Devil (Black Clover Supplement)

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Devils are an ancient race of magical and malevolent beings that dwell in the underworld, a bleak world where the only amusement comes from tormenting each other and toying with the humans of the living world.

Physical Description[edit]

The common defining characteristic of devils are their black horns, which all devils boast. In general, the higher ranking the devil, the longer and more impressive horns they tend to have.


All Devils reside in the Underworld. The underworld is divided into seven layers and is ruled over by three highest-ranking devils and reside at the lowest level. Each level houses devils of various ranks, with the highest-ranking devils dominating all those on their level. Because the underworld is so bleak and boring, higher-ranked devils keep themselves entertained by torturing those of lower ranks, while the lower ranked devils torment those who are even lower.

Devil Names[edit]

Devil names are based on demonic figures from many sources around the world.

Male: Adramelech, Beelzebub, Lucifero

Female: Lilith, Lucifulgus, Megicula.

Devil Traits[edit]

Ability Score Increase. One of the following scores increases by 2: Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma.
Age. Devils do not age in any way shape ot form, and live forever. Devils fully mature at the age of 14 years old.
Alignment. Devils all have chaotic ideals, and are always in search of causing destruction. Devils are always Chaotic, though they tend to lean more towards Evil than to Neutral or Good.
Size. Devila vary widely in height and build, all depending on their rank. Your size is medium if you are a Highest-Ranking Devil or High-Ranking Devil, your size is large if you are a Mid-Ranking Devil, and your size is Huge if you are a Low-Ranking Devil. Any ranks that allow you to have a size higher than Medium can be changed to Medium if you so choose.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Dark Mana. Devils live in the underworld, and are associated with every negative thing in the world, their mana reflects this. Your mana counts as Dark Mana. Also, you cannot become Berserk from using Dark Mana, unless it's caused by one of your spells.
Monstrous Biology. All devils have monstrous bodies, being much warped compared to the creatures outside the Underworld. Your type is Fiend. Also, you gain 4 Biology Points. You can choose how to spend them at character creation, choosing options from the Devil Biology section.
Devil Heart. The most important part of a devil's body is their Heart, as long as it lives a Devil can eventually recover itself. Whenever you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you are not knocked unconscious but become incapacitated and your movement speed is reduced to 0 instead. You make death saves as normal, but your heart is now exposed. Your heart has an AC equal to 10 + your Constitution modifier, and a number of hit points equal to ¼ of your hit point maximum. Your heart regains hit points whenever you regain hit points (such as on a short or long rest), and if its hit points are reduced to 0 you are killed outright. Even if you fail your death saves three times, you do not die while your heart still has its hit points, regaining 1 hit point after 1 minute has passed.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.
Subrace. The Subrace of a devil is its devil rank. A devil's rank is defined when they are born, and it cannot be changed. You must choose between Low-Ranking Devil, Mid-Ranking Devil or High-Ranking Devil. If you have the Qliphot Devil feat, you can choose the Highest-Ranking Devil subrace.

Highest-Ranking Devil[edit]

Ability Score Increase. One ability score of your choice increases by 1.
Endless Mana. Your mana reserves are seemingly endless, surpassing even the most blessed in the world. You add your level 8 times when calculating your mana amount.
Body Prowess. You were born as a Highest-Ranking Devil, being extremely gifted both in magic and in body. You gain three Body Feats of your choice that you meet the prerequisites of.
Magic Power. Your rank has allowed you to gain a better understanding of spells than most, learning the dark secrets of magic. You can add up to half your spellcasting modifier (rounded down) in dice to a created spell without spending any additional mana. This can't be used to overcome the spell dice limit. Also, you can add up to half your spellcasting modifier (rounded down) times 10 in feets to the range of a created spell without spending additional mana.
Demonic Superiority. Your devil power is beyond every other creature. If a creature is not a Fiend or Celestial, your Spellcasting DC is increased by half your proficiency bonus (rounded down).

High-Ranking Devil[edit]

Ability Score Increase. One ability score of your choice increases by 1.
Overflowing Mana. Your mana reserves overflows your body, being on par with high ranking elves. You add your level 4 times when calculating your mana amount.
Body Prowess. You were born as a High-Ranking Devil, being gifted both in magic and in body. You gain two Body Feats of your choice that you meet the prerequisites of.
Magic Power. Your rank has allowed you to gain a better understanding of spells than most, learning the dark secrets of magic. You can add up to half your spellcasting modifier (rounded down) in dice to a created spell without spending any additional mana. This can't be used to overcome the spell dice limit. Also, you can add up to half your spellcasting modifier (rounded down) times 10 in feets to the range of a created spell without spending additional mana.

Mid-Ranking Devil[edit]

Ability Score Increase. One of the following scores increases by 1: Strength, Dexterity or Constitution.
Immense Mana. Your mana reserves is immense, being in the same level as elves. You add your level twice when calculating your mana amount.
Body Prowess. You were born as a Mid-Ranking Devil, because you lack magic power your body naturally became more gifted. You gain a Body Feat of your choice that you meet the prerequisites of.

Low-Ranking Devil[edit]

Ability Score Increase. One of the following scores increases by 1: Strength, Dexterity or Constitution.
Great Mana. Your mana reserves are much greater than a simple commoner. You add your level when calculating your mana amount.

Devil Biology[edit]


Prerequisites: Low-Ranking Devil or higher, 1 Biology Point.

Your hands now have sharp claws. Whenever you hit a creature with an unarmed strike using your hands, you deal 1d8 slashing damage. The slashing damage increases if your unarmed dice is higher than 1d8.

Sharpened Claws

Prerequisites: Low-Ranking Devil or Higher, Claws, 1 Biology Point.

Your claws are much sharper than an average devil. Whenever you score a critical hit with your claws, the creature must make a (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength or Dexterity modifier) Constitution saving throw or start Bleeding until the end of their next turn.


Prerequisites: Low-Ranking Devil or higher, 1 Biology Point.

Your mouth has sharp fangs that may be used to bite others. You can make a natural weapon attack with them against a creature within reach, dealing 1d6 piercing damage on a hit.

Beastial Fangs

Prerequisites: Low-Ranking Devil or higher, Fangs, 1 Biology Point.

Your fangs have grown even more, becoming beastial. Your damage dice with your fangs is increased to a d8. Also, whenever you hit a creature with your fangs the creature must make a (DC= 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier) Strength saving throw. On a failure, they are grappled by you and you may not bite another creature but the one grappled by you.

Hardened Skin

Prerequisites: Mid-Ranking Devil or higher, 1 Biology Point.

Your skin is much harder than other creatures. You reduce all damage by your level. This damage reduction is ignored if the damage originates from a spell that utilizes Dark or Natural Mana.

Additionally, your damage reduction also applies to your heart.

Durable Skin

Prerequisites: High-Ranking Devil or higher, Hardened Skin, 1 Biology Point.

Your skin is more durable than most devils. Your damage reduction is increased to your level times 1,5.

Indestructible Skin

Prerequisites: Highest-Ranking Devil, Durable Skin, 1 Biology Point.

Your skin is so hard and durable no one can destroy it. Your damage reduction is increased to your level added twice.

Keen Sight

Prerequisites: Low-Ranking Devil or Higher, 1 Biology Point.

The eyes that your supernatural body possess are not those of humans but similar to those of an animal. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You discern colors in that darkness only as shades of gray. You gain proficiency in the Perception skill.

Supernatural Vision

Prerequisites: Low-Ranking Devil or Higher, Keen Sight, 1 Biology Point.

Your ability of sight goes beyond the likes of humans and animals but is a supernatural gift that can view through all kinds of phenomena, natural or super. You can see in dim light within 120 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You discern colors in that darkness only as shades of gray. You can see normally through darkness caused by supernatural and non-supernatural effects.


Prerequisites: Low-Ranking Devil or Higher, 1 Biology Point.

You have a thin black tail that can be utilized in many ways. Objects may be carried and manipulated with it, including fine manipulations. You cannot hold a weapon or shield using your tail. Due to the increased balance your tail grants you, you are proficient in the Acrobatics skill. If your tail is severed, you are no longer considered proficient in Acrobatics.

Elongated Tail

Prerequisites: Mid-Ranking Devil or higher, Tail, 1 Biology Point.

The large tail you possess is much more dexterous than what it once was. You are capable of holding weapons without the two-handed or heavy property and shield using your tail. You can use your tail to perform unarmed strikes, doing so will increase their reach by 5ft.


Prerequisites: Low-Ranking Devil or higher, 2 Biology Points.

You have bat-like wings that aid your movement. You can use your action to utilize your wings to fly, gaining flying speed equal to your walking speed. If you stop moving you keep hovering in the air.

Dark Wings

Prerequisites: Mid-Ranking Devil or higher, Wings, 1 Biology Point.

Your wings grow larger and stronger. You can use your bonus action as opposed to an action in order to fly as it will now grant you a flying speed equal to your walking speed + 10ft. Whenever you are falling and are not incapacitated, you can subtract up to 100 feet from your fall when calculating your fall damage and can move horizontally 2 feet for every 1 foot you fall.

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