Fire Solider (Better Fire Force Supplement) (5e Background)

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Fire Soilder[edit]

The members of Company 8, source [1]

Fire soldiers are elite members of the Special Fire Force Company, tasked with combating Infernals—humans who spontaneously combust into flames. These soldiers possess unique abilities, often derived from their pyrokinetic powers, which they use to both extinguish fires and protect civilians.As a fire soldier in "Fire Force," [Character Name] embodies the spirit of heroism and self-sacrifice. Their journey revolves around fighting the flames of despair, protecting the innocent, and seeking answers to the mysteries surrounding spontaneous human combustion. With each battle, they not only confront the external threats posed by Infernals but also grapple with their own inner demons, making their story one of courage, resilience, and discovery.

Skill Proficiencies: Investigation and Religion

Tool Proficiencies: Engineer's tools

Equipment: Fire Force Armor, a fire fighter badge with a number on it and 5 gp.

Feature: Fire Soldier[edit]

People recognize that you are a fire fighter/fire solider and respect you for that. You can now get into any areas that are on fire without questioning. You also gain advantage for finding people in fires. You can quickly save people in those fires and help them out.

Additional Feature: Company[edit]

There are 8 companies of the Special Fire Force, all of them having different specialties, purposes, and origins. Choose which company you are a part of or roll a d8 to determine it.

Company 1[edit]

Company 1 is the most religious company and is made up mostly of nuns. You find it easier to find religious aid.

Company 2[edit]

Company 2 is affiliated with the military and is made up mostly of soldiers. You find it easier to find military aid.

Company 3[edit]

Company 3 is affiliated with a massive business called Haijima and they report directly to them, but most of this company, including the captain, are secretly spies for the cult organization known as the White-Clads. You find it easier to spy on people and organizations from within.

Comapny 4[edit]

Company 4 is the company responsible for training new fire soldiers who are then sent to the other companies or stay there to work for Company 4. You find it easier to teach and train people.

Company 5[edit]

Company 5 is the one that handles most of the scientific research on Infernals and Spontaneous Human Combustion and is affiliated with the mega corporation Haijima. You find it easier to find and understand scientific documents.

Company 6[edit]

Company 6 acts as a medical ward for injured fire soliders and heals soldiers from all companies. You gain more respect from places like hospitals.

Compnay 7[edit]

Company 7, also known as the Asakusa Hikeshi, are one of the strongest companies, but are also known as a barbaric group because of their beliefs and practices, such as their destructive way of extinguishing Infernals where they destroy buildings and make it a celebration. Religious figures like nuns and priests often have little respect for you.

Company 8[edit]

Company 8 is a newer and more run-down company that has the goal of uniting the 8 companies so that information isn't withheld by any company so that Spontaneous Human Combustion can be stopped forever. You find it easier to recruit people to things.

Suggested Characteristics[edit]

d8 Personality Trait
1 You charge into battle with unwavering confidence, refusing to let fear dictate your actions.
2 You are fiercely dedicated to your comrades, willing to lay down your life to protect them in times of danger.
3 Once you set your mind on a goal, nothing can sway you from your path. Your resolve is unbreakable.
4 You can think quickly on your feet, using your environment and available resources to overcome obstacles and challenges.
5 You have a deep understanding of the emotional toll that fire and loss can take on individuals, allowing you to connect with others on a personal level.
6 You often put the needs of others before your own, sometimes to your detriment, as you prioritize the safety of those around you.
7 Driven by a desire to understand the mysteries of fire and Infernals, you possess a thirst for knowledge that leads you to explore ancient texts and seek out wise mentors.
8 Your passion and dedication inspire those around you, allowing you to rally your allies in times of crisis and foster a strong sense of unity within your team.
d6 Ideal
1 Courage. "Bravery in the face of danger is the mark of a true hero." You believe that fear should not dictate your actions, and that courage can inspire others to stand tall in adversity.
2 Justice. "Every infernal extinguished is a life saved." You are dedicated to fighting against the Infernals and ensuring that justice prevails over chaos and destruction.
3 Sacrifice. "The greatest honor is to protect those who cannot protect themselves." You hold the belief that selflessness is a noble trait, and you are willing to put yourself at risk for the safety of others.
4 Knowledge. "Understanding the enemy is the key to overcoming it." You value wisdom and knowledge, striving to uncover the truths about fire and Infernals to better equip yourself and your allies.
5 Community. "We are stronger together than alone." You believe in the power of teamwork and collaboration, recognizing that unity can lead to greater strength and resilience against threats.
6 Hope. Even in the darkest of times, there is always a flicker of hope." You hold onto the belief that hope can guide people through despair, and you aim to inspire those around you to keep fighting for a better future.
d6 Bond
1 "I would do anything to protect my squad."
2 "I owe my skills and knowledge to my mentor, and I strive to honor their teachings."
3 "I lost someone dear to me to the flames of an Infernal, and their memory fuels my fight."
4 "The town I grew up in is under threat, and I will defend it at all costs."
5 "I carry the badge of my fallen friend as a reminder of my duty."
6 "A stranger once saved my life, and I am determined to uncover their true identity."
d6 Flaw
1 "Nightmares of past battles plague my sleep."
2 "I have a hard time believing in others' intentions."
3 "I push myself to the limit, believing that nothing less than perfection is acceptable. Sometimes too far."
4 "The thought of failing my comrades drives me to the brink."
5 "I tend to push others away, believing that I can handle everything on my own."
6 "I tend to rush into situations without considering the consequences."
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