Technology (Corebound Awakening Supplement)

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Technology in Ryn’Asuran has gathered in a one-sided improvement. In the past all five races had a different path with the Dicathen races borrowing and stealing technology from one another. Now the four mortal races develop as one and the divine one do not develop as far the mortal know.

For the most part the technological level of the world is that of late medieval, aka swords, castles and beast of burden but in the same time gunpowder is a thing even if a rare one. But as all world of magic, they have magic improved variants of most items. Example: carriage that is pulled by beast of burden and self-driving one that not only drive it self but also hovers. Beyond that there are two other things, one new technology and forgotten technology(artifacts).

For the new technology, they have some thing that resembles a steam engine, a magically propelled steam engine, it primary use is in steam ships that are divided into three groups, royal army, private sector and personal. The personal ships are small and expensive, for the private sector there are all kinds of models for different jobs (the way to recognize them is that the other categories don't match) and the royal army are big and armed to the teeth. Beyond the use it's use in ships the steam engine is used by the Dwarves to create the inter continental train it is a faster and more luxurious then the ships but the train is owned by a single private company so is 10 times more expensive.

The artifacts are ancient technology that has been forgotten. There is many artifacts but only three are use often the gate, dungeons and rune islands. The rune islands are giant flying islands, the dungeons are semi-permanent mana crystal that feed a certain place to create monsters and last but not lest gates they are gates that connect to one another from big distances but they are static, easily damaged and not fully sable.

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