Creating a Bio-Android (5e Variant Rule)
Creating a Bio-Android[edit]
The creation of a Bio-Android is a process that requires a high investment of both time and effort, and the genetic information of one or more creatures to be collected in order to create a brand new lifeform. Depending on the process taken, the time in between the conception and finalization of a Bio-Android can be manipulated. This Optional/Variant Rule allows for the creation of both Creature and Player Bio-Androids. As it is an optional rule, you must work with your DM to create your Bio-Android as a player and find a balance that fits your campaign. You may create a Bio-Android as a party during the campaign, or you can start as a Bio-Android if you and your DM work together to balance a Bio-Android for level 1 play. Depending on the traits chosen and the statblock/character creating your Bio-Android, it may end up much stronger or much weaker than an average player.
- To begin
The first steps in creating a Bio-Android is to acquire a super computer capable of handling its creation. To create this machine requires a minimum of 250,000 Zeni worth of materials. Upon acquiring all components, one or more creatures must attempt an Arcana check with a DC of 20 to create the super computer. The super computer has an AC of 20, 30 Hit Points, and a damage threshold of 10. After it is fully invented, the process of actually manufacturing the Bio-Android may begin. Creating a Bio-Android requires cell samples from other creatures. This can be done manually by taking the Search action against a DC equal to the targeted creature's Constitution Score while within 5 feet of the creature, or while within 5 feet of an area the creature has previously been locate in or automatically by using a Remote Tracking Device. Any number of cells may be acquired, but the machine will only accept a number of cells equal to the creator with the highest intelligence modifier + proficiency bonus. Cells and the features granted by the creatures associated with them may be added or removed up until the final year of creation. Now, you may finally begin to create the Bio-Android itself. The creator gains a number of Feature Points equal to their intelligence score + proficiency bonus, which they may spend to take features from any part of the player or creature statblock as long as they have successfully gathered that creature's cells. Any kind of feature may be taken, such as ability scores, proficiencies, and racial or class features. For each feature taken, add 1d8 years to the creation process. If you choose not to take any creature's HP, AC, or other statistics, use the descriptions inside of Statistics.
As a Creature[edit]
Every Bio-Android is capable of being tweaked to fit the standards of their creator. While you may expend one of your features to select a certain creature's Armor Class, Hit Die, or stats, you may instead allow the follow statistics to decide some of your creature's statistics. This allows you to avoid using your Feature Points on stats you don't find necessary.
- Statistics
If the creator of a Bio-Android chooses not to spend Feature Points to select the following, they may calculate the Bio-Androids scores using these formulas.
- Features such as Size, Creature Type, and Alignment are chosen by looking at the median between all creatures and selecting that type, or by using the same as whichever creature has the most features invested in the Bio-Android.
- Features such as Hit Die, AC, Speed, and all stats are chosen by looking at the median between all creatures, then adding half of the lowest feature to that number (rounded down).
- Features such as Racial Features and Class Features are exclusively chosen by expending Feature Points.
Evolving Android[edit]
Evolving Androids are the original model of Bio-Android. They revolve around having multiple forms. The more time a Bio-Android is given to grow before being released, the higher state they will be in. You may remove any number of years off of your Bio-Android's creation time to a minimum number of years equal to 8 - intelligence modifier (minimum of 1). For every 1/4 removed from the creature's creation time (rounded up), it reverts back by 1 stage from their Perfect Form. Regardless of what stage the Evolving Android is in, they gain the Absorption Technique. Rather than gaining the features of each creature absorbed, each absorption adds 1 year to their current creation time, inching them closer to their next form. The number of years added is equal to the CR of the absorbed creature. Should an Evolving Android lose a number of absorbed creatures equal to 1/4th of their total creation time rounded up, they may revert back by 1 stage. You cannot be brought back to larval stage through this method For Evolving Androids. Their CR is equivalent to the median of all creature's levels (or CR) that have cells within the Evolving Android added together, plus the total number of creatures. Their CR is lowered by the same amount as their stats for each form below Perfect Form.
Optionally, you may allow your Bio-Android to gain the effects of each Form (Imperfect, Semi-Perfect, and Perfect) from the Martial Artist class as if they were Supplementary Forms once they reach that level. They do not benefit from the effects of the Android Transformation unless they are a Max Bio-Android.
Larval Form[edit]
When an Evolving Android only spends 1/4 of its original creation time before being released, it is in the Larval Form. All of their stats are reduced to 1/4th of their original scores rounded up. Additionally, they may not benefit from any other technique than Absorption.
Imperfect Form[edit]
When an Evolving Android only spends 1/2 of its original creation time before being released, it is in the Imperfect Form. All of their stats are reduced to 1/2 of their original scores rounded up. The creature may only access Advanced Techniques or lower. Additionally, the creature may only benefit from a number of features equal to 1/2 of its total features, the rest being locked behind further evolution. You may select which abilities are available in this form.
Semi-Perfect Form[edit]
When an Evolving Android only spends 3/4 of its original creation time before being released, it is in the Semi-Perfect Form. All of their stats are reduced to 3/4 of their original scores rounded up. The creature may only access Super Techniques or lower. Additionally, the creature may only benefit from a number of features equal to 3/4 of its total features, the rest being locked behind further evolution. You may select which abilities are available in this form.
When an Evolving Android spends all of its creation time before being released, it is in the Perfect Form. It suffers no adverse effects. You may select which abilities are available in this form.
Optional: Max Evolving Android[edit]
During or after the Super Computer to begin development of an Evolving Android, you may spend an additional 250,000 Zeni to enhance the Super Computer to a level capable of developing a Max Bio-Android. This results in your Bio-Android having a much more mechanical body. Upon creation, the Bio-Android automatically gains the effects of the Android Transformation as a Supplementary Form. Additionally, you may choose to program the Bio-Android to follow the commands of its creator. This must be decided upon beginning the process of creation. If creator decides to program the Bio-Android to follow commands, and it is released in its Semi-Perfect Form or lower, it gains the berserk condition while conscious. If the Bio-Android is released in its Perfect Form with this programming, it must follow all commands given to it by its creator.
As a Race[edit]
Using Bio-Android as a Race functions similar to how it does as a Creature, with some differences. Outside of the instances below, the process of creating a Bio-Android is the exact same as creating a Creature.
- Features like Hit Points, Speed, and AC are determined by their typical modifiers, and cannot be bought with Feature Points. These are reduced only to 1/2 in Larval Form
- Taking Class Features from a class you have no levels in counts as a Racial Feature. Spells and Spell-Slots are counted as two different investments, and you must spend a Feature Point for every level of a spell you take, and for every spell slot you take. Class Features taken from Martial Artist do not count towards your technique limit for the class, as they are programmed into your body rather than learnt.
- Your level upon creation is equal to the median between all creatures that constitute you, plus the number of creatures that constitute you. This number is then reduced depending on which Bio-Android form you are currently in.
- You qualify as the race which you have invested the most Feature Points in for any technique prerequisites
- Optional: You start with the Bio-Android Transformation as a Supplementary Form. Additionally, you learn the Imperfect, Semi-Perfect, and Perfect Form Transformations as Supplementary Forms and Racial Features upon gaining enough absorptions to qualify for that form under these rules. The bonus from these transformations are added to your stats before you calculate how much they are reduced by any form below Perfect Form. As they are Racial Features, they do not count against your technique limit. You do not gain the benefits of the Android Form unless you are a Max Bio-Android.
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