Corebound Awakening (5e Campaign Setting)

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Corebound Awakening is a world that you and all of civilization is unprepared for. A world of magic and adventure beyond the cities, with dangers from creatures made of lava, electricity, or living marshes waiting to eat you behind every tree!

Campaign Setting Information[edit]

Players Guide[edit]

Character Creation
Here is basic information you need to create your own character.
Here lies all info for the different weapons, armor and other equipment that your character can use.
Magic & Spells
The foundation of magic and spells for your convenience.
This is what you can use as the base of your backstory.
Downtime Activities
The different activities you character can do in their free time.

World of Ryn’Asuran[edit]

Ryn’Asuran form the language of the gods(Asuras) translated as "Realm of the Asuras", some mortals of the world use it as prayers or used as a formal greeting during rituals, some use it inscribed in their banners and armor.
The lay of the land.
A collection of all creatures you could find.
Basic information about what to expect from the people in the different nations.
The technological level of the world.

Rating: Not-Rated / 5
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