Eredar (4e Race)
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By Hearthstone Cards [1] |
" A humanoid race, native to a strange world, far above our own. "
Racial Traits |
Average Height: 6'10" - 7'10" |
Average Weight: 240-360 |
Ability Scores: +2 Charisma, +2 Dexterity or Strength |
Size: Medium |
Speed: 7 squares |
Vision: Dark Vision |
Languages: Common, Draenei, Choice of one other |
Skill Bonuses: +2 Arcana, +2 History, +2 to one other |
Bloodthirst: You gain a +1 racial bonus to attack rolls against bloodied enemies. |
Corrupted Naaru: Enemies take a -4 penalty to all saving throws against any ongoing effect you inflict on the target. |
Dual Heritage: You qualify as both an Eredar and Tiefling for the purpose of meeting racial prerequisites. |
Corrupting Fire: You gain the "Corrupting Fire" Racial encounter power. |
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Race Description[edit]
The eredar are a race of supremely talented magic-wielders who arose on the dimensional plane of existance known as Argus, many thousands of years ago. Exceptionally skilled in chaos magic, their mastery of the arcane arts were renowned throughout the scattered worlds in addition to their impressive martial combat abilities. Led by a triumvirate of wise and powerful leaders — Kil'jaeden, Archimonde, and Velen — they built a vast civilization of wondrous cities and a peaceful way of life on their homeworld. However, 13,000 years ago, the Dark Titan Sargeras shattered the tranquility of Argus by offering the Eredar immeasurable knowledge and power. The Eredar were a knowledge-seeking race, as such Kil'jaeden and Archimonde accepted Sargeras' offer. The titan bathed the Eredar in his fel might, and turned them into demonic members of the Burning Legion. Velen and his followers, however, managed to flee Argus with the help of the divine naaru, who would rename them draenei, or "Exiled Ones".
The Draenei refer to their corrupted brethren, the Eredar, as Man'Ari (pronounced man-ah-ree), or "unnatural beings". They have stopped referring to themselves as "eredar" because of the negative connotation it now has, following the vast majority of Eredar being turned into demons, although it is still the name of their race. The Man'ari Eredar now act as some of the most powerful weapons in the Burning Legion's arsenal, with their persuit of knowledge and power corrupting them. Skilled sorcerers in both fel and shadow magics, they are often found in command of contingents of demon forces. When facing man'ari eredar of great power, large armies are useless for the most part. Their corruptive powers over mortal souls are such that only the strongest-willed can even stand face to face with them. Eredar have unnaturally strong wills themselves, and are not able to be directly controlled by the Burning Legion like ordinary slaves. Instead they were seduced by the intoxicating nature of power and knowledge, of which the race subconsciously seeks to pursue.
- To be a large, powerful, yet sophisticated race
- To be a creature that evokes fear everywhere you go.
- Be a corrupted race with a mysterious extra-dimensional past
- Be a race that favors the Paladin, Cleric, Fighter, Rogue, Ranger, Barbarian, Sorcerer, Warlock and Bard, classes.
Physical Qualities[edit]
Eredar are large and powerful, standing between 6'10 and 7'10, and being between 240 and 360 pounds. While some are known to be larger, they generally tend to range between these heights unless they otherwise manifest arcane magical power. They are almost always a shade of Red, ranging between dark and bright colors, but occasionally will range in purple or indigo. Eredar resemble Draeni in many ways, and possess large tendrils coming down from their face and other parts of their body, which they frequently braid or decorate with jewelry. They also have large tails, which come down to their legs, and hoofs on each feet. While a humanoid race, they are among the most unique of the sentient races given their animal like features. They are exceptionally strong an resilient, being an inherently magical race, and are particularly adept at inflicting psychic and fire damage. They are most commonly attracted to Arcane powers, being a very spiritual race, although now corrupted by a desire for sheer power and knowledge.
Eredar are an ancient race, and live incredibly long lifespans. Living up to 400 years old, they begin to frail at 300, reaching the rough maturity of a 50 year old human, and by 400 are almost on their deathbed, nearly 85 years old. Many Eredar are known to have live past this, given their corrupted nature by Fel Magic. Immortality is a common feature, with many Eredar leaders such as Lord Jaraxxus or Kil'jaeden. They as a result are extremely intelligent from accruing large amounts of information over their lifetime, and naturally gifted at the magic arts. Many Draenei come from the city Exodar, and thus carry traits from members of the city as a result. Eredar often glow with a purple or red, evanescent hue, and to most races seem otherworldly, like beings from another planet. They have an attraction to bright purple or red Jewelry and in particular stones which often float from their home planet.
Eredar Feats[edit]
Eredar meet the prerequisites for both the Eredar races and Tiefling races.
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By Hearthstone Cards [2] |
Name | Description |
Arcane Gift | You gain proficiency with an implement of your choice, a +1 feat bonus to hit with implements, and access to two wizard cantrips. |
The Contagion | Increase the damage die of your Corrupting Fire racial encounter power from d4 to d10, and cause an additional ongoing effect. |
Name | Description |
Domination | You may replace a daily power your level or lower with a power that allows you to dominate and control an enemy creature. |
Name | Description |
Name | Description |
Name | Description |
Domination | You may replace a daily power your level or lower with a power that allows you to dominate and control an enemy creature. |
Name | Description |
Eredar Utility Powers[edit]
When your Eredar character gains a class utility power after 1st level, you can forgo taking a power granted to you by your class. Instead you gain an Eredar utility power of the same level or lower.
The race is intended to essentially be comparable to the Draenei or Eredar race of World of Warcraft.
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