Homebrew Universe Stand Archetypes (JJBA Supplement)

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D&D Wiki Archetypes[edit]

The following archetypes are original to this site, and are made by users like you.

Raining Blood[edit]

Stand of Blood

Your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Constitution score is equal to your Constitution score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus, your Stand may be up to 5 feet from you, and your Stand's unarmed strikes deal 1d6 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier necrotic damage on a hit. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Blood Portal

At 3rd level, as an action for 1 spirit point, you may surround your Stand with a 10 ft. radius red portal for 1 minute with concentration. Any creature that start their turn within or enters the portal must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take 1d10 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your proficiency bouns necrotic damage and they gain one level of exhaustion. On a success, they only take half as much damage.

How fast can you get me there?

At 5th level, as an action, or as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, while you are within your Stand's Blood Portal, you may teleport to a creature within 60 feet of your Stand that is missing at least 1 hit point, and you may spend 1 additional spirit point to make an attack against them as part of this action. If there is not enough space, you are shunted to the closest open space. Additionally, any creatures of your choice within this portal can not have their movement speed reduced, including by effects like difficult terrain.

It's not what I have done, but what I will do

At 7th level, when you teleport using your Stand's Blood Portal, you may spend 1 additional spirit point to cause a number of creatures up to your Stand's Constitution modifier within your Stand's Blood Portal to be teleported as well. An unwilling creature may avoid this effect with a successful Dexterity saving throw. You may spend 1 spirit point when you use this effect to cause a creature to enter a 60 ft. radius pocket dimension within your Stand's Blood Portal until the portal ends, and your Stand's Blood Portal's radius increases by 5 ft. for every creature within its pocket dimension.

The rivers will run red for the people you've killed!

At 9th level, as a free action while you are within your Stand's Blood Portal, you may place an object you are holding or wearing within the portal's pocket dimension or remove a creature or object from the portal's pocket dimension. Unlike creatures, objects are not removed from the portal's pocket dimension when it closes. As a reaction when a creature or object exits the portal's pocket dimension, you may cause an additional object to be removed and may make a melee attack with it as if your Stand was wielding it, and you may spend 1 spirit point as part of doing so to regain your reaction. Additionally, you may use Blood Portal as a bonus action for 1 additional spirit point, as a free action for 2 additional spirit points, or at will for 3 additional spirit points.

This Stand is my will to press forward...

At 11th level, while you are within your Stand's Blood Portal, you have advantage on death saving throws and gain your Stand's ability scores. When you lose concentration on your Stand's Blood Portal, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Stand User level times half your Constitution modifier rounded up (minimum 1), you ignore difficult terrain, your Stand may make one additional attack when you take the Attack action, and your Stand's unarmed strikes deal an additional 1d6 damage until the end of your next turn.

Heaven seems to be on my side!

At 14th level, as a bonus action for 3 spirit points while Blood Portal is active, you may cause your Stand's unarmed strikes to deal no damage and cause the target to regain hit points equal to the damage they would have taken. This can restore hit points to higher tiers of a body part's hit points.

Raining Blood Requiem

While Requiem is active, your Stand's Blood Portal covers a 60 ft. radius, you can place an object you are not holding or wearing within the portal's pocket dimension as long as it is within the portal, you can place creatures within the portal's pocket dimension as if they were objects, you do not need to concentrate on your Stand's Blood Portal, and you count as perpetually losing concentration on it. As an action, you may call upon the will of God, casting any Cleric spell


Stand of Friction

Your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Wisdom score is equal to your Wisdom score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus, your Stand may be up to 10 feet from you, and your Stand's unarmed strikes deal 1d4 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier bludgeoning damage on a hit. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Vertigo Punch

At 3rd level, your punches render people dizzy, leaving them in a stunned state. When your Stand makes an unarmed strike, you may spend 1 spirit point to infuse it with vertigo. On a hit, the target must succeed a Constitution saving thrown or be prone and stunned until they are at least 10 feet away from your Stand.


At 5th level, when you successfully hit a creature with Vertigo Punch, you can push them 10 ft. directly away from you, and you move 10 ft. toward them immediately after.

Be seeing ya on the flip side

At 7th level, you have gained control of friction increase. As an action, you can select cube area up to 10 ft. in size that is up to 30 feet from your Stand. The area is considered difficult terrain and attacks that pass through this area have disadvantage as any friction within it is increased for 1 minute. You can spend 1 spirit point as a bonus action to increase the size of this area to up to a 20 ft. cube.

How this for a change in pace?

At 9th level, you have gained control of friction decrease. As an action, you can select cube area up to 10 ft. in size that is up to 30 feet from your Stand. Creatures that move within this area are instantly moved to the side of the area they were moving toward and attacks that pass through this area have advantage as any friction within it is increased for 1 minute. You can spend 1 spirit point as a bonus action to increase the size of this area to up to a 20 ft. cube.

This is the part where I kick your ass.

At 11th level, when you spend at least 1 spirit point on Vertigo Punch, you do not need to spend spirit points to use it again until the beginning of your next turn. Additionally, any damage you deal is increased by your proficiency bonus while you are in an area of increased friction, and any damage you take is decreased by your proficiency bonus while you are in an area of decreased friction.

Bring it!

At 14th level, as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, you may enter Fists of Fury for 1 hour or until you end it as a bonus action, are knocked unconscious, or lose the Bloodlusted condition.

Upon activating Fists of Fury, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Stand User level times half your Constitution modifier rounded up (minimum 1), you ignore difficult terrain, your Stand may make one additional attack when you take the Attack action, and you become bloodlusted. Your Stand's unarmed strikes deal an additional 1d4 damage.

Footloose Requiem

While Requiem is active, when your Stand forces a creature to move they move twice as far, any creatures of your choice within an area of increased or decreased friction become restrained until they leave the area, and the maximum distance of Vertigo Punch and range of your areas of increased and decreased friction are doubled.

Hail to The King[edit]

Stand of Judgement

Your Stand's Intelligence score is equal to your Intelligence score + twice your Wisdom modifier, and your Stand's Charisma score is equal to your Charisma score + twice your Wisdom modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus, your Stand may be up to 15 feet from you, and your Stand's unarmed strikes deal 1d6 + your Stand's Intelligence modifier bludgeoning damage on a hit. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Swap Step

At 3rd level, space is yours to bend. As a rooting free action, you can swap places with a creature within your movement speed of you that you can see. This movement happens instantly and does not provoke opportunity attacks. You can spend 1 spirit point to double this range.

For me it's never too late!

At 5th level, as a reaction when you are targeted by an attack or saving throw for 1 spirit point, you can use Swap Step at half your movement distance. If you or the creature you swapped with was the target of an effect, the other becomes the target instead. Additionally, when you use Swap Step, you may double its range for 1 spirit point.

Arrows black out all the light

At 7th level, when you use Swap Step as a reaction, you may spend 1 additional spirit point to regain your reaction.

No mercy from the edge of the blade!

At 9th level, when you use Swap Step, its total spirit point cost is decreased by 1 to a minimum of 1.

Inhuman Control

At 11th level, when you use Swap Step, you may spend 3 additional spirit points to force the target to succeed a Charisma saving throw or become charmed until the end of their next turn. While charmed in this way, you decide how the target uses their action, bonus action, or free action.

Watch your tongue, or have it cut from your head

At 14th level, you may spend 1 additional spirit point when you use Inhuman Control to cause it to last until you lose concentration. While charmed in this way, you decide how the target uses their action, bonus action, and free action.

Hail to The King Requiem

While Requiem is active, when you use Swap Step, its total spirit point cost is decreased by a total of 3 to a minimum of 0. As a full turn action, you may bestow judgement on a creature you can see within your movement speed, who must make a Charisma saving throw. On a failure, you may object to them at will, causing their movement speed to drop to 0 and anything they are attempting to fail.


Stand of Lightning

Your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Intelligence score is equal to your Intelligence score + twice your Charisma modifier. This Stand is a phenomenon type, and thus does not have a traditional form. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus.


At 3rd level, when you make a melee attack, you can spend 1 spirit point to infuse it with electricity. The attack targets an additional target within 30 feet of the initial target, and deals 1d4 + your Stand's Intelligence modifier lightning damage on a hit, or half as much to the additional target.

I... survived?

At 5th level, as a full turn action for 1 spirit point, you can create a charge inside your body. Until you lose concentration, you deal an additional 1d4 lightning damage any time you deal damage.

Sorry about your fingers, doc

At 7th level, when you deal lightning damage, you may spend 1 spirit point to force the target to succeed a Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed until the end of their next turn.

I didn't know him very well, but why me and not him?

At 9th level, you can delicately excite the neurons of creatures to transmit messages. You can communicate telepathically with any creature within 260 feet.

Nothing is in Cape York, you'll do well enough to leave it alone

At 11th level, as a reaction for 1 spirit point when you would take lightning damage, you may create a charge inside your body and become unable to lose concentration until the end of your next turn. While there is a charge inside your body, you become immune to lightning damage.

Your name's in the sky

At 14th level, while there is a charge inside your body, you gain a fly speed equal to your movement speed, and your movement speed increases by 15 feet.

Contact Requiem

While Requiem is active, you may create a charge inside your body when you would take lightning damage at will for 0 spirit points, and you gain two Stand User Perks of your choice. Additionally, as a full turn action, you may cause an area with a radius of up to 5 miles and every object and creature within it to enter a pocket dimension, and there is no indication that the location the area was in ever there; areas previously surrounded by land become empty fields and areas previously surrounded by water become empty seas. If a creature is within this pocket dimension for a number of days equal to twice their Charisma score, they completely transform into a Requiem alien. As an action, you and any creatures within your reach may travel to any location within the pocket dimension, or to any location you can visualize if you are within the pocket dimension.

Seventh Heaven[edit]

Stand of Nullification

Your Stand's Strength score is equal to your Strength score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Charisma score is equal to your Charisma score + twice your Strength modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus, your Stand may be up to 15 feet from you, and your Stand's unarmed strikes deal 1d6 + your Stand's Strength modifier necrotic damage on a hit. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Distance Nullification

At 3rd level, as an action, or as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, a free action for 2 spirit points, or at will for 3 spirit points, you can nullify the distance between two points that that you can see or are within 30 ft. of you until you lose concentration. The reach of a creature occupying one point extends as if they were occupying the other point as well.


At 5th level, when Distance Nullification ends, any creatures or objects occupying either point teleport to a single point that is equidistant from their original positions or are shunted to the closest open space, and they must attempt a Strength saving throw or take force damage equal to your Stand's unarmed strikes' damage. You have resistance to force damage incurred by this feature. Additionally, when you use Distance Nullification, you may nullify the distance between two additional points.

Touched by the Heavens

At 7th level, your Stand's nullification is almost at its full potential. When you use Distance Nullification, you may nullify the distance between two additional points (3 sets total). Additionally, immediately after your Stand uses your reaction, you may regain your reaction at will for 1 spirit point.

Body Manipulation

At 9th level, as an action for 1 spirit point while you and a creature are occupying two points with nullified distance, you may force the creature to attempt an Intelligence saving throw as you nullify the distance between your brain and their body. On a failure, the creature becomes paralyzed and the creature follows any movements you make. The target may retry this saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending this effect early on a success.

Force Nullification

At 14th level, when you use Distance Nullification, you may spend 1 spirit point to nullify the distance between a force instead of two points. Any creatures occupying one of your Distance Nullification points gains one of the following until Distance Nullification ends:

  • Friction: the target is prone and slides 20 ft. in a random direction at the beginning of each of their turns.
  • Gravity: if the target's Wisdom score is 18 or higher, they gain a flying speed equal to their movement speed, otherwise they can only move with their climbing speed. If their Wisdom score is below 10, they are confused for 1 minute, and may attempt a Intelligence saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending this condition on a success.
  • Light: the target is invisible.
  • Sound: the target can not make sound in any way.
  • Electricity: the target becomes immune to lightning and radiant damage.
  • Heat: the target becomes immune to fire and cold damage.
  • Speed: the target's movement speed drops to 0 and can not be moved by force.
Absolute Heaven

While Requiem is active, when you use Distance Nullification, you can nullify the distance between any number of points. Additionally, while you are occupying one of your Distance Nullification points, you become immune to all damage.

Drink with the Living Dead[edit]

Stand of a Cowboy

Your Stand's Constitution score is equal to your Constitution score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Charisma score is equal to your Charisma score + twice your Constitution modifier. This Stand is a phenomenon type, and thus does not have a traditional form. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Drink or Die

At 3rd level, as an action for 3 spirit points, you may challenge a creature to a drinking competition. If they outright refuse, they automatically fail. You and the target take turns drinking a drink, with the first being decided by coin-toss. A creature loses if they fall unconscious. If you lose, they no longer automatically fail by refusing your challenge. If they lose, a revolver materialized in your hand as you remove their soul with a single gunshot, causing their body to fall into a death-like state. You may free souls from this state as a bonus action, returning to their body if it is still alive or passing into the afterlife if it is not. If you are killed while you have souls transformed, they all pass into the afterlife with you.

Perhaps the same could be said of all religions

At 5th level, when you kill a creature with Drink or Die, their soul is stored inside your Stand. You may store a number of souls inside your Stand equal to your proficiency bonus. When you take the Attack action, you may release a soul to make an attack as if you were wielding a revolver with a bonus to its attack and damage rolls equal to the number of souls remaining in your Stand.

The rules were set, now who's next?

At 7th level, when you free a soul as a bonus action, you may spend 1 spirit point to transform the soul into a spirit zombie. Each spirit zombie acts as a traditional Stand, but is not affected by the Invisible Force feature. Each spirit zombie's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus and may be any distance from you. Each spirit zombie has a hit point maximum equal to your Stand's Constitution score, and you do not take damage when it is damaged. If a spirit zombie is reduced to 0 hit points, it is killed instantly and its soul is freed normally.

31 counts of murder, 30 of witchcraft, and 1 of theft

At 9th level, while you are under the effects of Drink or Die, you gain your Stand's ability scores. Additionally, when you release a soul to make an attack and hit, the target must succeed a Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 hour as you sap their life energy. The target may retry this saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending this effect early on a success.

Money's one thing, but this is...

At 11th level, you know any information the souls inside your Stand know for as long as you hold their soul. You can gain 1 soul's proficiencies as a bonus action until the end of your next turn for 1 spirit point. You may choose to have the souls that you summon as part of your Stand to take on the form of the creature it originally inhabited. While in this form, it can speak, but not act, freely.

Hopes, Fears, Love, Dreams; all stored in my fancy little six-shooters

At 14th level, your Stand manifests as two identical copies, both of which can store a number of souls equal to your proficiency bonus. When you store a soul in your Stand, you may choose which copy it is stored in, and when you release a soul to make an attack, you only gain a bonus from the copy the soul is being freed from. Additionally, when you create a spirit zombie that can speak freely, if the creature's body is within your reach, it reenters its body, doubling its maximum hit points. If the body is alive and the spirit zombie is killed while this is active, the body is killed as well.

Drink with the Living Dead Requiem

While Requiem is active, when you would be killed, you may release a soul to regain hit points equal to twice your Stand's Constitution modifier. Additionally, when you kill a creature in any way, you may store their soul.


Stand of Telepathy

Your Stand's Intelligence score is equal to your Intelligence score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Wisdom score is equal to your Wisdom score + twice your Charisma modifier. This Stand is a phenomenon type, and thus does not have a traditional form. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus.


At 3rd level, as an action, you can memorize the "mental number" of a willing creature you are touching. You may memorize the mental numbers of a number of creatures up to your Stand's Wisdom modifier, and may forget a creature's mental number at will. While you have a creature's mental number memorized, you may telepathically communicate with them verbally over any distance.

Think of it as a 'thought dimension' where no time passes

At 5th level, any communication done through your Telepathy happens instantaneously, allowing for hours of deliberation to happen in moments. Additionally, your reflexes are augmented by your time dilation, granting you your Stand's ability scores.

Psionic Blast

At 7th level, when you attempt to memorize a creature's mental number, you may spend 1 spirit point to force an unwilling creature to succeed a Charisma saving throw or have you memorize their mental number. As an action for 1 spirit, you may force any creatures of your choice whose mental numbers you have memorized to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, they take 1d6 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier psychic damage. On a success, they take half as much damage. As a bonus action immediately before using this feature, you may grant this psionic blast a bonus to its damage roll equal to the number of creatures you have memorized the mental numbers of but are not targeting with this effect.

Direct Connection

At 9th level, as an action for 3 spirit points, any creatures of your choice that you have memorized the mental numbers of gain your Stand's ability scores for 1 minute with concentration. If a feature would generate ability scores based on your Stand's ability scores, such as a Stand, it is generated as if the creature was not effected by this feature.

Direct Control

At 11th level, as an action for 3 spirit points, one creature of your choice that you have memorized the mental number of must succeed a Charisma saving throw or become charmed for 1 minute with concentration. While charmed in this way, you control them as if they were a traditional Stand with your Stand's ability scores that reflects damage to the target instead of you, and they are paralyzed on their turn. Their Stand still follows their own commands as if they were not charmed. The target may attempt a Charisma saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending this effect early on a success.

Assuming direct control

At 14th level, as an action, you may spend spirit points to a maximum of your proficiency bonus to grant an equal bonus to the attack rolls, damage rolls, AC, and saving throws or any creatures that have your Stand's ability scores and cause them to shed bright light for 10 feet and dim light for another 10 feet until the beginning of your next turn.

617 Requiem

While Requiem is active, you gain you gain five Stand User Perks of your choice. As a full turn action, you may memorize one mental number that you have forgotten.

Camisa de Vênus[edit]

Kinetic Energy Stand

Your Stand's Strength score is equal to your Strength score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus, your Stand can be up to 10 feet away from you. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Agulha No Palheiro

At 3rd level, when you make an unarmed attack with your Stand, you can store the attack inside the target instead of dealing damage. At will, you can release this energy, making an unarmed attack with your Stand against a target within your Stand's range of the original target. You can only have energy stored once at a time.


At 5th level, as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, you may enter Fists of Fury for 1 hour or until you end it as a bonus action, are knocked unconscious, or lose the Bloodlusted condition.

Upon activating Fists of Fury, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Stand User level times half your Constitution modifier rounded up (minimum 1), you ignore difficult terrain, your Stand may make one additional attack when you take the Attack action, and you become bloodlusted. Your Stand's unarmed strikes deal an additional 1d6 damage.

Dançando na Lua

At 7th level, when you take the Attack action while Fists of Fury is active, your Stand may make a single attack which deals additional damage equal to your proficiency bonus for every attack you would have made without this effect. Additionally, you may have energy stored up to a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus at a time.

Duplo Sentido

At 9th level, you gain two Stand User Perks of your choice. Additionally, you benefit from Fists of Fury whenever you are Bloodlusted.


At 11th level, as a reaction action for 2 spirit points when your Stand would take damage, you may store the energy within your Stand instead of taking damage. The next time your Stand takes damage, every creature within your Stand's reach must make a Strength saving throw as the energy is released. On a failure, they takes the damage your Stand would have. On a success, they take half as much damage.

Correndo o Risco

At 14th level, when you make a thrown attack an object that your Stand's energy is stored in, you may spend 1 spirit point to release the stored energy to guide the object to its target. The attack is made with your Stand's Dexterity modifier even if another creature made the attack, and it ignores up to three-quarters cover.


While Requiem is active, your Stand's reach increases by 10 feet, and its range from you doubles. Additionally, when you store energy within your Stand when it would take damage, you gain resistance to the damage type you would've taken until the start of your next turn, and when the energy is released, you may deal an additional 1d6 damage for every spirit point spent beyond the initial 2 points.

Son of Man[edit]

The Wild Man Stand

Your Stand's Strength score is equal to your Strength score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier. This Stand is a phenomenon type, and thus does not have a traditional form. Additionally, your Stand has a physical form and thus is not affected by Invisible Force. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Oh, the Power to be Strong

At 3rd level, for 1 spirit point, your stand infuses itself to your body, your muscles expand and you can use your stand's Strength and Dexterity instead of your own. You gain additional movement speed equal to Stand's Dexterity modifier times 5.

Additionally your unarmed strikes now do 1d6 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus.

The Wisdom to be Wise

At 5th level, you gain one Stand User Perks, and your senses become heightened. You gain advantage in checks to detect any living thing with 30 feet of you.

You benefit directly from any Stand User's perks that would normally only apply to your stand.

You Who'll Climb the Mountain

At 7th level, you gain one Stand User Perks, and you have advantage on Strength, Dexterity and Constitution saving throws and are Resistant to one additional attribute that is either of those three.

A Man for all to see

At 9th level, you gain One Stand User Perks and you exude a primal aura. Any creature within 30 feet of you at the start of their turn must make a Charisma saving throw. On a failure they are frightened of you for 1 minute. They may make another save at the end of their turn. On a success they are unaffected and immune to this effect for 24 hours.

A Man in Time You Will be.

At 11th level, for 3 spirit points you can take another action this turn. Your damage die for unarmed strikes is 2d6 + your stands Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus.

It is You Who Will Reach the Peak.

At 14th level, you gain a number of legendary resistances equal to half your Charisma Modifier rounded down. You recover only 1 use per long rest.

Additionally For 2 spirit as an action or 3 spirit points as a bonus Action you regain a number hit points equal to you Constitution modifier (minimum of 1) times 10.

Son of Man requiem

While Requiem is active, you can activate/deactivate you stand at will or as a Reaction. Any time you would spent spirit points the cost is reduce by 1, if the cost is reduced to 0 you spent no spirit points.

Original Prankstar[edit]

Design note: This stand was designed for GM utility. 
The Trading Stand

Your Stand's Wisdom score is equal to your Wisdom score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Constitution score is equal to your Constitution score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus, your Stand may be up to 60 feet from you, and your Stand's unarmed strikes deal 1d4 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier slashing damage on a hit. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Don't wanna be ya

At 3rd level, When you make a successful attack against another stand, You can make a second attack against a different stand, on a successful hit, spend 1 spirit point both stands make a Charisma saving throw, if both fail switch the stands users. You can switch a number of stands equal to twice your Wisdom modifier. If you are rendered unconscious any stands switched within 24 hours return to their original owners.

Can you feel it slip away when it's all on you?

At 5th level, if you have another stand grappled by your stand, for 3 spirit points you can force them to make a Charisma saving throw. If they fail your stand swallows their stand and the stand user loses access to their stand. If the stand is a phenomenon you can make the same attack against the user themselves. The user is immediately regurgitated. A Stand User can make this check again at the end of their turn to escape for your stand. If you are rendered unconscious any stands swallowed within 24 hours return to their original owners.

Any kind will do

At 7th level, you gain one Stand User Perks, and can swallow a number of stands equal to stands Constitution modifier.

You can give a stored swallowed stand to another creature with levels in the stand user class, if that creature does not currently have a stand. Stand's roll with disadvantage to resist being switched.

Knock down the walls (it's alive in you)

At 11th level, you gain one Stand User Perks, and you can mark a stand user or their stand for 3 spirit points. In the event their stand would disappear, if the user dies for example, you can instead swallow their stand from any distance.

Bust out on it (Original Prankstar)

At 14th level, you can store any number of stands. Stand's now roll with disadvantage to escape being swallowed by your stand. The DC to escape increases by 1 for each turn they are contained.

Original Prankstar Requiem

While Requiem is Active, your stand becomes sentient, can be any distance from you. It also can give any creature 1 level in the Stand user class.

My Way[edit]

Stand of Fate Your Stand's Intelligence score is equal to your Intelligence score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Wisdom score is equal to your Wisdom score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus, your Stand may be up to 60 feet from you, and your Stand's unarmed strikes deal 1d6 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier bludgeoning damage on a hit. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Substand: Thats Life At 3rd level, The user and the stand can always generate a pair of dice that they can roll with at any moment. the user can throw it and choose between the two dice to effect their luck, the higher the number the luckier and the lower the less lucky. the user gains the Lucky Feat, if the user uses all of their lucky points for that day they may spend 2 Spirit Point as a reaction to get an additional Lucky Point.

Regrets, I've had a few At 5th level, As an action for 5 spirit points The User can rewrite a single event within the last five minutes, making it so that it played out differently. However, the user must clearly state the rewritten outcome aloud, they may choose to do any of the following. Turn a failed save into a Successful Save or Vice Versa, Turn a Miss into a hit or Vice Versa, Any Skill check of their choice may turn into a nat 20 or a nat 1.

The Final Curtain At 7th level, You are your stand have their crit range increased by 1 (19-20), this increases to 2 at 13th level (18-20).

Thats Life: Back on Top in June. At 9th level, The User may choose a goal, creature or item for them to pursue, after choosing what they would like to pursue while doing so, for 1 spirit point they can roll a 1d20 and have a lucky event occur to them as life seems to fall in their lap, While in combat you may choose to use this at the end of your turn as a reaction. The Following is the Luck Table:

  • (1-2): You learn a bit of information regarding the thing you are pursuing.
  • (3-4): Any small obstacle or interference in your way will be moved out of your way.
  • (5-6): A path towards what you are pursuing will become clear to you.
  • (7-8): You gain advantage on your next insight check.
  • (9-10): You gain advantage on your next persuasion check.
  • (11-12): You gain advantage on your next Intimidation check.
  • (13-14): The thing you are pursuing will get blocked off or held up, stopping it from getting further away from you without interference for 1 minute.
  • (15-16): The thing you are pursuing will gain the stunned Effect for one turn if it is a creature.
  • (17-18): The thing you are pursuing will gain 1 level of Exhaustion if it is a creature.
  • (19-20): You happen to run into the thing you are pursuing or something related to it.

(*note: Luck Dice are viable to be used on the Luck Table if the user got a role they did not want*)

The End is Near

At 11th level, My Way begins to develop a will of its own in line with the users allowing your stands abilities to be used even while its user is unconscious, restrained or Stunned.

I Did it My Way

At 14th level, Other creatures can no longer take reactions against My Way or its User, Additionally for 5 spirit points as a bonus action, any action the user takes is "fixed" into fate and cannot be undone or canceled by other creatures or effects, making it nearly impossible to be stopped or countered once the decision is made. for example, if the user declares they will dodge, their body will instinctively move to avoid the attack no matter what. The User may choose any of the following declarations:

  • I Will Win: All of the users attack rolls will crit until the end of its turn.
  • I Will Dodge: All Attack rolls made against the user are made with disadvantage and the user has advantage on Dexterity checks and saving throws until the end of its turn.
  • I Will Survive: The Users AC changes to 20 and gains 50 Temporary HP until the end of its turn.
  • I Will Escape: The Users movement speed gains an additional 20ft and May make the disengage or dash action as a free action until the end of its Turn
  • I Will Endure: The User Gains Advantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma Checks or Saves until the end of their next turn.

(*note: You may discuss other declarations your user may make with your DM*)

My Way Requiem

While Requiem is active, you and your stand can no longer be crit.

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