Other Goods and Services (Better Fire Force Supplement)

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Fire Force Armor[edit]

Medium Armor
Cost Armor Class (AC) Strength Stealth Weight
This is obtained by fire soldiers so does not have a cost. 10 +Your dexterity Modifier + Your constitution Modifier Disadvantage 40 lb.

This is a uniform worn by fire soldiers. People will recognize you are a fire soldier when you are wearing this. Fire soldiers wear this in battle. Your uniform may also have a number next to it for what number company you represent.
Special: While you are wearing this armor all fire damage does 1d4 less damage to you

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Special Shield (Fire Force)[edit]

Cost Armor Class (AC) Strength Stealth Weight
150 gp +3 13 - 32 lb.

Trenched In. While holding this shield and not using an attack, or cast a spell during your turn, at the end of your turn you may go into a defensive stance. You stay in this defensive stance until the start of your next turn, hiding yourself behind your shield. While in this stance, you are treated as having half cover.
Fire Protection. You may hold this shield in front of you as an action. When you do all attacks that are ranged or would do fire damage have disadvantage.

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Magnetic Extinguisher Grenade[edit]

Tool, Uncommon

You throw this up to 30 feet and it extinguishes all non-magical fire within a 10-feet radius.

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