fire Technique

Cost: 26 chakra

Range: 60 feet

Duration: Concentration, 1 minute

As an action, you make a dragon-shaped fireball of Amaterasu. The dragon is a 10 feet tall, 10 feet wide, and travels in a 20 foot line. Each creature in the area must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 8d10 + your Intelligence modifier fire damage on a failure. Half as much on a success. As a bonus action, for the duration, you can move the dragon up to 30 feet within the range. Each creature that is in the area after its moved, ends its turn in the area, or enters it for the first time on its turn must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 4d10 + your Intelligence modifier fire damage on a failure. Half as much on a success. This ignores evasion.

Flying Flame

Cost: 8 chakra

Range: 60 feet

Duration: 1 minute

As a bonus action, you focus your Blaze Style chakra into your attacks. Until the beginning of your next turn, on a hit with any non-jutsu attack you make, the target takes 1d4 fire damage and takes an additional 2d6 + your Intelligence modifier fire damage at the start of each of their turns. The flame cannot be put out unless you choose to, magical means, or it ends. Amaterasu or Flying Flame can only affect one creature at a time.


Cost: 11 chakra

Range: 60 feet

Duration: 1 minute

As an action, you focus not only your Blaze Style chakra but your negative emotions as well on a single point, creating black flames. Anything flammable near it is engulfed in black flame. The flame cannot be put out unless you choose to, magical means, or it ends. If you use this on a creature, it must make a Dexterity saving throw. If it fails, it takes 2d8 fire damage and becomes frightened. At the start of the target's turn, they must attempt a Charisma saving throw, taking 2d8 fire damage and remaining frightened on a failure, or ending this effect on a success. Amaterasu or Kitsunebi can only affect one creature at a time.


Cost: 12 chakra

Range: 10 feet

Duration: 1 minute

As an action, you create a 30 ft. cube of Blaze Style chakra. If a creature passes through this barrier without any form of teleportation, they take 2d10 + your Intelligence modifier fire damage, and takes 1d10 + your Intelligence modifier fire damage at the end of each of their turns. This counts as Amaterasu for the sake of ending the flames, and if you cast a Blaze Style jutsu restricted to effecting one creature all effects of this jutsu end.


Cost: 8 chakra

Range: 60 feet

Duration: 1 minute

As an action, you focus and condense your chakra on a single point, creating an explosive blast of temporary black flames. Anything flammable within 5 ft. of the area is engulfed in black flame. The flame cannot be put out unless you choose to, magical means, or it ends. Any creatures in this area must make a Dexterity saving throw. If they fails, they take 5d8 + your Intelligence modifier fire damage. Casting this jutsu ends the effects of any Blaze Style jutsu restricted to effecting one creature.

*Blaze Style: Kagutsuchi Rasengan*

Cost: 15 chakra

Range: Touch

Requirements: Rasengan

As an action, you imbue your Rasengan with the ever-burning flames of Kagutsuchi, immortalizing its rotation as well. Make a melee spell attack. The target takes 2d10 + your Intelligence modifier fire plus 2d10 force damage, and takes an additional 2d10 + your Intelligence modifier fire damage at the start of each of their turns. The flame cannot be put out unless you choose to, magical means, or it ends. Amaterasu or Blaze Style:Kagutsuchi Rasengan can only affect one creature at a time.

*Propulsion of Anger*:

Cost: 26 chakra

Range: 30ft radius around caster

Duration: 1 min concentration

As you draw out the anger in you to act as a component for a powerful attack your eyes blacken and you begin float about 2ft of the ground as black flames start to form a oblong sphere around you and arks of black flame starts seeping from the ground and entering the sphere around you, making it more powerful and then you uncontrollably start drawing in spikes of black flame from all around you as a result of drawing anger from the world then you let out a yell and all the black flames are let out making a noise that can be described as a cold distorted yell doing 12d6 fire damage in a 30 ft radius and doing 10 less damage per 10 ft from the original 30ft

You can pour more/less anger into your attack by changing hit dice number 1 hit dice per 3 chakra

*Tethered to Hatred*

Cost: 15 chakra

Range: 5ft

Duration: 3 rounds

As an action you may run up to an enemy that you are aware of and attach a rope made of black flames to the enemy they are restrained. Now if the enemy gets out of 20 ft range of the fire rope, they take 1d6 fire damage and be jostled back in range. But that’s not all you may yank the fire rope up and down (like you would a workout rope) creating arks of fire speeding down towards the restrained enemy doing 4d6 fire damage

*Mote of Abhor*

Cost: 18 chakra

Range: 60ft

Duration: 1 min concentration

You summon a rough square of fire that is 2ft high and 15 ft wide and long Any creature that is in this square will take 1d12 fire damage on each of its turns. You may charge the flame extending its height to 15ft and now the damage towards creature inside of the flames are increased by 3d8, to charge the flames will increase you cost by one. You may push the mote 60 ft in the direction you are facing


Cost: 19 chakra

Range: 125ft

Duration: 1 minute

As a bonus action, you summon a rotating cylinder made of black flame around your arm in an almost vase shape, you have the duration to expel the black flame or else it fizzles off but if you do find a target you may as an action fire of 3 pulse bursts of fire doing 1d6 fire damage then you will fire the cylinder at the target the flame from the cylinder siphons on to the target for 12d4 fire damage, The first time you do this jutsu you take the amount of damage you out put and a marking appears on your arm

*Amaterasu Sealing Style*

Cost: 8 chakra

Duration: 1 min

Range: you can see

As an action, you put a rune on an enemy you can see and then you generate the Amaterasu in your hand as a ball you may release upon doing so the ball turns into a lazer or beam and jumps on to the seal. The flame cannot be put out unless you choose to, magical means, or it ends. If you use this on a creature, it takes 2d10 + your Intelligence modifier fire damage and at the start of its turn, it takes 1d10 + your Intelligence modifier fire damage. This can only affect what ever the seal is on. you may ad 1 to the cost to make this attack hav advantage on attack rolls

*Grasp of Anger*:

Cost: 28 chakra

Range: 120ft

Duration: 1 min concentration

As you draw out the anger in you to act as a component for a powerful attack your eyes blacken and you begin float about 2ft of the ground as black flames start to form an oblong sphere around you and arks of black flame starts seeping from the ground and entering the sphere around you, making it more powerful and then you uncontrollably start drawing in spikes of black flame from all around you as a result of drawing anger from the world then the black flames are let out in the form of a hand big enough to hold 2 adult male, making a noise that can be described as a cold distorted yell doing 12d6 fire damage and can be directed by the caster and can’t be stopped no matter the object, it will just break through it can only be slowed by the caster. If the target is within 15 ft of the hand, they can make a Dex saving through on a success the target gets a turn but on a fail the target takes 1d8 psychic damage and the hand can proceed, if the hand grapples the target they will take 1d4 fire damage every one of their turns if the hand punches then they take 3d6 fire damage. You can pour more/less anger into your attack by changing hit dice number 1 hit dice per 3 chakra

*Partial Grasp of Anger*

Cost: 8

Range: self

Duration: instant

Instead of going the process of forming the full grasp of anger you may choose to use partial grasp of anger as a bonus action you may quickly form a hand only 3-4 inches bigger than yours made of black fire from any point in your body you may choose to do 1 of 4 things

Punch 1 target at 15 ft away they take they take 2d6 fire damage

Grapple at 30ft away you may grapple using the a surface that cannot be moved you may choose to retract to the grappled surface or a creature that is you size or lower and fails a CON saving throw

Retrieve you may grab an object that is move able and is within 5 by 5 foot and is not on a creature

Block you may increase your ac by 5 for the next 1d4 rounds


Cost: 4 Chakra

Range: self (5 ft - 35 ft)

Effect: You enwrap your hand in black fire much like the derivative jutsu Chidori but you may throw this fire doing 1d4 fire damage or you may use it like a regular Chidori at a 5ft range you may punch the Chidori into the target doing 1d4 fire damage and your int modifier piercing damage

Also, this jutsu scales with your power you get 2d4 fire damage added per every lvl above level 4

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