Bestiary (Corebound Awakening Supplement)

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Mana Beasts[edit]

Mana Beasts are magical creatures scattered all over the world of TBATE. They come in various forms and species, ranked in classes by their overall power. Once they are killed, they will drop mana cores (known as beast cores) for people or other mana beasts to consume. Beast cores have an unlimited amount of uses, making them very valuable and highly sought after. Of course, the higher the classes of beast cores, the more valuable they would be. Some mana beasts can be tamed and communicated throughout, though mostly through actions and gestures like a dog or a cat would with a human. Their overall behaviour can be more predictable in certain regions, and more hostile/wild in others such as the Beast Glades in Dicathen.

Rule of thumb, one should always assume that mana beasts are stronger than Adventurers of the same class. Simply because, even if we take mana out of the equation, a beast’s physical body was much stronger than the average human’s. For example, an S class mana beast was on par with an SS class adventurer or at least ten S class adventurers.

Mana Beasts are separated into seven categories E, D, C, B, A, AA, S and SS!

Mana Beasts List

Mana Beasts from Epheotus[edit]

Raptor Squirrel: The Raptor Squirrels are squirrel-like mana beasts that Arthur encounters during his training in Epheotus. The Raptor Squirrels look like any other squirrel, except with more prominent hind limbs, three, thin tails, and beady eyes. Windsom asks Arthur to catch them as part of his training. They are fast and agile but lack physical strength. Since their eyes were bad, they relied on their acute nose to sniff for food and their tails to sense any sort of mana fluctuation or even movement in the area. If their tails detected a high concentration of mana or even a minute change in mana levels in the area, it would be difficult for even an asura to catch one. However, beyond that, the raptor squirrels were rather simple-minded. After erasing his presence, if Arthur were to stay absolutely still with some bait in his hands, it would be easy for him to catch one. Yet, he instead tried to use the first sequence of Mirage Walk (also known as Burst Step) to catch this mana beast, in which he ultimately succeeds.

Silver Panther: This large, gray cat-like mana beast was slower than a Raptor Squirrel but possesses a hyperacute intuition that allows it to react near instantly at the sight of any movement. Their innate intuition coupled with their accelerated reflexes make them hard to catch. Silver panthers are territorial amongst each other and hunted by themselves.

Demon Leech: A Demon Leech is an specimen that can possess living creatures and strengthen its host’s core to ridiculous degrees, it is also intelligent enough to have the ability to talk.

Titan Bear: A Titan Bear is a bear-like mana beast who‘s natural habitat is in Epheotus. Windsom mentioned that usually, grown Titan Bears reach 3 meters of height. Yet the cub that Arthur fought with during his training in Epheotus only reached half of Arthur’s size. This cub has been revealed to be infected with a parasite (a Demon Leech). Arthur was able to beat this cub, despite the fact that it’s strength had increased to ridiculous degrees after it got infested with a Demon Leech, because this cub‘s defenses were lower than a fully grown adult Titan Bear. This cub also possesses the ability to talk and despite looking cute, it’s way of speaking was vulgar at best. He met this cub after surviving a free fall from a cliff together with an injured Silver panther.