Discussion:Negative Level Adjustment
Is it possible to create a race with such poor racial scores, that it would have a Negative Level Adjustment?[edit]
Ganteka 14:46, 8 August 2008 (MDT)[edit]
So, I'm wondering, is it possible to make a race that is so awful, that it would need two class levels or more to equal a first level character? Well, yeah, it is possible, but would it be fair to grant that race a Negative Level Adjustment, essentially granting them a free level to match up with a party of 1st level adventurers, and if so, how would that work for determining experience given? If its possible, I'd like to create some really lousy races to try and work this concept with.
Hijax 01:23, 9 August 2008 (MDT)[edit]
well, i guess you could. about xp calculation, i'd calculate it with level adjustment. it fights like a level 1 (or what ever), so its fair it gets exp like a level 1.
if i make time for it, i could make up some lousy races. thought i have no idea what races it should be.
Eiji 16:10, 9 August 2008 (MDT)[edit]
Classically goblins and kobolds are both LA -1 races.
Now, kobolds probably don't need that help anymore being powered up thanks to Dragonwrought, subtitution levels, Races of the Dragon, and other goodies. Goblins are still unloved though. -- Eiji 16:10, 9 August 2008 (MDT)
Name_Violation 16:10, 2 Sept 2009 (MDT)[edit]
actually goblins hold their own rather well if built right
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