Box of Assorted Cookies (5e Equipment)

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item (Box (Metallic)), Common

This box of Assorted Cookies are unique, the box is colored blue and boldly state that the cookies are the "Best Assorted Cookies Out in All the Realms".

Sweet, Sweet, Cookies Upon opening them, as an action, you see 1d4 cookies. Each cookie are different in flavor, appearance and, overall neatness. The first cookie is a chocolate chip cookie, it is nutty and buttery with chip shaving of chocolate the next, is a oatmeal raisin cookie, this one is buttery with oatmeal in it's dough and firmly pressed. The third is a sugar cookie, these cookies are soft and chewy being made with primarily sugar and sometimes has sprinkles on them. The last one is a peanut butter cookie, this one has tons of pasted peanut butter in it and it's dough is chewy. Each cookie gives you 10 temporary hit points and are consumed as a bonus action. The temporary hit points are stackable only with the other cookies.

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