Healing Staff (3.5e Equipment)

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Healing Staff: This white wooden quarterstaff is lined with two ivory lines running from its top to bottom, each line opposite each other. The top of this staff is adorned with a silver cross centered with a sparkling diamond. This quarterstaff acts as a +1 Quarterstaff of Healing, but in the hands of anyone who can cast spells or use powers it becomes more potent. As a standard action you may expend a spell slot you have or enough power points to use a power you know to have this staff heal a touched target as if the target of a Heal spell except only heal 10 hit points per spell level expended or the power level used. The spell slot used can be either divine or arcane. This ability can be used only twice per day regardless to the number of spell slots the user has.

Moderate conjuration; CL 9; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, cure moderate wounds; Cost 5,000 gp + 400 XP; Market Price: 10000 gp

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