Demon Slayer (Demon Slayer Supplement)
Demon Slayer
“ | The Demon Slayer Corps. We number in the hundreds. An organization completely unrecognized by the government. Since ancient times, we have existed to hunt down Demons. | ” |
—Sakonji Urokodaki explaining the idea of the Demon Slayer Corps to Tanjiro Kamado. |
Protectors of Humanity
The Demon Slayer Corps is an organization that has existed since ancient times, dedicating its existence to protecting humanity from demons.
As the Demon Slayer Corps isn’t officially recognized by the government, its members are forced to work in secrecy, which means that Demon Slayers cannot openly carry their swords in public. The majority of people are unaware of the existence of demons, and even if Demon Slayers were to reveal the truth about their job, they would be met with skepticism and disbelief from most individuals. Allowing Demon Slayers to openly wield swords would only incite chaos and confusion among the general population. By maintaining a low profile and avoid drawing unnecessary attention, they can carry out their duties covertly and effectively. Nevertheless, whispers of the Demon Slayers have permeated public consciousness.
Creating a Demon Slayer
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All of the Hashira together under the moonlight, [1] |
When creating a Demon Slayer, think about the reason why you would join the Demon Slayer Corps. Did one of your family members die because of a demon? Have you been attacked and saved by a demon slayer? Have you been trained by a master since you were young? Are you perhaps the descendant of a famous demon slayer or family of slayers?
- Quick Build
You can make a Demon Slayer quickly by following these suggestions. First, Dexterity or Strength should be your highest ability score, followed by Constitution.
Class Features
As a Demon Slayer you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d12 per Demon Slayer level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d12 (or 7) + Constitution modifier per Demon Slayer level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: Light Armor
Weapons: Martial Weapons, Melee Simple Weapons
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Constitution
Skills: Choose two between Athletics, Acrobatics, History, Insight, Investigation, Medicine, Nature, Perception, Stealth, and Survival
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- (a) 1 Martial Weapon or (b) 1 Simple Melee Weapon
- (a) 1 Simple Melee Weapon or (b) 1 Haori of your design (Traveler's Clothes)
- (a) 1 Explorer's Pack or (b) 1 Adventurer's Pack
- If you are using starting wealth, you have 4d4 in funds.
Level | Proficiency Bonus |
Breathing Points | Features | Unarmored Movement |
1st | +2 | 1 + Con | Breathing Style, Demon Slayer, Slayer Path, Talent (Demon Slayer supplement) | +10 ft. |
2nd | +2 | 2 + Con | Fighting Style, Enhanced Senses | +10 ft. |
3rd | +2 | 3 + Con | Slayer Path feature, Nichirin Weaponry, | +10 ft. |
4th | +2 | 4 + Con | Ability Score Improvement, Talent (Demon Slayer supplement) | +15 ft. |
5th | +3 | 5 + Con | Extra Attack (1), Total Concentration Breathing: Constant | +15 ft. |
6th | +3 | 6 + Con | Slayer Path feature, Competent Slayer, | +15 ft. |
7th | +3 | 7 + Con | Never Afraid, Resistant, Talent (Demon Slayer supplement) | +20 ft. |
8th | +3 | 8 + Con | Ability Score Improvement, Total Concentration Breathing: Constant upgrade | +20 ft. |
9th | +4 | 9 + Con | Slayer Path feature Extra Attack (2), | +20 ft. |
10th | +4 | 10 + Con | Nichirin Expertise, Body of Steel, Talent (Demon Slayer supplement) | +25 ft. |
11th | +4 | 11 + Con | Unbreakable Willpower | +25 ft. |
12th | +4 | 12 + Con | Ability Score Improvement, Never Afraid upgrade, | +25 ft. |
13th | +5 | 13 + Con | Slayer Path feature, Talent (Demon Slayer supplement) | +30 ft. |
14th | +5 | 14 + Con | Total Concentration Breathing: Constant upgrade | +30 ft. |
15th | +5 | 15 + Con | Powerful Slayer, Extra Attack(3), | +30 ft. |
16th | +5 | 16 + Con | Ability Score Improvement, Nichirin Mastery | +35 ft. |
17th | +6 | 17 + Con | Slayer Path feature | +35 ft. |
18th | +6 | 18 + Con | Hashira Training, | +35 ft. |
19th | +6 | 19 + Con | Ability Score Improvement, Total Concentration Breathing: Constant | +40 ft. |
20th | +6 | 20 + Con | Pinnacle of The Living, Extra Attack(4) | +40 ft. |
Breathing Style
Starting at 1st level, to become a true demon slayer, you had to learn a breathing style from a master or develop one yourself.
You must choose between one of the Breathing Styles available. At 1st level you gain the first 5 forms of your breathing technique, but can only prepare as many as half your level rounded up. At 4th level you unlock the ability to prepare your 6th, 7th and 8th forms, and at 7th level you unlock the remainder of your forms.
- Breathing Points
You have a number of breathing points equal to your demon slayer level + your constitution modifier that you can spend when using your breathing styles. Whenever you use a breathing point, it is spent. All expended breathing points come back in a short or long rest.
Some of your Breathing Style features require Saving throws, which are calculated as follows:
Breathing Save DC: 8 + proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier.
Alternate Feature: Breathless Determination
Also at 1st level, some people never get to learn breathing styles either due to a lack of skill, knowledge or physical limitations. However, that does not stop you from trying to become a fearless slayer and joining the slayer corps. You can force yourself to take an additional action and bonus action on your turn. You can use this feature once before needing to take a long rest.
Additionally, at 1st, 4th, 7th, 10th, and 13th levels you gain one Body Feat of your choice that you meet the requirements of.
Demon Slayer
Also at 1st level, you have officially completed your slayer training and the Final Selection Exam, making you worthy of gaining some demon slayer equipment!
- Unarmored Movement
Your movement speed increases by 10 feet while you are not wearing armor or wielding a shield. This bonus increases when you reach certain demon slayer levels, as shown in the Demon Slayer table. Additionally, you can calculate your jump distance and height using Dexterity instead of Strength. At 9th level, your jump distance and height are doubled.
- Unarmored Defense
While you are wearing no armor and not wielding a shield, your AC equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Constitution modifier.
- Demon Slayer Uniform
You have been granted your own personal Demon Slayer Uniform. On the case of the uniform being damaged, you may request a new one to the new demon slayer corps.
- Nichirin Weapon
You have been granted the honour of having a weapon forged from Scarlet Crimson Iron Sand and Scarlet Ore, which can only be found on very high mountains that bathe the ore in sun all year round. The weapon can be any simple or martial weapon, and has the following properties
Demon Slayer Weapon. This weapon deals 1d6 extra damage against Fiends and Undead creatures.
Sun Bathed. This weapon ignores resistances and turns immunity into resistance if used against Fiend and Undead creatures.
Demon Finisher. Reducing a Fiend or Undead to 0 hit points with a Nichirin Weapon makes them vanish into dust, killing them outright.
If your Nichirin Weapon does break, you must find a blacksmith who is capable of creating them to forge a new Nichirin Weapon. The cost of a Nichirin Weapon will be three times the original weapons cost.
Slayer Path
Also at 1st level, you have undertaken a particular path to follow as an aspiring Demon Slayer. Choose between one of the Slayer Paths detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at 1st level, and again at 3rd, 6th, 9th, 13th and 17th level.
Fighting Style
You adopt a particular style of fighting as your specialty. Choose one of the following options. You can't take a Fighting Style option more than once, even if you later get to choose again:
- Versatile Fighting
Once per turn you can both attack with a versatile weapon you are wielding and grapple or shove a creature as if you replaced an attack. Such grapple or shove has a +2 to its check.
- Heavyweight Fighting
You can use your weight, and the weight of your weapon, to land devastating blows. While you are wielding a heavy melee weapon, you gain a +1 bonus to damage rolls and you have advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks to Shove.
- Classical Swordplay
While wielding a finesse weapon and no other weapons, you gain a +1 bonus to your attack rolls and AC so long as you are not using Heavy Armour or a Shield.
- Lightfoot Fighter
You're very quick on your feet, being very refined with your weapons. While wielding a light melee weapon, you gain a +10 to your walking speed and do not take opportunity attacks from the last creature you attacked on your turn as long as it was made with a light weapon.
- Dual Wielding
When you take the Attack action while two-weapon fighting, you can make the single bonus attack with your off-hand weapon as part of your Attack action, instead of your bonus action, adding your ability modifier to the damage of this attack.
- Protector
When a creature you can see hits you, or a target within 5 feet, with a melee attack, you can use a reaction to add your proficiency bonus to the target's Armor Class against that attack. You must be wielding a shield or a melee weapon.
- Blind Warrior
You have blindsight with a range in feet equal to 5 times your proficiency bonus. In that range, you can see invisible targets and anything that isn't behind total cover or hidden from you.
- Improved Unarmored Defense
You gain a +1 bonus to your AC while not wearing any kind of armor or shield.
- Dueling
When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon.
- Great Weapon Fighting
When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you make with a melee weapon that you are wielding with two hands, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2. The weapon must have the two-handed or versatile property for you to gain this benefit.
Enhanced Senses
At 2nd level, either by having trained your body to a supernatural point or simply being gifted, you have acquired superhuman senses. You gain one of the following enhanced senses:
- Enhanced Smell
Your nose is more accurate than that of most watchdogs. You have advantage in any Wisdom (Perception) checks when it is related to smell and may track creatures up to 120 feet if you have already smelled them before.
- Enhanced Hearing
You can hear things on the other side of a neighbourhood as if you were right there. You have advantage in any Wisdom (Perception) checks when it is related to hearing, and creatures will have disadvantage in Dexterity (Stealth) checks against you if you are hiding in a silent area.
- Enhanced Sight
Your vision is as sharp as an eagle. You have advantage in any Wisdom (Perception) checks when it is related to sight. Once per turn as a free action, you can target a creature within your sight range to read their movements. Until the beginning of your next turn, their first attack against you will be made with disadvantage.
Nichirin Weaponry
when you reach 3rd level, you gain +1 to hit and damage rolls with 2 types of nichirin weapons. This ability is replaced with Nichirin Expertise at 10th level
Ability Score Improvement
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
You may also ignored this increase to gain a Slayer feat.
Extra Attack
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
The number of attacks increases to three when you reach 9th level in this class, to four when you reach 15th level, and to five when you reach 20th level
Total Concentration Breathing: Constant
You have trained enough to learn how to maintain Total Concentration Breathing at all times of the day, even while sleeping. - You have advantage on saving throws against poison and disease. Also, it takes twice as many levels of exhaustion for you to be affected. For example, two levels of exhaustion would only make you receive the effects of only the first level of exhaustion. Finally you have advantage on any Constitution saving throws you make.
At 8th level - You can use a bonus action to catch your breath, gaining Breathing Points equal to your proficiency bonus. This can be used a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier. (At 14th Level, the amount of Breathing Points recovered becomes your proficiency bonus + half your Constitution rounded up, 20th level your proficiency bonus + Constitution). Additionally, your walking speed increases by 30 feet and you gain resistance to Poison Damage.
At 14th level - As a bonus action, you can spend a number of Breathing Points up to half of your Demon Slayer level to grant yourself temporary hit points equal to 4 times that amount. This effect stacks, but these temporary hit points cannot go above your demon slayer level added twice. Additionally:
- You now add half your proficiency bonus rounded down to your armor class.
- Your Strength, Dexterity and Constitution scores increase by 2, including their maximums.
At 19th level - As a bonus action, you may increase the DC, attack bonus, and damage dice of the next breathing form you use by 1 for 1 Breathing Points
Never Afraid
At 7th level, from experiencing your comrades dying in front of you so many times, you have hardened your heart on your fight against the demons. You now have advantage on saving throws against the frightened condition.
At 12th level, you now have immunity against the frightened condition.
At 7th level, you have faced numerous kinds of offences where you are capable of resisting area effects, such as a blue dragon’s lightning breath or a fireball spell. Choose one of the following ability scores:
- Brawn - Strength
- Evasion - Dexterity
- Endurance - Constitution
- Discernment - Intelligence
- Intuition - Wisdom
When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a saving throw of the chosen ability to only take half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail. At 20th level, you can choose one additional saving throw.
Body of Steel
At 10th level, you have endured the harshest of situations that has made you grow as a slayer, this newfound endurance made you not require as much rest as the ordinary humans. You gain the benefits of a long rest after only 4 hours as opposed to requiring 8.
Additionally, once per short rest when you would fall bellow 0 hit points but not killed outright, you may fall to 1 hit point instead.
Nichirin Expertise
At 10th level, you gain +2 to hit and damage rolls with 3 types of nichirin weapons, as well as increasing their damage die by 1. This ability replaces Nichirin Weaponry from 3rd level and is replaced by Nichirin Mastery at 16th level
Unbreakable Willpower
At 11th level, not only your body, but also your mind have been reinforced to face the horrors the demons cause. You gain proficiency in Wisdom saving throws, and you now have advantage against receiving the charmed condition.
Powerful Slayer
At 15th level, you may gain a momentum feat for free, choosing from insert favorite form, slayer mark, and custom form
Nichirin Mastery
At 16th level, you gain +3 to hit and damage rolls with 4 types of nichirin weapons, as well as increasing their damage die by 2. This ability replaces Nichirin Weaponry and Nichirin Expertise
Hashira Training
Starting at 18th level you gain +2 to all stats, increasing their maximums as well.
Alternate Feature: Efficient Breathing
At 18th level, through great training and refinement over your breathing style, you have become a more efficient Demon Slayer. All of your breathing style forms costs are reduced by 3, to a minimum of 1.
You must choose this feature if you haven't chosen Hashira Training as your 15th level feature or haven't chosen Breathless Determination as your 1st level feature.
Pinnacle of The Living
Finally upon reaching 20th level, you have reached the absolute limits of a human body and more than capable of using it to the fullest. When you roll an ability check using either Strength, Dexterity or your Constitution scores and you roll lower than the score, you may instead treat the roll as if you had roll a number equal to the ability score. You may also use this feature on Strength, Dexterity or your Constitution however it can only be done once per turn.
Whenever you roll less than 10 on an attack roll which uses either Strength, Dexterity or Constitution, you can reroll it. You must keep the second result, even if it was lower than 10 or the original attack roll.
Breathing Styles
Water Breathing
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The Water Hashira, [2] |
Water Breathing is a Breathing Style that mimics water, specifically the flow, flexibility and adaptability of the liquid and replicates it with the user's movements, techniques and abilities.
- Water Flow
You must know when to act and when to think, life has become as flexible as the water itself.
Flexibility. You will gain proficiency in the Acrobatics skill, or expertise in case you're already proficient.
Water Flows Everywhere. Like water, you will keep flowing no matter the situation. You are not affected by non-magical difficult terrain.
Adaptive Current. You gain +10 speed and you gain swimming speed equal to your normal speed, and +1 AC after performing a breathing technique until the start of your next turn.
Follow the Flow. after using a breathing form, you may expend one breathing point to make an extra attack, increased to two breathing points expended for two extra attacks at 13th level.
- First Form: Water Surface Slash
You release a singular, horizontal slash aiming to decapitate your target. As an action for 1 breathing point, you make one nichirin attack roll. On a hit they take your nichirin damage die + 1d8 cold damage. On hit, add your proficiency bonus to your AC until the start of your next turn.
- Second Form: Water Wheel
You leap forward into the air and perform a front flip, releasing a singular vertical slash in a circular motion. As an action for 2 breathing points, you jump in a 10ft. line forcing all creatures on the line to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take your weapon damage + 3d8 cold damage. On a success, they take half as much damage. You land 5ft. away from the end of the line. If this attack only has one target and they fail the saving throw you may roll on the limb table excluding the head or neck.
After succeeding a dexterity saving throw in which the attacking creature was in range at any point of it, you may perform water wheel as a reaction on that creature costing 3 breathing points.
- Third Form: Flowing Dance
You swing and bend your blade in a winding motion along with your body and ‘dance’ in a flowing pattern, slicing everything in its path. As an action for 5 breathing points, you may use your remaining movement. Any creature(s) within 5 feet of you at any point in this movement can be targeted with an attack, you may only make up to a maximum of 5 attacks. While moving with this ability, you are immune to opportunity attacks. When forced to make a Dexterity saving throw, you may as a reaction for 4 breathing points roll with advantage. On a success, you may move out of the range of the attack as long as it's within your speed.
- Fourth Form: Striking Tide
You perform a multitude of slashes in a flowing fashion to release multiple consecutive slashes. As an action or reaction for 5 breathing points you make two nichirin attack rolls against a creature within range of you, on each hit you deal your nichirin damage +2d10 cold damage and the creature must make a constitution saving throw. On a failure, roll on the limb table against the creature. If used as a reaction when an enemy has failed an attack roll on you within your range you may make a single striking tide attack for +2d6 damage instead.
- Fifth Form: Blessed Rain After the Drought
You change the grip on your sword and decapitate your opponent in a single flowing strike that causes little to no pain. It is a “sword strike of kindness” that is used when the enemy willingly surrenders. As an action for 6 breathing points, you make a nichirin weapon attack against a creature within 5ft. of you. For the attack, the critical strike threshold is increased to a natural 18 and above, and deals direct damage to the creature’s neck equal to double your strength bonus on a crit, or normal nichirin damage otherwise. This form doesn’t hurt despite dealing massive damage, and will immediately reduce a creature to 0 hit points if they have surrendered.
- Sixth Form: Whirlpool
You twist your body, using your blade to perform a fierce whirling motion which generates a whirlpool of air to shred apart anything caught within its current like a giant sharp blade. As a reaction to you or a creature within 5 ft of you would take damage for 6 breathing points, you will force every hostile creature in a 10ft. circle around yourself to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure they take your weapon’s damage + 5d8 cold damage and are pushed 10ft. away from you, reducing damage by half. On a success, they take half as much damage and are not pushed. This breathing form has its range and damage doubled if performed underwater.
- Seventh Form: Drop Ripple Thrust
Known as one of the fastest water-breathing forms, you perform a precise, fast and accurate thrust with your blade. As an action for 4 breathing points, you make an attack roll + your proficiency bonus against a creature within 5ft. of you. On a hit, the attack counts as a critical; if you roll a natural 20 you may deal triple damage instead and the target will be knocked prone. If used as a reaction to an attack that is not a saving throw, you may make a contesting attack roll. On a success, you will take no damage. On a failure, you will take full damage. Damage from this form is piercing damage.
- Eighth Form: Waterfall Basin
You attack from above, slamming into a large area with one attack that splashes outwards to catch all enemies nearby in its radius. As an action for 7 breathing points, Creatures in 10 ft cone make strength saving throw on failure they take nichirin damage + 10d8 cold damage and are knocked prone, on success they take half and are not knocked prone. If this move is used against a prone enemy and they fail the save you may roll the limb table. If used whilst falling this form does an additional 1d8 damage per 5 ft fallen(Max 15d8) and you only receive half fall damage, If used in tandem with ninth form you instead take no fall damage.
- Ninth Form: Splashing Water Flow, Turbulent
You change your footwork in a way that minimizes the landing time and surface needed when landing, allowing you to move without limits. As an action for 7 breathing points, you may use your bonus action to dash and you may ignore even magically difficult terrain. In addition, you will be able to walk vertically as well. While this form is active, you will not provoke opportunities of attacks. You may add half your proficiency bonus (rounded down) to dexterity saving throws. Lasts for 6 rounds.
- Tenth Form: Constant Flux
You charge towards the target while performing a continuous flowing attack with your blade which increases in strength and speed over time using your momentum. As an action for 12 breathing points, you may move up to your speed in a straight line without provoking opportunity attacks, every 10 feet moved you gain 1 charge to a maximum of 5 charges. Every time you pass by 10ft of a creature you may use 1 charge to roll an on that creature. On hit they take your nichirin +7d6 limited to one attack against each creature. When you finish the movement within 5 feet of the target, you may use all charges and make a single attack at advantage. For every charge you expend, add +1 to hit. If you expend 5 charges, the attacks critical range is a natural 18. Each charge deals 7d6 damage.
Thunder Breathing
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A Thunder Breathing slayer preparing to make a powerfull breathing attack, [3] |
Thunder Breathing is a Breathing Style that mimics lightning, specifically swift strikes and movements akin to lightning ripping through the sky, and replicates it with the user's movements, techniques and abilities.
Enhanced Speed. You'll gain +5 ft. of movement speed when you're not wearing armour. This increases to 10 at 3rd level, 15 at 6th level, 20 at 9th level, 25 at 12th level, 30 at 15th level and 35 at 18th level.
Powerful Legs. Thunder breathing heavily relies on the user’s leg strength, and as such you’ve trained them a lot. You are not affected by non-magical difficult terrain and your base jump distance and height is increased, respectively, by a number of feet equal to your Dexterity modifier and a number of feet equal to half your Dexterity modifier (rounded down).
Lightning Strike. When you land on a solid surface after falling 30 ft or more, you may make a DC 20 Acrobatics check. On a success, you don't take fall damage and can use a reaction to perform one of your forms that would normally be an action. You can only do this once per round.
Fast as Lightning. You can take the dash action as a bonus action.
- First Form: Thunderclap and Flash
You unsheath your katana and dash forward at blinding speeds to decapitate your opponent faster than they can react, before sheathing it back. As an action for 4 breathing points, whilst your sword is sheathed, you rush towards a creature within your movement speed and make a melee weapon attack against them. On a hit, you deal your weapon's damage + Xd8 lightning damage, with X being your proficiency bonus. When you use this form, before anything else the target creature must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they need to spend two reactions to react to the attack.
- Crack of Thunder
While this ability is considered prepared, when using a form, for one 1 breathing point you may choose any number of creatures within 10 feet of your starting position to take Xd8 lightning damage, with X being half your proficiency bonus (rounded down) and make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, are knocked back 5 feet and knocked prone. On a success they are not knocked prone.
- Second Form: Rice Spirit
You make five arched slashes in quick succession. As an action for 6 breathing points. You make 5 weapon attack rolls allocated between any creatures within 10ft. Each dealing your nichirin weapon damage + Xd4 lightning damage, with X being your proficiency bonus. This form can also be used as a reaction to being targeted by a melee attack, ranged attack or area saving throw to reduce damage from it within a 10 ft circle centred on you by your weapon’s damage +Xd10, with X being your proficiency bonus added twice. This reduction does not work against psychic and thunder damage.
- Encompassing Slash
You perform a 360° degree slash around yourself. Once per turn as part of making a melee weapon attack with a weapon that deals slashing damage, you can spend 3 breathing points to make it target all creatures in a 5 ft. radius centered on you. This attack will deal an additional 1d8 lightning damage.
- Third Form: Thunder Swarm
You surround the enemy with waves of arched lightning and attack them from all directions. As an action for 7 breathing points, you can target a creature you can see within your reach as the center of a 15 ft radius area within which you make an amount of melee weapon attacks equal to your Dexterity modifier that will target all creatures that you choose inside the area at the same time. On a hit, you deal the damage of your weapon + Xd6, with X being your proficiency bonus. During this form, you move so fast you leave after images behind you throughout the area. If you are targeted by an attack before the end of this form, you can switch places with one of these after images, causing the attack to miss. You can only do this once per usage of this form. After performing this form you reappear anywhere within the circle.
- Lightning Burst
Unsheathing your blade, you perform 3 arching horizontal slashes in quick succession. As an action for 4 breathing points, you make three melee weapon attacks against creatures in your reach. Each attack also targets any creatures that you choose in a 5 ft. square adjacent to the original target. These attacks will deal an additional 1d8 lightning damage.
- Fourth Form: Distant Thunder
As an action for 6 breathing points you may move in a straight line towards a creature and make a melee weapon attack against them, dealing your weapon’s damage + Xd8 lightning damage on a hit, with X being your proficiency bonus. On a hit or a miss, you can do it again against another creature. You can do this to a number of creatures equal to your Dexterity modifier + half your proficiency bonus (rounded down). All of the movement used in this form must be only up to your movement speed, and movement from this form does not generate opportunity attacks. Additionally, creatures that you get within 5 ft. of while moving from creature to creature and are not targeted by the attacks must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking Xd4 lightning damage on a failure, with X being your proficiency bonus, or nothing on a success.
- Fifth Form: Heat Lightning
You unleash a long-ranged upward sword slash accompanied by lightning. As an action for 5 breathing points, you make a melee weapon attack roll against one creature. You have advantage if the creature is above you. On a hit, it deals your weapon’s damage + Xd10 lightning damage, with X being your proficiency bonus + half your Dexterity modifier (rounded down). Additionally on a hit, the creature is knocked prone.
- Sixth Form: Rumble and Flash
You release a series of powerful lightning attacks that strike your opponent like a storm of thunderbolts. As an action for 12 breathing points, you choose a target within (your Dexterity modifier times 10) feet of you and dash towards them, making up to (half your Dexterity modifier rounded down + your proficiency bonus) melee weapon attacks against them. On a hit, you deal an extra 2d6 lightning damage. For every 2 attacks you hit with this form, you gain a +1 to hit with the next ones. You can use this form while mid air.
- Seventh Form: Honoikazuchi no Kami
You dash forward at blinding speeds and unleash a singular forward slash at a low stance, which is seemingly accompanied by a yellow Japanese dragon shaped like a lightning bolt. As an action for 15 breathing points you may draw a 5 ft wide line between you and a target creature within your movement speed. Creatures in that line need to make a Dexterity saving throw, taking your weapon's damage + Xd6 lightning damage on a failure, with X being your proficiency bonus, or half as much on a success. After that, make an attack roll against the targeted creature, adding a +1 bonus to hit for every 10 feet travelled (Max +5). On a hit, this attack’s damage is considered critical and deals your weapon damage and an additional 1d12 for every 20 feet travelled in lightning damage. Upon using this form, before anything else any creatures targeted by either the saving throw or the attack roll need to make a dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they need to spend two reactions to react to this form.
Beast Breathing
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The creator of the beast breathing style, [4] |
Beast Breathing is a Breathing Style that mimics beasts/wild animals, specifically their unpredictable, ferocious and wild nature, including movements, attacks and senses, and replicates it with the user's movements, techniques and abilities. Users of this style often dual wield weapons.
- Living Like a Animal
You have lived your entire life in the wild, not caring about getting to know the outside world.
Symbol of Power. After killing a beast with your bare hands, you can wear its head as a trophy. Choose a beast whose head you’ve acquired. When you wear this head:
- You gain a +4 bonus to Intimidation checks
- You have disadvantage on Persuasion checks with humanoids who see you for the first time.
If you lose the head, you must hunt another beast and obtain its head to use this feature again.
Beast's Resilience. When you take damage from an attack you can use your reaction to move your vital organs and maneuver your body to lessen impact, reducing the damage taken by half. You may use this feature up to half your Dex mod (rounded down) per short rest.
- Once per long, if you are hit by a critical attack you can choose to reduce it to a normal hit instead.
- You gain climbing speed equal to your movement speed and your jump height is doubled. You may use dexterity for your jump calculations.
- You are flexible giving you proficiency in acrobatics or expertise if you already have it
- Your hit die increases to a D10.
- You are resistant to poison damage and have advantage for saving throws against poison.
Wild Instincts. Your primal senses are honed to a supernatural degree giving you the following benefits:
- You can react to unreactable attacks.
- You may attack on movement that does not generate opportunity attacks.
- You cannot to be surprised whilst conscious
- You can react to unseen attacks
- You gain a +5 to passive perception and people have disadvantage for stealth checks against you.
- You gain proficiency in perception or expertise if you are already proficient.
- First Fang: Pierce
You stab the target with both blades. As an action for 1 breathing point, you make one attack roll with each weapon. If both hit, the target will take the damage of both weapons + 2d8 piercing damage and will be grappled due to the blades carving into its body. It may attempt a Strength saving throw at the beginning of its turns, freeing itself in a success and receiving the 1d8 slashing damage again on a failure. If one of the two attacks is a critical hit, you may perform pierce once more. If used as a reaction for 2 breathing points you reduce all damage in a 20ft cone in front of you by nichirin weapon damage + 2d8.
- Second Fang: Slice
You unleash a double slash with two blades in an X-shaped cut. As an action for 3 breathing points, you can force a creature within your reach to make a strength saving throw. On a failure, they would take the damage of both of your weapons + 2d8 slashing damage and are knocked prone. On a success, they take half as much damage and are not knocked prone. If slice is used as you fall and you land on a creature they will additionally take any fall damage you would have instead of you.
- Third Fang: Devour
You release two simultaneous horizontal slashes towards the target's throat to decapitate them. As an action for 5 breathing points, you make a nichirin weapon attack roll. On a hit, you will deal the damage of both your weapons + 4d8 slashing damage and will force the target to make a Constitution saving throw. On failure they will have their AC reduced by half your dexterity mod(rounded down) till the end of your next turn.
- Devouring Jaws
As an action for 5 breathing points you release 2 slashes as you rotate your entire body in a wheel, every single creature within range makes a dexterity saving throw on failure they take both your weapons + 4d8 slashing damage and you will no longer generate opportunity attacks from this creature for the rest of your turn on success they take half damage and you still generate opportunity attacks. This form can be used as a reaction for 2 breathing points in doing so you add your dexterity modifier to your AC for a single attack.
- Devouring Rush
While under the effects of Explosive Rush or having successfully reached the targeted creature As an action for 12 breathing points, That creature makes a strength saving throw, on failure they are charged and dragged a distance equal to your remaining movement taking 1d6 every 5ft. Then launched into the air and struck by two diagonal slashes in an X motion deal both your weapons damage + 12d12 and you roll the limb table and they are knocked prone. On success they are not dragged taking half of the slashes’ damage not rolling the limb table or knocked prone.
- Fourth Fang: Slice 'n' Dice
You deliver multiple diagonal double slashes with both swords. As an action for 6 breathing points, you force every creature within a 10ft. of you to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take Nichirin weapon damage +5d10 slashing damage and are knocked prone. On a success, they take half as much damage and are not knocked prone. In addition, roll the limb table on any creature who failed this save. If this form is used while in the air, it’s range will be increased by 5 ft, However it will no longer knock prone, additionally remove both legs from possible results when rolling the limb table.
- Fifth Fang: Crazy Cutting
You jump and slice everything in all directions while in mid-air. As an action for 8 breathing points, you jump 10ft. in the air and force all creatures within 30ft. sphere centered on you to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure they take nichirin weapon damage + 7d10 slashing damage and you may roll on the limb table. On a success, they take half as much damage and you do not roll on the limb table. After executing Crazy Cutting you may expend 2 breathing points and make a single melee weapon attack against any number of creatures within 10ft. of you each attack adds 2d8 damage. You may make up to half your proficiency bonus (rounded up) extra attacks. When you hit a creature with one of these extra attacks the creature needs to make a strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
- Sixth Fang: Palisade Bite
You release simultaneous slashes with two swords from both directions in a saw-like movement. As an action for 15 breathing points, you make a nichirin weapon attack roll against a creature within range. On a hit, you roll two nichirin weapon damage + 14d10 slashing damage. This form has its damage tier increased by 1 when targeting limbs additionally this form's damage cannot be reduced, however its attack roll cannot directly be made unreactable by any slayer feature or demon art.
- Seventh Fang: Spatial Awareness
You utilize your sense of touch to identify the position of enemies and their weaknesses by feeling small disturbances in the air. Out of combat for 4 breathing points you can detect all creatures that are touching the ground or touching something that touches the ground within a 100 times your Wisdom (Perception) bonus in ft. You must concentrate and not move while using this form. In combat, as a bonus action for 5 breathing points you can detect all creatures that are touching the ground, including invisible or unseen creatures within a 10 times your Wisdom (Perception) bonus in ft. You may move around however you must still concentrate. Whilst this form is prepared you gain 20ft of tremorsense.
- Eighth Fang: Explosive Rush
You charge towards your opponent at blinding speeds, ignoring all incoming attacks. As a bonus action for 4 breathing points, you can target a creature within sight range and double your speed. You start rushing towards it, ignoring difficult terrain, and giving you resistance to all damage but psychic until you reach your target. This rush continues until you reach your target, moving all of your movement each turn. You can cancel Explosive Rush as a bonus action. Once you have reached your target you may make a free attack with a +1 to hit every 10 feet you ran (to a max of +5). On hit, you may deal an additional 3d12 slashing damage. Additionally your AC increases by 1 until the beginning of your next turn. As a reaction to a dexterity saving throw for 2 breathing points you may move your remaining movement from your previous turn possibly avoiding the attack.
- Ninth Fang: Extending Bendy Slash
You dislocate the joint of your arm to increase the range of your attack, and then unleashing a fast swinging forward strike. As an action for 4 breathing points, you can extend your reach by 5ft and make a nichirin weapon attack roll. On a hit, it will deal additional 3d12 slashing damage. In case the target was more than 5ft. away from you when you used the form, the attack will be considered a critical and will do triple damage on a rolled critical. It will also have an advantage. As a bonus action for 2 breathing points any attack made this round will have 5ft extra reach.
- Tenth Fang: Whirling Fangs
You rapidly spin your swords in a circular motion, deflecting enemy attacks such as projectiles. As a reaction for 4 breathing points, all attack rolls against you will be made at disadvantage until the beginning of your next turn, and you gain the benefit of half cover (+2 bonus to AC and Dexterity Saving throws) In addition, whenever a creature misses an attack roll against you, you may make a single weapon attack against them.
Insect Breathing
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The insect Hashira sheating her Katana after a breathing attack,[5] |
Insect Breathing is a Breathing Style that mimics insects, specifically their lethal stings and movements, and replicates it with user's movements, techniques and abilities.
- Deadly Poison
Your nichirin weapon is coated in poison, being made specially for piercing through demons and poisoning them from the inside out. You will gain the following benefits:
Nichirin Poison. Your nichirin weapons deal an additional damage die of poison damage.
Herbalist. You gain proficiency in the herbalism kit and medicine, or expertise if already proficient.
Poison Awareness. You have advantage on perception or investigation rolls to know the location of a poisoned creature.
Agile Jumping. You can use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength when defining your jumping distance and height. In addition you will gain proficiency in Acrobatics checks, or expertise if you are already proficient. You do not take fall damage when falling from less than 20 feet.
- First Form: Butterfly Dance: Caprice
You leap into the air and charge towards the opponent, striking them multiple times with your nichirin to inject poison in just seemingly one strike. As an action for 2 breathing points, you can make a number of nichirin attacks equal to your proficiency bonus. On a hit, they will add an additional die of poison damage to each, and you may force the creature to make a Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for 1 minute; they can remake this saving throw as a bonus action during their turns.
- Second Form: Dance of the Bee Sting: True Flutter
You dash at your target at blinding speeds and use the momentum of your speed to then strengthen a single thrust into your opponent and inject poison into them. As part of taking the dash action, you can spend 4 breathing points to make one nichirin attack roll against the target. On a hit, the target takes nichirin weapon damage + 4d8 poison damage and must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure the target is poisoned for 1 minute; they can remake this saving throw as a bonus action during their turns. This attack roll cannot be reacted to.
- Third Form: Dance of the Dragonfly: Compound Eye Hexagon
You make a six strike attack which you aim to strike and inject your target with multiple doses of poison in the target's weak spots in order to kill them with a large dose of poison. As an action for 6 breathing points you may make an amount of attacks equal to your proficiency bonus. These attacks have an increased critical threshold of a natural 18 or above. The damage type for all of these attacks is changed to poison damage. The target must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure the target is poisoned for 1 minute; they can remake this saving throw as a bonus action during their turns. The DC of this con save is increased by your dex mod.
- Fourth Form: Dance of the Centipede: Hundred-Legged Zigzag
An attack with which the user uses their full speed to run a zigzag pattern that confuses their opponent in order to create an opening for them to directly stab their opponent's neck and inject poison to kill them, with the stab's force and power being further enhanced by the momentum of their speed. As an action for 15 breathing points, you may force every creature in a 30 ft. cone to make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 6d8 bludgeoning damage and get knocked prone on a failure, or half as much damage and not knocked prone on a success. Choose one creature within the cone and make an attack against them. They make a Wisdom saving throw on success the attack is made with advantage however if you already have advantage it will count as a critical, rolling a crit will instead deal triple damage. If they succeed the saving throw the attack roll is made normally. On hit deal nichirin damage + 9d10 The target must make a Constitution saving throw with disadvantage. On a failure the target is poisoned for 1 minute; they can remake this saving throw as a bonus action during their turns. This form deals double damage to poisoned creatures.
- The following 6 abilities are unlocked at their listed levels, and are to replace the lack of forms after 4th form. They must be prepared in the same way as forms.
Sadism is unlocked at level 1. Blinding poison, decaying poison, and paralyzing poison are unlocked at level 4. Swallow tail’s dance and poisoned blood are unlocked at level 7.
- Sadism
There's nothing that gives you more pleasure in this world than to see your opponents in pain. While this form is considered prepared, as a bonus action, you may spend one breathing point and gain advantage on attacks against poisoned creatures for the next hour.
- Blinding Poison
Your poison targets the ocular system, cutting off the vision of the target and disorienting them. While this form is considered prepared, as a bonus action for 2 breathing points, you may force a poisoned creature you just attacked to make a constitution save. On a failure, the creature is blinded. It may reroll the save at the end of each of its turns. For every extra 2 breathing points you spend you may target another poisoned creature with this saving throw.
- Decaying Poison
Your poison rots the flesh of the foe, denying regeneration and deteriorating muscle. While this form is considered prepared, as a bonus action for 4 breathing points, you may force a poisoned creature that you just attacked to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, They cannot gain hit points, Temporary Hit Points, or maximum hit points while poisoned They may reroll this save at the end of their turns. On every failed save they take 1d8 poison damage.
- Paralyzing Poison
Your poison locks the muscles of the foe, rendering them incapable of movement. While this form is considered prepared, as a bonus action for 6 breathing points, you may force a poisoned creature you just attacked to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure they are paralyzed for a minute. They reroll this save at the end of each of their turns. The AC of the creature is also reduced by your proficiency bonus.
- Swallowtail's Dance
While this form is considered prepared you gain resistance to poison damage, the dc to resist your poisons increase by 2 and you deal an extra die of damage to poisoned enemies. Additionally as a bonus action for 3 breathing points gain an amount of attacks from the extra attack feature equal to the amount of poisoned enemies within 60ft. You do not provoke opportunity attacks from poisoned creatures.
- Poisoned Blood
You have ingested your own poisons, building a resistance to them and making your flesh and blood harmful to demons. While this form is considered prepared, as a reaction for 1 breathing point, when you take slashing or piercing damage you may deal 1d8 poison damage to the creature that attacked you. The creature is poisoned until the end of its next turn. In addition, for all of your breathing points and your life, if you are slain and consumed by a demon, you may deal your max hp in poison damage to the creature that consumes you. The creature takes 10d10 poison damage and is poisoned and struck by your blinding, decay, and paralyzing poisons for 15 minutes regardless of whether they were prepared or not. They must spend 50% of their current blood points to be able to start making the saving throws. They have to make a saving throw for each type of poison at the start of their turns removing the effect of whichever they succeed, however keeping the rest till they succeed on them too.
Flower Breathing
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A Flower Breathing slayer after using her breathing style, [6] |
Flower Breathing is a Breathing Style that mimics flowers and fruits and replicates with the user's movements, techniques, and abilities.
- Sweet as a Flower
You are always calm and serene, being like a plant that isn’t affected by your surroundings.
Swift Maneuvers. You may take the dodge action as a bonus action. You also do not get affected by non-magical difficult terrain.
Soaring Petal. You may use dexterity for your jump height and gain 10ft of speed.
Graceful Steps. You always move with grace, leaving your opponents in awe. You don’t receive opportunity attacks from the last creature you attacked or used a breathing form on. When you move at least 10 ft during your turn, you add a 1d4 to the first attack roll and dexterity saving throw you make.
Careful Vision. You gain proficiency in Perception and Survival skill checks, or expertise if you already have proficiency and you will add your proficiency bonus to your passive perception.
- Second Form: Honorable Shadow Plum
You release several rotating sword slashes that can deflect physical attacks. As an action or reaction for 1 breathing point, you can make an attack roll on every creature within 5ft. of you. On Hit, they take your nichirin damage die + 1d12 slashing damage and your next form’s damage tier increases by 1. If used as a reaction for 2 breathing points, you’ll also reduce incoming damage by your nichirin weapon damage + 1d12.
- Fourth Form: Crimson Hanagoromo
You unleash a single sword slash that curves and twists gracefully. As an action for 2 breathing points, you make a nichirin weapon attack roll. On a hit, it will be considered a critical, and you deal additional 2d12 slashing damage. The target must also succeed a constitution saving throw, rolling the limb table on a failed save. Additionally, the force of the slash causes a painful wound that slows the target’s movement, reducing their speed by 10 feet for 2 turns.
- Fifth Form: Peonies of Futility
You unleash a flurry of nine consecutive attacks that flow and weave in on themselves. As an action for 7 breathing points, you force every creature in a 10ft. Cone in front of you to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take your nichirin weapon damage 3 times + 3d12 slashing damage. Each creature which failed the saving throw suffers 1d6 bleed damage at the start of their turns for 2 turns.
- Sixth Form: Whirling Peach
You spin around moving with your body weight to deliver a powerful attack. As an action for 5 breathing points, you can make an nichirin attack roll against a creature within reach. On a hit, you deal your nichirin weapon damage+ an amount of d12s equal to your proficiency bonus in slashing damage to the creature. Alternatively, as a reaction to an attack missing you or you passing a Dexterity saving throw, you make the attack with advantage and it will now deal your nichirin damage twice as you use the momentum gained from dodging to further empower your attack.
- Elegant Defense
As a bonus action for 3 breathing points, you can give yourself a +2 bonus to your AC and roll the first dexterity saving throw made each turn with advantage for a minute.
- Accurate Strikes
You begin to focus, placing your blows where they are most required. While this ability is considered prepared, your attacks ignore cover with the exception of total cover. Additionally as a bonus action for 4 breathing points, your first attack for the next 2 rounds will be made with advantage and your critical strikes now deal triple damage instead of double for the next 3 rounds.
- Vengeant Blows
You bring quick retribution to a creature that just attacked you. While this ability is considered prepared, you gain an additional reaction that can only be used for opportunity attacks. Additionally as a reaction to being struck by a foe, you may spend 2 breathing points to make an opportunity attack against them. This attack gains a +3 to hit and has its crit threshold reduced by 1.
- Disorienting Dance
You mix graceful and elegant moves in the midst of combat to confuse and disorientate your opponent. While this ability is considered prepared, when you have moved at least 15 feet against a target, they roll the first dexterity save made by you with disadvantage.
- Final Form: Equinoctial Vermilion Eye
This is a focusing technique that raises the user’s kinetic vision to its maximum, while using this technique the user perceives the world as if it were in slow motion. As a bonus action for 10 breathing points, you can activate your final form, giving you the following benefits:
-You will always succeed with Perception checks, and add a +10 to your passive perception. -You cannot receive disadvantage in any attack rolls or saving throws as long as you see the target, and always have advantage on attack rolls and dexterity saving throws. -You gain a bonus to attack and damage rolls equal to your proficiency bonus. -Reduce your crit range by 1/4th your perception bonus (rounded down.)
You must spend 1 breathing point at the beginning of your turns to maintain this form. You can end this form as a bonus action.
This form is highly dangerous, and can cause permanent blindness if used for too long. If you use this form for a number of rounds more than your proficiency, once you end the form you roll a DC 20 constitution saving throw. Becoming blind in one eye and receiving a permanent -2 to AC and -5 to passive perception/perception checks on a failure, and no downsides on a success. If this form is used for more than your proficiency + half your proficiency(rounded down) in rounds, you roll a DC 25 constitution saving throw. Becoming blind in both eyes and permanently receiving the blinded condition on a failed save while receiving a -2 to AC on a fail. On a success you manage to maintain sight in both eyes, but your vision becomes permanently blurred. Receiving a -1 to AC and -3 to passive perception/perception checks.
- Supreme Accuracy
You can pick out the weakness of any creature, focusing your blows exclusively to their weak points. As a Bonus action, you may increase your crit range for 2 rounds. You may spend a minimum of 2 breathing points on this ability. Reducing your critical range by an amount equal to half the breathing points spent to a maximum of 20 points spent, making you crit on a 10 or above. Additionally you may reroll a nat 1,2 or 3 on your attack roll against this creature but you must use the new roll.
Flame Breathing
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The Flame Hashira using a great breathing attack, [7] |
Flame Breathing is a Breathing Style that mimics flames and replicates it with the user's movements, techniques and abilities.
Resistant Body. Your Hit Dice Will gain a additional 1d12 dice.
Compassionate Flames. If an ally is targeted by an attack or saving throw within 10 ft. of you, you can roll your next attack with advantage until the end of your next turn.
Heat Points Your attacks will ignite your will and resolve, showing your inner flame. Whenever you deal fire damage, you will gain a number of Heat Points equal to your Constitution modifier. You can have a number of heat points equal to your level times 3. You can use your Heat Points instead of or along with Breathing Points to use your forms. Every 1 Breathing Point equals 4 Heat Points. You lose all Heat Points after 1 minute without dealing fire damage to a hostile creature.
Heat Bonuses. You will gain certain bonuses depending on how many Heat Points you currently have:
- 5: Your Nichirin damage rolls will deal additional fire damage equal to your strength modifier.
- 10: After using a Form, you may spend 10 Heat Points to, within that same turn, use your next form as a bonus action if it normally was an action.
- 20: You gain a +1 bonus to AC
- 30: Your movement speed increases by 30 ft.
- 40: You gain a damage reduction equal to your Constitution modifier added twice, except against psychic damage.
- 50: You can take the dash action as a free action.
- 60: You regain 3 breathing points at the beginning of your turns.
- First Form: Unknowing Fire
You dash towards the target at tremendous speeds, before unleashing a singular horizontal slash directed at the target’s neck for a decapitation. As an action for 4 breathing points you can choose one target within up to (10 times your Dexterity modifier) feet, dash towards and make one melee weapon attack against them. On a hit, you will deal your nichirin weapon damage + Xd4 fire damage, where X is your proficiency bonus. For every 10 feet moved towards the target, deal an additional amount of fire damage equal to your Strength modifier. If the attack roll exceeds the target's AC by 5 or more the target takes an additional 2d8 fire damage. Alternatively, you can use this form as a reaction to a hostile creature moving towards you. In this case, you need to target that creature, and you end your movement in an unoccupied space behind the target within 5 ft. of them.
- Second Form: Rising Scorching Sun
You unleash an arcing vertical slash in an upwards motion, often brought up from a tail guard. As an action for 4 breathing points you can make a vertical slash upwards. Make a Nichirin attack roll, which will have advantage if you are beneath your target. On a hit, the target will take the Nichirin weapon damage + Xd8 fire damage, with X being your proficiency bonus. Alternatively, you can use this form as a reaction to yourself or an ally within 5 ft. of you being targeted by a melee attack. In this case, additionally on hit, the attack that triggered the reaction will receive a penalty equal to your proficiency bonus, potentially causing it to miss.
- Blasting Strike
Once per turn when hitting a creature with a Nichirin attack roll, for 4 breathing points you can force them to make a Strength saving throw. On failure, they take 6d8 fire damage and are knocked back a number of feet equal to your Strength modifier times 10. On success they are not knocked back.
- Third Form: Blazing Universe
You perform an arcing downwards vertical slash, often brought down from a high guard. As an action for 5 breathing points, make a Nichirin attack roll, which will have advantage if you are above your target. On a hit, it will deal your Nichirin damage die + Xd10 fire damage, with X being your proficiency bonus, and the target must make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they are knocked prone.
- Fourth Form: Blooming Flame Undulation
You perform a singular slash or multiple if needed, in a fluid circular motion to defend from incoming attacks and decapitate multiple targets. As an action or reaction for 7 breathing points you can swing your sword like waves of flames. Make a Nichirin attack roll which will target all creatures in a 15ft. Cone. On a hit, they will take an additional Xd10 fire damage, and be knocked prone. Alternatively, you can use this form as a reaction to being targeted by a ranged attack, line or cone Dexterity saving throw for 5 breathing points. In this case, you’ll reduce the damage by a roll of your Nichirin weapon damage + Xd10. In case the damage reduced was less than the total damage reduction, the remaining of it will last until the end of the current creature’s turn. Additionally, after level 10 as part of the same reaction, you can spend 16 Heat Points to use this reduction again, as you make an additional slash. X equals your proficiency bonus.
- Fifth Form: Flame Tiger
You dash forth, bringing your blade into a high guard before performing a series of sword slashes which take the form of a flaming tiger enveloping yourself. As an action for 7 breathing points, you can move towards a creature and make up to (your proficiency bonus) Nichirin attack rolls against them or any other creatures in the way. On a hit, you deal your Nichirin damage roll + 1d10 fire damage. For each attack you hit on a target, it will increase the damage of the following attack in the form by twice your Strength modifier in fire damage. This stacks. Creatures hit by an attack from this form can make a Dexterity saving throw, on a success you have a -2 penalty to target their limbs. If you take any damage from attacks during the usage of this form, it will be reduced by the same amount of damage your next attack with the form would do.
- Stalwart Flame
While this ability is considered prepared, you may spend 5 breathing points as a bonus action to ground yourself until the beginning of your next turn. You gain advantage on saving throws against being prone, whenever you would fall prone with no prior saving throw you can make a DC 20 Acrobatics check to not be prone instead. You gain advantage against being frightened, being moved against your will, and your AC increases by half of your Strength modifier. If you are dropped to 0 hp, you may as a reaction make an attack against a creature within reach, to which you add your Strength modifier to the attack roll an additional time. On a hit, the damage is considered a critical, and you can roll triple the damage dice instead if you rolled a natural 20.
- Slow Warm Up
As a bonus action, you can spend 2 breathing points to gain 1d4+your Constitution modifier Heat Points. You cannot replace the breathing point cost of this with Heat Points.
- Ninth Form: Rengoku
You assume a high stance before performing an extremely high-speed dash towards the target and unleashing a singular, devastating slash. As an action for 15 breathing points you can dash towards a target in a up to (your Dexterity modifier times 10) ft. line. Make a Nichirin attack roll with advantage against them. On a hit, the target takes your nichirin weapon damage + Xd12 fire damage and is knocked prone, with X being your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier. You can then make 2 additional attacks against them, which on a hit will deal additional fire damage equal to 1d12 per 10 ft. you have moved with this form. The target can make a Constitution saving throw after you make the first attack. On a success, the additional damage you deal for the 2 additional attacks is halved.
- Set Your Heart Ablaze
Such is the passion of flame breathing, that you may bring forth immense strength and willpower from the depth of your soul. While this ability is considered prepared, for the cost of 60 heat points and 10 breathing points, you may use this ability as a last ditch effort to destroy the foe. For 1 minute, the minimum amount of Heat Points you can have is 10, the amount of Heat Points you gain is doubled, the breathing points cost of your forms is halved and your Strength and Dexterity score are increased by +2, as do their maximums. At the end of this minute, you take 10 levels of exhaustion.
Sound Breathing
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The Sound Hashira utilizing his breathing to better his senses in battle, [8] |
Sound Breathing is a Breathing Style that mimics sound, specifically its disorientating loudness, and replicates it with the user's movements, techniques and abilities.
Anti-Demon Bombs. Once per turn, whenever you make a successful weapon attack you may expend 2 breathing points to throw a bomb at your target and deal an additional 3d8 thunder damage against any creatures you choose within 10 ft of them. When you do this, the explosion covers any sounds you make and blocks the vision of your enemies, which makes you not generate opportunity attacks until the end of your turn. You can also do this on your turn without the need to attack first as a bonus action.
Thunderous Nichirin. Your nichirin weapons were carefully crafted to deliver explosive strikes. They deal one extra die of Thunder damage.
Extended Reach. Your grip strength is extreme. Once per turn as part of making a melee weapon attack, you can extend your weapon's reach by 5 feet for that attack by carefully holding the tip of the opposite end. You can only do this if you have a 16 Strength score.
Battle Tempo. You understand the tempo of a fight, it's ebbs and flows, and its rising crescendo. Every time you hit with a weapon attack or a form, add one damage to the next attack or form. This damage bonus stacks until you miss, to a maximum of 16 stacks, and then is reset. As a reaction to missing an attack or form, you may spend one breathing point to keep the bonus instead. This reaction cannot be used if the bonus is expended with a form. You gain an amount of special reactions that you can use for this feature equal to your proficiency bonus. This bonus is reset if you spend 1 minute without hitting an attack against a creature.
- First Form: Roar
You lift your twin nichirin above your head and slams them down with great force, causing a loud sound resembling thunder as a result. As an action for 4 breathing points, you can beat down your two nichirin on the ground making everyone in a 30ft. circle do a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they will take your nichirin weapon damage + Xd12 thunder damage, with X being your proficiency bonus, and be knocked 20 ft. back and prone. On a success they take half the damage and are not knocked back or prone. This damage is doubled against structures.
- Sonic Crescendo
You lunge forward faster than the eye can see disappearing amongst a flurry of slashes. As part of a dash for 5 breathing points you move in a straight line up to 60ft, making two weapon attack rolls that will target all creatures of your choice within 5 feet of that line. On a hit they take the damage of your weapon + Xd4 thunder damage, with X being your proficiency bonus. You may then lunge at a creature within your remaining movement and make a dual bladed strike dealing both your weapon’s damage + Xd8 thunder damage (with X being your proficiency bonus + half your Strength or Dexterity modifier). You do not generate opportunity attacks with movement from this form.
- Booming Interception
For 2 breathing points, as a reaction to an attack roll being made against you or an ally within 10 ft., you can throw a bomb to make the attacker re-roll the attack with disadvantage and make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they take 3d8 thunder damage, or half as much on a success.
- Roaring Dance
As a Free Action for 4 breathing points, you prepare to interweave a constant series of bomb tosses with your sword slashes. This round, all your weapon attacks will deal an additional 2d4 thunder damage, and creatures within 5 ft. of the targets you hit with your weapons need to succeed a Dexterity saving throw or take 1d6 thunder damage (Not including yourself or the original target of the attack). If you crit you will deal an additional 2d6 fire damage.
- Sonic Boom
When you take the Dash action, you can spend 1 breathing point to, instead of gaining extra movement speed equal to your movement speed, gain twice as much. When doing this and moving, you may also spend 1 extra breathing point to throw a bomb at your original location before moving, forcing creatures you choose within 10 ft. of you to make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 3d8 thunder damage on a failure, or half as much on a success. In either case you can’t provoke opportunity attacks from creatures targeted by this saving throw.
- Fourth Form: Constant Resounding Slashes
You hold your twin nichirin apart and you spin them rapidly around yourself, enabling the nichirins to destroy anything it makes contact with for powerful defensive capabilities around the user. As a bonus action or as a reaction to being targeted by a melee or ranged attack for 7 breathing points, you can start rapidly swinging and spinning your blades to intercept any attacks and enemies coming towards you until the beginning of your next turn. When a melee or ranged attack targets you during the duration, you can make an attack roll with your weapon to contest it. If your roll meets or is higher than the attack, you successfully stop it, making it automatically miss. If it was a melee attack and the attacker was within 10 ft. of you, they take Xd6 thunder damage, with X being half your proficiency bonus (rounded down). You can intercept an attack this way an amount of times equal to your Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus. Finally, if a creature enters a range of 15 ft. of you while you’re using this form, or if they were already in that area, they must make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they take Xd8 thunder damage, with X being your proficiency bonus, and are pushed back away from you just out of the area. On a success, they take half the damage and are not pushed back. You may use an action on your subsequent turns to maintain this form active without the need to spend more breathing points, with the amount of attacks you can intercept being reset at the beginning of your turns. To stay in this form you must not move out of your current position, if you do so the form ends.
- Flashy Footwork
Your movements are precise and unpredictable. Giving off an aura of flashiness that leaves others in awe. While this ability is considered prepared, you gain a +10 to your speed. If you’ve moved at least 15 ft this round, you can roll a contested Performance check against the Insight of a creature within 15 ft. of you that can see you. This check gains a +1 bonus for every 1 Battle Tempo stacks you have. On a success the creature is disoriented by your movements, granting you advantage on the first attack you make against them. A creature is immune to this check if you are within their range of blindsight.
- Fifth Form: String Performance
You hold the chain of your weapon and rotate the blades at high speed. For 10 breathing points as an action you may use up your remaining movement and make (half your Dexterity or Strength modifier rounded down) melee weapon attacks against every creature that is within 5ft of you during your movement, which will not generate opportunity attacks. These attacks will deal double your nichirin weapon damage + Xd4 thunder damage, with X being your proficiency bonus. Additionally, creatures hit by the attacks of this form must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they are disoriented by the sounds and flashes, which causes them to have disadvantage on attack rolls until the end of their next turn. A creature can only be affected by this saving throw once per usage of this form.
- Rising Song
Your song increases its fury, one beat of the rhythm followed thunderously by the next. As an action for 6 breathing points, you may focus your score. For 1 minute, you gain a +1 AC bonus at the beginning of your turns, every time you succeed on a saving throw or when an attack misses you/caused to miss or reduced by you. This caps at your proficiency bonus + half your proficiency bonus, rounded down. Additionally, the amount of Battle Tempo stacks you gain is doubled. Once the minute is over you lose all the benefits of this feature.
- Musical Score Technique
You can use your Musical Score Technique after composing it during battle. As a bonus action, once Rising Song has been active for at least 5 rounds, you must expend 16 stacks of Battle Tempo to gain the following benefits for 5 rounds:
- You gain a +2 against all saving throws.
- You regain 1 breathing point at the beginning of your turns. This can not go above your maximum.
- Your AC gain from Rising Song instantly goes to the cap.
- All of your features' damage dice are increased by 1 tier.
- You gain an additional reaction.
- Fifth Form: String Performance, Bursting Bloom
The user engages at their opponent, unleashing a flurry of rotating slashes and chops with their swords. As an action, you may spend up to 16 Battle Tempo stacks and half as much breathing points. You make 1 melee weapon attack for every 1 breathing point spent against a target that you choose within your reach. After that, you can make a final attack against the target, and on a hit they are forced to make a Strength saving throw. The target automatically fails if the attack was a critical hit, and receives a -1 penalty for each attack landed with the form (-2 for critical hits). On a success, nothing happens and the form ends. On a failure, the target is knocked into the air, and you throw multiple bombs that surround them, dealing an extra d12 thunder damage for every 2 Flow of Battle stacks spent.
Mist Breathing
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The Mist Hashira utilizing his Slayer Mark while in between the mist, [9] |
Mist Breathing is a Breathing Style that mimics mist, specifically the obscurity of mist, and replicates it with the user's movements, techniques and abilities.
Difficult to Read. Whenever you use a Mist Breathing form, opportunity attacks against you are made at disadvantage until the beginning of your next turn.
Hidden Attack. Once per turn, you can deal extra damage to one creature you hit with an attack roll if you are hidden from them equal to Xd6, with X being your proficiency bonus. The attack must use a nichirin weapon.
Dissolving Mist. You can take the dodge action as a bonus action. Additionally, when using a Mist Breathing form, you can take the hide action as part of the same action. When doing so in this way, you will be considered hidden against the target or targets of the form for its duration, as your movements become difficult to read.
Silent Moves You gain proficiency in Stealth. If you're already proficient you will gain expertise instead.
- First Form: Low Clouds, Distant Haze
You perform a singular and powerful frontal thrust. As an action for 4 breathing points, make a nichirin attack roll, which will have an increased reach of 5 ft. On a hit, the target takes your nichirin weapon damage + Xd8 piercing damage, with X being your proficiency bonus, and needs to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the target will be Bleeding.
- Second Form: Eight-Layered Mist
You perform eight slashes in quick succession. As an action for 8 breathing points, you make 8 melee weapon attacks split amongst as many creatures are within a 5 foot circle centered on you. On a hit, you deal your nichirin weapon damage + 1d8 extra damage. You can use this form mid air and creatures hit by it are pushed back 10 ft. away from you.
- Third Form: Scattering Mist Splash
You perform a powerful and swift circular slash that can blow away incoming projectiles. As a reaction for 4 breathing points, you can reduce incoming damage in a 30ft. cone in front of you by your nichirin weapon damage + Xd8, with X being your proficiency bonus. Additionally, all ranged attacks that go through that area are made with disadvantage, or miss automatically if made at long range until the end of the current turn, and loose objects are blown away from you. All hostile creatures in the cone must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure they take damage equal to the rolled amount on a success they take half of the amount.
- Fourth Form: Shifting Flow Slash
You take a low stance before dashing towards the target, becoming enveloped in mist and slashing them, with the mist fading at the end of your movement. As an action for 4 breathing points, you dash in an up to (Your Dexterity modifier times 10) ft. line and make a nichirin attack roll which will target any amount of creatures you choose in the area. On a hit, the targets will take your nichirin weapon damage twice + Xd4, with X being double your proficiency bonus. This movement does not generate opportunity attacks from creatures caught in the line.
- Fifth Form: Sea of Clouds and Haze
You charge towards your target at blistering speeds in a zig-zag motion while performing an impossible barrage of continuous slashes in front and around you like a mist of blades. As an action for 8 breathing points, you charge forwards in an up to 15 ft. wide (Your Dexterity modifier times 10) ft. long line, and within that line you can make up to (your proficiency bonus + half your Dexterity modifier rounded down) melee weapon attacks against any amount of targets. At the end of the line you can make a nichirin attack roll with advantage against a creature within reach. On a hit, you deal an additional Xd6 damage, with X being your proficiency bonus. Alternatively, you can use this form as a reaction to a creature moving towards you, and in this case said creature needs to be targeted by the line.
- Sixth Form: Lunar Dispersing Mist
You leap into the air and perform a multitude of slashes in a somersaulting motion while filling the area with mist, decimating dozens of targets at once before falling back in the ground. As a reaction to a creature moving towards you or being targeted by a line or cone effect for 10 breathing points, you enter a state of readiness until the beginning of your next turn. For the duration, you can make an opportunity attack against any creatures that enter your reach without spending a reaction. On a hit, these opportunity attacks deal an additional Xd6 damage, with X being your proficiency bonus. Additionally, any line or cone effect that targets you has it’s damage reduced by an amount of rolls of your nichirin weapon damage equal to your Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus.
- Misted Shadow
While this ability is considered prepared, you may spend 3 breathing points as a bonus action to shroud yourself in mist. Until the end of your turn, you generate no opportunity attacks and are considered invisible.
- Enveloping Mists
The mist slowly surrounds you and your opponent. While this ability is considered prepared, you may spend 2 breathing points to choose to forgo your sneak attack dice for all attacks this turn, instead increasing the amount of attacks you make with your Attack action by an amount equal to the foregone damage dice. Additionally, immediately after using the attack action this way you may spend 2 breathing points to increase your AC by the number of extra attacks you had from this feature until the start your next turn as mist envelops you.
- Misty Moonlight
As a bonus action you can spend 2 breathing points to mark a creature within melee range of you. Until the beginning of your next turn you have advantage on melee attack rolls against the marked creature. This creature also can't use opportunity attacks against you. Furthermore, if this creature is killed by you, you may move up to 30 ft away to an unoccupied space that you can see, and you are considered invisible during this movement.
- Seventh Form: Obscuring Clouds
This is a movement-based technique designed to heavily disorientate the target, which is done so by fluctuating the user's tempo. As an action or reaction for 15 breathing points you can surround yourself in mist, making your movements unpredictable for up to 5 rounds. During the duration as a reaction to an attack roll, you can increase your AC by your Dexterity modifier + half your proficiency bonus against that attack. If the attack misses, you can disappear and reappear in a place within half your movement speed. Every time a creature misses an attack against you during this form, you gain a +2 bonus to hit and 2d8 extra damage on your next attack roll against them. Alternatively, during this form, you may spend a reaction when targeted by a Dexterity saving throw to gain a bonus against it equal to the previously stated increase to AC. You gain an additional amount of reaction equal to your Dexterity modifier exclusively to use this feature.
Love Breathing
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The love Hashira charging into battle, [10] |
Love Breathing is a Breathing Style that is based on the emotion of love, and replicates it with the user's movements, techniques and abilities.
- Lovely Nature
You are considered a true lover in this world, spreading love around is your only goal.
Hearts Desire. Whenever you roll a natural 1 on any attack roll, saving throw or skill check you may reroll and use the new roll. You can use this feature once per short or long rest.
Lovestruck. When you attack a creature that has attacked one of your allies within the last round, you have advantage on your first hit.
Strength and Flexibility. You will gain proficiency in the Athletics and Acrobatics skill, or expertise in case you're already proficient. In addition, every weapon that doesn't have the heavy, two handed or reach properties now count as if it had the reach property for you.
Strength Based Breathing. You know how to fully capitalize your strength into your breathing. You may use your strength score instead of dexterity whenever anything except for a saving throw calls for dexterity. This includes but is not limited to armor class calculation, Dexterity based attacks, breathing forms, and breathing DC.
- First Form: Shivers of First Love
You dash forward and perform a single slash that winds through your target, hitting multiple areas with one slice. As an action for 1 breathing point, you dash in a 30ft. line. Every creature in the line or within 5ft. of it must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take your nichirin weapon damage + a number of d4's equal to your Dexterity modifier in slashing damage. On a success they take half of the rolled amount.
- Second Form: Love Pangs
You perform a singular, long-winding swing that cuts your target at multiple angles. As an action for 2 breathing points, you make a melee weapon attack with your nichirin weapon. On a hit, you deal your nichirin die + a number of d8's equal to your Dexterity modifier in slashing damage. In addition, a target that's hit must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, you may roll on the limb table against the creature. Additionally you may use this form as a reaction for 2 breathing points to reduce damage in a 20ft circle by nichirin weapon damage + a number of d8's equal to half your Dexterity modifier(rounded up).
- Toned Body
Your body has been adapting to your breathing style, giving you more physical strength. When this ability is considered prepared, you will gain proficiency in Strength saving throws, and you count as one size larger for all intents and purposes. Whenever someone tries to shove or grapple you, they do the roll with disadvantage due to your flexibility and strength. As a reaction or bonus action for 3 breathing points, you may gain +5 to any strength based rolls until the start of your next turn. If this reaction makes you succeed on an otherwise failing strength based roll, gain the rolled amount in temporary hit points. You can only benefit from this feature every minute or once your temporary hit points run out.
- Third Form: Catlove Shower
You leap into the air and perform multiple arched slashes in quick succession. As an action for 6 breathing points, you jump 20 feet into the air and force every creature in a 30ft. cone to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take your nichirin damage die + a number of d12's equal to your Dexterity modifier in slashing damage and must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure you roll on the limb table. You land on the beginning of your next turn and take no fall damage.
- Superhumanl
Your strength has reached the peak of human performance. When this form is prepared you gain the following 3 features:
- Limb Tearing: Once per turn when you attempt a grapple spend 3 breathing points, impose a negative to your roll equal to one of the creature's limbs, on successful grapple your tear that limb off. You may only use this feature a number of times equal to half your strength modifier per long rest. If you have the Expert Limb Remover form prepared you may spend 2 breathing points gain a +2 to this grapple attempt.
- Crushing Embrace: Whenever you have successfully grappled a creature the creature now counts as being restrained, Additionally the creature must make a strength saving throw at the beginning of its turn or be crushed by you taking your strength modifier times half your proficiency bonus (rounded down) bludgeoning damage
- Gavel hands: Creatures successfully shoved prone by you take strength modifier times half your proficiency bonus (rounded down) in bludgeoning damage. If you instead choose to shove a creature away you can choose to shove them up to 15ft. away.
- Expert Acrobat
With great training and practice, you became a master of jumping or moving at fast speeds. While this ability is considered prepared, you can now use the dash action as a bonus action, and may use your Dexterity modifier to calculate your jump distance. Also, you gain advantage on all Dexterity saving throws in the round if you take the dash action on your turn. In addition, any weapons with the reach property have +5ft. of range when wielded by you.
- Fifth Form: Swaying Love, Wildclaw
You leap into the air before performing a somersault and releasing dozens of rapid, winding slashes from afar that essentially form a tornado of slashes. As an action for 10 breathing points, you jump 60ft. into the air and then come back down with dozens of slashes, making every creature in a 30ft. circle of you make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take your nichirin weapon damage + number of d12's equal to your Dexterity modifier added twice in slashing damage and must make a Constitution saving throw with disadvantage. On a success they take half as much damage and do not make the Constitution saving throw with disadvantage. If they fail the Constitution saving throw, you may roll on the limb table against the target.
- Expert Limb Remover
You are extremely good at removing the limbs of demons and other creatures. While this ability is considered prepared, for 1 breathing point you may add or subtract 1 from any roll on the limb table.
- Cat-Like Lightness
As a reaction to being knocked prone for 2 breathing points you perform a roll and are not knocked prone. You are resistant to fall damage and your jump height is doubled.
- Sixth Form: Cat-Legged Winds of Love
You fully extend your sword to perform an arcing slash before retracting it and extending it once more, done in quick succession to form a layer of slashes. As an action for 12 breathing points, you may triple the range of your melee attacks and make 6 attacks against any creature within range. Each attack deals an additional 2 damage die, and on a critical deals triple the dice rolled instead of doubling them. As a reaction for 7 breathing points, reduce all damage in a 20ft circle by nichirin weapon damage +6d12. Additionally, creatures of your choice within this circle make a dexterity saving throw on failure they take the damage rolled after reductions, on success they only take half.
Wind Breathing
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The Wind Hashira preparing himself for battle, [11] |
Wind Breathing is a Breathing Style that mimics wind, specifically powerful torrents of air and whirlwinds, and replicates it with the user's movements, techniques and abilities.
- Like a Storm
You are like a storm, destroying everything on your path.
Durable Body. Your hit die will gain a additional 1d12 dice.
Aerial Superiority. Your breathing style allows you to use the freedom of the air allowing you to battle both on the ground and in the air. While preparing a form that has the aerial variant you gain both. You don't gain any disadvantages from mid air combat or attacking while falling/flying and you can use all breathing forms in the air.
Blessing of the winds. Upon taking the Dash action, you may instead gain a fly speed equal to your walking speed. And you gain proficiency in acrobatics or expertise if you are already proficient, and your nichirin weapon deals an additional die of slashing damage.
Light footwork. You are immune to fall damage when falling from 50 feet or less, when falling from above that, you gain resistance to fall damage and reduce the height of the fall calculation by 50 feet. If you have used a breathing form your fall damage immunity is increased to 100 feet until your next turn.
- First Form: Dust Whirlwind Cutter
You dash forward at blinding speeds and slash continuously in a horizontal cyclone pattern. As an action for 1 breathing point, you will dash while making a huge horizontal cyclone creatures in a 15 ft. wide 45 ft long line stemming from you make a Dexterity saving throw On a failure they take your nichirin weapon damage + 1d12 Slashing damage and will be pushed back 10ft. On a success a creature will take half the damage and not be pushed back. You will reappear at the end of the line without provoking opportunity attacks.
- First Form: Dust Whirlwind Cutter: Aerial Variant
As an action for 1 breathing point you spin violently causing creatures within a 15ft pillar reaching 10ft above and below you to make a dexterity saving throw on failure they take nichirin weapon damage + 1d12 and are knocked up 20ft, on success they take half damage and are not knocked up, They make this saving throw with disadvantage if they are in the air. At any point during this move you may choose to move up to 10ft in any direction.
- Second Form: Claws, Purifying Wind
You lift your nichirin weapon upwards towards the right, above your head and you unleash four vertical slashes resembling claws at once down on the enemy. As an action for 3 breathing points, Creatures in a 15ft cone must make a strength saving throw on failure; they take your nichirin weapon damage + 3d8 are knocked prone and have their AC reduced by half of your dexterity modifier (rounded down) till the end of your next turn.
- Third Form: Clean Storm Wind Tree
You unleash a whirlwind of slashes around your body that can defend you from incoming attacks and slice up your surroundings. As an action for 4 breathing points you will unleash a whirlwind full of slashes in 10 ft. around you, forcing creatures in the area to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they receive your nichirin weapon damage + 2d10 Slashing damage, on a success they receive half. If used as a reaction for 4 breathing points to you or an ally within 5ft. of you receiving damage., the die rolled will reduce the incoming damage of an attack by your nichirin weapon damage +3d8 and enemies inside this range must make a constitution saving throw, taking the rolled dice as slashing damage on a failure or half on a success. When used as a reaction you disperse smoke mist or other gases in the area.
- Fourth Form: Rising Dust Storm
As an action for 6 breathings points you make 3 attack rolls against all creatures of your choice within 25ft wide 45ft tall pillar, each dealing you nichirin weapon damage + 2d12 slashing damage, dealing an additional die of damage to airborne creatures. You may use this move as a reaction to reduce damage taken by creatures of your choice by your nichirin weapon damage + 3d12. After using this form attacks made within a 25ft circle centred on you are made with disadvantage till the start of your next turn.
- Flowing Breeze
While this form is considered prepared you can take the dash action as a bonus action, you gain 15 ft of speed and you can make a free weapon attack after using a breathing form.
- Fifth Form: Cold Mountain Wind
You can create several circular arched slashes that increase in size from above your target. As an action for 7 breathing points you give a high jump 15ft into the air, and every creature in a 30ft circle below you will have to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a success they will receive 3d10 slashing damage, on a failure they will receive one of the following depending on how much they failed by: 1-4: The target takes 6d10 slashing damage. 5-9: The target takes 8d10 slashing damage, and will be knocked prone. 10+ The target takes 10d10 slashing damage, and will be knocked prone. In addition, the creature must make a Constitution saving throw, on a failure you may roll on the limb table against them.
- Sixth Form:Black Wind Mountain Mist
You rotate your body in an uppercut movement, creating an arcing slash. As an action for 9 breathing points, you can make one nichirin attack against a target. On a hit, dealing nichirin weapon damage + 4d12 slashing damage, this attack is considered a critical instead dealing triple damage on a rolled critical. For the remainder of the round whenever someone misses you with an attack within your range you may as a reaction make a single nichirin weapon attack against them.
- Black Wind Mountain Mist: Aerial Variant
While in the air, you slam down onto a target, creating a large gust of wind around the impact. As an action for () breathing points, you make one nichirin attack roll against a target. On a hit, the attack will deal an additional () slashing damage and will be considered a critical instead dealing triple damage on a rolled crit. Additionally, creatures up to 10ft around the target must make a dexterity saving throw. On failure they take half damage and are knocked prone. On success they take no damage and are not knocked prone.
- Seventh Form: Gale, Sudden Gusts
You dash forward creating a wind cyclone. As an action for 10 breathing points, you launch forward in a line of up to your movement, creatures within 5ft of that line must make a dexterity saving throw. On a success they take Nichirin weapon damage + 6d12, on failure they take half damage. At the end of this line, you can use the rest of this movement to make a nichirin attack roll against a creature, dealing your nichirin weapons damage + 6d10 slashing damage. On critical you can roll on the limb table.
- Eighth Form: Primary Gale Slash
You can leap into the air and swing your nichirin, which generates circular torrents of wind that slices up the opponent. As an action for 12 breathing points, you can advance in a 10ft. line, then disappear and make a circular slash in all opponents in a 15ft. circle of the spot you choose to cut. The targets must make a Dexterity saving throw, on a failure they take nichirin weapon damage + 10d10 slashing damage and you may roll on the limb table against each creature hit. On success taking half You may then reappear anywhere within 5 feet of the circle. For the remainder of the round, a residual tempest lingers in the area where you attacked. Any creature that starts its turn within the area or enters it for the first time must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, they are knocked prone and take 3d10 slashing damage from the cutting winds. The vortex fades after one round.
- Eighth Form: Primary Gale Slash: Aerial Variant
Whilst in the air you rotate your body to create a 360 degree slash of wind. As an action while airborne for 9 breathing points you may force one creature within 10 feet of you to make a dexterity saving throw. On a failure they take nichirin weapon damage + 8d10 damage and you may roll on the limb table. Additionally, they are raised 15ft. into the air.
- Ninth Form: Idaten Typhoon
You backflip into the air and while upside-down, unleash a powerful gust of circular wind that slashes apart anything below. As an action for 14 breathing points, you can jump 30ft into the air and give a great slash of wind in a 60 ft circle below you, forcing every creature in the area to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure each creature will take 14d10 slashing damage and must make a constitution saving throw. On a failure you may roll twice on the limb table for each creature. On success creatures take half damage and does not need to make a constitution saving throw. After the form your AC increases by half your dexterity modifier (rounded up) until the end of your next turn.
Serpent Breathing
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The Serpent Hashira ready to attack with it's snake, [12] |
Serpent Breathing is a Breathing Style that mimics serpents/snakes, specifically their slithering motions, and replicates it with the user's movements, techniques and abilities.
- Living Like a Snake
You are like a snake, hidden and always unpredictable.
Unpredictable Moves. Your attacks are always confusing, making them hard to predict. Creatures can't take reactions against your attack rolls or breathing styles saves, only after you hit or miss or they succeed or fail.
Snake's Patience. Like a snake, you know how to wait for the right moment to attack. Whenever someone enters your reach, you can make an opportunity attack.
Bared Fangs. Whenever you score a critical you add your venom die to the damage this die is 1d8 in poison damage. This increases to 2d8 at level 6, 3d8 at level 12 and 4d8 at level 18.
Quiet as a Snake. You will gain proficiency in the Stealth skill, or expertise if already proficient and you may take the hide action as a bonus action.
Snake Companion You don't trust others due to your past, however you've grown to have a liking for snakes. This snake companion will always be by your side, being wrapped around you generally by your neck. It will have the same stats of a snake, however it's Intelligence score is 20. It understands all of your spoken languages, and may act during your turn. It doesn't speak, but can communicate with you and only you. While with your snake, you will gain a bonus to your Perception, Investigation and Insight checks equal to its Intelligence modifier.
- First Form: Winding Serpent Slash
You release a singular frontal horizontal slash aimed at your targets in a winding motion. As an action for 1 breathing point you make an attack roll with your nichirin weapon against all targets of your choice within range. of you. On a hit, the targets take your nichirin weapon damage + 1d12 slashing damage they make a constitution saving throw on failure their AC is reduced by half your amount of venom dies till the end of your next turn, if you have multiple sources of advantage this save is made with disadvantage. You may also use this form as a reaction for 2 breathing points, reducing the damage of an attack by your nichirin weapon damage + your Venom die.
- Serpent Defense
Your movements with the Serpent Blade become elusive and unpredictable. While this ability is considered prepared, as a reaction for 1 breathing point you may gain a bonus to your AC equal to your amount of venom dies against an attack.
- Serpentine Strikes
While this ability is considered prepared, when you take the Attack action, for 1 breathing point you can make an additional attack with your weapon. This attack deals poison damage.
- Taipan Slashes
As an action for 5 breathing points make attacks equal to half your proficiency(rounded up) +1 to enemies within range dealing an additional 1d8 of damage, Your venom die is doubled for these attack’s damage and their critical threshold is reduced to 18, additionally immediately after using this form you may take the disengage action for free.
- Serpent Manifestation
While this ability is considered prepared, as a bonus action for 3 breathing points, you can summon ethereal white serpents that swirl around you. Until the end of your next turn, your attacks have advantage, and you gain resistance to poison damage.
- Second Form: Venom Fangs of the Narrow Head
You dash behind your opponent at blinding speed and aim to swiftly slice off their head from behind. As part of the dash action for 3 breathing points, you choose one target within your movement speed range and run up to them. Make a nichirin attack roll with advantage. On a hit, you deal your nichirin damage die + 2d12 slashing damage. In addition, the target must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, Roll the limb table. This form deals an additional 2 dice of damage when You have another source of advantage.
- Coiled Defense
When this ability is considered prepared, as a reaction for 2 breathing points when you are hit by an attack, you can twist and contort your body like a serpent, reducing the damage taken by half. You may spend 3 breathing points as a reaction to your ally being hit by an attack roll or saving throw within half your movement, to become the new target of the attack and sole target of the saving throw, Any damage you would take as a result is halved.
- Third Form: Coiled Choke
You incarnate into the form of a snake strangling your opponents before going in for a fanged bite. As an action for 7 breathing points creatures of your choice within a 15ft of you to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they will take your nichirin damage die + 7d8 bludgeoning damage and you may roll on the limb table against the creature and they are knocked prone. On a success, they take half as much damage and you do not roll on the limb table. You reappear within 15ft of where you were originally then may make an attack roll against a creature of your choice within range, this attack deals an additional 2 rolls of your venom dies, and has an additional to hit and increase of damage tiers equal to the amount of creatures who originally made the saving throw. This form can be performed in the air.
- Fourth Form: Twin-Headed Reptile
You leap forward and perform a horizontal slash that slices through your target. As an action for 10 breathing points, you move in a 20ft line and make an attack against a creature, dealing your nichirin weapon damage +10d10 slashing damage. This attack has advantage to hit, and is automatically considered a critical. On a natural 20, triple the damage die instead of doubling them. This attack has a +1 to its rolls and damage for every source of advantage you have.
- Serpents Scales
While this ability is prepared, you may spend 6 breathing points as a bonus action. For the next minute, you gain +3 to your AC, +20 to your movement speed, you may change the damage of any attack or form to poison, whenever you dash you take the dodge action as well and your crit threshold is reduced by 1. Additionally your attacks ignore cover with the exception of total cover.
- Fifth Form: Slithering Serpent
As an action for 15 breathing points you move in a straight line up to your movement forcing all enemies 5ft of the line to make a dexterity saving saving throw, On failure they take your weapon damage + 5*your venom die and you roll the limb table. On success they take half. This form’s damage tier increases by 1 for every source of advantage you have. Additionally its movement doesn’t generate opportunity attacks and ignores difficult terrain.
Stone Breathing
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The Stone Hashira attacking with his axe, [13] |
Stone Breathing is a Breathing Style that mimics earth and stone and replicates it with the user's movements, techniques and abilities.
Requirements: Your weapons must be chained together to use any of these forms. These weapons gain a reach of 15 feet.
- Hard as a Rock
You have become an adept of the Stone Breathing, increasing your overall endurance by immense amounts. When you choose this breathing, you will gain the following benefits:
- Powerful Build. You will count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity, and the weight you can push or lift. This will also count for grapple checks.
- Powerful Body. Your hit dice will a additional 1D12 dice, and you may add your proficiency bonus to your health each level. Additionally, you gain proficiency with Strength saving throws.
- Sturdy Stance. If you did not move in your turn you gain your proficiency bonus in AC for the rest of the round and may reduce damage taken by your CON mod.
- Mighty Breathing. You know how to fully capitalise your strength into your breathing. You may use your Strength score instead of Dexterity whenever anything except for a saving throw calls for dexterity. This includes but is not limited to armour class calculation, Dexterity based attacks, breathing forms, and breathing DC.
- First Form: Serpentinite Bipolar
You make a double attack with your weapon to drill and grind your target. As an action for 1 breathing point you make two weapon attack rolls. The first one deals your nichirin damage +1d8. The second one deals your nichirin damage + 1d8 and an additional 1d8 if the first one hits. If both attacks hit, the creature must make a strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
- Second Form: Upper Smash
You can throw one weapon up and step on your chain to make it fall down on your opponents. As an action, you can spend 4 breathing points creatures in a 15 ft circle centered within 30 ft of you to make a dexterity saving throw on failure; they take nichirin weapon damage +5d10 and are knocked prone, on success they take half damage and are not knocked prone.
- Third Form: Stone Skin
You make a great amount of slashes around you. As an action, you can spend 5 Breathing Points to make 3 attacks against each creature within 30 feet of you. For each attack that hits, gain 5 temp hp. As a reaction for 4 breathing points to reduce the damage of a total of 3 attacks by your nichirin weapon damage + 1d12. You may however combine multiple uses for one singular attack. So for example you can treat 1 attack as 2 and reduce it by two rolls of your nichirin weapon damage + 2d12.
- Fourth Form: Volcanic Rock, Rapid Conquest
You can destroy an opponent's head by striking it with force. As an action, you can spend 8 Breathing points to make one attack with each of your weapons. On a hit, each attack will deal nichirn weapon damage +8d8 bludgeoning damage. The target must then make a Constitution saving throw, on a failure the creature makes attacks with disadvantage and have its AC reduced by your half strength modifier and have its speed halved till the end of your next turn, on a success it can maintain his senses and not suffer any side effects. If you hit both attacks, the opponent will roll the save with disadvantage.
- Indomitable Strength
While this ability is considered prepared, as a bonus action or reaction for 5 breathing points, you may add +5 to all strength checks for 1 minute or add +15 to all strength checks for one round. If this reaction makes you succeed on an otherwise failing strength based roll, gain the rolled amount in temporary hit points. You can only benefit from this feature every minute or once your temporary hit points run out.
- Crushing Impact
While this ability is considered prepared, as a bonus action for 3 breathing points you may add 2d8 bludgeoning damage to all of the attacks made with your next attack action.
- Bone-Breaking Grip
While this ability is considered prepared, as a bonus action for 2 breathing points, you may surround an enemy you have just attacked with the chains of your weapons. After you hit a successful attack roll against a creature you may make a grapple. If you succeed on the grapple you may deal 1d8 bludgeoning damage per your turn until they escape.
- The Strong Shepherd the Weak
While this ability is considered prepared, as a reaction for 2 breathing points you may step into an attack meant for another creature. If a friendly creature is attacked within 10 feet of you, you may take the damage instead. You are moved between the friendly creature and their attacker, moving the friendly creature 5 feet away from their attacker. The damage you take from this attack is reduced by your nichirin weapon damage + 2d8.
- Fifth Form: Arcs of Justice
You have learned how to make a great barrage with your chained weapons, doing a great amount of damage. As an action for 15 breathing points, you hit 8 different spots in an area of 60 ft.. Each spot hit will count as a 10ft circle. Creatures caught in that area must make a Dexterity saving throw, on a failure they take 10d10 bludgeoning damage. A creature only needs to make this saving throw once. You may instead focus all of the attacks to a single point, making a single attack against a creature for 15 breathing points. On a hit, the creature takes your nichirin weapon damage + 20d10, and must make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, the creature makes attacks with disadvantage and have its AC reduced by your half strength modifier and have its speed halved for one minute and you may roll on the limb table against the creature. The creature can remake this saving throw at the end of its turns.
- Mountain
While this form is considered prepared as a bonus action for 3 breathing points to reduce your movement to 0 for a minute. You automatically fail all dexterity saving throws however you gain these benefits:
- The cost of your breathing forms are reduced by 2 to a minimum of 1
- Your strength score increases by 2
- Your forms and weapon attacks deal an additional dice of damage
- Your AC increases by 2
- You cannot be unwillingly moved or knocked prone
- You may cancel this state as a bonus action.
Moon Breathing
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The Upper Moon 1 standing by the moonlight, ready to use it's moon breathing, [14] |
Moon Breathing is a Breathing Style that mimics the moon, specifically the shape of traditional crescent moons, and replicates it with the user's movements, techniques and abilities.
- Moon's Chosen One
You are one of the only moon breathing styles users, being almost as rare as Sun Breathers. The moon will guide you, give you strenght, and help you in your darkest hours. You will gain the following benefits:
- Cold as The Moon- All of your breathing styles and Nichirin weapon damage will add one additional dice of cold damage.
- Supreme Adaptation- Your breathing style was the one who reached the closer to Sun Breathing, so your body has a great capacity to adapt to any situation. You can reroll a Dexterity, Strength or Constitution saving throws once per round. Starting at 5th level, you can reroll twice per round, at 10th level you can reroll three times per round, at 15th level you can reroll four times per round, and at 20th level you can reroll five times per round.
- Blessed Body- Your Hit Dice will gain a additional D12.
- Guided by The Moon- You will gain 60 ft. of Darkvision, if you already have darkvision it will be increased by 60 ft. Whenever it's night time or you are in darkness, you will gain advantage at perception checks.
- First Form: Dark Moon, Evening Palace
You draw your Nichirin weapon and perform a singular horizontal slash following a crescent shape, creating numerous chaotic crescent blades along its path, before putting it back. As an action for 1 breathing point, you can unsheath your Nichirin to make a singular cut in a 10ft cone in front of you, forcing every creature to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they will take Nichirin damage dice + 1d12 Cold damage and be knocked prone, on a success they will take half damage and will not be prone. Additionally, for surprised creatures, they must also make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, roll the limb table.
- Second Form: Pearl Flower Moongazing
You perform three crescent-shaped slashes while releasing a multitude of crescent moon blades along with them. As an action or reaction for 2 breathing points, you can launch three crescent slashes forward in a 15ft. cone with a bunch of small slashes. If used as a reaction, you will reduce the incoming damage for 3d8+1d6. As an action you launch the slashes in the range, and forces the creatures in the area to make a Dexterity saving throw, on a failure they take your Nichirin damage die + 3d8 Slashing + 1d6 Cold damage, on a success they take half damage. This form will do an additional 1d6 equal to your proficiency bonus
- Third Form: Loathsome Moon, Chains
You perform two extremely broad crescent-shaped slashes directly in front of you, from which a storm of smaller crescent moon blades are released. As an action for 4 breathing points you can launch 2 slashes in a 20ft line in front of you, forcing a creature to make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they take your Nichirin damage dice + 3d12 Slashing + 2d6 Cold damage and are knocked prone, on a success they will take half damage and are not prone.
- Fifth Form: Moon Spirit Calamitous Eddy
You create multiple long and curved slashes layered over one another, creating a vortex of crescent moon blades. As an action for 5 breathing points, you can create a vortex of slashes in a 10ft. circle around you, forcing all creatures within range to make a saving throw. On a failure they will take Nichirin damage die + 4d12 Slashing + 3d6 Cold Damage and will be forced to make a Constitution saving throw, failing the Constitution saving throw will make them roll the limb table to see what they lose. On a success, they will take half damage and wont need to make a Constitution saving throw.
- Sixth Form: Perpetual Night, Lonely Moon - Incessant
You will rapidly perform a multitude of curved slashes several meters in front of him that release a wild barrage of crescent moon blades capable of slicing up the surroundings. As an action for 7 breathing points, you can launch an immense amount of slashes in a 30ft. cone. You may make up to 5 attacks split amongst creatures in this cone. The maximum amount of attacks a creature can be hit with is 2. On hit, the target will take your Nichirin damage dice + 2d12 Slashing +2d6 Cold, they will also be pushed back 10ft and be forced to make a Template:5acon saving throw, failing the Constitution saving throw will make them roll the limb table.
- Seventh Form: Mirror of Misfortune, Moonlit
You perform a frontal crescent-shaped slash that unleashes numerous straight and curved slashes that expand outward. As an action for 7 breathing points you will launch 5 slashes on 5 different lines of 15ft. Each creature in those lines must make a Dexterity saving throw, on a failure they take Nichirin damage die + 4d12 Slashing + 3d6 Cold damage and must make a Constitution saving throw, that on a failure will have their bodies cut in half. On a success, they take half damage and don’t have to make additional saving throws.
- Eighth Form: Moon-Dragon Ringtail
You perform a massive long-ranged curved slash that leaves dozens of crescent moon blades along its path. As an action for 9 breathing points you will launch a curved slash in a 20 ft wide, and 10ft long cone cone, forcing everyone in that area to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they will take your nichirin damage + 4d12 Slashing + 2d8 Cold damage, will be knocked prone and must make a Constitution saving throw, which on a failure roll the limb table. On a success, they will take half damage, won’t be knocked Template:Prone and won’t have to make the Constitution saving throw. You may choose to make a Nichirin weapon attack when using this breathing form on a creature within range, on a hit the total damage of the form will be doubled.
- Ninth Form: Waning Moonswaths
You can perform multiple curved slashes, all in close proximity, that leave numerous crescent moon blades along its path. As an action for 10 breathing points you launch multiple slashes in a 30 ft. cone, making 2 attack rolls on every creature caught in the range dealing your nichirin damage 3d12 Slashing + 3d6 Cold damage on hit, will be pushed 15 ft. and must make a Constitution saving throw, which on a failure roll the limb table.
- Tenth Form: Drilling Slashes, Moon Through Bamboo Leaves
You create three rotating circular saw-like slashes with crescent moon blades following their path. As an action for 11 breathing points you launch the 3 saw-like slashes in 3 different 25ft. cones, making every creature do a Dexterity saving throw for each saw. On a failure, they will take Nichirin damage dice + 10d12 Cold damage and must make a Constitution saving throw, that on a failure will make them lose a limb. On a success, they take half damage and won’t have to make a Constitution saving throw.
- Fourteenth Form: Catastrophe, Tenman Crescent Moon
You perform a multitude of curved slashes which expand outward in every direction that incrementally grow in size, essentially creating an omni-directional vortex of crescent moon blades that surrounds him. As an action for 13 breathing points, you will launch a vortex of slashes in a 30ft. cone, forcing every creature in that area to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take your nichirin damage 8d12 slashing + 7d6 cold damage, they will be knocked prone and will make a Constitution saving throw, that on a failure will make them lose a limb. On a success they will take half damage, they wont be prone and will not have to make the Constitution saving throw.
- Sixteenth Form: Moonbow, Half Moon
With your Nichirin weapon you swing upward, you send six curved slashes crashing down several meters in front of you, powerful enough to leave craters in their wake. As an action for 15 breathing points you can launch up to four curved slash attacks at any point within 30 ft of you. On hit, they will take your Nichirin damage + 9d12 cold damage and will be knocked prone. A each creature within the circle can only be hit with 2 of these attacks, and if they’re hit a second time the damage will be halved.
Sun Breathing
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The Son of the Sun, and the first breathing user Yoriichi. |
Sun Breathing is a Breathing Style that mimics the sun and replicates it with the user's movements, techniques, and abilities. All techniques and forms are extremely varied and have no set pattern, making it the most versatile and effective against demons.
- Dance Of The Fire God
You are one of the chosen ones to use the legendary Sun Breathing, the first breathing ever created. Your body is naturally enhanced for those purposes, and you will gain the following benefits bellow:
- Enhanced System- Your immune system is better due to your constant use of Sun breathing, making you gain immunities to diseases.
- Reinforced Body- Your hit dice will gain a additional D12.
- Stoked Flames- After striking an enemy with a form, you mark them with your inner fire. Each form that hits a marked target deals an additional amount of d6 equal to how many forms have previously struck this marked foe in radiant damage. The amount of damage die cannot exceed your proficiency bonus. On a critical strike, you deal d8s instead of d6s
- Incredible Stamina- Your stamina has increased to keep up with your breathing. Any breathing points you spent will be reduced by half of your proficiency bonus (To a minimun of 1.), and you will not receive the age or exhaustion consequences from the Slayer Mark feature.
- Burnout- Even though Sun Breathing is a powerful force, while you still don’t become a fully adapted user you will suffer consequences on your body. When you use one of your Sun Breathing forms, you must make a DC 20 Constitution saving throw, or gain one level of exhaustion. The DC decreases to 15 at 5th level, to 10 at 10th level, to 5 at 15th level, and you no longer have to make Constitution saving throws at 18th level.
- First Form: Dance
While this form is considered prepared, you perform a singular downwards vertical slash in an arcing motion. As an action for 1 breathing point, you can make one Nichirin attack with burning flames, on a hit you will add 1d8 Radiant damage. On hit, your next attack will add your proficiency bonus to your attack roll.
- Second Form: Clear Blue Sky
You can spin and twist your upper body in a circular motion, releasing a 360° slash. As an action for 2 breathing points you can give a huge circular slash in a 5 foot circle around you. Every creature in that area must make a Dexterity saving throw, on a failure they take your Nichirin damage dice + 4d8 Radiant damage, on a success they take half. If this attack only has one target, then it deals an additional 2d8 radiant damage
- Third Form: Raging Sun
You unleash two consecutive horizontal arcing slashes around you to strike incoming attacks. As an action or reaction for 3 breathing points you can give two slashes to defend yourself in 15ft cone, if used as an reaction you will reduce the damage by two nichirin damage rolls times two. If used as an action, you will force every creature in a 15ft.cone to make a Dexterity saving throw, on a failure they take the damage of two nichirin damage rolls times half of your proficiency bonus rounded down, on a success they take half damage.
- Fourth Form: Fake Rainbow
You perform a high-speed twist and rotation, creating afterimages that are primarily used for evading attacks. As an action for 6 breathing points you can create afterimages equal to your proficiency bonus that last for 1 minute. During the duration, if you are going to get hit by an attack or fail a saving throw you can spend one of the afterimages to instead take no damage and appear 5ft. of the place you were.
- Fifth Form: Fire Wheel
You flip into the air behind the opponent before unleashing a singular vertical slash in a circular motion to swiftly cut the target in half. As an action for 6 breathing points you can give a high jump behind an opponent to slash them from behind. They must make a Dexterity saving throw, on a failure they take a Nichirin damage dice + 5d10 radiant damage and will be knocked prone, if a target fails the saving throw with a critical failure (rolling 1) it will have it’s body cut in half. On a success they will take half damage and wont be knocked prone. The target makes the Dexterity saving throw with disadvantage if he was surprised.
- Sixth Form: Burning Bones, Summer Sun
You perform a singular slash utilizing a spiraling motion which extends in front of you to defend from imminent frontal attacks. As a reaction for 7 breathing points you can give a spiral flames slash in a 30ft. cone in front of you, reducing the incoming damage by your Nichirin damage die + 7d8 radiant damage. If you reduce the damage to 0, the hostile creatures inside the area will take the remaining numbers of the reduced damage.
- Seventh Form: Sunflower Thrust
You perform a singular thrust utilizing the tip of your blade to strike the target. As an action for 8 breathing points, you can choose a target in 10 ft. to advance with your nichirin weapon. They must make a a Dexterity saving throw, on a failure, they take a nichirin weapon damage die + 5d10 radiant damage, on a success they take half damage. Every 5 feet, add an additional 1d10 (to a max of 2d10).
- Eight Form: Solar Heat Haze
You rush forth, attempting to deliver a strike seemingly enveloped in a heat-haze, masking the true length and location of the blade to deliver an unexpected strike. As an action for 9 breathing points, you can envelop your sword with flames to make a +5 attack roll with your nichirin that turn. On a hit, deal your nichirin weapon damage + 3d8 radiant damage. Additionally, on hit, this attack is considered a critical and deals triple the damage die instead of double.
- Ninth Form: Setting Sun Transformation
You backflip into the air before performing a singular horizontal slash which aims to decapitate the target. As an action for 13 breathing points you can jump into a target aiming to their head. Your target makes a Dexterity saving throw, on a failure the target will take 7d10 radiant damage + the nichirin weapon’s damage, on a success he take half damage. In case of failure, he will be forced to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, he will be knocked prone and will be stunned for 1 round, if he fails by a critical failure he will have his head decapitated. On a success he isn’t decapitated or stunned or knocked prone.
- Tenth Form: Beneficent Radiance
You spiral into the air whilst performing a swirling slash upwards to strike the target. As an action for 14 breathing points you jump towards the target giving a great slash of fire in front of him. The target must make a Dexterity saving throw, on a failure they take your nichirin damage die times your proficiency bonus plus two in radiant damage. On a success, they take half damage.
- Eleventh Form: Sun Halo Dragon Head Dance
You will assume a high stance, before unleashing a number of consecutive slashes in a fluid motion in the form of a Japanese dragon made of solar flames. As an action for 15 breathing points you can run forward in a 40ft. cone giving one Nichirin attack on each creature in the area. Each target in the area must make a Dexterity saving throw, the creature will take your nichirin damage die + 8d10 radiant damage on a failure and half on a success, and will be forced to make a Constitution saving throw on a failure, not on a success. On a failure for the Constitution saving throw target is stunned until the start of your next turn, On a critical failure, they will be decapitated. On a success, they do not get stunned or decapitated. For each target you hit the DC will be increased by +1 to the next one.
At 18th level, for each target you hit the DC will be increased by +1 to the next one.
- Twelfth Form: Flame Dance
You make a two-combo strike which starts with a vertical slash leading into a horizontal slash right after. As an action for 16 breathing points you will give two nichirin weapon attacks, on a hit they will do their normal damage + 10d10 radiant damage. If you hit both, deal an additional 4d10 radiant damage
- Thirteenth Form
You will continuously performs all twelve forms of Sun Breathing in repetitive succession to increase the accuracy and agility of its movements, and attacks (ignoring their costs). This form was created with the intent of destroying the king of demons. As an action for 22 breathing points you will start to do every single one of your forms into one target, adding +1d12 additional radiant damage for every form that you hit or the target fails the saving throw.. After performing this form, you will become exhausted.
Slayer Paths
As a Tsuguko, you are the student of a Hashira that has sworn loyalty to them and their cause. Studying under a master of breathing styles, you will learn how better to control your breathing and forms.
- Accelerated Training Regimen
You may prepare one additional form.
- Bug Lungs
At third level, you are beginning to better understand the depths of your strength. Your breathing point maximum is increased by double your con modifier.
- Capable Presence
At 6th level, you are growing in understanding of what it means to be a slayer, and how to interact with the common folk and other slayers. You gain +2 to your charisma score and maximum, and gain proficiency is Persuasion, or expertise if you already have proficiency.
- Demonic Understanding
At 9th level, you have undertaken many training missions from your hashira. You understand the nature of demons and their weaknesses. Your forms deal an additional die of damage.
- Constant Training
At 13th level, you are nearing the end of your training, and your body reflects this. You gain the hashira training feat 5 levels early, and it's effects are doubled.
- Expert Breathing
At 17th level, you are an expert at using your forms, and maintaining your breathing is second nature. At the beginning of every turn of combat, you replenish 1 breathing point up to half your maximum. Outside of combat, if you are below half your maximum breathing points, you regain your breathing points up to the halfway point.
You are a member of the Slayer corps, and your swordsmanship and breathing forms show that off. While often, slayers die before reaching greatness, you believe that you have what it takes to fight the foe!
- Competent Swordsman
You have trained for years with the blade, and can hold your own in a fight. When you use a bonus action to attack with a weapon, add your dexterity to the damage modifier.
- Solid Footwork
You have a knack for keeping your feet on the ground and holding back the evils of the night. At 6th level, you have advantage on Strength saves against any effect that would knock you prone, restrain you, or move you unwillingly.
- A Weapon Crafted For Only You
Your weapons are made for you and you alone, molded to your hands and designed to accentuate your fighting style. At 9th level, attacks made with your Nichirin weapons deal an additional amount of damage equal to your proficiency modifier.
- Locked In
You have survived many fights, and can withstand blows that would destroy a normal person. At 13th level, as a reaction to an attack, you may halve the damage of the attack. In addition, you have advantage on death saves.
- Reaching Your Goal
You are near where you aspired to be, and that has made a difference in how you act with others and how you fight. At 17th level you gain +2 to your Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores, including their maximums.
Walking Bastion
You are a bulwark against the darkness, and take your job exceptionally seriously. No one may fall to harm whilst you are around.
- Defensive Fighter
At 3rd level, for each attack you hit against a creature, gain an amount of temp hp equal to your proficiency bonus. This temporary hp lasts until the start of your next turn and stacks with all other attacks you make.
- Shield Of Humanity
You can goad an enemy to attack you, pointing out their flaws and insecurities. At 6th level, as a bonus action you may expend 3 breathing points to force a creature to attack you. At the end of each of their turns, they make a charisma saving throw to break the taunt.
- Legacy of the Corps
As a wall against what should not be, A immovable object to those that will do your comrades harm. At 9th level, you gain proficiency in athletics if your already proficient gain expertise you also cant be forced prone or pushed back by any means
- Comforting Barrier
You can extend your own protections to others, granting them safety from danger. At 13th level, when you gain temp hp, you may designate a creature within 50 feet of you to gain any amount of that temp hp, reducing the amount gained by yourself by the amount given to the creature.
- Absolute Unit
You are steadfast and loyal, ever watching for threats in the night, always ready to fell a creature at a moments notice. At 17th level, whenever you gain temporary hit points, you may regain Half as much breathing point.
One Form Master
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Zenitsu Agatsuma, a one form master, [15] |
You have something deeply wrong with you or your stance, which led to you only being able to execute only a single form of your breathing style.
- One Move
At 3rd level, you may lack the ability to perform any other form beyond one of the first 5, but it doesn't matter. You must choose one of the first 5 forms, and that will be the only one you can ever prepare. You will refine what you can do to the absolute maximum. Whenever you use your chosen form, you can expend additional breathing points up to your proficiency bonus to add the following benefits to the form per point spent:
- It's damage tier increases by one.
- It's range increases by 10ft.
- Improved Form
At 6th level, you honed your form to massively improve it's efficiency. Your form will gain one of the following benefits:
Improved Potency. Your form's damage dice is increased by one.
Improved Accuracy. Your form's attack roll will gain a +2 bonus.
Improved Range. Your form's range is increased by 20ft.
Improved Effect. Your form's DC is increased by half of your proficiency bonus(rounded down).
To use your form in it's improved state, you must spend 2 instead of 1 breathing point when using it.
- Refined Form
At 9th level, you have refined your form to a more powerful state. Your form will gain one of the following benefits:
Refined Damage. Your form's damage dice will be increased by 2.
Refined Accuracy. Your form's attack roll will be increased by +2.
Refined Range. Your form's range is increased by 30ft.
Refined Effect. Your form's DC is increased by half of your proficiency bonus(rounded down).
To use your form in it's refined state, you must spend 3 instead of 1 breathing point when using it.
- Recreated Form
At 13th level, your mastery with the first form of your breathing style became so great that you recreated the form. You can change one of the following things about the form, or you may instead take an additional benefit from Refined Form:
Multi Target If your form only targeted one creature, you can now target all creatures of your choice within range.
Save to Hit. Your form stops being a saving throw and instead becomes a attack roll.
Hit to Save. Your form stops being an attack roll and instead becomes a saving throw.
- Master Form
At 17th level, you have mastered your form in levels other slayer cannot comprehend, your form mastery is even considered a work of art by some. Your form will gain one of the following benefits:
Unescapable. Creatures make the form's saving throw with disadvantage or you always make the form's attack rolls with advantage.
Harsh Wounds. Features that reduce damage such as evasion and uncanny dodge do not work against your form.
Poison Specialist
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The Insect Hashira with it's poison blade, [16] |
As a poison specialist, you are not known for your damage with your Nichirin Weapon, but for the lethality that one strike from you could cause.
- Experienced Poisoner
You have studied a medical area, or was an very high skilled assassin who understands everything about poison and venoms. You will gain proficiency with the poisoner's tools. If you are already proficient with it, you may add your proficiency bonus twice.
In addition, any rolls you do to recall or learn information about poison are made with advantage.
- Poison Sword
Starting at 3rd level, due to your own experience you learn how to craft and coat weapons in poison. If you have your poisoner kit on you, you can craft a number of poisons equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1) whenever you finish a short or long rest.
These poisons affect a target through wounds. You can coat a weapon or piece of ammunition that causes slashing or piercing damage using a bonus action.
When a creature is damaged by one of your concoctions, it takes 1d6 poison damage and must succeed on a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier), or for the next minute is poisoned.
The target can make another Constitution saving throw in each of its turns to end that effect. Whenever the target fails the saving throw, it takes the poison damage again.
Your poisons lose potency an hour after being used to coat a weapon.
- Glixinia Poison
Starting at 6th level, you have learned a new poison perfect for slaying demons. You can make this poison over the course of a short or long rest. When you coat your weapon in this poison it will add 1d8 poison damage to your weapon but this damage will only work on Fiends and Undead. This poison damage overcomes resistances and immunities.
In addition, you gain immunity to poison damage.
- Stronger Poison
Your poisons are even more effective. Add your medicine modifier to the DC of your poisons.
In addition, when you make attack a creature that has been poisoned you will add your intelligence modifier to the damage roll.
- Side Effects
Starting at 13th level, your poisons now affect deep inside the mind of your victims, making them gain additional side effects. Whenever you make poison a creature, you may spend breathing points to add one of those conditions to the creature:
Mind Illusions(1 breathing point). The target will start to see illusions from his worst fears, making every living creature around him seen like a terrible monster. The creature will see visions and must make a wisdom saving throw. On a failure the creature is frightened.
Vision Failure(2 breathing points). The target's vision starts to blur, as the poison deteriorates it's eyesight. The creature will be blinded for the duration of it's poisoned condition.
Unstable Balance(3 breathing points). The target's balance is gone, making it fall to the ground. The creature will be knocked prone for the duration of it's poisoned condition.
Body Paralisis(7 breathing points). The target's body functions will start to fail, making him stop completely. The creature will be paralized for the duration of his poisoned condition.
- Death Bringer
Starting at 17th level, there is one fate that is certain about the ones who receive your poison, and that is death. Creatures will now roll their saving throws against your poison with disadvantage. If a creature is brought to 0 hit points while effected by your poisons, it automatically fails 2 death saving throws.
Demon Devourer
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Genya Shinazugawa, the boy who gained demon powers being a human, [17] |
- Demonic Form
You were born with unnaturally strong jaws and special digestive organs that allow you to tear off and consume the flesh of "demons" without any adverse effects. When you are attacked by a Fiend or Undead type creature and they are in a 5ft. range of you, you may use your reaction to bite them. You roll a strenght check with the DC being their constitution, on a failure they only take 1d6 + Strength piercing damage, on a sucess however, they do not only receive the damage but you will also gain part of their powers. You gain these powers for 1 minute, gaining the following benefits:
- You will gain one ability of the demon you have partaken of, including abilities such as regeneration, spellcasting, special attacks, racial abilities, class abilities, resistances, immunities, or natural armor. This list does not cover all abilities you may take, discuss the possibilities with your dm. When you gain the ability, speak with your dm about the predominant traits of the consumed creature. You may roll a die equal to the amount of abilities the creature has, or as close to a die as possible. If there are less abilities than what a die can roll, reroll the number if it has no corresponding ability. If there are more abilities, you may only roll a d20 and take the ability rolled.
In addition, any saving throw dcs, bonuses to hit, or other calculations that require intelligence or Charisma will instead require wisdom. The same effect applies for dexterity and Constitution, being replaced by strength for the purposes of any required calculations
- You will gain a +1 bonus to your Strength, Dexterity and Constitution rolls, checks, and saves.
- Your movement speed will increase in 10.
- You will make Constitution saving throws with advantage.
You may benefit from only one "Demon" at a time, needing to remove the benifits from the last to gain new ones.
- Demonic Regeneration
Starting at 3rd level, your demonic form gives you extreme regenerative powers. While transformed, you can spend 1 breathing point as a bonus action to roll a hit dice and regenerate hit points equal to the die rolled. Instead of regaining hit points, you may regenerate a limb or end one of your current conditions.
- Power Absorption
Starting at 6th level, you can gain an understanding of what you consume, and can change the roll by an amount up to your wisdom modifier.
- Stronger Form
Starting at 9th level, your hunger for demons becomes stronger, and so does your form. When you transform, you will now receive the following benefits:
- You will gain two of the traits as listed in demonic form
- You will gain a +2 to your Strength, Dexterity and Constitution rolls, checks, and saves.
- Your movement speed will increase by 20.
- You will make your Constitution and Strength saving throws with advantage.
In addition, your form now lasts for 5 minutes instead of one.
- Perfect Form
Starting at 13th level, you have perfectly learned how to drive the most out of your demonic powers. When you transform, you shall gain the following benefits:
- You will gain three abilities as listed in demonic form.
- You will gain a +3 to your Strength, Dexterity and Constitution rolls, checks, and saves.
- Your movement speed will increase by 30.
- You will make your Constitution, Dexterity and Strength saving throws with advantage.
In addition, your form will now last for 10 minutes instead of 5.
- Weapon Infusions
Starting at 17th level, you have learned how to use your powers in your weapons. Your weapons will now count as magical when you are under the demonic transformation, and deal an additional amount of damage equal to the cr of the creature you consumed. This effect can only apply once when added to a form.
Design Note: If you're not in a Demon slayer campaign, you may ask your GM if you have permission to consume the flesh of non-humanoid creatures without any adverse effects instead of only undead, demons, or fiends.}
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Haganezuka the man who restored a sword of 300 years ago, [18] |
The blacksmiths are not necesseraly demon slayers, though without them slaying the demons would be almost impossible.
- Family of Blacksmiths
You have been raised in the blacksmith's village, or have been trained by a master coming from there. You will receive a mask with a pointy nose and red color, in which while you wear it every blacksmith you visit will automatically respect you, and see that you are valuable for your work.
In addition, you will gain proficiency in smithing tools. If you are already proficient then you may add your proficiency bonus twice.
- Nichirin Weapon Forger
Starting at 3rd level, your experience lets you forge weapons from one of the best materials in the world, crimson ore. While on a mountain terrain, you must make a DC 20 investigation check, on a success you will find 1d4 crimson ore. While on a Coastal terrain, you must make a DC 20 investigation check, on a success you will find 1d4 Crimson Sand.
To mix these both into a weapon, you must roll with your smithing tools and use it on the weapon. The DC is 15 + the amount of damage dice the weapon has. On a success, you spend the crimson ore and crimson sand turning the weapon into a Nichirin Weapon. On a failure, you just spend the Crimson Ore and Crimson Sand. On a critical Success, you will increase the weapon's damage die by one die. On a critical failure, you lose 2 Crimson Ore and 2 Crimson Sand, and will break the weapon as well.
- Weapon Improver
Starting at 6th level, you have been growing with your smithing abilities, making you be able to give new properties to weapons. On a long rest, you may work on a weapon to give it a new property. You have may have an amount of weapons affected by this ability equal to half your proficiency modifier, rounded up. You roll your smithing tools, with the table bellow being the result:
DC5: You can not grant the weapon any bonuses.
DC10: The weapon will gain a +1 in attack and damage rolls.
DC15: The weapon will gain one property of your choice.
DC20: The weapon will now be able to overcome non-magical resistances.
DC25: The weapon will increase it's damage dice by 1, and will receive a bonus to attack rolls equal to half your proficiency bonus.
- Impeccable Creations
Starting at 9th level, you can replicate weapons just from seeing and analyzing them. By spending 6 hours carefully analyzing the item itself, you develop an understanding of the particular weapon allowing you to wield the weapon with proficiency. By keeping the diagrams for yourself, Due to your innate blacksmithing abilities, you can replicate the design of the weapon as long as you have the relevant materials.
In addition, you have proficiency in all items made by you.
- Godly Work
Starting at 13th level, you have been recognized around the lands as a great blacksmith, and you have improved your abilities to back that up. When you are in any blacksmith or supplier to your materials, they give you special offers and discounts. Any weapon forged by you will be worth twice as much. All of your forged weapons will now have a bonus to their attack and damage rolls equal to half of your wisdom modifier (rounded down).
In addition, you may improve magical weapons, or create magical weapons out of normal weapons with the right components.
- Type 0
Starting at 17th level, you can help your allies by creating the perfect training dummy. You can choose one Humanoid to a maximum of CR 15 + your wisdom modifier you have already seen which used weapons, and replicate all of it's features, scores, actions, reactions and legendary actions into the dummy. The "Type 0" is considered a construct, and will never kill any opponents who fight with him, stopping his attacks when the creature reaches 1 hit point. If any creature beats the training dummy on a fight, the creature will gain a +2 in the attack rolls of the weapon, natural weapon or unarmed strike they used to beat him. This effect does not stack, but may be applied to multiple weapons wielded by the creature.
Building a Type 0 takes a week, in which you will spend 1000gp and must stay every long rest working on it. You may only have one Type 0 at a time, needing to destroy the old one before building a new one.
Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Demon Slayer class, you must meet these prerequisites: Have some way of breathing on your body, Constitution 15, Dexterity 12
Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Demon Slayer class, you gain the following proficiencies: Nichirin Weapons, Acrobatics or Athletics
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