Oryx, the Taken King (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
Oryx, the Taken King[edit]
Gargantuan shikigami, unaligned Armor Class 27 (natural armor)
Saving Throws Str +18, Dex +14, Con +18, Cha +18 Cursed Energy. Oryx, the Taken King has 75 Cursed Energy he can use to fuel his abilities. All of his cursed energy is replenished at the end of a long rest. Improved Cursed Energy Recovery. Oryx, the Taken King recovers 3 Cursed Energy at the beginning of his turns. Invisible Force. Oryx, the Taken King is entirely made out of cursed energy, meaning he cannot be seen by normal people. Creatures without levels in the Jujutsu Sorcerer class or who cannot see into the ethereal plane cannot see him. Although, if these creatures were in a life and death situation (less than half their maximum hit points), they gain the ability to see him. Domain Bound. Oryx, the Taken King is bound to the Threshold domain. This means he may not exist outside of it, if the domain's time limit expires or it is destroyed, he disappears alongside it. This does not reset his health or cursed energy, which will carry over to the next use of the domain. He regains all his health and cursed energy once his creator takes a long rest. If he is killed he does not appear when the domain is created until his creator takes a long rest. Additionally, the range of all Oryx's attacks extends to anywhere within the Threshold domain. Phase 2 (1/long rest.) When Oryx, the Taken King falls below half health he may choose to summon one Light Eater Ogres. This Ogre does not count towards his creator's limit. Phase 3 (1/long rest.) When Oryx, the Taken King or his creator would fall to 0 hitpoints, he may choose to make them fall to 1 hit point instead and summon one Vessel of Oryx. He may do this knight does not count towards his creator’s limit. Darkness Dimension (1/long rest.) At the beginning of one of his turns whilst below half of his max health, Oryx, the Taken King may choose to trap one creature of his choice within a barrier inside the domain. The barrier is a 10 ft. radius circle on the outside and a 100 ft. radius circle on the inside. Inside the barrier there is a 50 ft. radius circle from the centre of it which is unobscured, the rest of the barrier is covered in a thick fog making it Heavily Obscured. This barrier traps the creature in one on one fight with a Shade of Oryx until they have killed it. If the Shade wins the battle then it disappears along with the barrier. Hand of The King. Oryx gains an additional three reactions he may only use for his Hand of The King feature. Eyes of The King. Oryx is not affected by any Obscured environments. Growth. Forms created by Oryx, the Taken King benefit from Growth. Armaments. Forms created by Oryx, the Taken King benefit from the Armaments extension. Not Going Down (2/long rest.) When Oryx, the Taken King is reduced to 0 hit points, he may fall to 1 hit point instead. Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Oryx, the Taken King fails a saving throw, he can choose to succeed instead. Magical Weapons. Oryx, the Taken King's attacks are considered magical. ACTIONSMultiattack. Oryx, the Taken King makes four Fist of The King or Spite of the King attacks. Fist of The King. Melee Weapon Attack: +18 to hit, reach 20 ft., one target: Hit: 88 (12d12 + 10) bludgeoning damage. Spite of The King (3 Cursed Energy.) Cursed Energy Attack: +18 to hit, range 100/200 ft., one target: Hit: 43 (6d10 + 10) necrotic damage + 46 (8d8 + 10) lightning damage. Blight Bomb (10 Cursed Energy.) Oryx repeatedly manifests bombs of cursed energy next to every hostile creature within the Threshold domain. For the next 4 rounds (including the current one), they must each make a Dexterity saving throw against his Cursed DC at the beginning of their turns or take 54 (8d10 + 10) necrotic damage. If they fail the save by 5 or more they are knocked prone. Oryx cannot have more than one use this ability active at a time. REACTIONSHand of The King. As a reaction to an attack being made against, or saving throw being forced upon his creator, Oryx may block the attack with his hand, taking the attack or making the saving throw instead. LEGENDARY ACTIONSThe King can take 4 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. The King regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn. |
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