Military Pills (Shinobi World Supplement)

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Wondrous Item, Common

Across the shinobi world are numerous forms of pills produced within hidden villages and distributed to deployed shinobi. While each village sets out to achieve the same general effects, the exact way they achieve it is usually different, leading to each recipe being a closely guarded secret. Each military pill has one of the following effects, and weighs next to nothing. A pill's rarity may be increased by 1 tier for every additional effect, or additional instance of the same effect, added to it, up to 3 pills at once may be taken as a bonus action.

  • Blood Increasing Pill - This pill rapidly stimulates how quickly a shinobi is able to produce blood and other healing bodily functions. When eaten, you regain 2d4 + 2 hit points.
  • Chakra Pill - This pill nourishes the body to a near-supernatural extent, opening the tenketsu beyond their typical capacity and flooding them with chakra. When eaten, you regain 1d4 + 1 chakra points.
  • Greater Chakra Pill - This pill is an advanced version of the chakra pill that replenishes far more chakra at the cost of the user's physical health. When eaten, you regain 2d4 + 2 chakra points, but take an equal amount of necrotic damage.
  • Genjutsu Pill - This pill casts a subtle genjutsu on the consumer, decreasing their mental capacity in order to block out potentially harmful effects. When eaten, you become immune to being charmed or frightened and you are resistant to psychic damage, but you are confused for 1 minute.
  • Military Rations Pill - This pill was designed to keep a shinobi fighting for days on end. When eaten, your food, sleep, and water needs for the next 24 hours are automatically met. After this 24 hour period, you gain 2 levels of exhaustion. If this would bring you to 6 levels of exhaustion, you instead drop to 5 levels, and you are dropped to 0 hit points, but are stable.
  • Secret Triple Threat Pill - This pill was designed by the Akimichi clan to unlock a shinobi's full potential, if at a cost. When eaten, you gain your subclass's next feature for 1 minute. The feature gained must be the one you pick the next time you have the chance to take a subclass feature. If you have all features from your subclass(es), you may gain the first feature of one subclass of your choice, following the same rules. At the end of each of your turns for this duration, you must attempt a DC 16 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, you gain 1 level of exhaustion. You may benefit from multiple Secret Triple Threat pills at a time, gaining consecutive subclass features and increasing this DC by 2 for each additional pill. This counts as three pill effects for the sake of rarity. The effects of this pill may only be stopped by greater restoration or a similar effect.
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