Feats (Kaiju No.8 Supplement)
Work In Progress |
The following feats are available to characters with levels in the Daikaiju and Identified Kaiju class. In addition, you may pick any standard dnd feat that's not magical or that if your GM allows.
Background Feats[edit]
Prerequisites: Must be a Kaiju Human or Kaiju. You are not just any Daikaiju and this is notable for the enormous fortitude level you possess. Your fortitude points maximum increases by your character level added twice + your proficiency bonus added twice. |
Body Feats[edit]
Prerequisites: Must be a Kaiju Human or Kaiju, 2nd level. Some Kaiju can change their body to adapt to several situations. You gain the following benefits:
This feat can be chosen multiple times, granting you a new form of movement each time.
Prerequisites: Must be a Kaiju Human or Kaiju, must have a Strength or Dexterity score of 18 or higher. You gain extra limbs, which could be a tail, tentacles, a pair of extra arms or anything else applicable, all of which count as natural weapons. Whichever you choose, you gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: Additional Movement Type (choose wings), 2nd level. Once you gain wings, you learn how to use them in combat. You gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: Must be a Kaiju Human or Kaiju, must have a Strength, Dexterity or Constitution score of 20 or higher, 12th level. A numbered Daikaiju differs from other Kaiju in many aspects, one of them being the natural capabilities of its body. You gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: Must have a Constitution score of 20 or higher. Your resilience is no joke, enabling you to survive much more than others during long periods of fighting. You gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: Must be a Kaiju Human or Kaiju, Numbers Daikaiju Body, Constitution of 20 or higher, 14th level. As a powerful Kaiju, his body becomes capable of overcoming the various effects caused by magic. You gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: Must be Kaiju Human or Kaiju, must have a Strength score of 20 or higher. His immense strength allows him to be able to cause a large boom in an area. You gain the following benefits:
Combat Style Feats[edit]
Prerequisites: Strength or Dexterity of 18 or higher, 3rd level. Your Monstrous Combat Style techniques now only cost 1 fortitude point. In addition, one of your combat style is more refined than the average fighters:
This feat can be taken multiple times, allowing you to choose another combat style that you haven't chosen.
Prerequisites: Must not be a Kaiju, Intelligence of 16 or higher, 6th level. You've spent a lot of time studying the anatomy of each Kaiju, making you an expert at finding their weak points. You gain the following benefits:
Fortitude Feats[edit]
Prerequisites: Must have a Constitution of 18 or higher. You have a massive fortitude level, denoting that you are a powerful Kaiju. You gain the following benefits: denoti
Prerequisites: Must have a Constitution of 20 or higher, Immense Fortitude Level. Your Fortitude level becomes absurdly higher than ever. You gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: You need to have at least 20 on your Constitution score, chaotic evil alignment. Your soul is rotten to it's very core, and your fortitude level shows that. Whenever someone tries to track you or feel your fortitude level, they must make a Wisdom saving throw against your fortitude DC. On a success, they can feel your cruelty but are not shaken by it. On a failure however, they are frightened and receive the following detriments:
If the creature's CR or level is equal to or higher than your Daikaiju level, they make this saving throw with advantage. If the creature's CR or level is 3 or more bellow your level, they make this saving throw with disadvantage. Once a creature passes this saving throw, they become immune to it unless their CR or level is at least 3 or more bellow your level, which makes them only become immune for 24 hours.
Prerequisites: You must have proficiency in Perception, and at least 14 or higher on your Wisdom score. You are able to easily notice the presence of enemies and identify them. You gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: Must be a Kaiju Human or Kaiju, Constitution of 20 or higher, 8th level. Your energy is far more denser than normal, making its usage more powerful. You will gain the following benefits:
Uni-Organ Feats[edit]
Prerequisites: Must be a Kaiju or a Kaiju Human, 20 Constitution or higher, 10th level. You are able to increase your size absurdly, and with it your power. You gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: Must be a Kaiju Human or Kaiju, 20 Constitution or higher, 7th level. You are able to generate energy and use it to many things such as enhance your strikes or something else. Choose one damage type between the followings: Acid, Cold, Fire, Force, Lightning, Necrotic, Poison, Radiant or Thunder. After your choice, you gain the following benefits:
This feat can be taken multiple times, chosing a different damage type each time you choose. You can instead choose an already chosen damage type to gain immunity to it; if you do, whenever you are subjected to the chosen damage, you take no damage and instead regain a number of hit points equal to the damage dealt.
Prerequisites: Must be a Kaiju Human or Kaiju, Intelligence of 16 or higher, 5th level. As an action by spending Fortitude points up to your Constitution modifier, you emit psychic energy in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in the area must succeed on an Intelligence saving throw or take 1d10 + a number of additional dice equal to the amount spent in psychic damage and be stunned until the end of your next turn. On a success, they take half damage and are not stunned. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on it on a success.
Prerequisites: Must be a Kaiju Human or Kaiju, Intelligence of 18 or higher, 10th level. As an action, by spending 4 fortitude points, you choose one creature within 15 feet of you. This creature must succeed on a strength saving throw or be moved in any direction of your choice up to 30 feet. If the creature fails the save, it also is stunned until the end of its next turn. You can choose to grapple the creature if it fails the save; if you do, the creature remains grappled until you release it or lose your concentration. You can add 2 points of fortitude to increase the number of creatures by 1 per point spent, up to a number of creatures equal to your Intelligence modifier.
Prerequisites: Must be a Kaiju or Kaiju Human, Dexterity or Constitution of 18 or higher, 5th level. You gain some form of physical ranged attack, such as the ability to fire spines from your torso, spit boulders from your mouth, or shoot bony discs from your hands. As an action by spending Fortitude points up to your Constitution modifier, you can make a fortitude attack roll against a creature within 30/60 feet, on a hit it deals 1d10 + a number of additional dice equal to the amount spent. The damage type of this attack can be bludgeoning, piercing or slashing (choose one when you gain this feat), depending on the material used for the attack. This feat benefits from your Devastating Attacks feature. This feat can be taken multiple times, chosing a different damage type each time you choose.
Prerequisites: Must be a Kaiju Human or Kaiju, Energy Generator, Constitution of 18 or higher. You can generate a beam of energy from your eyes, horns, mouth, or some other body part. As an action by spending Fortitude points up to your Constitution modifier, you make a ranged fortitude attack roll against a creature within 100 feet; on a hit, it deals 1d12 + a number of additional dice equal to the amount spent in the same damage as you choose on Energy Generator.
Prerequisites: Must be a Kaiju Human or Kaiju, Energy Generator, Constitution of 18 or higher. You are capable of releasing a destructive burst of energy from your body. As an action by spending Fortitude points up to your Constitution modifier, you can release a burst of raw energy. Every creature within a 30ft circle of the caster must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure they take 1d12 + a number of additional dice equal to the amount spent in the same damage as you choose on Energy Generator and are knocked back to the edges of the circle. They take half as much damage on a success and are not knocked back.
Prerequisites: Must be a Kaiju Human or Kaiju, Energy Generator, Constitution of 18 or higher. You gain access to a powerful weapon, the Devastating Breath. As an action by spending Fortitude points up to your Constitution modifier, you exhale energy in a 120-foot line 10 feet wide or a 30-foot cone (your choice). Each creature in this line must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d12 + a number of additional dice equal to the amount spent in the same damage as you choose on Energy Generator, or half as much on a success.
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Kaiju Form Feats[edit]
Prerequisites: Must be a Kaiju Human, Advanced Kaiju Form feature. You become experienced in using your Kaiju Form and drawing out more of its potential. You gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: Must be a Kaiju Human, Strength or Dexterity score of 18 or higher, 6th level. You are the perfect weapon to kill Kaiju, making you an extreme danger to them. You gain the following benefits while in any Kaiju Form:
Prerequisites: Must be a Kaiju Human, Strength or Dexterity of 20 or higher, 8th level. The impact of your blows are so strong that they are capable of delaying the regeneration of a Kaiju. You gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: Must be a Kaiju Human, Berserker Mode and Ultimate Kaiju Form features. Although for a limited time, you managed to master your Berserker Mode. You gain the following benefits:
Healing Feats[edit]
Prerequisites: Must be a Kaiju Human or Kaiju, Constitution of 20 or higher, 14th level. Your recovery capacity is even better than most Daikaiju. You gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: Must be a Kaiju, In some unknown way, you are able to bring dead Kaiju back to life. |
Canon Feat Changes and Additions[edit]
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