Masks of Forms (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous item, rarity varies (requires attunement)

Masks that appear in the form of the faces of various species. Constructed from the bones of a member of that race, the face that appears on the mask resembles the face of the one whose bones were used to construct the mask. Wearing the mask forces you to assume the appearance depicted on the mask.

Putting on and taking off the mask is a traumatic experience as the body is forcibly modified and takes one action.

Wearing a mask of forms removes the racial traits received from the player's existing race, such as ability score increases and traits like darkvision and replaces them with the traits dictated by the mask. Proficiency and languages are not removed by putting on the mask.

Your class, traits, proficiency and other features that are unrelated to your race are unaffected by wearing a mask of forms.

The masks can be removed by the wearer at will, but anyone else must succeed a DC 20 strength check to forcibly remove the mask.

Dwarf Mask (Rare)
You take the form of a dwarf.
  • Your constitution score increases by 2.
  • Your size changes to a height and weight that can be determined by the random height and weight table in the player's handbook. This remains constant and should be determined as the mask is discovered. Your base walking speed becomes 25 feet and cannot be reduced by wearing heavy armor.
  • You gain darkvision up to 60 ft, dwarven resilience, dwarven combat training and stonecutting and gain the ability to speak, read and write dwarven.
  • If the mask is of a hill dwarf, your wisdom score increases by 1 and you gain dwarven toughness.
  • If the mask is of a mountain dwarf, your strength score increases by 2 and you gain dwarven armor training.
Elf Mask (Rare)
You take the form of an elf.
  • Your dexterity score increases by 2.
  • Your size changes to a height and weight that can be determined by the random height and weight table in the player's handbook. This remains constant and should be determined as the mask is discovered. Your base walking speed becomes 30 feet.
  • You gain darkvision up to 60 ft, keen senses, fey ancestry, and trance and can speak, read and write elven.
  • If the mask is of a high elf, your intelligence score increases by 1 and you gain elf weapon training, one cantrip of your choice from the wisdom spellcasting list cast with the intelligence spellcasting ability.
  • If the mask is of a wood elf, your wisdom score increases by 1 and gain elf weapon training, fleet of foot and mask of the wild.
  • If the mask is of a drow, your charisma score increases by 1 and gain superior darkvision, sunlight sensitivity, drow magic, and drow weapon training.
Gnome Mask (Rare)
You take on the form of a gnome.
  • Your intelligence score increases by 2
  • Your size changes to a height and weight that can be determined by the random height and weight table in the player's handbook. This remains constant and should be determined as the mask is discovered. Your base walking speed becomes 25 feet.
  • You gain darkvision up to 60 feet, gnome cunning and can speak, read and write gnomish.
  • If the mask is of a forest gnome your dexterity score increases by 1 and gain natural illusionist and speak with small beasts.
  • If the mask is of a rock gnome your constitution score increases by 1 and gain artificer's lore, and tinker.
Halfling Mask (Rare)
You take the form of a halfling.
  • Your dexterity score increases by 2
  • Your size changes to a height and weight that can be determined by the random height and weight table in the player's handbook. This remains constant and should be determined as the mask is discovered. Your base walking speed becomes 25 feet.
  • You gain lucky, brave, and halfling nimbleness.
  • If the mask is of a lightfoot halfling, your charisma score increases by 1 and gain naturally stealthy.
  • If the mask is of a stout halfling, your constitution score increases by 1 and gain stout resilience.
Human Mask (Rare)
You take the form of a human
  • Your ability scores each increase by 1.
  • Your size changes to a height and weight that can be determined by the random height and weight table in the player's handbook. This remains constant and should be determined as the mask is discovered. Your base walking speed becomes 30 feet.
Merfolk Mask (Rare)
You take on a merfolk's form.
  • You gain a swimming speed of 40 feet.
  • Your dexterity score increases by 2 and your charisma score increases by 1.
  • Your size changes to a height and weight that can be determined by the elf random height and weight table in the player's handbook. This remains constant and should be determined as the mask is discovered. Your base speed becomes 10 feet.
  • You gain amphibious, Mask of the Seas (While in or near the water you can attempt to hide even when you are only lightly obscured) and can speak, read and write aquan.
Orc Mask (Rare)
You take the form of an orc.
  • Your strength score increases by 2 and your constitution score increases by 1.
  • Your size changes to a height and weight that can be determined by the random height and weight table in the player's handbook. This remains constant and should be determined as the mask is discovered. Your base walking speed becomes 25 feet.
  • You gain darkvision up to 60 feet, menacing, relentless endurance, savage attacks and can speak read and write orc.
Angel Mask (Legendary)
You take on the appearance of an angel.
  • You gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed
  • Your charisma and intelligence score increase by 2 and all other ability scores increase by 1.
  • Your size changes to a height and weight that can be determined by the human random height and weight table in the player's handbook. This remains constant and should be determined as the mask is discovered. Your base walking speed becomes 40 feet.
  • You are resistant to radiant damage and immune to being charmed exhausted or frightened.
  • You gain truesight up to 60 feet, angelic weapons, immortal nature and magic resistance.
  • You can cast thaumaturgy and detect evil and good at will and you can cast bless, hallow, prayer of healing, guardian of faith or flame strike up to five times per day.
  • You can speak, read and write celestial.
  • When you put on the mask you must succeed a DC15 charisma saving throw or become good for as long as you wear the mask, if failed you will not want to remove the mask.
Devil Mask (Legendary)
You take on the appearance of a devil similar to a pit fiend.
  • You gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed.
  • Your strength and intelligence scores increase by 2 and all other ability scores increase by 1.
  • Your size changes to a height and weight that can be determined by the Tiefling random height and weight table in the player's handbook. This remains constant and should be determined as the mask is discovered. Your base walking speed becomes 40 feet.
  • You are resistant to fire and poison damage and are immune to being poisoned or exhausted.
  • You gain truesight up to 60 feet, fear aura, magic resistance and magic weapons.
  • You can cast thaumaturgy and detect magic at will, and can cast hellish rebuke, command, scorching ray, stinking cloud or hallow up to five times per day. You gain proficiency in all intimidation checks. You can speak, read and write infernal.
  • When you put on the mask you must succeed a DC15 charisma saving throw or become evil for as long as you wear the mask, if failed you will not want to remove the mask.
Dragon Mask (Legendary)
You take on a draconic form similar to a winged dragonborn.
  • You gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed.
  • Your strength and dexterity scores increase by 2 and all other ability scores increase by 1.
  • Your size changes to a height and weight that can be determined by the dragonborn random height and weight table in the player's handbook. This remains constant and should be determined as the mask is discovered. Your base walking speed becomes 40 feet.
  • You are resistant to the damage type according to color of dragon depicted by the mask.
  • You gain a breath weapon of the strength, size and type determined by the color of dragon depicted by the mask and equivalent to a young dragon of that color.
  • You can speak, read and write draconic.

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