Languages (Appalachia)

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There are nine major languages in the world of Appalachia.

is the language of sea creatures, and has lately been adopted by intelligent speaking land animals.
Black Speech (Badling)
is the language of the mostly evil underground and underdark races and speaking creatures, for example orcs, goblins, and umber hulks.
is the language of the both heavens and all the heraldric creatures that are mixtures of two others like centaurs, griffons, lamia, and sphinxes.
is the languages of dwarves and dragons. The dragons invented it, then the dwarves adopted it and reinvented it, then the dragons accepted the dwarves' changes and started reinventing it themselves and o on and on and on. Dragons keep to themselves and interact with very few other intelligent species, but they do have a relationship with the dwarves "We get the outsides of the mountains, you get the insides", and won't talk to anyone else, except in Japan (Yuan) where dragons are worshiped.
is the language of elves and other fey. It is derived from neo-Sindarin. High elven is the same but is written using high elven script based on knotting patterns rather than letters.
is the language of great evils and horrific abominations (like beholders, medusas, and hydras). It is spoken by those with more than two eyes.
is the language of gnomes and giants. It is a concept based language and is utterly rational. That does not stop most gnomes from changing it all the time to try to make it more rational.
  • The number of gnome dialects is equal to the number of gnomes, but somehow they all understand each other. Not so much other fantasy races.
also called 'common' was originally just the language of the halflings, but since everyone seems to like halflings and since halflings do tend to like to trade, it has become the Lingua Franca of Appalachia (Lingua hobbitla?). The main common dialects are English, French, and Spanish.
If you have a major homebrew antagonist race you would like to include in your game, its members speak imperial and live in imperial China. Otherwise it's probably the yuan-ti with a Mandarin spin.
Spoken in various places around the pacific rim. Originating in Japan (Yuan).

Different fantasy races speak different languages. Here is a table identifying which language members of each race and speaking creature speaks:

D100 Creature Language List Aquatic Badling Celestial Dwarven Elvish Fiend Gnomish Halfling Imperial
1 gith Aquatic, Badling, Celestial gith gith gith
2 ent Aquatic, Badling, Dwarven ent ent ent
3 satyr Aquatic, Badling, Elvish satyr satyr satyr
drider Aquatic, Badling, Fiend dride dride dride
4 minotaur Aquatic, Badling, Gnomish minot minot minot
5 sea hag Aquatic, Badling, Halfling sea h sea h sea h
6 gnoll Aquatic, Badling, Imperial gnoll gnoll gnoll
7 troglodyte Aquatic, Badling trogl trogl
coatl Aquatic, Celestial, Dwarven coatl coatl coatl
8 marid Aquatic, Celestial, Elvish marid marid marid
9 grell Aquatic, Celestial, Fiend grell grell grell
peryton Aquatic, Celestial, Gnomish peryt peryt peryt
10 naiad Aquatic, Celestial, Halfling naiad naiad naiad
11 kenku Aquatic, Celestial, Imperial kenku kenku kenku
12 flumph/roc Aquatic, Celestial flump flump
13 slaad Aquatic, Dwarven, Elvish green green green
[[Hydra (5e Race) hydra]] Aquatic, Dwarven, Fiend hydra hydra hydra
14 myconid Aquatic, Dwarven, Gnomish mycon mycon mycon
15 Vorik's wing Aquatic, Dwarven, Halfling vorik vorik vorik
[[Umber Hulk (5e Race) umber hulk]] Aquatic, Dwarven, Imperial umber umber umber
dragon turtle Aquatic, Dwarven drago drago
16 aqualeth Aquatic, Elvish, Fiend aqual aqual aqual
17 dryad Aquatic, Elvish, Gnomish dryad dryad dryad
18 merfolk Aquatic, Elvish, Halfling merfo merfo merfo
[[Displacer Beast (5e Race) displacer beast]] Aquatic, Elvish, Imperial displ displ displ
19 nixies Aquatic, Elvish nixie nixie
20 [[Cyclops (5e Race) cyclops]] Aquatic, Fiend, Gnomish cyclo cyclo cyclo
21 rakshasa Aquatic, Fiend, Halfling raksh raksh raksh
blight Aquatic, Fiend, Imperial bligh bligh bligh
oozes Aquatic, Fiend oozes oozes
22 clurichaun Aquatic, Gnomish, Halfling cluri cluri cluri
23 chuul Aquatic, Gnomish, Imperial chuul chuul chuul
24 yeti Aquatic, Gnomish yeti yeti
25 kuo-toa Aquatic, Halfling, Imperial kuo-t kuo-t kuo-t
26 bullywog Aquatic, Halfling bully bully
huge octopi Aquatic, Imperial huge huge
dolphin Aquatic dolph
27 pseudodragon Badling, Celestial, Dwarven pseud pseud pseud
28 nymph Badling, Celestial, Elvish nymph nymph nymph
29 manticore Badling, Celestial, Fiend manti manti manti
30 modron Badling, Celestial, Gnomish modro modro modro
31 shee Badling, Celestial, Halfling shee shee shee
32 quaggoth Badling, Celestial, Imperial quagg quagg quagg
33 grimelocks Badling, Celestial grime grime
34 duergar Badling, Dwarven, Elvish duerg duerg duerg
35 cambion Badling, Dwarven, Fiend cambi cambi cambi
wyvern Badling, Dwarven, Gnomish wyver wyver wyver
36 dwarves Badling, Dwarven, Halfling dwarv dwarv dwarv
37 nothic Badling, Dwarven, Imperial nothi nothi nothi
38 kobolds Badling, Dwarven kobol kobol
imp Badling, Elvish, Fiend imp imp imp
39 ettin Badling, Elvish, Gnomish ettin ettin ettin
40 drow Badling, Elvish, Halfling drow drow drow
41 galeb dur Badling, Elvish, Imperial galeb galeb galeb
42 green hag Badling, Elvish green green
43 harpy Badling, Fiend, Gnomish harpy harpy harpy
44 aaracokra Badling, Fiend, Halfling aarac aarac aarac
intellect devour Badling, Fiend, Imperial intel intel intel
devil Badling, Fiend devil devil
45 hobgoblin Badling, Gnomish, Halfling hobgo hobgo hobgo
46 fomorian Badling, Gnomish, Imperial fomor fomor fomor
47 goblins Badling, Gnomish gobli gobli
48 orog Badling, Halfling, Imperial orog orog orog
49 halforc Badling, Halfling halfo halfo
50 bugbear Badling, Imperial bugbe bugbe
51 orcs Badling orcs
52 anthrosphinx Celestial, Dwarven, Elvish anthr anthr anthr
53 empyrean Celestial, Dwarven, Fiend empyr empyr empyr
54 storm giant Celestial, Dwarven, Gnomish storm storm storm
55 good dragon Celestial, Dwarven, Halfling good good good
56 yugoloth Celestial, Dwarven, Imperial yugol yugol yugol
57 half good dragon Celestial, Dwarven half half
banshee Celestial, Elvish, Fiend bansh bansh bansh
elementals Celestial, Elvish, Gnomish eleme eleme eleme
58 fairy Celestial, Elvish, Halfling fairy fairy fairy
59 gynosphinx Celestial, Elvish, Imperial gynos gynos gynos
60 lamia Celestial, Elvish lamia lamia
61 incubus Celestial, Fiend, Gnomish incub incub incub
62 medusa Celestial, Fiend, Halfling medus medus medus
kraken Celestial, Fiend, Imperial krake krake krake
63 fallen angel Celestial, Fiend falle falle
64 pugot Celestial, Gnomish, Halfling pugot pugot pugot
65 cloud giant Celestial, Gnomish, Imperial cloud cloud cloud
66 valkyrie Celestial, Gnomish valky valky
67 divine angel Celestial, Halfling, Imperial divin divin divin
68 centaurs Celestial, Halfling centa centa
69 guard naga Celestial, Imperial guard guard
70 unicorn Celestial unico
71 water naga Dwarven, Elvish, Fiend water water water
72 elemental giant Dwarven, Elvish, Gnomish eleme eleme eleme
73 faerie dragons Dwarven, Elvish, Halfling faeri faeri faeri
74 mephit Dwarven, Elvish, Imperial mephi mephi mephi
75 gargoyle/xorn Dwarven, Elvish gargo gargo
76 naga/roper/otygh Dwarven, Fiend, Gnomish naga/ naga/ naga/
77 succubus Dwarven, Fiend, Halfling succu succu succu
evil dragon Dwarven, Fiend, Imperial evil evil evil
78 half evil dragon Dwarven, Fiend half half
79 lizardfolk Dwarven, Gnomish, Halfling lizar lizar lizar
80 deep gnomes Dwarven, Gnomish, Imperial deep deep deep
troll Dwarven, Gnomish troll troll
81 doppelganger Dwarven, Halfling, Imperial doppe doppe doppe
82 dragonborn Dwarven, Halfling drago drago
83 yuan-ti Dwarven, Imperial yuan- yuan-
drake Dwarven drake
84 mimic Elvish, Fiend, Gnomish mimic mimic mimic
85 night hag Elvish, Fiend, Halfling night night night
ammonite Elvish, Fiend, Imperial ammon ammon ammon
86 unseelie Elvish, Fiend unsee unsee
87 gnome Elvish, Gnomish, Halfling gnome gnome gnome
dao Elvish, Gnomish, Imperial dao dao dao
88 pecht Elvish, Gnomish pecht pecht
89 half-elf Elvish, Halfling, Imperial half- half- half-
90 elves Elvish, Halfling elves elves
91 djinn Elvish, Imperial djinn djinn
efreet Elvish efree
92 beholder Fiend, Gnomish, Halfling behol behol behol
demon Fiend, Gnomish, Imperial demon demon demon
93 redcap Fiend, Gnomish red c red c
94 mind flayer Fiend, Halfling, Imperial mind mind mind
95 tieflings Fiend, Halfling tiefl tiefl
shoggoth Fiend, Imperial shogg shogg
quasit Fiend quasi
96 halfogre Gnomish, Halfling, Imperial halfo halfo halfo
97 halflings Gnomish, Halfling halfl halfl
98 ogre Gnomish, Imperial ogre ogre
hill giant Gnomish hill
99 ghouls Halfling, Imperial ghoul ghoul
100 human Halfling human
sahuadon Imperial sahua
echidna telepathic echidna