Talk:Creating a Bio-Android (5e Variant Rule)

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W.I.P Concerns and Ideas[edit]

The NPC segment is finally completed. I want to tackle and revise this until we get it in working order. Then, at the bottom I'd like to add an additional segment for creating a Bio-Android as a player. A few things I want to tackle out of the gate. I'd like to see where the current version of this stands before making any big revisions. The main goal I had when creating this, is that the Bio-Android will generally outclass the characters it's being used to create by a fair chunk since that's almost always the case. The main things I'm worried about are the Bio-Android having too low of health, AC, or stats. I'd like to take time to test every use case to figure out how we can make the Bio-Android always stronger than the sum of its parts. Lastly, I want to add extra templates after fully balancing the Evolving Android (cell) version, finalizing it by adding Cell Max as an option. The temporary version I had was something along the lines of

Hey can the android take the feats of other races using the DNA thing or do they need to count as the race to get it- killshot

Up to the DM. At my table you can only take the feats of other races during character creation, but other DMs might allow you to take the feats of creatures which compose you even after as you level. Officially, qualifying as a race only matters for transformations. It's up to the person running the game though. Spooks2222 (talk) 23:53, 14 December 2024 (UTC)
Max Android[edit]

By investing double the original cost into making a super computer, you gain the ability to create stronger Bio-Androids with the improved technology at your finger tips.

And then from there, add some sort of reward for investing that much into creating the computer. That's all I've got for the moment. Any feedback is appreciated. Spooks2222 (talk) 14:56, 18 November 2024 (MST)

Edit: One last note. I want to create either a VERY low level creature, or an item that represents the Remote Tracking Device. It should be very low HP, very fast, maybe expensive to make too. If anyone has any ideas for which style of execution would be best, that would be a great help.