Busoshoku Haki, Variant (5e Feat)

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Armament Haki

Busoshoku Haki is a form of Haki that allows the user to use their spirit to essentially create invisible armor around them, providing potentially incredible offensive and defensive capabilities.

  • As a free action you can imbue your attack with Armament Haki, adding 2d8 on the damage and now your attacks count as magic to overcome immunities.
  • When a creature attacks you, you can use a reaction to block the attack with Armament Haki, halving the damage and gaining a bonus of +2 to your AC, that lasts until the end of your next turn.
  • You can use the features A number of times equal to your proficiency+con, regaining all uses after finishing a long rest, if you use them before that, you will gain 1 level of exhaustion.

(3 votes)

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