New Shadow Style Student (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)

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New Shadow Style Student[edit]

A teacher of the New Shadow Style with their student, 1

The New Shadow Style is a fighting style that combines swordsmanship with the use of anti-domain techniques. It was created in the Heian Era by Sadatsuna Ashiya as a way for weaker sorcerers to fight against the stronger ones, with it's main technique, a domain countermeasure called Simple Domain, being called the "domain for the weak". For the purposes of preventing outsiders and non-followers of the style to learn about it, the techniques were never documented, instead being passed down from person to person, which has led to many of it's techniques being lost to time, as well as new other ones being introduced by different people. Being a student of the New Shadow School makes the basis for a solid and capable sorcerer.

Skill Proficiencies: Choose two from Acrobatics, Arcana, Athletics or History

Tool Proficiencies: Choose one type of artisan’s tools or Talismans.

Equipment: 5gp, a Jujutsu high uniform (commoner's clothes) and a finesse martial weapon of your choice.

Feature: Dedicated Apprentice[edit]

You started your career as a sorcerer diving in the ways of the New Shadow Style. Whenever you obtain New Shadow Style: Simple Domain, you'll start with 10 refinement. Additionally, you have advantage on History checks made to recall information about the New Shadow Style and individuals closely related to it, and finally you learn New Shadow Style techniques twice as efficiently.

Suggested Characteristics[edit]

d8 Personality Trait
1 I am reasonable and level headed enough to not fight someone way stronger than me
2 I am secretive about the details of my techniques so that they don't leak to the wrong people
3 I care deeply about the people around me
4 I am overly dedicated to studying the style
5 I actually dislike learning this style
6 I am not confident in my abilities
7 I prefer to fight alongside others
8 I want to use my abilities for the good of someone else
d6 Ideal
1 Mentor-Like. I wish to teach a new generation of followers (Lawful)
2 Protective. I'll use my skills to protect others (Good)
3 Selfish. My learnings serve myself above any others (Neutral)
4 Untrustworthy. I have hidden intentions to study this style (Evil)
5 Uncontrollable. None shall tell me how to use my skills, not my peers nor my masters (Chaotic)
6 Aspiring. The style is only a tool for further goals (Any)
d6 Bond
1 I want to create a new technique of my own
2 I want to rediscover a technique lost to time
3 I betrayed my old teacher and colleagues
4 I come from a lineage of students of this school
5 I have nothing in my life but this school
6 I would die for my master
d6 Flaw
1 I believe myself to be inherently more skilled than my colleagues
2 I believe my skills make me able to defend myself without needing to rely on anyone else
3 My lack of determination halts my skills
4 I'm not good at working with others, even if I wanted to
5 I have a tendency to distract myself easily, and sometimes I end up distracting others too
6 I think of myself as useless due to my shortcomings
(one vote)

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